Bleed, create markers and export a document to pdf
A lot of people are looking for some way to bleed a document. That means to enlarge the pages before sending them to a print-shop to have room to place markers and be able to have images look a litte bit over the border of the page for save cutting.
There are some other work-arounds existing, but this script does the job as follows:
- enlarge the pages by alterning the xml-document
- on double sided documents make a version for the left and the right pages
- put markers on them
- and export each page to pdf (according to the settings for the document).
I found no way to do the job of changing the pages including the master pages via scribus-scripting allone. Therefore this script relies on modifiying the scribus document via an xml parser before doing the markers and the exports.
This was tested with scribus version I had some troubles with the xml used by scribus to parse it. For details look into the introduction of the script.
Hopefully this script can be dumped when having bleed included in the next scribus-versions.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Dieses Skript exportiert ein Dokument mit Beschnittrand samt Marken als PDF. Hierzu ist wie folgt vorzugehen: 0) Ihr Dokument muß eine minimale Ablagefläche oberhalb, links und rechts von 20 pt und einen minimalen vertikalen Abstand zwischen den Seiten von 40 pt aufweisen (siehe Datei->Dokument einrichten->Anzeige). Das Script ist nur für Dokumente getestet, bei denen alle Seiten gleich groß sind! 1) Erzeugen Sie eine neue Farbe names regcol mit voller Farbdeckung in allen CMYK-Kanälen und kennzeichnen Sie diese Farbe als Registrierungsfarbe. Dies ist wichtig, falls CMYK Separationen erzeugt werden, um die Marken auf allen Farbplatten erscheinen zu lassen. 2) Speichern Sie Ihr Dokument 3) Starten Sie dieses Skript 4) Zuerst werden Sie um Ihr Betriebssystem und Scribus-Version, Einheit und Größe des Beschnittrandes sowie die Farbnamen gefragt. Die Größe des Beschnittrandes wird automatisch verkleinert, wenn dieser größer als der halbe vert. Abstand zwischen den Seiten ist. 5) Dann werden Sie um den Namen eines Verzeichnisses gefragt, in dem je ein Scribus-Dokument für linke und rechte Seiten abgelegt werden und die gedruckten Seiten abgelegt werden. 6) Wählen Sie die Optioen für die Beschnittmarken und die Beschriftung aus. Sie erhalten nun für jede Seite ein PDF mit Beschnittrand und, falls gewählt, Schnittmarken, Passermarken und Hilfstext sowie einen Dateinamen aufgedruckt. ACHTUNG! der Parser zu Behandlung von XML in python (expat) interpretiert einige Zeichen als Fehler. Dies betrifft insbesondere fixe Umbrüche etc. Diese werden temporär getauscht. Sollen Sie Fehlermeldungen wie: ExpatError: reference to invalid charakter number: line .... erhalten, dann steckt noch ein derartige Zeichen in der Datei. Diese müßten in der Variable charsToChange ergänzt werden, um sie zu verstecken. Um den Fehler einzgrenzen, können sie bei der Abfrage nach der Seitenart errfind eingeben und sich dann die Datei in der Zeile mit der Fehlermeldung die verdächtigen Zeichen anzeigen zu lassen. Sie erhalten nun für jede Seite ein PDF mit Beschnittrand und, falls gewählt, Schnittmarken, Passermarken und Hilfstext sowie einen Dateinamen aufgedruckt. Author: Konrad Stania ########################################## This script exports a document with 20 pt bleed and crop-marks as PDF. USAGE: 0) Make a document with min. 20 pt scratch space above and on the right of the page and 40 pt vertical distance between the pages. The script is tested only for documents in which every page the same size. 1) Make a (black) registration color (C=100, M=100, Y=100, K=100) with the name "regcol". The script will ask for this color. 2) Save your document 3) Start the script 4) Enter your OS-type and scribus Version, the unit and size of the bleed, the color-names for the marks and text. The bleed will be automatically reduced if it's larger then the half vertical distance between the pages. 