Glossary of technical terms used in Scribus and its translations: Difference between revisions

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*Please make sure that your contribution is in the right alphabetical order with respect to the English name of your language (i.e. French before German and after Albanian).
*Please make sure that your contribution is in the right alphabetical order with respect to the English name of your language (i.e. French before German and after Albanian).
*Please don't add your translation to a reference. Use the referenced version instead.
*Please don't add your translation to a reference. Use the referenced word instead.
*If possible, add a link for the term you translated, containing further information.
*If possible, add a link for the term you translated, containing further information.
*In case you are missing a term in your native language, but don't know the English translation, you can mention it with a short description in English on the “discussion” panel.
*In case you are missing a term in your native language, but don't know the English translation, you can mention it with a short description in English on the “discussion” panel.

Revision as of 01:44, 26 August 2005

The idea of this wiki page is to collect technical terms often used in Scribus, DTP in general, or in printing to make translations within Scribus consistent and also help translators that are not so involved in DTP and its terms.

Just add your ideas and if possible translations!

Some notes for translators:

  • Please make sure that your contribution is in the right alphabetical order with respect to the English name of your language (i.e. French before German and after Albanian).
  • Please don't add your translation to a reference. Use the referenced word instead.
  • If possible, add a link for the term you translated, containing further information.
  • In case you are missing a term in your native language, but don't know the English translation, you can mention it with a short description in English on the “discussion” panel.
  • Please use html encoding for special characters. Tabular Listing of Selected HTML Codes
Some links:
For Latin-1 codes
For Polish codes
For Greek codes
For Cyrillic codes

Glossary indexed by German


 German: DIN-Papier
 French: Abréviation
 German: Abbreviatur, Abkürzung
 Italian: Abbreviazione
 Polish: Abrewiatura
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Abreviação or Abreviatura
 Dutch: Uitlijning
 French: Alignement
 German: Zeilenfall, Ausrichtung
 Italian: Allineamento
 Polish: Wyrównanie 
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Alinhamento
 Dutch: Kolomwit
 German: Zwischenschlag or Innensteg
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Viela or Fresta (should be use very carefully)
 French: Canal alpha
 German: Alphakanal
 Italian: Canale alfa
 Polish: Kanał alfa
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Canal Alpha (a.k.a, Canal de transparência)
 Dutch: Romeinse letter
 German: Antiqua
 Polish: Antykwa
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Antigo or Antiqüado
  • Antiqua see Ancient


  • Back margin see: Inner margin
  • Back(step) mark
 German: Flattermarke
  • Backup registration
 German: Register
 Dutch: Basislijn
 German: Grundlinie, Schriftlinie
 Polish: Linia pisma
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Pauta
  • Baseline grid
 Dutch: Basislijnstramien
 German: Grundlinienraster
 Polish: Siatka linii pisma
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Pauta or Grade da Pauta
  • Baseline shift
 German: Grundlinienversatz
  • Bastard title
 Dutch: Franse titel
 German: Schmutztitel, Antiporta
 Dutch: Beziercurve
 French: Courbe de Bézier
 German: Bézierkurve
 Dutch: Band, boekband
 French: Reliure
 German: Einband
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Cobertura, Acabamento or Capa
  • Binding see Binder
  • Blackletter see: Gothic
  • Blackpoint Compensation
 Dutch: Zwartpuntcompensatie
 German: Tiefenkompensierung
 Polish: Kompensacja poziomu czerni
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Compensação de Pontos Negros 
 French: Fond perdu
 German: Beschnitt or Anschnitt
 Italian: Smarginatura
 Polish: Spad
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Sangria
  • Bold
 Dutch: Vet
 French: Gras
 German: Fett
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Negrito
 Dutch: Bladwijzer
 French: Signet, marque-page
 German: Lesezeichen
  • Bottom margin
 Dutch: Startwit
 French: Marge du bas
 German: Fußsteg
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Margem inferior
 Dutch: Helderheid
 French: Luminosité
 German: Helligkeit
 Dutch: Merkteken
 French: Puce
 German: Aufzählungszeichen, Spiegelstrich


  • Calibration
 French: Calibration
 German: Kalibrierung
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Calibração
 Dutch: Legenda
 French: Légende
 German: Beschriftung, Legende
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Subtítulo or Legenda
 Dutch: Vouwteken
 German: Falzmarke
 Portuguese [Brazil]:  Marcas de dobra
  • Character class
 German: Zeichensatz
 German: Beschneidungspfad, Freistellpfad
 Dutch: CMGZ, CMYK
 French: CMJN
 German: CMYK
 Polish: CMYK
 Portuguese [Brazil]: CMYK
 German: Farbmanagement
  • Colour map
 German: Farbwähler
  • Colour profile:
 Dutch: Kleurprofiel
 German: Farbprofil
  • Colour schema
 Dutch: Kleurenschema
 German: Farbschema
 Dutch: Kleurscheiding, kleurenseparatie
 German: Farbseparation
 Polish: Wyciągi barwne
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Separações de cores
 Dutch: Kleurruimte
 German Farbraum
 Dutch: Kleurencirkel
 German: Farbkreis
  • Column
 Dutch: Kolom
 French: Colonne
 German: Kolumne, Spalte
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Coluna
 Dutch: Complementaire kleur
 French: Couleur complémentaire
 German: Komplementärfarbe
 Polish: Barwa dopełniająca
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Cores complementares
  • Continuous text
 German: Fließtext
 French: Contraste
 German: Kontrast
 French: Caractère de contrôle
 German: Kontrollzeichen, nichtdruckbare Zeichen
 Dutch: Snijtekens
 French: Traits de coupe
 German: Schnittmarke, Schneidemarke
 Portuguese [Brazil]:  Marcas de corte


  • Device profile
 French: Profil de périphérique
 German: Geräteprofil
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Perfil do dispositivo
  • Document outline
 German: Aufriss
 Polish: Struktura dokumentu
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Esboço do original or esboço de documento
 French: PPP (points par pouce)
 German DPI
 Dutch: Initialen
 French: Lettrines
 German: Initialen
 Polish: Inicjały opuszczone
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Capitulação


 Dutch: Beletselteken, ellips
 French: Ellipse
 German: Ellipse, Auslassungspunkte
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Elípse
 German: Geviertstrich, Auslassungsstrich
 Polish: Pauza
 Portuguese [Brazil]: unknown
 Dutch: Accentuering
 German: Auszeichnung
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Ênfase
 Dutch: Liggend streepje
 French: Tiret
 German: Halbgeviertstrich, Gedankenstrich
 Polish: Półpauza
 Portuguese [Brazil]: unknown
 Dutch: Eszett
 French: Eszett, eszet
 German: Eszett
  • Even page
 French: Page paire
 German: Seite mit ungerader Seitennummer


  • Facing pages
 French: Pages en vis-à-vis
 German: gegenüberliegende Seiten
 Polish: Strony widzące
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Páginas espelhadas
  • Flush see Alignment
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Justificado or nivelado (e.g flushed text)
 German: Schriftschnitt
 Polish: Krój pisma
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Corpo da fonte
  • Font family
 Dutch: Letterfamilie
 French: Famille de police
 German: Schriftfamilie
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Família da fonte
  • Font size
 Dutch: Lettergrootte
 French: Corps
 German: Schriftgrad
  • Font slant
 German: Schriftlage
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Inclinação da fonte
  • Font weight
 German: Schriftstärke
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Peso da fonte
  • Font width
 German: Schriftweite
 Dutch: Voetnoot
 French: Note de bas de page
 German: Fußnote
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Nota de rodapé
  • Forced alignment
 Dutch: Geforceerd
 German: Erzwungener Blocksatz
 Polish: justowanie (z ostatnią linią)
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Forçado
  • Foredge margin see: Outside margin
  • Formatting
 German: Formatierung
  • Frame
 Dutch: Kader
 French: Cadre
 German: Rahmen
 Polish: Ramka
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Quadro
  • Freehand line
 Dutch: Vrijehand-curve
 French: Ligne à main levée
 German: Freihandlinie
 Dutch: Frontispice
 French: Frontispice
 German: Frontispiz
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Ilustração de Capa (a.k.a Imagem da Capa)
  • Front matter
 German: Titelei
 Portuguese [Brazil]: Matéria de capa


