Glossary of technical terms used in Scribus and its translations: Difference between revisions

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The idea of this wiki page is to collect technical terms often used in Scribus to make translations within Scribus consistent and also help translators that are not so involved in DTP and its terms.
The idea of this wiki page is to collect technical terms often used in Scribus, DTP in general, or in printing to make translations within Scribus consistent and also help translators that are not so involved in DTP and its terms.

Just add your ideas and if possible translations!
Just add your ideas and if possible translations!
Some notes for translators:
*Please make sure that your contribution is in the right alphabetical order with respect to the English name of your language (i.e. French before German and after Albanian).
*Please don't add your translation to a reference. Use the referenced word instead.
*If possible, add a link for the term you translated, containing further information.
*In case you are missing a term in your native language, but don't know the English translation, you can mention it with a short description in English on the “discussion” panel.
*Please use html encoding for special characters. [[Tabular Listing of Selected HTML Codes]]
Some links:
For [ Latin-1] codes
For [ Polish] codes
For [ Greek] codes
For [ Cyrillic] codes
[[Glossary indexed by German]] in a tabular format  (updated 2005-09-25)
[[Glossary indexed by English]] in a tabular format (updated 2006-05-14)
* 3-Fold
  Dutch: drieluik
  German: dreifach gefaltet
  Hungarian: 3-lapos
  Italian: 3 falde
  Polish: [ Składanka potrójna]
  Portuguese: [ Três dobras]
* 4-Fold
  Dutch: vierluik
  German: vierfach gefaltet
  Hungarian: 4-lapos
  Italian: 4 falde
  Polish: [ Składanka poczwórna]
  Portuguese: [ Quatro dobras]

* A-Size
* [ A-size]
  Dutch: DIN A formaat
  French: [ Formats de papier] [ ISO]
   German: DIN-Papier
   German: DIN-Papier
* Abbreviation
  Hungarian: [ ISO A sorozat]
   German: Abbreviatur
  Italian: [ Formato A]
  Polish: [ Formaty szeregu A]
  Portuguese: Tamanho de papel de acordo com as normas DIN
* [ Abbreviation]
  Dutch: afkorting
  French: [ Abréviation]
   German: Abbreviatur, [ Abkürzung]
  Hungarian: Rövidítés
  Italian: [ Abbreviazione]
   Polish: [ Abrewiatura]
   Polish: [ Abrewiatura]
* Alignment
  Portuguese: Abreviação ou Abreviatura
   Dutch: Uitlijning
  Russian: [Аббревиатура Аббревиатура]
* [ Acute accent]
  Dutch: acutus
  French: [ Accent aigu]
  German: [ Akut], Accent aigu
  Hungarian: Éles ékezet
  Italiano: [ Accento acuto]
  Portuguese: [ Acento Agudo]
* [ Alignment]
   Dutch: uitlijning
   French: Alignement
   French: Alignement
   German: Ausrichtung
   German: [ Zeilenfall], Ausrichtung
  Hungarian: Igazítás
  Italian: [ Allineamento]
   Polish: Wyrównanie  
   Polish: Wyrównanie  
* Alley
  Portuguese: Alinhamento
  Russian: Выключка
* [ Alley]
  Dutch: Kolomwit
  French [ Gouttière]
   German: Zwischenschlag or Innensteg
   German: Zwischenschlag or Innensteg
* Alpha Channel
  Hungarian: Hasábköz
   French: Canal alfa
  Italian: Spaziatura tra colonne di testo
  Polish: [ Odstęp międzyłamowy]
  Portuguese: Viela ou Fresta
* [ Alpha channel]
  Dutch: alfa-kanaal
   French: Canal alpha
   German: [ Alphakanal]
   German: [ Alphakanal]
  Hungarian: Alfa csatorna
  Italian: [ Canale alfa]
   Polish: Kanał alfa
   Polish: Kanał alfa
* Ancient
  Portuguese: [ Canal Alfa ou Canal de transparência]
   German: Antiqua
  Russian: Альфа-канал
* [ Ancient]
  Dutch: Romein, Antiqua
   German: [ Antiqua]
  Hungarian: Antikva
  Italian: [ Antiqua]
  Polish: [ Antykwa] 
  Portuguese: Tipo (fonte) Romano
* Antiqua ''see Ancient''
* Antiqua ''see Ancient''
* [ Ascender]
  Dutch: stok, stokletter
  French: Ascendante
  German: [ Oberlänge]
  Hungarian: [ Felnyúló (szár)]
  Italian: [ Tratto ascendente]
  Polish: [ Wydłużenie górne]
  Portuguese: [ Ascentende]
  Spanish: Rasgo ascendente

* Baseline
* Back margin ''see: Inner margin''
* Back(step) mark
  German: [ Flattermarke]
  Polish: [ Znak grzbietowy]
* Backup registration
  Dutch: register, in register staan of drukken
  German: [ Register]
* [ Barcode]
  Dutch: streepjescode
  German [ Strichcode]
  Hungarian: [ Vonalkód]
  Italiano: [ Codice a barre]
  Polish: [ Kod kreskowy]
  Portuguese: [ódigo_de_barras Código de barras] 
  Russian: Штрих-код
* [ Baseline]
   Dutch: basislijn
   Dutch: basislijn
   German: Grundlinie or Schriftlinie
  French: Ligne de base
   German: [ Grundlinie], Schriftlinie
  Hungarian: [ Alapvonal]
  Italian: [ Linea di base]
   Polish: [ Linia pisma]
   Polish: [ Linia pisma]
  Portuguese: Pauta
  Russian: Базовая линия
  Spanish: Linea di base
* Baseline grid
* Baseline grid
   Dutch: basislijnstramien
   Dutch: basislijnstramien
  French : Grille typographique
   German: [ Grundlinienraster]
   German: [ Grundlinienraster]
  Hungarian: Alaprács
  Italian: Griglia tipografica
   Polish: Siatka linii pisma
   Polish: Siatka linii pisma
  Portuguese: Pauta ou Grade da Pauta
  Russian: Сетка базовой линии
* Baseline shift
* Baseline shift
   German: Grundlinienversatz
   German: Grundlinienversatz
* Bastard title
  Hungarian: Alapvonal eltolás
   German: Schmutztitel, Antiporta
  Italian: Sfasamento delle linee di base
* Binder
  Polish: Przesunięcie względem linii pisma
   German: Einband
  Portuguese: Distânciamento entre algum objeto e a pauta
* Binding ''see Binder''
  Russian: Смещение относительно базовой линии
* [ Bastard title]
  Dutch: Franse titel
   German: [ Schmutztitel], Antiporta
  Italian: [ Occhiello]
  Polish: [ Strona przedtytułowa]
* [ Bezier curve]
  Dutch: Beziercurve
  French: Courbe de Bézier
  German: [ Bézierkurve]
  Hungarian: Bezier görbe
  Italiano: [ézier Curva di Bézier]
  Polish: [ Krzywa Béziera]
  Portuguese: Curva de Brezier
  Russian: Кривая Безье
* [ Binder]
  Dutch: band, boekband
  French: Reliure
   German: [ Einband]
  Italian: [ Copertina]
  Portuguese: Cobertura, Acabamento ou Capa
  Russian: переплёт
* [ Blackletter] ''see: Gothic script''
* Blackpoint Compensation
* Blackpoint Compensation
  Dutch: Zwartpuntcompensatie
  German: Tiefenkompensierung
  Hungarian: [ Feketepont-kompenzáció]
  Italian: [ Compensazione del punto nero]
   Polish: Kompensacja poziomu czerni
   Polish: Kompensacja poziomu czerni
* Bleed
  Portuguese: Compensação de Pontos Negros
   German: Beschnitt or Anschnitt
  Russian: Компенсация чёрной точки
* [ Bleed]
  French: Fond perdu
   German: [ Beschnitt], Anschnitt
  Hungarian: Kifutó
  Italian: [ Margine al vivo]
   Polish: Spad
   Polish: Spad
  Portuguese: Sangria
  Russian: Обрезать в край
  Spanish: Página sangrada
* Blend mode
  Hungarian: Szemcsézés módja
  Italian: Modo fusione
  Polish: [ Tryb mieszania]
* Bold
* Bold
  Dutch: vet
   French: Gras
   French: Gras
   German: Fett
   German: Fett
  Hungarian: Félkövér
  Italian: [ Grassetto], neretto
  Polish: [ Pismo grube]
  Portuguese: Negrito
  Russian: Жирный
  Spanish: Negrilla
* [ Bookmark]
  Dutch: bladwijzer
  French: Signet, marque-page
  German: Lesezeichen
  Hungarian: Könyvjelző
  Italian: Segnalibro
  Polish: Zakładka
  Portuguese: Marcador ou Favorito
  Russian: Закладка
* Bottom margin
* Bottom margin
  Dutch: staartwit
   French: Marge du bas
   French: Marge du bas
   German: Fußsteg
   German: Fußsteg
  Hungarian: Alsó margó
  Italian: Margine inferiore
  Portuguese: Margem inferior
  Russian: Нижнее поле
  Spanish: Margen al pie
* [ Brightness]
  Dutch: helderheid
  French: Luminosité
  German: [ Helligkeit]
  Hungarian: Fényerő
  Italiano: [à_(teoria_dei_colori) Luminosità]
  Polish: [ Jasność], [ Moc światła białego]
  Portuguese: Brilho
  Russian: Яркость
* [ Bullet (point)]
  Dutch: Merkteken
  French: [ Puce]
  German: [ Aufzählung]szeichen, Spiegelstrich
  Hungarian: [ Díszpont]
  Italiano: [ Punto elenco]
  Polish: Wyróżnik
  Portuguese: Marcador
  Russian: Маркер списка

