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This page is an attempt to describe the creation of footnotes in 1.5.0svn. It mainly represents a series of observations on creating and editing footnotes.

Use Edit Contents Mode

This isn't just a recommendation, it's currently the only way to create footnotes. You will not find any method in Story Editor.

Elements of Footnote Creation

  • Edit > Styles – I am mentioning this first, since even though it's not central or absolutely required for creating footnotes, probably with few exceptions you will want to create a paragraph or character style for your footnotes, even if it's just a variant of your main text style.
  • Edit > Marks – this brings up the Marks Manager dialog. Until you actually have some footnotes (one kind of Mark), you won't see anything to do here.
  • Edit > Notes Styles – here is where you will be applying your paragraph and character styles to create Notes Styles.
  • Item > Welding – for the moment, don't worry about what welding has to do with Scribus or footnotes. We'll get there soon enough.
  • Insert > Marks – this as you might expect is where the action is in actually inserting a footnote mark somewhere in the text.