  Dutch: Gamut, kleurengamma
  German: Gamut
  Polish: Przestrzeń kolorów
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Gama
  German: Glyph(e), Zeichen
  Polish: Glif
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Símbolo or Ilustração
  Dutch: Gulden Snede
  German: Goldener Schnitt
  Polish: Złoty podział
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Moderado (a.k.a meio termo)
  French: Gothique
  German: Gebrochene Schrift
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Gótico
  Dutch: Verlooptint
  French: Dégradé
  German: Verlauf
  Polish: Gradient
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Gradiente or Degradê
  Dutch: Gramsgewicht
  French: Grammage
  German: Papiergewicht, Grammatur
  Polish: Gramatura papieru
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Gramatura
 Dutch: Grijstonen
 French: Niveaux de gris
 German: Halbtonbild, Graustufen
  • Grid
  Dutch: Stramien
  French: Grille
  German: Gitter or Raster
  Polish: Siatka
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Grade
  • Grotesque see Sans Serif
  • Guide
  Dutch: Hulplijn
  French: Guide
  German: Hilfslinie
  Polish: Linia pomocnicza
  Portuguese [Brazil]: Guia  
  • Gutter see Inner margin


 Dutch: Haarlijn
 German: Haarlinie
  • Hairspace
 German: Haarspatium
  • Head margin see: Top margin
  • HLS
 Dutch: HSL, HLS
 German: HLS
 Dutch: HSV, HSB
 German: HSV
 Dutch: Tint
 German: Farbton
 Dutch: Afbreekteken, afbreekstreepje
 German: Divis, Viertelgeviertstrich, Bindestrich
 Polish: Łącznik
 Dutch: Afbreking
 French: Césure
 German: Silbentrennung
 Polish: Dzielenie na sylaby


 German: Ausschießen
 Polish: Impozycja
 Dutch: Imprimatur
 French: Imprimatur
 German: Imprimatur, Druckfreigabe
  • Imprint see Masthead
  • Inch
 Dutch: Duim
 French: Pouce
 German: Zoll
 Polish: Cal
 Dutch: Inspringen
 French: Indentation
 German: Einzug
 Polish: Wcięcie
  • Initial see: Drop caps
  • Inner Margin
 Dutch: Rugwit
 French: Marge intérieure
 German: Bundsteg, Innensteg
 Dutch: Invoerapparaat
 French: Périphérique d'entrée (de saisie)
 German: Eingabegerät
  • Interleaf (page)
 German: Vakatseite
 Dutch: Apostrof, weglatingsteken
 German: Apostroph
 Dutch: Cursief
 French: Italique
 German: Kursive
 Polish: Kursywa


 Dutch: Uitgevuld
 French: Justifié
 German: Blocksatz
 Polish: Justowanie


 Dutch: Kerning
 German: Unterschneidung, Kerning
 Polish: Podcinanie


  • Landscape
 Dutch: Liggend
 French: Paysage, orientation à l'italienne
 German: Querformat
 Polish: Pejzaż
  • Layer
 Dutch: Laag
 French: Couche, calque
 German: Ebene
 Dutch: Interlinie
 French: Interligne
 German: Durchschuss, Zeilenabstand
 Polish: Interlinia
  • Left aligned
 Dutch: Links uitlijnend
 French: Aligné à gauche
 German: Linksbündig, Flattersatz
 Polish: Wyrównanie do lewej
 Dutch: Letter
 French: Lettre
 German: Letter
 Dutch: Ligatuur
 French: Ligature
 German: Ligatur
 Polish: Ligatura
  • Line spacing see Leading
  • Line wrap
 German: Zeilenumbruch  
  • Lorem Ipsum see Sample text