* Calibration
* Calibration
   German: Kalibrierung
  French: Calibration
* Caption
   German: [ Kalibrierung]
  Polish: Kalibracja
  Portuguese: Calibração
  Russian: Калибровка
* Canvas
  Hungarian: Rajzvászon
* [ Capital height]
  German: [ Versalhöhe]
  Hungarian: [ Nagybetű magasság]
* [ Caption]
  Dutch: Legenda
  French: Légende
   German: Beschriftung, Legende
   German: Beschriftung, Legende
* Centre mark
  Hungarian: Felirat
   German: Falzmarke
  Italiano: [ Didascalia]
* Clipping Path
  Portuguese: Subtítulo ou Legenda
* Colour separation:
  Russian: Заголовок
   Dutch: Kleurscheiding
* [ Caron]
   German: Farbseparation
  French: [ Hatchek]
  German: [ Hatschek], Caron
   Dutch: CMGZ
  Hungarian: [ Hacsek]
   German: CMYK
* [ Cedilla]
  French: [ Cédille]
  German: [ Cédille], Zedille
  Hungarian: [édille Cédille (bal farok)]
  Italiano: [ Cediglia]
* [ Centre mark]
  Dutch: Vouwteken
   German: [ Falzmarke]
  Polish: [ Znacznik bigowania]
  Portuguese: Marca central
* Character class
  German: Zeichensatz
  Hungarian: Karakter osztály
  Portuguese: Classe de Caractere
* [ Cicero]
  French: Cicéro, douze
  German: [ Cicero]
  Hungarian: [ Ciceró]
  Italian: Cicero
  Polish: [ Cycero]
  Portuguese: Cícero
  Spanish: Cicero
* [ Circumflex]
  French: Accent circonflexe
  German: [ Zirkumflex], Accent circonflexe
  Hungarian: [ circumflex], [ Kúpos ékezet]
  Italian: Accento circonflesso
  Spanish: Acento circunflejo
* [ Clipping Path]
  German: Beschneidungspfad, Freistellpfad
  Hungarian: Vágógörbe
   Polish: [ Ścieżka odcięcia]
   Portuguese: Máscaras de seleção
* [ CMYK]
   Dutch: CMGZ, [ CMYK]
  French: Quadrichromie, [ CMJN]
   German: [ CMYK]
  Hungarian: CMYK
  Italian: [ CYMK]
   Polish: [ CMYK]
   Polish: [ CMYK]
  Portuguese: [ CMYK]
  Russian: [ CMYK]
* Collating mark ''see: Back(step) mark''
* [ Colour management]
  German: [ Farbmanagement]
  Hungarian: [ Színkezelés]
  Italiano: [ Gestione del colore]
  Polish: [ Zarządzanie kolorami]
  Russian: Управление цветом
* Colour map
  German: Farbwähler
  Hungarian: Színtérkép
  Portuguese: Mapa de Cores
* Colour profile:
  Dutch: Kleurprofiel
  French: Profil colorimétrique, [ Profil ICC]
  German: Farbprofil
  Hungarian: Színprofil
  Italiano: Profilo di colore, [ Profilo ICC]
  Portuguese: Perfil de cor
  Russian: Цветовой профиль
* Colour schema
  Dutch: Kleurenschema
  German: Farbschema
  Hungarian: [ Színösszeállítás]
  Portuguese: Esquema de Cor
  Russian: Цветовая схема
* [ Colour separation]
  Dutch: Kleurscheiding, kleurenseparatie
  French: [ Séparation quadrichromique]
  German: [ Farbseparation]
  Hungarian: [ Színfelbontás]
  Polish: Rozbarwienie
  Portuguese: Separações de cores
  Russian: Цветоделение
* [ Colour space]
  Dutch: [ Kleurruimte]
  German [ Farbraum]
  Hungarian: [ Színtér]
  Italiano: [ Spazio dei colori]
  Polish: [ Przestrzeń barw]
  Portuguese: Espaço de Cores
  Russian [Цветовая_модель Цветовая модель]
* [ Colour wheel]
  Dutch: [ Kleurencirkel]
  German: Farbkreis
  Hungarian: [ Színkerék]
  Italiano: Ruota dei colori, [ cerchio cromatico]
  Polish: [ Koło barw]
  Portuguese: Roda de Cores
* Column
* Column
   Dutch: Kolom
   Dutch: Kolom
   French: Colonne
   French: Colonne
   German: Kolumne, Spalte
   German: [ Kolumne], Spalte
* Complementary Colour
  Hungarian: [ Hasáb]
   German: Komplementärfarbe
  Italiano: Colonna
  Polish: [ Łam]
  Portuguese: Coluna
  Russian: Столбец
* [ Complementary colour]
  Dutch: [ Complementaire kleur]
  French: [ Couleur complémentaire]
   German: [ Komplementärfarbe]
  Hungarian: [ Kiegészítő színek]
  Italiano: [ Colore complementare]
   Polish: [ Barwa dopełniająca]
   Polish: [ Barwa dopełniająca]
   Portuguese: Cores complementares
* Composite colour
  German: [ Mischfarbe]
  Hungarian: Összetett szín (nem színre bontott)
  Polish: Kolor kompozytowy
* Continuous text
* Continuous text
   German: Fließtext
   German: [ Fließtext]
  Hungarian: Folytonos szöveg
  Polish: Tekst ciągły
  Portuguese: Texto contínuo
* [ Contrast]
  French: Contraste
  German: [ Kontrast]
  Hungarian: Kontraszt
  Italiano: Contrasto
  Polish: [ Kontrast]
  Portuguese: Contraste
  Russian: [Контраст Контраст]
* [ Control character]
  French: Caractère de contrôle
  German: Kontrollzeichen, nichtdruckbare Zeichen
  Hungarian: [ vezérlő karakter]
  Italiano: [ Carattere di controllo]
  Polish: Znak kontrolny
  Portuguese: Caractere de Controle
* Cover ''see Binder''
* Cover ''see Binder''
* Crop mark
* [ Crop marks]
   German: Schnittmarke
  Dutch: Snijtekens
  French: Traits de coupe
   German: Schnittmarke, [ Schneidemarke]
  Hungarian: [ Vágójelek]
  Italiano: [ Crocini (di taglio)]
  Polish: [ Znaczniki cięcia, linie cięcia]
  Portuguese: Marcas de corte
  Russian: Метки под обрез
* Crop box
  German: [  Maskenrahmen]
  Hungarian: [ Vágókeret]
* Cropping
  Polish: Maskowanie, kadrowanie
  Hungarian: [ Levágás]

* [ Descender]
  Dutch: staart, staartletter
  French: Jambage inférieur
  German: [ Unterlänge]
  Hungarian: [ Lenyúló (szár)]
  Italian: Discendente
  Polish: [ Wydłużenie dolne]
  Portuguese: [ Descendente]
  Spanish: Trazo descendente de una lettra
* Device profile
* Device profile
   German: Geräteprofil
  French: Profil de périphérique
  German: Geräteprofil
  Hungarian: Eszközprofil
  Polish: Profil urządzenia
  Portuguese: Perfil de Dispositivo
* [ Diaeresis]
  Dutch: trema
   German: [ Trema], Diärese
  Hungarian: [ Dupla pont ékezet]
* [ Didot (point)]
  Dutch: didotpunt
  French: Didot
  German: [ Didotpunkt]
  Hungarian: Didot
  Italian: Punto Didot
  Polish: [ Punkt typograficzny]
  Portuguese: Ponto Diot
  Spanish: Punto cortado
* [ Dingbats]
  German: [ Dingbats], Symbolzeichen
* Document outline
* Document outline
  German: Aufriß, Dokumentstruktur
  Hungarian: Dokumentumvázlat
   Polish: Struktura dokumentu
   Polish: Struktura dokumentu
* Drop caps
  Portuguese: Esboço do Original ou Esboço de Documento
   Dutch: Initialen
  Russian: Схема документа
* [ Double acute accent]
  German: [ Doppelakut]
  Hungarian: [ Kettős éles ékezet]
* [ DPI (Dots per Inch)]
  French: [ PPP(points par pouce)]
  German [ DPI]
  Hungarian: DPI (pont / hüvelyk)
  Italian: DPI, punti per pollice
  Polish: [ DPI]
  Portuguese: DPI
* [ Drop caps]
   Dutch: versaal, initiaalletter
   French: Lettrines
   French: Lettrines
   German: Initial(e)
   German: [ Initialen]
  Hungarian: [ Iniciálé] [ link2]
  Italian: Iniziale, capolettera
   Polish: Inicjały opuszczone
   Polish: Inicjały opuszczone
  Portuguese: Capitulação
  Russian: Буквица
  Spanish: Mayúsculas eliminadas

* Ellipsis
* [ Ellipsis]
   German: Ellipse
  Dutch: [ Beletselteken], ellips
* em-dash
  French: Ellipse
   German: Geviertstrich, Auslassungsstrich
   German: [ Auslassungspunkte], Ellipse
   Polish: pauza
  Hungarian: [ Három pont]
* Emphasis
  Italian: Segno d'omissione
  Polish: [  Wielokropek]
  Portugues: [ências Reticências]
  Russian: [ Многоточие]
  Spanish: Puntos suspensivos, elipsis
* [ Em dash]
  Dutch: kastlijntje
  French: Tiret cadratin
   German: [ Geviertstrich], Auslassungsstrich, Zitatstrich
  Hungarian: [ Kvirtmínusz]
   Polish: [ Pauza]
  Portuguese: Linha Em
* [ Emphasis]
  Dutch: [ Accentuering]
   German: Auszeichnung
   German: Auszeichnung
* en-dash
  Hungarian: [ Fettelés, vastagítás]
   German: Halbgeviertstrich, Gedankenstrich
  Polish: [ Wyróżnienie]
   Polish: półpauza
  Portuguese: Ênfase
* Em space
  Dutch: vierkant
  French: Cadratin
  German: [ Geviert]
  Hungarian: [ Em szóköz]
  Italian: Quadratone
  Polish: [ Spacja firetowa]
  Spanish: Cuadratin, eme
* [ en dash]
  Dutch: halve kastlijn, half kastlijntje [ Liggend streepje]
  French: Tiret
   German: [ Halbgeviertstrich], Gedankenstrich
  Hungarian: [ Gondolatjel, nagykötőjel, félkvirtmínusz]
  Polish: [ Półpauza]
  Portuguese: Linha En
* En space
  Dutch: half vierkant
  French: Demi-cadratin
  German: Halbgeviert
  Hungarian: [ En szóköz]
  Italian: Quadratino
  Polish: [ Spacja półfiretowa]
  Spanish: Medio cuadratin
* [ Es-zett]
  Dutch: ringel-s, [ Eszett]
  French: [ Eszett], eszet
  German: [ Eszett]
  Hungarian: [ Eszcett]
* Even page
  French: Page paire
  German: Gerade Seite
  Hungarian: Páros oldal
   Polish: Strona parzysta
  Portuguese: Página Par
  Spanish: Página par

* Facing pages
* Facing pages
   French: Pages en vis-à-vis
   French: Pages en regard, en vis-à-vis
   German: gegenüberliegende Seiten
   German: gegenüberliegende Seiten
  Hungarian: [ Oldalpár]
   Polish: [ Strony widzące]
   Polish: [ Strony widzące]
   Portuguese: Páginas espelhadas
* Figure space
  Hungarian: [ Számjegyszóköz]
  Polish: [ Spacja cyfrowa]
* Flush ''see Alignment''
* Flush ''see Alignment''
* Fold mark ''see Centre marks''
* Fold mark ''see Centre marks''
* Font face
* Font
  French: [ Police], Typo
  German: [ Schriftart]
  Hungarian: [ Betűkészlet]
  Italian: Fonte
  Polish: [ Font]
  Portuguese: Tipo ou fonte
  Spanish: Fuente
* [ Font face]
   German: Schriftschnitt
   German: Schriftschnitt
   Polish: Krój pisma
   Polish: [ Krój pisma]
  Portuguese: Corpo da fonte
* Font family
* Font family
  Dutch: Letterfamilie
  French: Famille de police, de fonte
   German: Schriftfamilie
   German: Schriftfamilie
  Hungarian: [ Betűcsalád]
  Italian: Famiglia
  Polish: [ Rodzina kroju pisma]
  Portuguese: Família da fonte
  Russian: Гарнитура шрифтов
* Font size
  Dutch: Lettergrootte
  French: Corps
  German: Schriftgrad
  Hungarian: [ Betűméret]
  Italian: Forza di corpo
  Polish: [ Stopień pisma]
  Portuguese: Tamanho da Fonte
  Russian: Кегль шрифта
* Font slant
* Font slant
  German: Schriftlage
  Hungarian: Dőlt betű
  Polish: [ Pochylenie kroju pisma]
  Portuguese: Inclinação da fonte
* Font weight
* Font weight
* Footnote
  French: Graisse
   German: Fußnote
  German: Schriftstärke
* Forced
  Hungarian: [ Betűvastagság]
  Italian: Gradazione
  Polish: [ Grubość kroju pisma]
  Portuguese: Peso da fonte
  Spanish: Peso
* Font width
  German: Schriftweite
  Hungarian: [ Betűszélesség]
  Polish: [ Szerokość kroju pisma]
  Portuguese: Largura da Fonte
* Foot margin ''see: Bottom margin''
* [ Footnote]
  Dutch: Voetnoot
  French: Note de bas de page
   German: [ Fußnote]
  Hungarian: [ Lábjegyzet]
  Italian: Nota a piè di pagina
  Polish: [ Przypis dolny]
  Portuguese: Nota de rodapé
  Spanish: Nota al pie
* Forced alignment
   Dutch: Geforceerd
   Dutch: Geforceerd
   German: erzwungener Blocksatz
  French: Justification forcée
   German: Erzwungener Blocksatz
  Hungarian: Kikényszerített igazítás
   Polish: justowanie (z ostatnią linią)
   Polish: justowanie (z ostatnią linią)
  Portuguese: Forçado
* Foredge margin ''see: Outside margin''
* Formatting
  German: Formatierung
  Hungarian: Formázás
  Polish: Formatowanie
  Portuguese: Formatação
  Russian: Форматирование
* Frame
* Frame
   Dutch: Kader
   Dutch: Kader
  French: Cadre
   German: Rahmen
   German: Rahmen
* Frontispiece
  Hungarian: Keret
   German: Frontispiz
  Italian: Riquadro
* Front matter
  Polish: Ramka
   German: Titelei
  Portuguese: Quadro
  Russian: рамка, блок
* Freehand line
  Dutch: Vrijehand-curve
  French: Ligne à main levée
  German: Freihandlinie
  Hungarian: Szabadkézi vonal
  Polish: Linia odręczna
  Portuguese: Linha à mão livre
  Russian: Линия от руки
* [ Frontispiece]
  Dutch: Frontispice
  French: Frontispice
   German: [ Frontispiz]
  Hungarian: Címkép
  Polish: [ Frontyspis]
  Portuguese: Ilustração de Capa ou Imagem da Capa
  Russian: Фронтиспис
* [ Front matter]
   German: [ Titelei]
  Hungarian: [ Főszöveget megelőző járulékos részek]
  Polish: [ Karty tytułowe]
  Portuguese: Matéria de capa

* Gamut
* [ Gamut]
  German: Gamut
  Dutch: [ Gamut], kleurengamma
  Polish: Przestrzeń kolorów
  French: [ Gamme de couleurs]
* Glyph
  German: [ Gamut]
  German: Glyph
  Hungarian: [ Gamut (színkorlát)]
  Polish: Glif
  Polish: Przestrzeń kolorów
* Golden Mean
  Portuguese: Gama
  German: [ Goldener Schnitt]
  Russian: Цветовой охват, цветовая гамма
  Polish: [ Złoty podział]
* [ Glyph]
* Gothic
  French: [ Glyphe]
  French: Gothique
  German: [ Glyph(e)], Zeichen
  German: gebrochene Schrift
  Hungarian: [ Írásjel]
  Polish: Glif
* Gradient
* [ Golden Mean], Golden Ratio
  French: Dégradé
  Dutch: [ Gulden Snede]
  German: Verlauf
  German: [ Goldener Schnitt]
  Polish: Gradient
  Hungarian: [ aranymetszés (aranyarány)]
* Grammage
  Polish: [ Złoty podział]
  German: Papiergewicht, Grammatur
  Portuguese: Moderado ou Meio Termo
  Polish: [ Gramatura papieru]
* [ Gothic script]
  French: Gothique
  German: [ Gebrochene Schrift]
  Hungarian: [ Gótikus (vastagított)]
  Polish: [ Krój gotycki]
  Portuguese: Tipo (fonte) Gótico
  Russian: Готический шрифт
* [ Gradient]
  Dutch: Verlooptint
  French: Dégradé
  German: Verlauf
  Hungarian: Színátmenet
  Polish: Gradient
  Portuguese: Gradiente ou Degradê
  Russian: Градиент
* [ Grammage]
  Dutch: Gramsgewicht
  French: Grammage
  German: Papiergewicht, [ Grammatur]
  Hungarian: [ Négyzetmétertömeg]
  Polish: [ Gramatura papieru]
  Portuguese: Gramatura
* [ Grave accent]
  German: [ Gravis], Accent grave
  Hungarian: [ Tompa ékezet]
  Italian: Accento grave
  Portuguese: [ Crase]
  Spanish: Acento grave
* [ Greyscale]
  Dutch: Grijstonen
  French: Niveaux de gris
  German: [ Halbtonbild], Graustufen
   Hungarian: Szürkeárnyalatos
  Polish: Skala szarości
  Portuguese: Tons de Cinza
* Grid
* Grid
   Dutch: Stramien
   Dutch: Stramien
   French: Grille
   French: Grille
   German: Gitter or Raster
   German: Gitter or Raster
  Hungarian: Rács
  Italian: Ciriglia
   Polish: Siatka
   Polish: Siatka
   Portuguese: Grade
  Russian: Сетка
  Spanish: Cuadricula
* Grotesque ''see Sans Serif''
* Grotesque ''see Sans Serif''
* Guide
* [ Guide]
  French: Guide
  Dutch: Hulplijn
  German: Hilfslinie
  French: Repère
  Polish: Linia pomocnicza
  German: Hilfslinie
  Hungarian: Segédvonal
  Polish: Linia pomocnicza
  Portuguese: Guia
  Russian: Направляющая
  Spanish: Línea guía
* Gutter ''see Inner margin''
* Gutter ''see Inner margin''

* Hairline
* [ Hairline]
  Dutch: Haarlijn
  French: Trait fin
   German: Haarlinie
   German: Haarlinie
  Hungarian: [ Hajszálvékony]
  Polish: [ Linia włosowa]
  Portuguese: Fio de Cabelo ou Fio de Navalha
* Hairspace
* Hairspace
  French: Espace fine
   German: Haarspatium
   German: Haarspatium
* Hyphen
  Hungarian: [ Hajszálszóköz]
   German: Divis, Viertelgeviertstrich, Bindestrich, Gedankenstrich
  Polish: [ Spacja włosowa]
* Hyphenation
* Head margin ''see: Top margin''
   German: Silbentrennung
* [ HLS]
  Dutch: [ HSL], HLS
  German: [ HLS]
  Hungarian: [ HLS] (színezet, fényerő, színtelítettség)
  Polish: [ HLS]
  Portuguese: HLS
* [ HSV]
  Dutch: [ HSV], HSB
  German: [ HSV]
  Hungarian: [ HSV] (árnyalat, telítettség, érték)
  Polish: [ HSV]
  Portuguese: HSV
* Hotstamping
* [ Hue]
  Dutch: Tint
  French: Teinte
  German: [ Farbton]
  Hungarian: Árnyalat
  Polish: Częstotliwość fali światła
  Portuguese: Gradação da Cor ou Matiz
* [ Hyphen]
  Dutch: [ Afbreekteken], afbreekstreepje
  French: Trait d’union
   German: Divis, [ Viertelgeviertstrich], [ Bindestrich]
  Hungarian: Elválasztójel
  Italian: Tratto d'unione
  Polish: Łącznik
  Portuguese: Hifén
  Spanish: Guión
* [ Hyphenation]
  Dutch: woordafbreking
  French: Césure
   German: [ Silbentrennung]
  Hungarian: Elválasztás
  Italian: Divisione in sillabe
   Polish: Dzielenie na sylaby
   Polish: Dzielenie na sylaby
  Portuguese: Hifenação
  Russian: Перенос по слогам
  Spanish: Guión
* [,2542,t=hyphenation+zone&i=44575,00.asp Hyphenation zone]
* French: Zone de césure
* German: [ Flatterzone]
* Polish: Strefa dzielenia wyrazów

* Imposition
* [ Imposition]
   German: Ausschießen
  French: [ Imposition]
   Polish: Impozycja
   German: [ Ausschießen]
* Imprimatur
  Hungarian: [ Kilövés]
   German: Imprimatur, Druckfreigabe
   Polish: [ Impozycja]
  Portuguese: [ Imposição]
  Dutch: pagina's inslaan, inslagschema; impositie
  Russian: [ спуск печатной формы;] [ спуск полос]
* [ Imprimatur]
  Dutch: imprimatur, goed-voor-druk
  French: Imprimatur
   German: [ Imprimatur], Druckfreigabe
  Hungarian: [ Imprimatúra]
  Polish: [ Imprimatur]
* Imprint ''see Masthead''
* Imprint ''see Masthead''
* Inch
* [ Inch]
   German: Zoll
  Dutch: [ Duim]
  French: [ Pouce]
   German: [ Zoll]
  Hungarian: [ Hüvelyk]
   Polish: Cal
   Polish: Cal
* Indent
  Portuguese: Polegada
   French: Indentation
  Russian: [Дюйм Дюйм]
   German: Einzug
* [ Indentation]
  Dutch: Inspringen
   French: Renfoncement
   German: [ Einzug]
  Hungarian: Behúzás
  Italian: Rientranza
   Polish: Wcięcie
   Polish: Wcięcie
  Portuguese: [ Identação]
  Russian: Отступ
  Spanish: Sangría
* Initial ''see: Drop caps''
* Inner Margin
* Inner Margin
   German: Bundsteg
  Dutch: rugwit
* Initial ''see: Drop caps''
  French: Marge intérieure
   German: Bundsteg, Innensteg
  Hungarian: Belső margó
  Hungarian: Kötésmargó
  Italian: Margine interno
  Portuguese: Margem Interna
* [ Input device]
  Dutch: Invoerapparaat
  French: [ Périphérique d'entrée (de saisie)]
  German: [ Eingabegerät]
  Hungarian: Beviteli eszköz
  Portuguese: [ Dispositivo de entrada]
  Russian: Устройство ввода
* Interleaf (page)
* Interleaf (page)
   German: Vakat
   German: [ Vakatseite]
* Inverted comma
  Polish: [ Wakat]
   German: Apostroph
  Portuguese: Entre Folhas
* Italics
* [ Inverted comma]
   French: Italique
  Dutch: [ Apostrof], weglatingsteken
   German: Kursiva
   German: [ Apostroph]
  Hungarian: [ Aposztróf]
  Polish: [ Apostrof]
  Portuguese: [ Apóstrofo]
* [ Italics]
  Dutch: cursief
   French: [ Italique]
   German: [ Kursive]
  Hungarian: [ Kurzív]
  Italian: Corsivo
   Polish: Kursywa
   Polish: Kursywa
  Portuguese: Itálico
  Spanish: Letra grifa
* Item action mode
  German: Objektbezogener Modus
  Hungarian: Elemenkénti műveletek mód

* Justified
* [ Justified]
   Dutch: Uitgevuld
   Dutch: uitgevuld, blokzetsel
   French: Justifié
   French: Justifié
   German: Blocksatz
  Italian: Giustificato
   German: [ Blocksatz]
  Hungarian: Sorkizárt
   Polish: Justowanie
   Polish: Justowanie
  Portuguese: Justificado
  Spanish: Justificado

* Kerning
* [ Kerning]
   German: Unterschneidung
  Dutch: Kerning
  French: Approche, crénage
  Italian: Crenatura
   German: Unterschneidung, [ Kerning]
  Hungarian: Alávágás
   Polish: Podcinanie
   Polish: Podcinanie
  Portuguese: Entre-letras
  Russian: Кернинг
* [ Knock out]
  German. Aussparen
  Hungarian: [ Kiütés]
  Polish: [ Wycinanie]
* [ Krouzek], ring
  German: [ Krouzek], Kreisakzent

* Landscape
* Landscape
   Dutch: Liggend
   Dutch: Liggend
   French: Paysage
   French: Paysage, orientation à l'italienne
  Italian: Formato oblunga
   German: Querformat
   German: Querformat
  Hungarian: Fekvõ
   Polish: Pejzaż
   Polish: Pejzaż
   Portuguese: Paisagem
* Leading
  Russian: Альбом, альбомная ориентация страницы
   Dutch: Interlinie
  Spanish: Apaisado
   French: Interligne
* Layer
   German: Durchschuss, Zeilenabstand
  Dutch: Laag
   Polish: Interlinia
  French: Couche, calque
  German: Ebene
  Hungarian: Réteg
  Polish: Warstwa
  Portuguese: Camada
  Russian: Слой
* [ Leading]
   Dutch: regelafstand, regelwit, interlinie
   French: Interligne, interlignage
   German: [ Durchschuß], [ Zeilenabstand]
  Hungarian: Sorköz (sortávolság)
  Italian: Interlineatura
   Polish: [ Interlinia]
  Portuguese: Entre-parágrafos
  Spanish: Espaciado
* Left aligned
* Left aligned
   French: Aligné à gauche
  Dutch: linkslijnend
   German: Linksbündig, Flattersatz
   French: Aligné à gauche
   German: Linksbündig, [ Flattersatz]
  Hungarian: Balra igazított
   Polish: Wyrównanie do lewej
   Polish: Wyrównanie do lewej
* Letter (typographical)
  Portuguese: Alinhamento à esquerda
  Russian: С выключкой влево
* [ Letter (typographical)]
  Dutch: [ Letter]
   French: Lettre
   French: Lettre
   German: Letter
   German: [ Letter]
* Ligature
  Hungarian: [ Graféma]
   French: Ligature
  Italian: Lettera
   German: Ligatur
  Polish: Litera
  Portuguese: [ Grafema]
  Spanish: Letra
* [ Ligature]
  Dutch: [ Ligatuur], koppelletter
   French: [ Ligature]
   German: [ Ligatur]
  Hungarian: [ Ligatúra]
  Italian: Legatura
   Polish: [ Ligatura]
   Polish: [ Ligatura]
  Portuguese: Ligadura
  Russian: [Лигатура_(соединение_букв) Лигатура]
  Spanish: Ligadura
* Line spacing ''see Leading''
* Line wrap
  German: Zeilenumbruch
  Hungarian: Sortörés
  Polish: Zawijanie wierszy
  Portuguese: Deslocamento de Linha
* [ Lining figures]
  Dutch: tabelcijfer
  French: Chiffres alignés
  German: [ Versalziffern]
  Italian: Cifre allineate
  Polish: [ Cyfry nautyczne]
  Spanish: Cifras alineadas
* Line spacing ''see Leading'' 
* Lorem Ipsum ''see Sample text''
* Lorem Ipsum ''see Sample text''

* [ Macron]
  French: [ Macron]
  German: [ Makron], Längenstrich
  Hungarian: [ Macron], vonal
* Majuscule ''see Superior''
* Margin
* Margin
  Dutch: wit, marge, kantlijn
   French: Marge
   French: Marge
   German: Steg or Rand
   German: [ Steg], Rand
  Hungarian: Margó
  Italian: Margine
   Polish: Margines
   Polish: Margines
  Portuguese: Margem
  Russian: Поле
  Spanish: Margen
* Margin alignment
* Margin alignment
   German: Randausgleich
   German: [ Randausgleich]
  Polish: [ Optyczne wyrównanie krawędzi łamu]
  Hungarian: Margóigazítás
  Portuguese: Alinhamento de Margem
* Marginal note
* Marginal note
   German: Marginalie
  Dutch: marginalia (plural), kanttekening
  French: Note marginale
   German: [ Marginalie]
  Hungarian: Széljegyzet
  Polish: Uwaga na marginesie
  Portuguese: Nota Marginal
* Master Page
* Master Page
   French: Modèle de page
   French: Gabarit
   German: Musterseite
   German: Musterseite
  Hungarian: Mesteroldal
  Italian: Pagina modello
   Polish: Strona wzorcowa
   Polish: Strona wzorcowa
  Portuguese: Página Master
* Masthead
* [ Masthead]
   Dutch: colofoon
   Dutch: Colofon
   German: Impressum
  French: Marque d'imprimeur, [ achevé d’imprimer]
   German: [ Impressum]
  Hungarian: [ Impresszum]
   Polish: Stopka redakcyjna
   Polish: Stopka redakcyjna
* Miniscule
  Portuguese: Mastro Principal
   German: Gemeine, Minuskel
* Mid space
  Hungarian: [ Közepes szóköz]
  Polish: [ Ćwiertak]
* [ Miniscule]
  Dutch: [ Onderkast]
  French: [ Bas de casse], Minuscule
   German: Gemeine, [ Minuskel]
  Hungarian: Kurrens
  Italian: Minuscolo
   Polish: [ Minuskuła]
   Polish: [ Minuskuła]
  Portuguese: Minúscula
  Spanish: Minúsculas
* Misprint
* Misprint
   German: Zwiebelfisch
  Dutch: Drukfout
   German: [ Zwiebelfisch]
  Hungarian: Nyomdahiba
  Portuguese: Má impressão
* [ Monochromatic]
  Dutch: Monochroom
  French: Monochromatique
  German: Monochrom, monochromatisch
  Hungarian: Egyszínű
  Portuguese: Monocromático
* [ Monospace font]
  German: [ Nichtproportionale Schrift], Festschrittschrift
  Hungarian: Azonos szélességű betűkészlet
  Polish: Pismo maszynowe
  Portuguese: [ Mono espaçada]

* Node
  Dutch: Knoop, knooppunt
  German: Knoten, Knotenpunkt
  Hungarian: Csomópont
  Polish: Węzeł
  Portuguese: Nó
* Non breaking dash
  German: Geschützter Bindestrich
  Hungarian: [ Nem törhető kötőjel]
  Polish: Nierozdzielny łącznik
  Portuguese: Linha inquebrável
* Non breaking space
  French: [ Espace insécable]
  German: [ Geschütztes Leerzeichen]
  Hungarian: Nem törhető szóköz
  Polish: [ Spacja niełamliwa]
  Portuguese: Espaço inquebrável

* Odd page
  Dutch: "belle page", oneven bladzijde
  French: Page impaire
  German: ungerade Seite
  Hungarian: Páratlan oldal
  Italian: Pagine dispari
  Polish: Strona nieparzysta
  Portuguese: Página Impar
  Spanish: Páginas impares
* Offset
* Offset
   French: Décalage
  Dutch: Offset; overzet
   French: Décalage
   German: Versatz
   German: Versatz
   Hungarian: Ofszet
* Offset lithography
  Polish: [ Offset]
   German: Offsetdruck
* [ Offset printing]
  Dutch: [ Offsetdruk], vlakdruk
  French: Impression offset
   German: [ Offsetdruck]
  Hungarian: Offszetnyomás
  Italian: Offset
   Polish: [ Druk offsetowy]
   Polish: [ Druk offsetowy]
  Spanish: Lito-offset
* [ Ogonek]
  French: [ Ogonek], cédille inversée
  German: [ Ogonek]
  Hungarian: [ Jobb farok, ogonek]
  Polish: [ Ogonek]
  Portuguese: Gancho polonês
* Old Style ''see Ancient''
* Old Style ''see Ancient''
* Opacity
* [ Opacity]
   French: Opacité
  Dutch: Opaciteit, opaak
   German: Deckkraft or Sättigung
   French: Opacité
   German: Deckkraft, [ Opazität]
  Hungarian: Átlátszatlanság
  Polish: [ Krycie]
  Portuguese: [ Opacidade]
* Orphan
* [ Orphan]
   French: Orphelin
  Dutch: wees, hoerenjong
   German: Schusterjunge
   French: Orpheline
   German: [ Schusterjunge], Waisenkind
  Magyar: Árva (sor)
   Polish: Szewc
   Polish: Szewc
  Portuguese: [ Parágrafo Órfão]
* [ Output device]
  Dutch: Uitvoer apparaat
  French: Périphérique de sortie
  German: [ Ausgabegerät]
  Hungarian: Kimeneti eszköz
  Polish: [ Urządzenie wyjściowe]
  Portuguese: [ Dispositivos de Saída]
* Output intent
  German: [ Ausgabeprofil]
* Outside margin
* Outside margin
   French: Marge extérieure
  Dutch: snijwit
   German: Außensteg
   French: Marge extérieure
   German: Außensteg, Randsteg
* Overprinting
   Hungarian: Külső margó
  French: Impression à bords perdus
   Portuguese: Margem exterior
  Dutch: overdrukken
   German: Überdrucken
* [ Overprinting]
  Dutch: Overdrukken
  French: [ Surimpression]
  German: [ Überdrucken]
  Hungarian: Felülnyomás
  Polish: [ Nadrukowanie, nadruk]
  Portuguese: Sobre-impressão

