Text Gradients

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Revision as of 13:02, 18 April 2008 by Gpittman (talk | contribs)
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This is a brief article explaining how to take text and fill it with gradient colors.

Here are three sets of text. The top shows the text in a text frame, then two copies were made and positioned below.


The first thing to do is to select the frame, then click Item > Convert To > Outlines, or use the Context menu. In the middle example, we then click Item > Ungroup to separate the individual letters, then click each one and use the gradients in Properties > Colors as desired. If you do not ungroup, you can choose different colors for each letter, but there will be one kind of gradient possible for all letters – you may need to click outside the group, then back to the next letter to switch from one letter to the next.

In the bottom example, after Convert To > Outlines, we have then clicked Item > Combine Polygons, so that then you can make one large gradient over the entire collection of combined letters.

For some tips on putting images in text, check How to fill a Scribus text with an image, and for hints on text over images see Text over images.