5) Choose a directory where the tempory files and the output is stored. 6) Choose whether you like to have marks and/or text. The script will result in one pdf for each page and three scribus-files (rightPage.sla right pages and leftPage.sla left pages). CAUTION! The expat parser does not like some Scribus elements to describe text (for example hard new lines). This script hides this from expat by changing it. All the changed strings are in the list charsToChange. Should an error just like ExpatError: reference to invalid character number: line .... occur, the reason could be, that your scribus-file has a non-xml valid character. "A parsed entity contains text, a sequence of characters, which may represent markup or character data. A character is an atomic unit of text as specified by ISO/IEC 10646 [ISO/IEC 10646]. Legal characters are tab, carriage return, line feed, and the legal graphic characters of Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646. The use of "compatibility characters", as defined in section 6.8 of [Unicode], is discouraged." " the permitted ones are: "Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] /* any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. */" (from w3c REC-xml-19980210) You have to find this and add it to the variable charsToChange. For finding bad characters, this script prints out some suspicious ones if you choose errfind when entering the type of page processed (works only with windows). You will be asked for a line number (take that from the ExpatError). Compare the result of the message displayed with the content of charsTo-Change, append a new item, save the script and try anew. Author: Konrad Stania ############################################# LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ import sys from xml.dom import minidom from datetime import date import random import os try: from scribus import * except ImportError: print "This script only runs from within Scribus." sys.exit(1) def main(): #setRedraw(False) #the xml-interpretation with expat does not like some chars. We will have to substitute them and #change this back before going to interpret the new files with scribus #Append this list, if you encounter an expat-error concerning xml with wrong chars #We have to decide if you are using it on Win or Linux charsToChangeWin1333 = ["","","","","","","", ""] charsToChangeLin1333 = ["\x1a","\x1b","\x1c","\x1d","\x1e","\x18","\x04", "\x05"] #charsToChangeLin1333 = ["UnSinnx"] if == "posix": defaultSystemVersion = "lin1333" else: defaultSystemVersion = "win1333" SystemVersion = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks - OS and Scribus Version - Betriebssystem und Scribus-Version:", "OS and Scribus Version: win1333 lin1333" ,defaultSystemVersion) if SystemVersion == "lin1333": charsToChange = charsToChangeLin1333 else: charsToChange = charsToChangeWin1333 SystemVersion = "win1333" fgcol = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Foreground color for marks (script stops if color doesn't exist)\nVordergrundfarbe für Marken (Skript bricht ab, wenn Farbe nicht vorhanden):" ,"regcol") colval = getColor(fgcol) defineColor("bleed_export_white_323567654", 0, 0, 0, 0) bgcol = "bleed_export_white_323567654" #bgcol = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Background color for marks (script stops if color doesn't exist)\nHintergrundfarbe für Marken (Skript bricht ab, wenn Farbe nicht vorhanden):" ,"White") #olval = getColor(bgcol) userUnit = getUnit() setUnit(0) #deselectAll() baseDirName = fileDialog("Bleed and Marks - Output directory - Wahl des Ausgabeverzeichnisses", "*","./" ,False, False, True) baseFileName = baseDirName + "scribus_print" exportType = "pdf" UnitFakt = 1 bleedVal = 20 UnitType = "pt" UnitType = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Unit for bleed - Maßeinheit für die Randgröße \nPunkt = pt, Millimeter = mm, Zentimeter = cm " ,"mm") if UnitType == "mm": UnitFakt = 1/25.4*72 bleedVal = int(20.0/72*2.54*10) if