Entendendo o Scribus

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Revision as of 18:15, 13 November 2006 by Ludi (talk | contribs)
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 Entendendo o Scribus
Autores atuais:   Autores da Wiki do Scribus
Autor original:   Niyam Bhushan, 2004
Licença:   GNU Free Documentation License, Versão 1.2
Título original:   Get Started With Scribus 2006


  1. O que você pode fazer no Scribus
  2. Scribus e seus primos
  3. Em branco...
  4. A Capa
  5. Trabalhando com camadas na página
  6. Criando múltiplas páginas
  7. Criando layouts de página definitivos
  8. Design com gráficos e liberdade
  9. Mandando ver com gráficos SVG
  10. Publicar exige Liberdade.PDF
  11. Viajando à velocidade do Scribus
  12. Contribuidores
  13. GNU Free Documentation Licence


The following beginner's tutorial on the use of Scribus for page layout and PDF creation is based on Get Started With Scribus by Niyam Bhushan which has been published in April 2004. In July 2006, a bunch of experienced Scribus users and Scribus Wiki authors (contributors, as we call ourselves) decided to update and extend the old tutorial. Our goal is to adjust the valuable texts, designs, and images by Niyam Bushan to Scribus's current capabilities. While we intend to keep to the original spirit of Niyam's tutorial, this work isn't going to be its mere continuation, but will finally go its own way with respect to content and concepts.

The original files (dated 2004) can be downloaded from linux-delhi.org: