Importação automática de imagens através de script: Difference between revisions

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As implementações Python tem a vantagem de usar o próprio Scribus para criar um documento, sendo assim, enquanto o script funcionar o arquivo resultante estará atualizado. Outro benefício é a facilidade de modificação do script para ser ajustado a outras necessidades.
As implementações Python tem a vantagem de usar o próprio Scribus para criar um documento, sendo assim, enquanto o script funcionar o arquivo resultante estará atualizado. Outro benefício é a facilidade de modificação do script para ser ajustado a outras necessidades.
= Descrição =
= =
== ==
Eu não irei dizer nada sobre este programa. Se você conhece alguma coisa de Perl, verá que isto não é "elegante", mas faz o trabalho. Sua operação é através da linha de comando.
Eu não irei dizer nada sobre este programa. Se você conhece alguma coisa de Perl, verá que isto não é "elegante", mas faz o trabalho. Sua operação é através da linha de comando.

= e =
== e ==

Estes scripts são similares, ambos criam um novo documento e quantas páginas forem necessárias. O '''''' coloca quatro imagens desalinhadas uma das outras em uma página de tamanho carta (americana), permitindo anotações nos espaços remanescentes. Já o '''''' coloca 8 imagens por página A4, deixando pouco espaço livre restante. Ambas as versões farão um quadro de texto no canto superior esquerdo de cada página, indicando qual o diretório que a imagem está.  
Estes scripts são similares, ambos criam um novo documento e quantas páginas forem necessárias. O '''''' coloca quatro imagens desalinhadas uma das outras em uma página de tamanho carta (americana), permitindo anotações nos espaços remanescentes. Já o '''''' coloca 8 imagens por página A4, deixando pouco espaço livre restante. Ambas as versões farão um quadro de texto no canto superior esquerdo de cada página, indicando qual o diretório que a imagem está.  
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* Se nesse ponto o Scribus quebrar/travar,  provavelmente toda a memória RAM e swap foi usada no seu sistema. Ainda não há uma proteção incluida neste script contra essa possibilidade. Se você tiver sorte, o Scribus terá salvo um arquivo de emergência começando com '''DocumentN...''', mas, se o arquivo for grande demais, o Scribus não conseguirá o carregar, já que a memória continuará criando essa restição (o arquivo por sí só não é grande, o requerimento de memória para todas as imagens que é a fonte do problema).
* Se nesse ponto o Scribus quebrar/travar,  provavelmente toda a memória RAM e swap foi usada no seu sistema. Ainda não há uma proteção incluida neste script contra essa possibilidade. Se você tiver sorte, o Scribus terá salvo um arquivo de emergência começando com '''DocumentN...''', mas, se o arquivo for grande demais, o Scribus não conseguirá o carregar, já que a memória continuará criando essa restição (o arquivo por sí só não é grande, o requerimento de memória para todas as imagens que é a fonte do problema).
= Arquivos =
== ==
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#                                    #
#      Program        #
#      Created 2004.09.12          #
#      Last modified 2004.09.14    #
#      Gregory Pittman              #
#                                    #
print "This program will create a picture album as a Scribus .sla file from all the pictures in a directory.\n";
print "Enter the name of the directory:\t";
chomp ($folder =<STDIN>);
opendir (DIR, $folder) || die "Do you have the drive mounted?";
# First we'll eliminate anything starting with a period
@files = grep { !/^\./} readdir(DIR);
# Then sift out the image files; Scribus can show at least some PDFs
# Not having so much luck with SVGs, but at least you'll know they are there
@files = grep { ( /\Z jpeg|jpg|tif|pdf|png|gif|svg/i ) } @files ;
closedir (DIR);
$numfiles = scalar(@files);
$anzpages = int $numfiles/4;
if ($numfiles/4 gt ($anzpages)){
print "There are $numfiles pictures in this directory.\nThis will make $anzpages pages.\n";
print "What do you want to name this album? (\".sla\" will be appended)\t";
chomp ($album =<STDIN>);
$album = "$album.sla";
$utf = "<SCRIBUSUTF8 Version=\"1.2cvs\" >";
# The only variable in $document is $anzpages
$document = " <DOCUMENT MAJGRID=\"100\" ABSTSPALTEN=\"11\" PAGEWITH=\"612\" AUTOCHECK=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" DPIn2=\"\" DPgam=\"0\" HCMS=\"1\" DGAP=\"0\" ORIENTATION=\"0\" MINWORDLEN=\"3\" VTIEFSC=\"100\" DOCLANGINFO=\"\" COMMENTS=\"\" TITLE=\"\" KEYWORDS=\"\" DSIZE=\"12\" AUTOSPALTEN=\"1\" GROUPC=\"7\" DOCFORMAT=\"\" DOCDATE=\"\" BORDERTOP=\"9\" GUIDELOCK=\"0\" DIMo=\"1\" DIPr=\"0\" DPuse=\"0\" DPSo=\"0\" DOCSOURCE=\"\" FIRSTNUM=\"1\" DPbla=\"1\" VHOCHSC=\"100\" DOCTYPE=\"\" BORDERBOTTOM=\"40\" BASEGRID=\"12\" VTIEF=\"33\" DOCCONTRIB=\"\" DOCRELATION=\"\" BASEO=\"0\" DOCIDENT=\"\" PUBLISHER=\"\" ANZPAGES=\"$anzpages\" HYCOUNT=\"2\" DIMo2=\"1\" AUTHOR=\"\" UNITS=\"0\" BORDERRIGHT=\"9\" DPPr=\"\" DPMo=\"\" PAGEHEIGHT=\"792\" MINGRID=\"20\" VHOCH=\"33\" DOCCOVER=\"\" DCOL=\"1\" AUTOMATIC=\"1\" ALAYER=\"0\" DOCRIGHTS=\"\" DPIn=\"\" VKAPIT=\"75\" DFONT=\"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman\" BORDERLEFT=\"9\" >";
$colorlayer = "  <COLOR RGB=\"\#000000\" CMYK=\"\#000000ff\" NAME=\"Black\" />\n  <COLOR RGB=\"\#ffffff\" CMYK=\"\#00000000\" NAME=\"White\" />\n  <LAYERS DRUCKEN=\"1\" NUMMER=\"0\" NAME=\"Background\" SICHTBAR=\"1\" LEVEL=\"0\" />";
$pdf = "  <PDF ImagePr=\"0\" BTop=\"9\" UseProfiles=\"0\" BLeft=\"9\" PrintP=\"\" RecalcPic=\"0\" ImageP=\"\" SolidP=\"\" PicRes=\"300\" Thumbnails=\"0\" CMethod=\"0\" Encrypt=\"0\" BRight=\"9\" Binding=\"0\" Articles=\"0\" InfoString=\"\" RGBMode=\"1\" PresentMode=\"0\" Permissions=\"-4\" Intent=\"1\" Compress=\"1\" Version=\"14\" Resolution=\"300\" Bookmarks=\"0\" UseProfiles2=\"0\" Quality=\"0\" UseLpi=\"0\" PassUser=\"\" BBottom=\"40\" Intent2=\"1\" PassOwner=\"\" >\n  <LPI Angle=\"45\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Black\" />\n  <LPI Angle=\"105\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Cyan\" />\n  <LPI Angle=\"75\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Magenta\" />\n  <LPI Angle=\"90\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Yellow\" />\n  </PDF>";
# This goes at the end when we're done
$docend = "  <PAGE NUM=\"0\" NAM=\"Normal\" LEFT=\"0\" NumVGuides=\"0\" HorizontalGuides=\"\" MNAM=\"\" NumHGuides=\"0\" VerticalGuides=\"\" />\n </DOCUMENT>\n</SCRIBUSUTF8>\n";
open (FILE, ">$album");
print FILE "$utf\n$document\n$colorlayer\n$pdf\n";
# Now let's build some pages
$pagecount = 0;
$image = 0;
$piccount = 0; # will use this to place each picture on the page
@xpos = qw( 16  310  16  310 ); # $xpos[$piccount] will give this value
@ypos = qw( 14  187  360  533 );# ditto for $ypos
@xpostxt = qw( 16  450  16  450 ); # $xpostxt[$piccount] label for image
@ypostxt = qw( 232  165  578  510 );# ditto for $ypostxt
    @cab = qw( 0 2 0 2 );# alternates left and right justification for image labels
foreach $file (@files) {
    if ($piccount gt 3) {
$piccount = 0;
print FILE "</PAGE>\n";
    if ($piccount == 0) {
print FILE "  <PAGE NUM=\"$pagecount\" NAM=\"\" LEFT=\"0\" NumVGuides=\"0\" HorizontalGuides=\"\" MNAM=\"Normal\" NumHGuides=\"0\" VerticalGuides=\"\" >\n";
# This will print the directory name in the upper right hand corner of the page
print FILE "  <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"2\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"1\" LINESP=\"12\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"195\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" LOCALSCY=\"1\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"None\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"4\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"25\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"10\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 25 195 25 195 25 195 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"0\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"0\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"11\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"400\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 25 195 25 195 25 195 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"1\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" >\n    <ITEXT CAB=\"2\" CCOLOR=\"Black\" CSIZE=\"10\" CH=\"$folder/\" CSHADE2=\"100\" CSCALE=\"100\" CSHADE=\"100\" CSTYLE=\"0\" CFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" CEXTRA=\"0\" CSTROKE=\"Black\" />\n  </PAGEOBJECT>";
# The individual image files
    print FILE "  <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"0.18\" LINESP=\"14.4\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"288\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman\" LOCALSCY=\"0.18\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"White\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"2\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"217\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"$folder/$file\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"12\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"Image$image\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 217 288 217 288 217 288 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"1\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"1200\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"$ypos[$piccount]\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"$xpos[$piccount]\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 217 288 217 288 217 288 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"0\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" />\n";
# The image file name in a text frame
    print FILE "  <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"1\" LINESP=\"12\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"148\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" LOCALSCY=\"1\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"None\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"4\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"22\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"10\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 22 148 22 148 22 148 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"-279058628\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"0\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"$ypostxt[$piccount]\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"$xpostxt[$piccount]\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 22 148 22 148 22 148 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"1\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" >\n    <ITEXT CAB=\"$cab[$piccount]\" CCOLOR=\"Black\" CSIZE=\"10\" CH=\"$file\" CSHADE2=\"100\" CSCALE=\"100\" CSHADE=\"100\" CSTYLE=\"0\" CFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" CEXTRA=\"0\" CSTROKE=\"Black\" />\n  </PAGEOBJECT>\n ";
# All the pics should be in now...finish up
print FILE "</PAGE>\n";
print FILE "$docend\n";
close (FILE);
print "All finished printing to $album\n";
== ==
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# originally 2005.02.13  Gregory Pittman
# modified  2005.02.27 - from
# This version for US Letter paper
# Also, puts only 4 pictures per page, to allow for text frame notes in between
# Uses Tkinter to give you an Entry box for the name of a directory
# then filters out files ending with .jpg, .png, and so on (user selectable)
# Note: at this time will not pick up uppercase extension equivalents
# Makes a new document
# Some things to be fixed: needs a more elegant closure; right now you click
# on the X in the upper right corner of the root frame, but at least it tells
# you when.
# Eventually want to be able to browse for a directory, perhaps show a
# Listbox for selecting a choice.
from scribus import *
import Tkinter
import os
class ImageDialog(Tkinter.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        global jpg, tif, png, pdf, svg, gif
        Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent, bg="#bbbbff")
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Enter the Image Directory, Click OK',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=0,columnspan=6)
        self.e = Tkinter.Entry(self)
        self.jpg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.tif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.png = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.pdf = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.svg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.gif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        b = Tkinter.Button(self, text='OK', bg="#55ff88", command=self.ok)
        self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit)
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Filters',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=3)
        j = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.jpg', variable = self.jpg,onvalue='.jpg')
        t = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.tif', variable = self.tif,onvalue='.tif')
        p = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.png', variable = self.png,onvalue='.png')
        p.grid(row=4, column=4)
        P = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.pdf', variable = self.pdf,onvalue='.pdf')
        P.grid(row=5, column=0)
        s = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.svg', variable = self.svg,onvalue='.svg')
        s.grid(row=5, column=2)
        g = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.gif', variable = self.gif,onvalue='.gif')
        g.grid(row=5, column=4) # uncomment these to have default on settings in Checkbuttons
# # j = .jpg, t = .tif, etc.
    def ok(self):
        m = Tkinter.Message(root, text="Now click the X in the upper right corner of this window")
        m.grid(row=0, columnspan=4)
            imagecount = 0
            framecount = 0
            filetype = []
            if len(self.jpg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.jpg.get())
            if len(self.tif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.tif.get())
            if len(self.png.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.png.get())
            if len(self.pdf.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.pdf.get())
            if len(self.svg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.svg.get())
            if len(self.gif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.gif.get())
            d = os.listdir(self.e.get())
            for file in d:
                for format in filetype:
                    if file.endswith(format):
# There are 4 pictures per page; xpos and ypos are the x,y coord of the upper left corners
# Coords are: (15, 42),(15, 388), (310, 187), (310, 533)
            xpos = (15, 310)   
            ypos = (42, 388, 187, 533)
# This proportion is right for photographs (at least for my digital Olympus)
            pwidth = 288
            pheight = 217
                while D[imagecount]:
                    if imagecount > 0:
                        framecount = 0
# L is the frame at the top of each page showing the directory name
                    L = createText(15, 20, 200, 20)
                    setText("Dir: " + self.e.get(), L)
                    setTextAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, L)
                    setFont("Luxi Sans Regular", L)
                    setFontSize(10, L)
# Here is where we're loading images into the page, four at a time, then go back up for a newPage
                    for xframe in xpos:
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, ypos[framecount], pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
# Lpic is the label for each picture, with position and length adjusted
# according to the text length.
# So if you change the font or its size, you may need to adjust
# this only approximate calculation.
                                Lpic = createText(xframe, ypos[framecount] + 217, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
                                framecount = framecount + 1
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, ypos[framecount], pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
                                Lpic = createText(xframe, ypos[framecount] + 217, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
                                framecount = framecount + 1
        except os.error, value:
            Tkinter.Button(root, text=value[1], bg="#ffff55").grid(row=3, columnspan = 4)
root = Tkinter.Tk()
d = ImageDialog(root)
== ==
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# 2005.02.13  Gregory Pittman
# Uses Tkinter to give you an Entry box for the name of a directory
# then filters out files ending with .jpg, .png, and so on (user selectable)
# Note: at this time will not pick up uppercase extension equivalents
# Makes a new document
# Some things to be fixed: needs a more elegant closure; right now you click
# on the X in the upper right corner of the root frame, but at least it tells
# you when.
# Eventually want to be able to browse for a directory, perhaps show a
# Listbox for selecting a choice.
from scribus import *
import Tkinter
import os
class ImageDialog(Tkinter.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        global jpg, tif, png, pdf, svg, gif
        Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent, bg="#bbbbff")
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Enter the Image Directory, Click OK',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=0,columnspan=6)
        self.e = Tkinter.Entry(self)
        self.jpg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.tif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.png = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.pdf = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.svg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.gif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        b = Tkinter.Button(self, text='OK', bg="#55ff88", command=self.ok)
        self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit)
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Filters',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=3)
        j = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.jpg', variable = self.jpg,onvalue='.jpg')
        t = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.tif', variable = self.tif,onvalue='.tif')
        p = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.png', variable = self.png,onvalue='.png')
        p.grid(row=4, column=4)
        P = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.pdf', variable = self.pdf,onvalue='.pdf')
        P.grid(row=5, column=0)
        s = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.svg', variable = self.svg,onvalue='.svg')
        s.grid(row=5, column=2)
        g = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.gif', variable = self.gif,onvalue='.gif')
        g.grid(row=5, column=4) # uncomment these to have default on settings in Checkbuttons
# # j = .jpg, t = .tif, etc.
    def ok(self):
        m = Tkinter.Message(root, text="Now click the X in the upper right corner of this window")
        m.grid(row=0, columnspan=4)
            imagecount = 0
            filetype = []
            if len(self.jpg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.jpg.get())
            if len(self.tif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.tif.get())
            if len(self.png.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.png.get())
            if len(self.pdf.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.pdf.get())
            if len(self.svg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.svg.get())
            if len(self.gif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.gif.get())
            d = os.listdir(self.e.get())
            for file in d:
                for format in filetype:
                    if file.endswith(format):
# There are 8 pictures per page; xpos and ypos are the x,y coord of the upper left corners
            xpos = (25, 321)   
            ypos = (42, 236, 430, 624)
# This proportion is right for photographs (at least for my digital Olympus)
            pwidth = 250
            pheight = 187
                while D[imagecount]:
                    if imagecount > 0:
# L is the frame at the top of each page showing the directory name
                    L = createText(15, 20, 200, 20)
                    setText("Dir: " + self.e.get(), L)
                    setTextAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, L)
                    setFont("Luxi Sans Regular", L)
                    setFontSize(10, L)
# Here is where we're loading images into the page, eight at a time, then go back up for a newPage
                    for yframe in ypos:
                        for xframe in xpos:
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, yframe, pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
# Lpic is the label for each picture, with position and length adjusted according to the text length
# so if you change in font or its size, you may need to adjust this only approximate calculation
                                Lpic = createText(xframe + (250 - Lpiclen), yframe + 172, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
        except os.error, value:
            Tkinter.Button(root, text=value[1], bg="#ffff55").grid(row=3, columnspan = 4)
root = Tkinter.Tk()
d = ImageDialog(root)