UnitType == "cm": UnitFakt = 1/2.54*72 bleedVal = 0.1*int(20.0/72*2.54*10) if UnitType == "pt": UnitType = "pt" UnitFakt = 1 bleedVal = 20 bleedVal = float(valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Size of bleed, automatically limited to half of vertical gap between pages\nGröße des Beschnittrandes, automatisch beschränkt auf halben vert. Abstand zwischen den Seiten ["+ UnitType +"]:" ,'%5.3f'% bleedVal)) TypeOfPages = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks - Pagetype - Seitenart", "Double first right - Doppelseite erste rechts = dr,\nDouble first left - Doppelseite erste links = dl,\nSingle pages - einzelne Seiten = s" ,"dr") #which marks can be "l", "r", "b" and defines whether left, right or both marks are printed whichMarks = "b" if TypeOfPages <> "errfind": doCropMarks = int(valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Print Crop Marks - Drucke Schnittmarken 1=Yes-Ja, 0=No-Nein" ,"1")) doRegMarks = int(valueDialog("", "Print Registration Marks - Drucke Paßkreuze 1=Yes-Ja, 0=No-Nein" ,"1")) doColorSamples = int(valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Print color bar - Drucke Farbbalken 1=Yes-Ja, 0=No-Nein" ,"1")) jobname = valueDialog("Bleed and Marks", "Help Text - Hilfstext" ,"Created by Scribus") if len(jobname) > 0: doJobText = int("1") else: doJobText = int("0") #preparing the file-environment tmpFileName = baseDirName + "tmp.sla" rightPageName = baseDirName + "rightpage.sla" leftPageName = baseDirName + "leftpage.sla" saveDocAs(tmpFileName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") closeDoc() messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") #Here we clean-up the xml documents from illegal characters #Here we replace \x1A \x1B \x1C etc. in the Document to prevent expat from crashing #these are stored in the list charsToChange inFile = open(tmpFileName,"r") richtig = inFile.close() # define an uniqe string to replace the bad chars charsToChangeMark = "__bleed_and_export_" + '%4.0f'% (10000+80000*random.random()) while richtig.find(charsToChangeMark) > (-1) : charsToChangeMark = "__bleed_and_export_" + '%4.0f'% (10000+80000*random.random()) # change all bad chars toChangeCounter = 1000 for toChange in charsToChange: richtig = richtig.replace(toChange,charsToChangeMark +"_"+ '%4i'% toChangeCounter) toChangeCounter = toChangeCounter + 1 # write the corrected tmp-file outFile = open(tmpFileName,"w") outFile.write(richtig) outFile.close() if TypeOfPages == "errfind": # this helps to find the illegal ones LineNumber = int(valueDialog("", "Line-Zeile" ,"1")) #ColNumber = int(valueDialog("", "Collumn-Spalte" ,"1")) inFile = open(tmpFileName,"r") for x in range(LineNumber): Zeile = inFile.readline() inFile.close() suspectList = "Dangerous chars: " Spalte = 0 if SystemVersion == "win1333": for x in Zeile: if Zeile[Spalte:Spalte+3] == "&#x": suspect = Zeile[Spalte:Spalte+6] suspectList = suspectList + suspect[0:1+suspect.find(";")] + " " Spalte = Spalte + 1 messageBox("Bleed and Marks", suspectList + "The following would be valid - Achtung, folgende wären gültig: 	, 
" , ICON_INFORMATION) if SystemVersion == "lin1333": spalte = 0 for x in Zeile: if ord(Zeile[Spalte]) < ord("\x1f"): suspect = " "'%x'% ord(Zeile[Spalte]) suspectList = suspectList + suspect Spalte = Spalte + 1 messageBox("Bleed and Marks", suspectList + "The following would be valid - Achtung, folgende wären gültig: 9, a, d" , ICON_INFORMATION) if TypeOfPages == "s" or TypeOfPages =="dr" or TypeOfPages =="dl": #Here we make the xml-operations for left pages: xmldoc = minidom.parse(tmpFileName) theDocumentNode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('DOCUMENT') theDocumentNodeRef = theDocumentNode[0] thePageSetSetsNodeRef = theDocumentNodeRef.getElementsByTagName('PageSets')[0].getElementsByTagName('Set') for xRef in thePageSetSetsNodeRef: if float(xRef.attributes["GapBelow"].value) <= (2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt): bleedVal = float(xRef.attributes["GapBelow"].value) / UnitFakt / 2 for xRef in thePageSetSetsNodeRef: xRef.attributes["GapBelow"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["GapBelow"].value) - 2 *bleedVal*UnitFakt) theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchTop"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchTop"].value) - bleedVal*UnitFakt) theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchLeft"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchLeft"].value) - bleedVal*UnitFakt) thePageNodeRef = theDocumentNodeRef.getElementsByTagName('PAGE') for xRef in thePageNodeRef : xRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) xRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) theMasterPageNodeRef = theDocumentNodeRef.getElementsByTagName('MASTERPAGE') for xRef in theMasterPageNodeRef : xRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEHEIGHT"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) xRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEWIDTH"].value) + 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) xRef.attributes["PAGEXPOS"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEXPOS"].value) - bleedVal*UnitFakt) xRef.attributes["PAGEYPOS"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(xRef.attributes["PAGEYPOS"].value) - bleedVal*UnitFakt) outxml = xmldoc.toxml() #put back the bad chars toChangeCounter = 1000 for toChange in charsToChange: outxml = outxml.replace(charsToChangeMark +"_" + '%4i'% toChangeCounter, toChange) toChangeCounter = toChangeCounter + 1 outFile = open(leftPageName, 'w') outFile.write(outxml[outxml.find("<SCRIBUS"):len(outxml)]) outFile.close() outxml = "n" if TypeOfPages =="dr" or TypeOfPages =="dl": #Here we make the xml-operations for right pages of double sides documents theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchLeft"].value = '%5.3f'%(float(theDocumentNodeRef.attributes["ScratchLeft"].value) - 2 * bleedVal*UnitFakt) outxml = xmldoc.toxml() #put back the illegal char toChangeCounter = 1000 for toChange in charsToChange: outxml = outxml.replace(charsToChangeMark +"_" + '%4i'% toChangeCounter, toChange) toChangeCounter = toChangeCounter + 1 outFile = open(rightPageName, 'w') outFile.write(outxml[outxml.find("<SCRIBUS"):len(outxml)]) outFile.close() outxml = "n" #From here we do the drawing and exporting to pdf if TypeOfPages == "dr": ##and here we open it openDoc(rightPageName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") seitenanzahl = pageCount() for xcounter in range(seitenanzahl): seitennummer = xcounter + 1 if seitennummer%2 > 0: gotoPage(seitennummer) resultFileName = baseFileName + '_%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + "." + exportType # draw marks etc if doColorSamples == 1: DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt) if doCropMarks == 1: DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) if doJobText == 1: PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType, seitennummer) if doRegMarks == 1: DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) # export one page dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt) saveDoc() closeDoc() messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") openDoc(leftPageName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") seitenanzahl = pageCount() for xcounter in range(seitenanzahl ): seitennummer = xcounter + 1 if seitennummer%2 == 0: gotoPage(seitennummer) resultFileName = baseFileName + '_%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + "." + exportType # draw marks etc if doColorSamples == 1: DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt) if doCropMarks == 1: DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) if doJobText == 1: PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType, seitennummer) if doRegMarks == 1: DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) # export one page dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt) saveDoc() closeDoc() os.remove(tmpFileName) if TypeOfPages == "s": ##and here we open