GSoC 2012 Improve Usability Chelen

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Revision as of 23:51, 26 March 2012 by Chelen (talk | contribs)
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Project : Improve usability and get rid of little bugs

As this subject suggest, it will not be just one big task but different little ones to improve user-friendliness of Scribus. During the GSoC, I will focus on two goal:


When we speak about user-friendliness, it also means that Scribus has to do what the user expect it does. We can notice that it remains some bug in undo/redo functionalities. Hence, it will be one of the main part of this proposal.


Currently, undo/redo is absent in for some functionality (changing style character or have an abnormal behaviour (with pattern/graphic , , or about save functionality As we can see with those examples, there are some improvement to do in these case and especially with undo/redo when we resize/rotate a frame or a graphic. We can also notice that story editor lack undo/redo functionalities but cezary have already programmed that and will export his word from 1.4 to 1.5.


-I will firstly look at abnormal behaviour. Most of the time, it is due to separation between different basic actions. As Scribus can remember only 20 actions, this issue filled this queue and the user is enable to undo this action. -Then, I will add this functionality where it is missing like with style to be sure that the user can always come back when he does a mistake. -To see until where he can come back. It could be great to add a widget with an history. With this, the user can see if the action that he want undo is again in the queue and he can select where he wants to come back without clicking to many time.

This page will be complete soon!