Revision as of 19:54, 28 January 2006

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Primeiramente, a razão de eu ter criado esse scripts foi para aprender alguma coisa sobre Python e para poder criar um arquivador de imagens ou album no Scribus. Geralmente eu uso o script para organizar as imagens digitais que eu tiro nas minhas viagens. Uma das vantagens do Scribus é que o seu formato de arquivo .sla não inclui nenhum dado de imagem, mas apenas suas referências, então, este arquivo de catálogo é relativamente pequeno. Eu irei adicionar anotações, fazer um PDF e imprimir um album com algumas coleções.

Inicialmente eu criei um programa em Perl a parte ( para fazer a criação fora do Scribus. O script ainda funciona, mesmo tendo sido projetado para os formatos de arquivo da versão 1.2.x. Uma de suas vantagens é a velocidade com que ele gera diversas páginas com informações. Sua desvantagem é que ele foi criado para o formato 1.2.x, ou seja, potêncialmente incompatível com as novas versões (e até um tanto quanto perigoso). Ajusta-lo para gerar os documentos na nova versão é mais trabalho do que eu gostaria. Melhor carrega-lo no Scribus 1.3.x e então salvar de lá mesmo.

As implementações Python tem a vantagem de usar o próprio Scribus para criar um documento, sendo assim, enquanto o script funcionar o arquivo resultante estará atualizado. Outro benefício é a facilidade de modificação do script para ser ajustado a outras necessidades.


Eu não irei dizer nada sobre este programa. Se você conhece alguma coisa de Perl, verá que isto não é "elegante", mas faz o trabalho. Sua operação é através da linha de comando. e

Estes scripts são similares, ambos criam um novo documento e quantas páginas forem necessárias. O coloca quatro imagens desalinhadas uma das outras em uma página de tamanho carta (americana), permitindo anotações nos espaços remanescentes. Já o coloca 8 imagens por página A4, deixando pouco espaço livre restante. Ambas as versões farão um quadro de texto no canto superior esquerdo de cada página, indicando qual o diretório que a imagem está. Cada imagem possui um título indicando o nome de arquivo da imagem.

Aqui estão alguns dos recursos que ambos os scripts compartilham:

  • Quando você executar o script no Scribus, duas janelas Tk aparecerão, uma branca e outra que pergunta o nome do diretório e possui caixas de marcação. Você pode usar um caminho relativo. O absoluto será mais preciso.
  • Você pode marcar um ou mais formatos de imagens que você quer. TODAS as imagens daquele tipo serão incluidas - você não pode selecionar e/ou escolher imagens individualmente.