* Page dimension
  Dutch: Bladzijdeformaat
  French: Dimensions de la page
  German: Seitengröße
  Hungarian: Oldalméret
  Polish: Rozmiar strony
  Portuguese: Dimensão de Página
* Page orientation
  French: Orientation de la page
  German: Seitenausrichtung
  Hungarian: Oldaltájolás
  Polish: Orientacja strony
  Portuguese: Orientação de Página
* Page size ''see Page dimension''
* Paginate
* Paginate
   Dutch: Pagineren
   Dutch: Pagineren
  French: Paginer
   German: Paginieren
   German: Paginieren
* Paragraph
  Hungarian: Lapszámozás
   Dutch: Tekst
  Italian: Numerare
  Polish: Numerowanie stron
  Portuguese: Paginar
  Spanish: Compaginar
* Palette
  Hungarian: Paletta
  Italian: finestra (eventualmente: palette)
* [ Paper grade]
  German: [ Papiersorte]
  Polish: Rodzaj papieru
  Portuguese: Tipo de papel
* Paper size
  Dutch: Papierformaat
  French: Dimensions du papier, format de papier
  German: [ Papierformat]
  Hungarian: Papírméret
  Polish: Format papieru
  Portuguese: Tamanho do papel
* [ Paragraph]
   Dutch: [ Alinea], paragraaf
   French: Paragraphe
   French: Paragraphe
   German: Absatz
   German: [ Absatz]
  Hungarian: Bekezdés
   Polish: Akapit
   Polish: Akapit
  Portuguese: Parágrafo
* Path
* Path
  Dutch: Pad
   French: Chemin
   French: Chemin
   German: Pfad
   German: Pfad
   Hungarian: Útvonal
  Polish: Ścieżka
  Portuguese: Caminho
* PDF composite
  Hungarian: Kompozit PDF
  Polish: Kompozyt PDF
* [ Pica]
  German: [ Pica]
  Hungarian: Pica
  Italian: Punto pica
  Polish: [ Pica]
* Placeholder text ''see Sample text''
* Placeholder text ''see Sample text''
* Point (unit)
* [ Point (typographical unit)]
  Dutch: Punt
   French: Point
   French: Point
   German: Punkt
   German: Punkt
  Hungarian: Pont
  Italian: Punto
  Polish: [ Punkt typograficzny]
  Portuguese: Ponto (unidade tipográfica)
* [ Polygon]
  Dutch: Polylijn, polygoon, veelhoek
  French: Polygone
  German: [ Polygon], Vieleck
  Hungarian: Sokszög
  Polish: Wielokąt
  Portuguese: [ Poligono]
* Portrait
* Portrait
   Dutch: Staand
   Dutch: Staand
   French: Portrait
  Italian: Verticale
   French: Portrait, orientation à à la française
   German: Hochformat
   German: Hochformat
  Hungarian: Álló
   Polish: Portret
   Polish: Portret
  Portuguese: Retrato
  Spanish: Vertical
* [ PPI] (Pixels per inch)
  German: PPI (Pixel pro Zoll)
  Hungarian: PPI (pixel / hüvelyk)
  Polish: [ PPI]
* Preflight Verifier
* Preflight Verifier
  German: Druckvorstufenüberprüfung
  Hungarian: Ellenőrzés
   Polish: Weryfikator materiału wejściowego
   Polish: Weryfikator materiału wejściowego
* Prepress proof
  Portuguese: Verificador pré-vôo
   German: Andruck
*[ Prepress]
  French: [ Prépresse]
  German: [ Druckvorstufe]
  Hungarian: Nyomdai előkészítés
  Italian: Prestampa
  Polish: [ Prepress]; przygotowanie do druku
  Portuguese: Pŕe-impressão
  Spanish: Pre-prensa
* [ Prepress proof]
  Dutch: Drukproef
  French: [ Épreuves de contrôle], Épreuves
   German: [ Andruck], [ Proof]
  Hungarian: (Előkészítő) lenyomat, proof
  Polish: Proof cyfrowy
  Portuguese: Prova de Pré-Impressão
* Preview
  Dutch: Voorbeeld
  French: Prévisualisation
  German: Vorschau
  Hungarian: Elõnézet
  Polish: Podgląd
  Portuguese: Visualização
* Printed sheet
* Printed sheet
   German: Druckbogen
  Dutch: Drukvel
   German: [ Rohbogen], Druckbogen
  Hungarian: Nyomtatott ív
  Portuguese: Folha impressa
* Print space
* Print space
  Dutch: [ Bladspiegel], zetspiegel
   French: Zone d'impression
   French: Zone d'impression
   German: Satzspiegel
   German: [ Satzspiegel]
   Polish: [ Obszar zadruku]
* Proportional font
  Portuguese: Área de impressão
   German: Proportionalschrift
* Process colors
  German: [ Prozeßfarben]
  Hungarian: Nyomdai alapszínek
  Polish: Kolory procesowe, [ Kolory rozbarwiane]
* [ Proportional font]
  Dutch: Proportioneel lettertype
   German: [ Proportionalschrift]
  Hungarian: Proporcionális betűkészlet
  Polish: Pismo proporcjonalne

* Quotation marks
* [ Quotation marks]
   German: An- und Abführungszeichen
  Dutch: [ Aanhalingstekens]
   Polish: Cudzysłowy
  French: Guillemets
   German: [ Anführungszeichen], Gänsefüßchen
  Hungarian: Idézőjelek
   Polish: [ Cudzysłowy]
  Portuguese: Marcas de Comentários/Citação

* Ragged text
  French: texte en drapeau (à gauche, à droite)
  German: [ Flattersatz]
* [ Registration colour]
  French: Couleur de repérage
  German: Registrierungsfarbe
  Polish: [ Kolor paserów, kolor punktury]
  Portuguese: Cores de registro
* Registration mark
* Registration mark
   German: Passkreuz, Passer
  Dutch: Paskruis
  French: Hirondelle (from a printer's PDF  [ guide])
   German: [ Passer], Paßkreuz
  Hungarian: Passzerjel
   Polish: [ Paser, punktura]
   Polish: [ Paser, punktura]
  Portuguese: Marcas de Registro
* Rendering intent
  German: [ Farbraumtransformation]
  Hungarian: Leképzés módja
* [ RGB]
  French: [ RVB]
  German: [ RGB]
  Hungarian: RGB
  Polish: [ RGB]
  Portuguese: [ RGB]
* Right aligned
* Right aligned
   French: Aligné à droite
  Dutch: Rechts uitlijnend
   German: rechtsbündig
   French: Aligné à droite
   German: Rechtsbündig
  Hungarian: Jobbra igazított
  Polish: Wyrównany do prawej
  Portuguese: Alinhamento à direita
* RIP (Raster Image Processor)
* [ RIP (Raster Image Processor)]
  French: [ RIP]
   German: [ RIP]
   German: [ RIP]
  Hungarian: [ RIP]
   Polish: [ RIP]
   Polish: [ RIP]
* Row
* Row
  Dutch: Rij
   French: Ligne (de tableau)
   French: Ligne (de tableau)
   German: Tabellenzeile
   German: (Tabellen-)Zeile
  Hungarian: Sor
  Polish: Wiersz (tabeli)
* Ruler
* Ruler
   Dutch: liniaal
   Dutch: Liniaal
   French: Règle
   French: Règle
   German: Lineal
   German: Lineal
  Hungarian: Vonalzó
  Polish: Linijka
  Portuguese: Régua
* Runaraound
* Runaraound
   Dutch: Tekstomloop
   Dutch: Tekstomloop
   German: Umfluss
   German: Umfluß
  Polish: Oblewanie tekstem