  • Majuscule see Superior
  • Margin
 Dutch: Marge
 French: Marge
 German: Steg, Rand
 Italian: Margine
 Polish: Margines
  • Margin alignment
 German: Randausgleich
  • Marginal note
 German: Marginalie
  • Master Page
 French: Modèle de page
 German: Musterseite
 Italian: Pagina modello
 Polish: Strona wzorcowa
 Dutch: Colofon
 German: Impressum
 Polish: Stopka redakcyjna
 Dutch: Onderkast
 German: Gemeine, Minuskel
 Polish: Minuskuła
  • Misprint
 Dutch: Drukfout
 German: Zwiebelfisch
 Dutch: Monochroom
 French: Monochromatique
 German: Monochrom, monochromatisch
 German: Nichtproportionale Schrift, Festschrittschrift


  • Node
 Dutch: Knoop, knooppunt
 German: Knoten, Knotenpunkt
  • Non breaking dash
 German: geschützter Bindestrich
  • Non breaking space
 French: Espace insécable
 German: geschützter Leerraum


  • Odd page
 Dutch: Oneven bladzijde
 French: Page impaire
 German: Seite mit gerader Seitennummer
  • Offset
 Dutch: Offset
 French: Décalage
 German: Versatz
 Dutch: Offsetdruk
 French: Impression offset
 German: Offsetdruck
 Polish: Druk offsetowy
 Dutch: Opaciteit
 French: Opacité
 German: Deckkraft, Opazität
 Dutch: Wees
 French: Orphelin
 German: Schusterjunge, Waisenkind
 Polish: Szewc
 Dutch: Uitvoer apparaat
 French: Périphérique de sortie
 German: Ausgabegerät
  • Outside margin
 Dutch: Snijwit
 French: Marge extérieure
 German: Außensteg, Randsteg
 Dutch: Overdrukken
 French: Impression à bords perdus
 German: Überdrucken


  • Page dimension
 Dutch: Bladzijdeformaat
 French: Dimensions de la page
 German: Seitengröße
  • Page orientation
 French: Orientation de la page
 German: Seitenausrichtung
  • Page size see Page dimension
  • Paginate
 Dutch: Pagineren
 German: Paginieren
 German: Papiersorte
  • Paper size
 Dutch: Papierformaat
 French: Dimensions du papier, format de papier
 German: Papierformat
 Dutch: Alinea, paragraaf
 French: Paragraphe
 German: Absatz
 Polish: Akapit
  • Path
 Dutch: Pad
 French: Chemin
 German: Pfad
 Dutch: Punt
 French: Point
 German: Punkt
 Dutch: Polylijn, polygoon, veelhoek
 French: Polygone
 German: Polygon, Vieleck
  • Portrait
 Dutch: Staand
 French: Portrait, orientation à la française
 German: Hochformat
 Polish: Portret
  • Preflight Verifier
 German: Druckvorstufenüberprüfung
 Polish: Weryfikator materiału wejściowego
 Dutch: Drukproef
 German: Andruck, Proof
  • Preview
 Dutch: Voorbeeld
 French: Prévisualisation
 German: Vorschau
  • Printed sheet
 Dutch: Drukvel
 German: Rohbogen, Druckbogen
  • Print space
 Dutch: Bladspiegel, zetspiegel
 French: Zone d'impression
 German: Satzspiegel
 Dutch: Proportioneel lettertype
 German: Proportionalschrift


 Dutch: Aanhalingstekens
 French: Guillemets
 German: Anführungszeichen, Gänsefüßchen
 Polish: Cudzysłowy