Elas aparecerão na ordem alfa-numérica no seu documento, sendo a coluna da esquerda a primeira.

  • PDFs serão importados mas somente a sua primeira página.
  • Por enquanto este script não importa SVGs. O que você tem é um quadro branco. Essa é uma das coisas na lista do meu "a fazer" (TODO).
  • Todas as imagens são ajustadas para coresponder ao tamanho do quadro, sendo o mesmo tamanho de quadro em cada script.. Ajustar um quadro para uma imagem individual é uma tarefa melhor feita no Scribus após você ter feito o arquivo. Estes scripts foram desenvolvidos para fazer o trabalho "grosso". Vamos deixar que o Scribus faça o trabalho de refino.
  • Uma vez que você tenha fornecido o diretório e selecionado os formatos das imagens, basta clicar em OK. Aguarde um tempo (durante este processo os quadros e os ícones do Scribus podem piscar).
  • Quando o script terminar, a janela TK que estava branca agora dirá: "Now click the X in the upper right corner of this window" (Agora clique no X no canto superior direito desta janela), significando que o X no canto da janela Tk irá a apagar. Com esta ação o script termina e o Scribus assume.
  • Neste ponto o Scribus está - em teoria - carregando o arquivo para exibição. Esse processo pode demorar até minutos dependendo do número e do tamanho das imagens, além das configurações de sua máquina (memória, processador etc).
  • Se nesse ponto o Scribus quebrar/travar, provavelmente toda a memória RAM e swap foi usada no seu sistema. Ainda não há uma proteção incluida neste script contra essa possibilidade. Se você tiver sorte, o Scribus terá salvo um arquivo de emergência começando com DocumentN..., mas, se o arquivo for grande demais, o Scribus não conseguirá o carregar, já que a memória continuará criando essa restição (o arquivo por sí só não é grande, o requerimento de memória para todas as imagens que é a fonte do problema).


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#                                    #
#       Program        #
#       Created 2004.09.12           #
#       Last modified 2004.09.14     #
#       Gregory Pittman              #
#                                    #
print "This program will create a picture album as a Scribus .sla file from all the pictures in a directory.\n";
print "Enter the name of the directory:\t";
chomp ($folder =<STDIN>);
opendir (DIR, $folder) || die "Do you have the drive mounted?";
# First we'll eliminate anything starting with a period
@files = grep { !/^\./} readdir(DIR);
# Then sift out the image files; Scribus can show at least some PDFs
# Not having so much luck with SVGs, but at least you'll know they are there
@files = grep { ( /\Z jpeg|jpg|tif|pdf|png|gif|svg/i ) } @files ;
closedir (DIR);

$numfiles = scalar(@files);
$anzpages = int $numfiles/4;
if ($numfiles/4 gt ($anzpages)){
print "There are $numfiles pictures in this directory.\nThis will make $anzpages pages.\n";
print "What do you want to name this album? (\".sla\" will be appended)\t";
chomp ($album =<STDIN>);
$album = "$album.sla";

$utf = "<SCRIBUSUTF8 Version=\"1.2cvs\" >";
# The only variable in $document is $anzpages
$document = " <DOCUMENT MAJGRID=\"100\" ABSTSPALTEN=\"11\" PAGEWITH=\"612\" AUTOCHECK=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" DPIn2=\"\" DPgam=\"0\" HCMS=\"1\" DGAP=\"0\" ORIENTATION=\"0\" MINWORDLEN=\"3\" VTIEFSC=\"100\" DOCLANGINFO=\"\" COMMENTS=\"\" TITLE=\"\" KEYWORDS=\"\" DSIZE=\"12\" AUTOSPALTEN=\"1\" GROUPC=\"7\" DOCFORMAT=\"\" DOCDATE=\"\" BORDERTOP=\"9\" GUIDELOCK=\"0\" DIMo=\"1\" DIPr=\"0\" DPuse=\"0\" DPSo=\"0\" DOCSOURCE=\"\" FIRSTNUM=\"1\" DPbla=\"1\" VHOCHSC=\"100\" DOCTYPE=\"\" BORDERBOTTOM=\"40\" BASEGRID=\"12\" VTIEF=\"33\" DOCCONTRIB=\"\" DOCRELATION=\"\" BASEO=\"0\" DOCIDENT=\"\" PUBLISHER=\"\" ANZPAGES=\"$anzpages\" HYCOUNT=\"2\" DIMo2=\"1\" AUTHOR=\"\" UNITS=\"0\" BORDERRIGHT=\"9\" DPPr=\"\" DPMo=\"\" PAGEHEIGHT=\"792\" MINGRID=\"20\" VHOCH=\"33\" DOCCOVER=\"\" DCOL=\"1\" AUTOMATIC=\"1\" ALAYER=\"0\" DOCRIGHTS=\"\" DPIn=\"\" VKAPIT=\"75\" DFONT=\"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman\" BORDERLEFT=\"9\" >";