* Sample text
* [ Sample text]
   German: Blindtext
  Dutch: Voorbeeldtekst, [ Lorem Ipsum], dummy tekst
* Sans Serif
  French: [ Faux texte]
   German: serifenlos, grotesk
   German: [ Blindtext], Beispieltext
* Serif
  Hungarian: Helykitöltő szöveg
   German: Serif(e)
  Polish: Przykładowy tekst, [ Lorem ipsum]
  Portuguese: Texto de amostra
* [ Sans-serif]
  Dutch: Schreefloos
  French: Sans empattement
   German: [ Serifenlose Schrift], Grotesk
  Hungarian: Talp nélküli
  Polish: [ Grotesk]
  Portuguese: [ Sem serifa]
* [ Saturation]
  Dutch: Verzadiging
  French: Saturation
   German: [ Sättigung]
  Hungarian: Telítettség
  Polish: Nasycenie koloru
  Portuguese: [ Saturação]
* Scrapbook
* Scrapbook
  Dutch: Kladblok
  French: Album
   German: Bibliothek
   German: Bibliothek
  Hungarian: Gyűjtőalbum
   Polish: Biblioteka
   Polish: Biblioteka
* Slash
  Portuguese: Livro ou Folha de Rascunhos
   German: Schrägstrich
* Small caps
* Scratch space
   Dutch: verkleind kap
  Hungarian: Firkahely
  Polish: Brudnopis
* Semi-bold
  Dutch: halfvet
  German: Halbfett
  Hungarian: Félkövér
  Polish: [ Pismo półgrube]
* [ Serif]
  Dutch: [ Schreef]
  French: Empattement
  German: [ Serife]
  Hungarian: Talpas
  Polish: Szeryf
  Portuguese: [ Serifa]
* Shape
  Dutch: Vorm
  French: Forme
  German: Form
  Hungarian: Alak
  Polish: Figura (geometryczna), forma
  Portuguese: Forma
* Sharp s ''see Es-zett''
* [ Slash]
  Dutch: [ Schuine streep], schrap, Duitse komma
  French: [ Barre oblique]
   German: [ Schrägstrich]
  Hungarian: [ Perjel]
  Polish: Ukośnik
  Portuguese: Barra
* [ Small caps]
   Dutch: kleinkapitaal
   French: Petites capitales
   French: Petites capitales
   German: Kapitälchen
   German: [ Kapitälchen]
  Hungarian: [ Kiskapitális]
   Polish: Kapitaliki
   Polish: Kapitaliki
  Portuguese: Pequenas Maiúsculas
* Smart hyphen, [ soft hyphen]
  French: [ Trait d'union facultatif]
  German: [ Bedingtes Trennzeichen]
  Hungarian: [ Feltételes kötőjel]
  Polish: Łącznik opcjonalny
  Portuguese: Hifenação inteligente
* Solid colour
  German: Füllfarbe
  Hungarian: [ Homogén színek]
  Polish: Kolor pełny
  Portuguese: Cor sólida
* Solidus
  German: Schrägstrich
  Hungarian: Solidus
  Polish: Ukośnik
* Spacing
* Spacing
  Dutch: spatiëring
   French: Espacement
   French: Espacement
   German: Abstand
   German: Abstand
* Spine
  Hungarian: Térköz
   German: Buchrücken
  Polish: Odstępy
  Portuguese: Espaçamento
* [ Spine]
   German: [ Buchrücken]
   Polish: Grzbiet książki
   Polish: Grzbiet książki
* Spot colour
* [ Spot colour]
   German: Schmuckfarbe, Volltonfarbe
  Dutch: steunkleur, PMS-kleur
   German: [ Schmuckfarbe], Volltonfarbe
  Hungarian: [ Direkt szín]
  Polish: Kolor dodatkowy
  Portuguese: Cores Planas
* Spreading and choking ''see Trapping''
* Story editor
* Story editor
  French: Editeur interne
  German: Textbearbeitung
  Hungarian: Szövegszerkesztő
   Polish: Edytor artykułów
   Polish: Edytor artykułów
  Portuguese: Editor de estória/história (de texto no Scribus)
* Stroke
* Stroke
   German: Umrisslinie
  Dutch: strook
* Subscript
  French: Trait
   Dutch: inferieur
   German: Umrißlinie, [ Kontur]
   German: tiefgestellt, Index
  Hungarian: Kontúr
  Polish: Obrys
  Portuguese: Traço
* Style
  Dutch: Stijl
  French: Style
  German: Stil, Formatvorlage
  Hungarian: Stílus
  Polish: Styl
  Portuguese: Estilo
  Spanish: Estilo
* [ Subscript]
   Dutch: Inferieur
  French: Indice
   German: Tiefgestellt, Index
  Hungarian: Alsó index
   Polish: Indeks dolny
   Polish: Indeks dolny
* Superiors
  Portuguese: Sub-escrito
   German: Versalien
* [ Superiors]
  Dutch: [ Hoofdletters], kapitalen, bovenkasten
  French: Majuscules
   German: [ Versalien]
  Hungarian: Verzál
   Polish: Wersaliki
   Polish: Wersaliki
* Superscript
* [ Superscript]
   Dutch: superieur
   Dutch: Superieur
   German: hochgestellt, Exponent
  French: Exposant
   German: Hochgestellt, Exponent
  Hungarian: Felsõ index
   Polish: Indeks górny
   Polish: Indeks górny
  Portuguese: Sobre-escrito
* Swatch
  German: Farbfeld
  Polish: Próbka koloru
  Portuguese: Amostra
* Swatches
  German: Farb(feld)-Palette
  Polish: Biblioteka próbek kolorów
  Portuguese: Paleta de cor

* Tab
* [ Tab]
   German: Tabulator
  Dutch: Tab
   German: [ Tabulator]
  Hungarian: Tabulátor
   French: Tabulation
   French: Tabulation
   Polish: Tabulator
   Polish: Tabulator
  Portuguese: Tab
* Table of Contents (TOC)
* [ Table of contents (TOC)]
   Dutch: Inhoudsopgave
   Dutch: Inhoudsopgave
   French: Table des matières
   French: Table des matières
   German: Inhaltsverzeichnis
   German: [ Inhaltsverzeichnis]
  Hungarian: Tartalomjegyzék
   Polish: Spis treści
   Polish: Spis treści
  Portuguese: Tabela de conteúdos
* Template
* Template
   French: Modèle
  Dutch: Sjabloon
   French: Modèle
   German: Vorlage
   German: Vorlage
  Hungarian: Sablon
   Polish: Szablon
   Polish: Szablon
   Portuguese: Modelo
  Spanish: Plantilla
* Text decoration
  German: [ Auszeichnungsart]
  Hungarian: Szövegdíszítés
  Polish: Wyróżnienie tekstu
  Portuguese: Decoração de texto
* [ Text figures], medieval figures
  French: Chiffres elzéviriens
  German: [ Mediävalziffern], Minuskelziffern
  Italian: Numeri minuscoli
  Polish: [ Cyfry nautyczne]
  Spanish: Cifras de estilo antiguo
* [ Theory of colours]
  Dutch: Kleurenleer
  German: [ Farbenlehre]
  Polish: [ Teoria koloru]
  Portuguese: [ Teoria das cores]
* Thick space
  Hungarian: Vastag szóköz
  Polish: [ Trzeciak]
* Thin space
  Hungarian: Vékony szóköz
  Polish: [ spacja chuda]
* [ Thumbnail]
  French: Vignette
  German: Vorschaubild, Miniaturvorschau
  Hungarian: Bélyegkép
  Polish: Miniatura
* [ Tilde]
  French: [ Tilde]
  German: [ Tilde]
  Hungarian: [ Hullámvonal]
  Polish: [ Tylda]
  Portuguese: [ Til]
* Top margin
* Top margin
  Dutch: Kopwit
   French: Marge du haut
   French: Marge du haut
   German: Kopfsteg
   German: Kopfsteg
  Hungarian: Felső margó
  Italian: Margina di testa
  Portuguese: Margem superior
  Spanish: Margen de cabeza
* Tracking
* [ Tracking]
   German: Spationierung or Laufweite
  Dutch: Aanspatiëring
  French: [ Approche de groupe]
   German: [ Spationierung], Laufweite
  Hungarian: Betűköz
   Polish: Odstępy międzyliterowe
   Polish: Odstępy międzyliterowe
* Transparency
  Portuguese: Espaçamento de caracteres
* [ Transparency]
   French: Transparence
   French: Transparence
   German: Transparenz
   German: Transparenz
  Hungarian: Átlátszóság
   Polish: Przezroczystość
   Polish: Przezroczystość
* Trapping
* [ Trapping]
   German: Überfüllung
   German: Überfüllung, [ Trapping]
   Polish: zalewka, nadlewka, podlewka, [ trapping]
  Hungarian: [ Alátöltés]
   Polish: Zalewka, nadlewka, podlewka, [ trapping]
* TrimBox
  German: [ Endformatrahmen], Trimbox
  Polish: Obszar przycięcia
* Typeface ''see Font face''