  • Registration mark
 Dutch: Paskruis
 French: Hirondelle (from a printer's PDF  guide)
 German: Passer, Passkreuz
 Polish: Paser, punktura
  • Right aligned
 Dutch: Rechts uitlijnend
 French: Aligné à droite
 German: Rechtsbündig
 German: RIP
 Polish: RIP
  • Row
 Dutch: Rij
 French: Ligne (de tableau)
 German: (Tabellen-)Zeile
  • Ruler
 Dutch: Liniaal
 French: Règle
 German: Lineal
  • Runaraound
 Dutch: Tekstomloop
 German: Umfluss


 Dutch: Voorbeeldtekst, Lorem Ipsum, dummy tekst
 German: Blindtext
 Dutch: Schreefloos
 French: Sans empattement
 German: Serifenlose Schrift, Grotesk
 Polish: Grotesk
 Dutch: Verzadiging
 French: Saturation
 German: Sättigung
  • Scrapbook
 Dutch: Kladblok
 German: Bibliothek
 Polish: Biblioteka
  • Semi-bold
 German: Halbfett
 Dutch: Schreef
 French: Empattement
 German: Serife
  • Shape
 Dutch: Vorm
 French: Forme
 German: Form
  • Sharp s see Es-zett
  • Slash
 Dutch: Schuine streep, schrap, Duitse komma
 German: Schrägstrich
 Dutch: Verkleind kap, kleinkapitaal
 French: Petites capitales
 German: Kapitälchen
 Polish: Kapitaliki
  • Smart hyphen
 German: Bedingtes Trennzeichen
  • Solid colour
 German: Füllfarbe
  • Spacing
 French: Espacement
 German: Abstand
 German: Buchrücken
 Polish: Grzbiet książki
 German: Schmuckfarbe, Volltonfarbe
 Polish: Kolory spotowe
  • Spreading and choking see Trapping
  • Story editor
 Polish: Edytor artykułów
  • Stroke
 German: Umrisslinie, Kontur
  • Style
 Dutch: Stijl
 French: Style
 German: Stil, Vorlage
 Dutch: Inferieur
 French: Indice
 German: Tiefgestellt, Index
 Polish: Indeks dolny
 Dutch: Hoofdletters, kapitalen, bovenkasten
 French: Majuscules
 German: Versalien
 Polish: Wersaliki
 Dutch: Superieur
 French: Exposant
 German: Hochgestellt, Exponent
 Polish: Indeks górny


 Dutch: Tab
 German: Tabulator
 French: Tabulation
 Polish: Tabulator
 Dutch: Inhoudsopgave
 French: Table des matières
 German: Inhaltsverzeichnis
 Polish: Spis treści
  • Template
 Dutch: Sjabloon
 French: Modèle
 German: Vorlage
 Polish: Szablon
  • Text decoration
 German: Auszeichnungsart
 Dutch: Kleurenleer
 German: Farbenlehre
 French: Vignette
 German: Vorschaubild 
  • Top margin
 Dutch: Kopwit
 French: Marge du haut
 German: Kopfsteg
 Dutch: Aanspatiëring
 German: Spationierung, Laufweite
 Polish: Odstępy międzyliterowe
 French: Transparence
 German: Transparenz
 Polish: Przezroczystość
 German: Überfüllung, Trapping
 Polish: Zalewka, nadlewka, podlewka, trapping
  • Typeface see Font face


 German: Unterfarbenreduktion
 Polish: UCR (usuwanie koloru neutralnego)
 Dutch: Umlaut
 French: Umlaut
 German: Umlaut
  • Unit
 Dutch: Eenheid
 French: Unité
 German: Maßeinheit



 Dutch: Weduwe, Hoerenjong
 German: Hurenkind, Witwe
 Polish: Bękart, wdowa
  • Wrap
 Dutch: Omloop
 German: Umbruch