$colorlayer = "  <COLOR RGB=\"\#000000\" CMYK=\"\#000000ff\" NAME=\"Black\" />\n  <COLOR RGB=\"\#ffffff\" CMYK=\"\#00000000\" NAME=\"White\" />\n  <LAYERS DRUCKEN=\"1\" NUMMER=\"0\" NAME=\"Background\" SICHTBAR=\"1\" LEVEL=\"0\" />";

$pdf = "  <PDF ImagePr=\"0\" BTop=\"9\" UseProfiles=\"0\" BLeft=\"9\" PrintP=\"\" RecalcPic=\"0\" ImageP=\"\" SolidP=\"\" PicRes=\"300\" Thumbnails=\"0\" CMethod=\"0\" Encrypt=\"0\" BRight=\"9\" Binding=\"0\" Articles=\"0\" InfoString=\"\" RGBMode=\"1\" PresentMode=\"0\" Permissions=\"-4\" Intent=\"1\" Compress=\"1\" Version=\"14\" Resolution=\"300\" Bookmarks=\"0\" UseProfiles2=\"0\" Quality=\"0\" UseLpi=\"0\" PassUser=\"\" BBottom=\"40\" Intent2=\"1\" PassOwner=\"\" >\n   <LPI Angle=\"45\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Black\" />\n   <LPI Angle=\"105\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Cyan\" />\n   <LPI Angle=\"75\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Magenta\" />\n   <LPI Angle=\"90\" Frequency=\"75\" SpotFunction=\"2\" Color=\"Yellow\" />\n  </PDF>";

# This goes at the end when we're done
$docend = "  <PAGE NUM=\"0\" NAM=\"Normal\" LEFT=\"0\" NumVGuides=\"0\" HorizontalGuides=\"\" MNAM=\"\" NumHGuides=\"0\" VerticalGuides=\"\" />\n </DOCUMENT>\n</SCRIBUSUTF8>\n";
open (FILE, ">$album");
print FILE "$utf\n$document\n$colorlayer\n$pdf\n";

# Now let's build some pages
$pagecount = 0;
$image = 0;
$piccount = 0; # will use this to place each picture on the page
@xpos = qw( 16  310  16  310 ); # $xpos[$piccount] will give this value
@ypos = qw( 14  187  360  533 );# ditto for $ypos
@xpostxt = qw( 16  450  16  450 ); # $xpostxt[$piccount] label for image
@ypostxt = qw( 232  165  578  510 );# ditto for $ypostxt
    @cab = qw( 0 2 0 2 );# alternates left and right justification for image labels
foreach $file (@files) {
    if ($piccount gt 3) {
	$piccount = 0;
	print FILE "</PAGE>\n";
    if ($piccount == 0) {
	print FILE "  <PAGE NUM=\"$pagecount\" NAM=\"\" LEFT=\"0\" NumVGuides=\"0\" HorizontalGuides=\"\" MNAM=\"Normal\" NumHGuides=\"0\" VerticalGuides=\"\" >\n";
# This will print the directory name in the upper right hand corner of the page
print FILE "   <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"2\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"1\" LINESP=\"12\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"195\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" LOCALSCY=\"1\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"None\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"4\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"25\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"10\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 25 195 25 195 25 195 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"0\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"0\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"11\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"400\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 0 195 25 195 25 195 25 195 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"1\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" >\n    <ITEXT CAB=\"2\" CCOLOR=\"Black\" CSIZE=\"10\" CH=\"$folder/\" CSHADE2=\"100\" CSCALE=\"100\" CSHADE=\"100\" CSTYLE=\"0\" CFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" CEXTRA=\"0\" CSTROKE=\"Black\" />\n   </PAGEOBJECT>";
# The individual image files
    print FILE "   <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"0.18\" LINESP=\"14.4\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"288\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman\" LOCALSCY=\"0.18\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"White\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"2\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"217\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"$folder/$file\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"12\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"Image$image\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 217 288 217 288 217 288 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"1\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"1200\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"$ypos[$piccount]\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"$xpos[$piccount]\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 0 288 217 288 217 288 217 288 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 217 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"0\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" />\n";
# The image file name in a text frame
    print FILE "   <PAGEOBJECT BottomLine=\"0\" REXTRA=\"1\" ALIGN=\"0\" LANGUAGE=\"English\" NUMPO=\"16\" PLINEART=\"1\" TXTSCALE=\"100\" RightLine=\"0\" LOCALSCX=\"1\" LINESP=\"12\" ROT=\"0\" TXTSTROKE=\"Black\" WIDTH=\"148\" BACKPAGE=\"-1\" GROUPS=\"\" LOCKR=\"0\" IFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" LOCALSCY=\"1\" NAMEDLST=\"\" AUTOTEXT=\"0\" FLIPPEDV=\"0\" EXTRAV=\"0\" PCOLOR=\"None\" RADRECT=\"0\" REVERS=\"0\" PRINTABLE=\"1\" RATIO=\"1\" FLIPPEDH=\"0\" COLGAP=\"0\" PCOLOR2=\"None\" NEXTITEM=\"-1\" NUMGROUP=\"0\" TransValue=\"0\" INVERS=\"0\" PLINEEND=\"0\" FRTYPE=\"0\" PTYPE=\"4\" isTableItem=\"0\" TEXTFLOW2=\"0\" SHADE2=\"100\" PWIDTH=\"1\" HEIGHT=\"22\" DASHOFF=\"0\" PFILE2=\"\" PFILE=\"\" TEXTFLOW3=\"0\" ISIZE=\"10\" PLTSHOW=\"0\" TXTSTYLE=\"0\" CLIPEDIT=\"0\" BACKITEM=\"-1\" BookNr=\"0\" TransValueS=\"0\" EMBEDDED=\"1\" PFILE3=\"\" ANNAME=\"\" SHADE=\"100\" COCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 22 148 22 148 22 148 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 \" BASEOF=\"0\" PICART=\"1\" COLUMNS=\"1\" LAYER=\"0\" BOOKMARK=\"0\" TopLine=\"0\" LOCK=\"0\" EPROF=\"\" BBOXX=\"0\" DASHS=\"\" IRENDER=\"-279058628\" TEXTFLOW=\"0\" BBOXH=\"0\" TXTFILLSH=\"100\" YPOS=\"$ypostxt[$piccount]\" ANNOTATION=\"0\" LOCALX=\"0\" GRTYP=\"0\" XPOS=\"$xpostxt[$piccount]\" NUMCO=\"16\" POCOOR=\"0 0 0 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 0 148 22 148 22 148 22 148 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 \" EXTRA=\"1\" LOCALY=\"0\" NEXTPAGE=\"-1\" TABS=\"\" NUMTAB=\"0\" NUMDASH=\"0\" LeftLine=\"0\" PRFILE=\"\" TEXTRA=\"1\" SCALETYPE=\"1\" TXTFILL=\"Black\" BEXTRA=\"1\" PLINEJOIN=\"0\" TXTSTRSH=\"100\" >\n    <ITEXT CAB=\"$cab[$piccount]\" CCOLOR=\"Black\" CSIZE=\"10\" CH=\"$file\" CSHADE2=\"100\" CSCALE=\"100\" CSHADE=\"100\" CSTYLE=\"0\" CFONT=\"Luxi Sans Regular\" CEXTRA=\"0\" CSTROKE=\"Black\" />\n   </PAGEOBJECT>\n ";
# All the pics should be in now...finish up
print FILE "</PAGE>\n";
print FILE "$docend\n";
close (FILE);
print "All finished printing to $album\n";

