Clean-up the imported text based on the Slovak typographic rules

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A common problem when receiving text from other people is that it is often not as consistently formatted as you might like. Some common things that need to be fixed are:

  • removing double spaces
  • removing spaces before full stops, commas, colons, semicolons, question marks or exclamation marks
  • removing extra spaces or tabs at the beginning and at the end of the paragraphs
  • removing blank lines between paragraphs

Fixing these items manually can become very time consuming. This script will help you clean-up the imported text based on the Slovak typographic rules.

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Author: Richard Sitányi (
File: (Clean-up the imported text based on the Slovak typographic rules.)
Version: 1.0
Date: 06/02/2013

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, 
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place – Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

A common problem when receiving text from other people is that it is often not as consistently formatted as you might like. Some common things that need to be fixed are:
* removing double spaces
* removing spaces before full stops, commas, colons, semicolons, question marks or exclamation marks
* removing extra spaces or tabs at the beginning and at the end of the paragraphs
* removing blank lines between paragraphs
Fixing these items manually can become very time consuming. This script will help you clean-up the imported text based on the Slovak typographic rules.

Create new document, insert text frame, import text from file, run the script and enjoy ;-)


import sys
import re

	import scribus
except ImportError,err:
	print 'This Python script is written for the Scribus scripting interface. It can only be run from within Scribus.'

if not scribus.haveDoc():
	scribus.messageBox('Warning', 'You should open a document.', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
	scribus.messageBox('Warning', 'You should select a text frame.', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
if scribus.selectionCount() > 1:
	scribus.messageBox('Warning', 'You should select one text frame.', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

replacements = (
	# tab and non breaking space to single space

	# space+hyphen+space to space+en dash+space

	# double space to single space

	# space+solidus or solidus+space to solidus

	# space+hyphen or hyphen+space to hyphen

	# ampersand to space+ampersand; if there is not a space before the ampersand

	# ampersand to ampersand+space; if there is not a space after the ampersand

	# percent sign to space+percent sign; if there is not a space before the percent sign
	# WARNING: In Slovak the percent sign is spaced if the number is used as a noun, while no space is inserted if the number is used as an adjective (e.g. “a 50% increase”). 
	# Therefore consider carefully the use of the replacement.
	# (r'(?<!'+u'\u0020'+r')\%',u'\u0020'+u'\u0025'),

	# percent sign to percent sign+space; if there are not a space, full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, exclamation mark, slovak right single quotation mark, 
	# slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the percent sign

	# left parenthesis to space+left parenthesis; if there is not a space before the left parenthesis

	# right parenthesis to right parenthesis+space; if there are not a space, full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, exclamation mark, 
	# slovak right single quotation mark, slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the right parenthesis

	# left parenthesis+space to left parenthesis

	# space+right parenthesis to right parenthesis

	# three full stops to ellipsis

	# space+ellipsis to ellipsis

	# double ellipsis to ellipsis

	# ellipsis to ellipsis+space; if there are not a space, question mark, exclamation mark, slovak right single quotation mark, 
	# slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER), carriage return or end of text after the ellipsis

	# space+full stop to full stop

	# double full stop to full stop

	# full stop to full stop+space; if there are not a space, comma, semicolon, colon, slovak right single quotation mark, 
	# slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER), carriage return or end of text after the full stop

	# space+comma to comma

	# double comma to comma

	# comma to coma+space; if there are not a space, number, slovak right single quotation mark, slovak right double quotation mark, 
	# new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the comma

	# space+colon to colon

	# double colon to colon

	# colon to colon+space; if there are not a space, new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the colon

	# space+semicolon to semicolon

	# double semicolon to semicolon

	# semicolon to semicolon+space; if there are not a space, new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the semicolon

	# space+question mark to question mark

	# question mark to question mark+space; if there are not a space, question mark, exclamation mark, slovak right single quotation mark, 
	# slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER), carriage return or end of text after the question mark

	# space+exclamation mark to exclamation mark

	# exclamation mark to exclamation mark+space; if there are not a space, question mark, exclamation mark, slovak right single quotation mark, 
	# slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER), carriage return or end of text after the exclamation mark

	# slovak left single quotation mark+space to slovak left single quotation mark

	# slovak left double quotation mark+space to slovak left double quotation mark

	# space+slovak right single quotation mark to slovak right single quotation mark

	# space+slovak right double quotation mark to slovak right double quotation mark

	# slovak left single quotation mark to slovak left single quotation mark+space; if there is not a space before the slovak left single quotation mark

	# slovak left double quotation mark to slovak left double quotation mark+space; if there is not a space before the slovak left double quotation mark

	# slovak right single quotation mark to slovak right single quotation mark+space; if there are not a space, full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, 
	# exclamation mark, slovak right double quotation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER) or carriage return after the slovak right single quotation mark

	# slovak right double quotation mark to slovak right double quotation mark+space; if there are not a space, full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, 
	# exclamation mark, new line (SHIFT+ENTER), carriage return or end of text after the slovak right double quotation mark

	# new line (SHIFT+ENTER) to carriage return

	# space+carriage return to carriage return

	# carriage return+space to carriage return

	# double carriage return to carriage return

	# remove extra spaces from start and end of a text

d = scribus.getSelectedObject()

if scribus.getObjectType(d) != 'TextFrame':
	scribus.messageBox('Warning', 'You should select a text frame.', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
	for item in replacements:
		content = unicode(scribus.getAllText(d))
		p = re.compile(item[0])
		r = re.finditer(p, content)
		for i in reversed(tuple(r)):
			count = i.end()-i.start()
			scribus.selectText(i.start(), count, d)
			scribus.insertText(item[1], i.start(), d)
	scribus.messageBox('Info', 'Script finished successfully.', scribus.ICON_INFORMATION, scribus.BUTTON_OK)