it openDoc(leftPageName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") seitenanzahl = pageCount() for xcounter in range(seitenanzahl): seitennummer = xcounter + 1 gotoPage(seitennummer) resultFileName = baseFileName + '_%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + "." + exportType # draw marks etc if doColorSamples == 1: DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt) if doCropMarks == 1: DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) if doJobText == 1: PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType, seitennummer) if doRegMarks == 1: DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) # export one page dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt) saveDoc() #closeDoc() os.remove(tmpFileName) if TypeOfPages == "dl": ##and here we open it openDoc(rightPageName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") seitenanzahl = pageCount() for xcounter in range(seitenanzahl ): seitennummer = xcounter + 1 if seitennummer%2 == 0: gotoPage(seitennummer) resultFileName = baseFileName + '_%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + "." + exportType # draw marks etc if doColorSamples == 1: DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt) if doCropMarks == 1: DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) if doJobText == 1: PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType, seitennummer) if doRegMarks == 1: DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) # export one page dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt) saveDoc() closeDoc() messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") openDoc(leftPageName) messagebarText("Processing the Document, please wait - Dokument in Bearbeitung, bitte warten") seitenanzahl = pageCount() for xcounter in range(seitenanzahl ): seitennummer = xcounter + 1 if seitennummer%2 > 0: gotoPage(seitennummer) resultFileName = baseFileName + '_%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + "." + exportType # draw marks etc if doColorSamples == 1: DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt) if doCropMarks == 1: DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) if doJobText == 1: PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType, seitennummer) if doRegMarks == 1: DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks) # export one page dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt) saveDoc() closeDoc() os.remove(tmpFileName) #setUnit(userUnit) #setRedraw(True) def dotheExport(exportType,resultFileName,seitennummer,bleedVal,UnitFakt): # Die Dimension der Eingabewerte fuer bleedValue ist in der jeweiligen Einheit if exportType == "pdf": pdfExport = PDFfile() pdfExport.bleedt = bleedVal*UnitFakt pdfExport.bleedb = bleedVal*UnitFakt pdfExport.bleedl = bleedVal*UnitFakt pdfExport.bleedr = bleedVal*UnitFakt = resultFileName pdfExport.pages = [seitennummer] pdfExport.file = resultFileName # if exportType == "ps": # psExport = Printer() # psExport.file = resultFileName # psExport.copies = 1 # psExport.pages = [seitennummer] # psExport.printer = "File" # psExport.print() def PrintJobName(jobname, resultFileName, bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,UnitType,seitennummer): # Die Dimension der Eingabewerte fuer bleedValue ist in der jeweiligen Einheit shortresultFileName = resultFileName[-23:] + " Page-Seite: " + '%(0)05i'% {"0":seitennummer} + " Date-Datum: " +"%Y-%m-%d") pageX,pageY = getPageSize() textboxT = createText(bleedVal*UnitFakt+2, 1, pageX/2 - 12 - bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt-10) setTextColor(fgcol,textboxT) setLineWidth(0,textboxT) setLineColor(bgcol,textboxT) setFillColor(bgcol,textboxT) insertText(shortresultFileName, 0,textboxT ) setFontSize(6, textboxT) textboxB1 = createText(bleedVal*UnitFakt+2, pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 8, pageX/2 - 12 - bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt-9) setTextColor(fgcol,textboxB1) setLineWidth(0,textboxB1) setLineColor(bgcol,textboxB1) setFillColor(bgcol,textboxB1) insertText("Total: " + '%5.2f'% (pageX/UnitFakt) + "x" + '%5.2f'% (pageY/UnitFakt)+"["+UnitType+"]" + ", Crop-Beschnitt:" + '%5.2f'% bleedVal+"["+UnitType+"]" + ", Prod.:" + '%5.2f'% (pageX/UnitFakt - 2 * bleedVal) + "x"+ '%5.2f'% (pageY/UnitFakt - 2 * bleedVal)+"["+UnitType+"]", 0,textboxB1 ) setFontSize(6, textboxB1) setLineSpacing(8,textboxB1) textboxB2 = createText(pageX/2 + 10, pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 8, pageX/2 - 12 - bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt-9) setTextColor(fgcol,textboxB2) setLineWidth(0,textboxB2) setLineColor(bgcol,textboxB2) setFillColor(bgcol,textboxB2) insertText(jobname , 0,textboxB2 ) setFontSize(6, textboxB2) setLineSpacing(8,textboxB2) def DrawColorSamples(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt): defineColor("bleed_export_c_100",255, 0, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_c__80",204, 0, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_c__40",102, 0, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_m_100", 0,255, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_m__80", 0,204, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_m__40", 0,102, 0, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_y_100", 0, 0,255, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_y__80", 0, 0,204, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_y__40", 0, 0,102, 0) defineColor("bleed_export_k_100", 0, 0, 0,255) defineColor("bleed_export_k__80", 0, 0, 0,204) defineColor("bleed_export_k__40", 0, 0, 0,102) defineColor("bleed_export_cmy50",128,128,128, 0) pageX,pageY = getPageSize() boxw = bleedVal*UnitFakt - 10 if boxw > 20: boxw = 20 FontSize = boxw/4 if FontSize < 2 : FontSize = 2 boxdist = 5 boxh = ((pageY - 20 - bleedVal*UnitFakt*2 - 20) / 13) - boxdist if boxh > boxw: boxh = boxw upperLeftx = pageX - boxw upperLefty = bleedVal*UnitFakt + 5 gruppenListe = list() for Farbe in ["bleed_export_c_100","bleed_export_c__80","bleed_export_c__40","bleed_export_m_100","bleed_export_m__80","bleed_export_m__40","bleed_export_y_100","bleed_export_y__80","bleed_export_y__40","bleed_export_k_100","bleed_export_k__80","bleed_export_k__40","bleed_export_cmy50"]: if upperLefty > pageY/2 - (FontSize * 1.5 + boxh + + 7 + 15): if upperLefty < pageY/2 - 15: upperLefty = pageY/2 + 20 tbox = createText(upperLeftx, upperLefty, boxw, FontSize * 4) insertText(Farbe[len(Farbe)-5:len(Farbe)] , 0, tbox) setFontSize(FontSize, tbox) setLineSpacing(FontSize, tbox) setTextColor("regcol",tbox) setLineWidth(0, tbox) setLineColor(bgcol, tbox) setFillColor(bgcol, tbox) upperLefty = upperLefty + FontSize * 1.8 cbox = createRect(upperLeftx, upperLefty, boxw, boxh) setLineWidth(0, cbox) setLineColor(Farbe, cbox) setFillColor(Farbe, cbox) upperLefty = upperLefty + boxh + 7 gruppenListe.append(cbox) gruppenListe.append(tbox) groupObjects(gruppenListe) def DrawCropMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks): # Die Dimension der Eingabewerte fuer bleedValue ist in der jeweiligen Einheit pageX,pageY = getPageSize() # line widths unit pt lwb = 3.0 lwf = 0.25 if whichMarks == "l" or whichMarks == "b": # top left: b01 = createLine(bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt - 9, bleedVal*UnitFakt, 0) b02 = createLine(0, bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt -9 , bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwb, b01) setLineWidth(lwb, b02) setLineColor(bgcol,b01) setLineColor(bgcol,b02) f01 = createLine(bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt - 9, bleedVal*UnitFakt, 0) f02 = createLine(0, bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt -9 , bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwf, f01) setLineWidth(lwf, f02) setLineColor(fgcol,f01) setLineColor(fgcol,f02) # bottom left: b05 = createLine(bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 , bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY) b06 = createLine(0,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt -9 ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwb, b05) setLineWidth(lwb, b06) setLineColor(bgcol,b05) setLineColor(bgcol,b06) f05 = createLine(bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 , bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY) f06 = createLine(0,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt, bleedVal*UnitFakt -9 ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwf, f05) setLineWidth(lwf, f06) setLineColor(fgcol,f05) setLineColor(fgcol,f06) if whichMarks == "r" or whichMarks == "b": # top right: b03 = createLine(pageX - bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9, bleedVal*UnitFakt, pageX ,bleedVal*UnitFakt) b04 = createLine(pageX - bleedVal*UnitFakt,0, pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt,bleedVal*UnitFakt - 9) setLineWidth(lwb, b03) setLineWidth(lwb, b04) setLineColor(bgcol,b03) setLineColor(bgcol,b04) f03 = createLine(pageX - bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9, bleedVal*UnitFakt, pageX ,bleedVal*UnitFakt) f04 = createLine(pageX - bleedVal*UnitFakt,0, pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt,bleedVal*UnitFakt - 9) setLineWidth(lwf, f03) setLineWidth(lwf, f04) setLineColor(fgcol,f03) setLineColor(fgcol,f04) # bottom rigth: b07 = createLine(pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 , pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt,pageY) b08 = createLine(pageX,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt, pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwb, b07) setLineWidth(lwb, b08) setLineColor(bgcol,b07) setLineColor(bgcol,b08) f07 = createLine(pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 , pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt,pageY) f08 = createLine(pageX,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt, pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt + 9 ,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt) setLineWidth(lwf, f07) setLineWidth(lwf, f08) setLineColor(fgcol,f07) setLineColor(fgcol,f08) def DrawRegMarks(bleedVal,bgcol,fgcol,UnitFakt,whichMarks): # Die Dimension der Eingabewerte fuer bleedValue ist in der jeweiligen Einheit pageX,pageY = getPageSize() if whichMarks == "l" or whichMarks == "b": # left mark: DrawOneReg(bleedVal*UnitFakt-12.5,pageY/2,bgcol,fgcol) if whichMarks == "r" or whichMarks == "b": # rigth mark: DrawOneReg(pageX-bleedVal*UnitFakt+12.5,pageY/2,bgcol,fgcol) # top mark: DrawOneReg(pageX/2,bleedVal*UnitFakt-12.5,bgcol,fgcol) # bottom mark: DrawOneReg(pageX/2,pageY-bleedVal*UnitFakt+12.5,bgcol,fgcol) def DrawOneReg(centerX,centerY,bgcol,fgcol): # Diese Funktion muss in der Einheit Punkt aufgerufen werden outercircle = createEllipse(centerX-7.5,centerY-7.5 , 15, 15) middlecircle = createEllipse(centerX-5.5,centerY-5.5 , 11, 11) innercircle = createEllipse(centerX-2.5,centerY-2.5 , 5, 5) lin01 = createLine(centerX-7.5, centerY, centerX-2.5, centerY) lin02 = createLine(centerX+2.5, centerY, centerX+7.5, centerY) lin03 = createLine(centerX, centerY-7.5, centerX, centerY-2.5) lin04 = createLine(centerX, centerY+7.5, centerX, centerY+2.5) lin05 = createLine(centerX-2.5, centerY, centerX+2.5, centerY) lin06 = createLine(centerX, centerY-2.5, centerX, centerY+2.5) # line widths in Poinzs lwb = 3.0 lwf = 0.25 setLineWidth(0,outercircle) setLineColor(bgcol,outercircle) setFillColor(bgcol,outercircle) setLineWidth(lwf,middlecircle) setLineColor(fgcol,middlecircle) setFillColor(bgcol,middlecircle) setLineWidth(lwf,innercircle) setLineColor(fgcol,innercircle) setFillColor(fgcol,innercircle) setLineWidth(lwf,lin01) setLineWidth(lwf,lin02) setLineWidth(lwf,lin03) setLineWidth(lwf,lin04) setLineWidth(lwf,lin05) setLineWidth(lwf,lin06) setLineColor(fgcol,lin01) setLineColor(fgcol,lin02) setLineColor(fgcol,lin03) setLineColor(fgcol,lin04) setLineColor(bgcol,lin05) setLineColor(bgcol,lin06) if __name__ == '__main__': if haveDoc(): main() else: messageBox("Bleed and Marks", "There must be an open document.", ICON_INFORMATION)