#!/usr/bin/env python

# File:
# originally 2005.02.13  Gregory Pittman
# modified   2005.02.27 - from
# This version for US Letter paper
# Also, puts only 4 pictures per page, to allow for text frame notes in between
# Uses Tkinter to give you an Entry box for the name of a directory
# then filters out files ending with .jpg, .png, and so on (user selectable)
# Note: at this time will not pick up uppercase extension equivalents
# Makes a new document
# Some things to be fixed: needs a more elegant closure; right now you click
# on the X in the upper right corner of the root frame, but at least it tells
# you when.
# Eventually want to be able to browse for a directory, perhaps show a
# Listbox for selecting a choice.

from scribus import *
import Tkinter
import os

class ImageDialog(Tkinter.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        global jpg, tif, png, pdf, svg, gif
        Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent, bg="#bbbbff")

        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Enter the Image Directory, Click OK',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=0,columnspan=6)

        self.e = Tkinter.Entry(self)
        self.jpg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.tif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.png = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.pdf = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.svg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.gif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        b = Tkinter.Button(self, text='OK', bg="#55ff88", command=self.ok)
        self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit)
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Filters',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=3)
        j = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.jpg', variable = self.jpg,onvalue='.jpg')
        t = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.tif', variable = self.tif,onvalue='.tif')
        p = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.png', variable = self.png,onvalue='.png')
        p.grid(row=4, column=4)
        P = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.pdf', variable = self.pdf,onvalue='.pdf')
        P.grid(row=5, column=0)
        s = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.svg', variable = self.svg,onvalue='.svg')
        s.grid(row=5, column=2)
        g = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.gif', variable = self.gif,onvalue='.gif')
        g.grid(row=5, column=4) # uncomment these to have default on settings in Checkbuttons
# # j = .jpg, t = .tif, etc.

    def ok(self):
        m = Tkinter.Message(root, text="Now click the X in the upper right corner of this window")
        m.grid(row=0, columnspan=4)
            imagecount = 0
            framecount = 0
            filetype = []
            if len(self.jpg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.jpg.get())
            if len(self.tif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.tif.get())
            if len(self.png.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.png.get())
            if len(self.pdf.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.pdf.get())
            if len(self.svg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.svg.get())
            if len(self.gif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.gif.get())
            d = os.listdir(self.e.get())
            for file in d:
                for format in filetype:
                    if file.endswith(format):
# There are 4 pictures per page; xpos and ypos are the x,y coord of the upper left corners
# Coords are: (15, 42),(15, 388), (310, 187), (310, 533)
            xpos = (15, 310)    
            ypos = (42, 388, 187, 533)
# This proportion is right for photographs (at least for my digital Olympus)
            pwidth = 288
            pheight = 217

                while D[imagecount]:
                    if imagecount > 0:
                        framecount = 0
# L is the frame at the top of each page showing the directory name
                    L = createText(15, 20, 200, 20)
                    setText("Dir: " + self.e.get(), L)
                    setTextAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, L)
                    setFont("Luxi Sans Regular", L)
                    setFontSize(10, L)
# Here is where we're loading images into the page, four at a time, then go back up for a newPage
                    for xframe in xpos:
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, ypos[framecount], pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
# Lpic is the label for each picture, with position and length adjusted
# according to the text length.
# So if you change the font or its size, you may need to adjust
# this only approximate calculation.
                                Lpic = createText(xframe, ypos[framecount] + 217, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
                                framecount = framecount + 1
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, ypos[framecount], pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
                                Lpic = createText(xframe, ypos[framecount] + 217, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
                                framecount = framecount + 1
        except os.error, value:
            Tkinter.Button(root, text=value[1], bg="#ffff55").grid(row=3, columnspan = 4)

root = Tkinter.Tk()

d = ImageDialog(root)


#!/usr/bin/env python

# File:
# 2005.02.13  Gregory Pittman
# Uses Tkinter to give you an Entry box for the name of a directory
# then filters out files ending with .jpg, .png, and so on (user selectable)
# Note: at this time will not pick up uppercase extension equivalents
# Makes a new document
# Some things to be fixed: needs a more elegant closure; right now you click
# on the X in the upper right corner of the root frame, but at least it tells
# you when.
# Eventually want to be able to browse for a directory, perhaps show a
# Listbox for selecting a choice.

from scribus import *
import Tkinter
import os

class ImageDialog(Tkinter.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        global jpg, tif, png, pdf, svg, gif
        Tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent, bg="#bbbbff")

        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Enter the Image Directory, Click OK',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=0,columnspan=6)

        self.e = Tkinter.Entry(self)
        self.jpg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.tif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.png = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.pdf = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.svg = Tkinter.StringVar()
        self.gif = Tkinter.StringVar()
        b = Tkinter.Button(self, text='OK', bg="#55ff88", command=self.ok)
        self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit)
        Tkinter.Label(self, text='Filters',bg="#bbbbff").grid(row=3)
        j = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.jpg', variable = self.jpg,onvalue='.jpg')
        t = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.tif', variable = self.tif,onvalue='.tif')
        p = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.png', variable = self.png,onvalue='.png')
        p.grid(row=4, column=4)
        P = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.pdf', variable = self.pdf,onvalue='.pdf')
        P.grid(row=5, column=0)
        s = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.svg', variable = self.svg,onvalue='.svg')
        s.grid(row=5, column=2)
        g = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = '.gif', variable = self.gif,onvalue='.gif')
        g.grid(row=5, column=4) # uncomment these to have default on settings in Checkbuttons
# # j = .jpg, t = .tif, etc.

    def ok(self):
        m = Tkinter.Message(root, text="Now click the X in the upper right corner of this window")
        m.grid(row=0, columnspan=4)
            imagecount = 0
            filetype = []
            if len(self.jpg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.jpg.get())
            if len(self.tif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.tif.get())
            if len(self.png.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.png.get())
            if len(self.pdf.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.pdf.get())
            if len(self.svg.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.svg.get())
            if len(self.gif.get()) == 4: filetype.append(self.gif.get())
            d = os.listdir(self.e.get())
            for file in d:
                for format in filetype:
                    if file.endswith(format):
# There are 8 pictures per page; xpos and ypos are the x,y coord of the upper left corners
            xpos = (25, 321)    
            ypos = (42, 236, 430, 624)
# This proportion is right for photographs (at least for my digital Olympus)
            pwidth = 250
            pheight = 187

                while D[imagecount]:
                    if imagecount > 0:
# L is the frame at the top of each page showing the directory name
                    L = createText(15, 20, 200, 20)
                    setText("Dir: " + self.e.get(), L)
                    setTextAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, L)
                    setFont("Luxi Sans Regular", L)
                    setFontSize(10, L)
# Here is where we're loading images into the page, eight at a time, then go back up for a newPage
                    for yframe in ypos:
                        for xframe in xpos:
                            if D[imagecount]:
                                f = createImage(xframe, yframe, pwidth, pheight)
                                loadImage(self.e.get() + '/' + D[imagecount], f)
                                setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=f)
                                lenfilename = len(D[imagecount])
                                Lpiclen = int(5.3 * lenfilename)
# Lpic is the label for each picture, with position and length adjusted according to the text length
# so if you change in font or its size, you may need to adjust this only approximate calculation
                                Lpic = createText(xframe + (250 - Lpiclen), yframe + 172, Lpiclen, 15)
                                setText(D[imagecount], Lpic)
                                setTextAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT, Lpic)
                                setFont("Luxi Mono Regular", Lpic)
                                setFontSize(8, Lpic)
                                setFillColor("White", Lpic)
                                imagecount = imagecount + 1
        except os.error, value:
            Tkinter.Button(root, text=value[1], bg="#ffff55").grid(row=3, columnspan = 4)

root = Tkinter.Tk()

d = ImageDialog(root)