* UCR (Under Color Removal)
* [ (UCR) Under Colour Removal]
   German: Unterfarbenreduktion
   German: [ Unterfarbenreduktion]
   Polish: UCR (usuwanie koloru neutralnego)
  Hungarian: UCR
   Polish: UCR (usuwanie koloru neutralnego)  
  Portuguese: [ UCR] (chamado de RSC no Scribus)
* [ Umlaut]
  Dutch: [ Umlaut]
  French: [ Umlaut]
  German: [ Umlaut]
  Hungarian: [ Umlaut]
  Polish: [ Umlaut]
  Portuguese: [ Trema]
* Unit
  Dutch: Eenheid
  French: Unité
  German: Maßeinheit
  Hungarian: Egység
  Polish: Jednostka
  Portuguese: [ Unidade]

==V, W==
* Widow
* [ Web colours]
   German: Hurenkind
  German: [ Webfarben]
  Hungarian: [ Webtűrő színek]
  Polish: Kolory dla internetu
  Portuguese: Cores de Internet
* [ Widow]
  Dutch: Weduwe, hoerenjong
  French: Veuve
   German: [ Hurenkind], Witwe
  Hungarian: Fattyú (sor)
   Polish: Bękart, wdowa
   Polish: Bękart, wdowa
  Portuguese: Viúva
  Russian: висячая строка
* [ Word spacing]
  German: [ Wortzwischenraum], Ausschluß
  Hungarian: Szavak közötti térköz
* Workspace
  Hungarian: Munkaterület
* Wrap
* Wrap
  Dutch: Omloop
   German: Umbruch
   German: Umbruch
  Hungarian: Tördelés
  Polish: Zawijanie (tekstu)
  Portuguese: Transpor ou mover
==X, Y, Z==
* [ x-height]
  Dutch: x-hoogte
  German: [ x-Höhe], [ Mittellänge]
  Hungarian: [ x-magasság]

Latest revision as of 19:09, 25 May 2017

The idea of this wiki page is to collect technical terms often used in Scribus, DTP in general, or in printing to make translations within Scribus consistent and also help translators that are not so involved in DTP and its terms.

Just add your ideas and if possible translations!

Some notes for translators:

  • Please make sure that your contribution is in the right alphabetical order with respect to the English name of your language (i.e. French before German and after Albanian).
  • Please don't add your translation to a reference. Use the referenced word instead.
  • If possible, add a link for the term you translated, containing further information.
  • In case you are missing a term in your native language, but don't know the English translation, you can mention it with a short description in English on the “discussion” panel.
  • Please use html encoding for special characters. Tabular Listing of Selected HTML Codes
Some links:
For Latin-1 codes
For Polish codes
For Greek codes
For Cyrillic codes

Glossary indexed by German in a tabular format (updated 2005-09-25)

Glossary indexed by English in a tabular format (updated 2006-05-14)


  • 3-Fold
 Dutch: drieluik
 German: dreifach gefaltet
 Hungarian: 3-lapos
 Italian: 3 falde
 Polish: Składanka potrójna
 Portuguese: Três dobras


  • 4-Fold
 Dutch: vierluik
 German: vierfach gefaltet
 Hungarian: 4-lapos
 Italian: 4 falde
 Polish: Składanka poczwórna
 Portuguese: Quatro dobras


 Dutch: DIN A formaat
 French: Formats de papier ISO
 German: DIN-Papier
 Hungarian: ISO A sorozat
 Italian: Formato A
 Polish: Formaty szeregu A
 Portuguese: Tamanho de papel de acordo com as normas DIN
 Dutch: afkorting
 French: Abréviation
 German: Abbreviatur, Abkürzung
 Hungarian: Rövidítés
 Italian: Abbreviazione
 Polish: Abrewiatura
 Portuguese: Abreviação ou Abreviatura
 Russian: Аббревиатура
 Dutch: acutus
 French: Accent aigu
 German: Akut, Accent aigu
 Hungarian: Éles ékezet
 Italiano: Accento acuto
 Portuguese: Acento Agudo
 Dutch: uitlijning 
 French: Alignement
 German: Zeilenfall, Ausrichtung
 Hungarian: Igazítás
 Italian: Allineamento
 Polish: Wyrównanie 
 Portuguese: Alinhamento
 Russian: Выключка
 Dutch: Kolomwit
 French Gouttière
 German: Zwischenschlag or Innensteg
 Hungarian: Hasábköz
 Italian: Spaziatura tra colonne di testo
 Polish: Odstęp międzyłamowy
 Portuguese: Viela ou Fresta
 Dutch: alfa-kanaal
 French: Canal alpha
 German: Alphakanal
 Hungarian: Alfa csatorna
 Italian: Canale alfa
 Polish: Kanał alfa
 Portuguese: Canal Alfa ou Canal de transparência
 Russian: Альфа-канал
 Dutch: Romein, Antiqua
 German: Antiqua
 Hungarian: Antikva
 Italian: Antiqua
 Polish: Antykwa  
 Portuguese: Tipo (fonte) Romano
  • Antiqua see Ancient
 Dutch: stok, stokletter
 French: Ascendante
 German: Oberlänge
 Hungarian: Felnyúló (szár)
 Italian: Tratto ascendente
 Polish: Wydłużenie górne
 Portuguese: Ascentende
 Spanish: Rasgo ascendente


  • Back margin see: Inner margin
  • Back(step) mark
 German: Flattermarke
 Polish: Znak grzbietowy
  • Backup registration
 Dutch: register, in register staan of drukken
 German: Register
 Dutch: streepjescode
 German Strichcode
 Hungarian: Vonalkód
 Italiano: Codice a barre
 Polish: Kod kreskowy
 Portuguese: Código de barras  
 Russian: Штрих-код
 Dutch: basislijn
 French: Ligne de base
 German: Grundlinie, Schriftlinie
 Hungarian: Alapvonal
 Italian: Linea di base
 Polish: Linia pisma
 Portuguese: Pauta
 Russian: Базовая линия
 Spanish: Linea di base
  • Baseline grid
 Dutch: basislijnstramien
 French : Grille typographique
 German: Grundlinienraster
 Hungarian: Alaprács
 Italian: Griglia tipografica
 Polish: Siatka linii pisma
 Portuguese: Pauta ou Grade da Pauta
 Russian: Сетка базовой линии
  • Baseline shift
 German: Grundlinienversatz
 Hungarian: Alapvonal eltolás
 Italian: Sfasamento delle linee di base
 Polish: Przesunięcie względem linii pisma
 Portuguese: Distânciamento entre algum objeto e a pauta
 Russian: Смещение относительно базовой линии
 Dutch: Franse titel
 German: Schmutztitel, Antiporta
 Italian: Occhiello
 Polish: Strona przedtytułowa
 Dutch: Beziercurve
 French: Courbe de Bézier
 German: Bézierkurve
 Hungarian: Bezier görbe
 Italiano: Curva di Bézier
 Polish: Krzywa Béziera
 Portuguese: Curva de Brezier
 Russian: Кривая Безье
 Dutch: band, boekband
 French: Reliure
 German: Einband
 Italian: Copertina
 Portuguese: Cobertura, Acabamento ou Capa
 Russian: переплёт
 Dutch: Zwartpuntcompensatie
 German: Tiefenkompensierung
 Hungarian: Feketepont-kompenzáció
 Italian: Compensazione del punto nero
 Polish: Kompensacja poziomu czerni
 Portuguese: Compensação de Pontos Negros
 Russian: Компенсация чёрной точки
 French: Fond perdu
 German: Beschnitt, Anschnitt
 Hungarian: Kifutó
 Italian: Margine al vivo
 Polish: Spad
 Portuguese: Sangria
 Russian: Обрезать в край
 Spanish: Página sangrada
  • Blend mode
 Hungarian: Szemcsézés módja
 Italian: Modo fusione
 Polish: Tryb mieszania
  • Bold
 Dutch: vet
 French: Gras
 German: Fett
 Hungarian: Félkövér
 Italian: Grassetto, neretto
 Polish: Pismo grube
 Portuguese: Negrito
 Russian: Жирный
 Spanish: Negrilla
 Dutch: bladwijzer
 French: Signet, marque-page
 German: Lesezeichen
 Hungarian: Könyvjelző
 Italian: Segnalibro
 Polish: Zakładka
 Portuguese: Marcador ou Favorito
 Russian: Закладка
  • Bottom margin
 Dutch: staartwit
 French: Marge du bas
 German: Fußsteg
 Hungarian: Alsó margó
 Italian: Margine inferiore
 Portuguese: Margem inferior
 Russian: Нижнее поле
 Spanish: Margen al pie
 Dutch: helderheid
 French: Luminosité
 German: Helligkeit
 Hungarian: Fényerő
 Italiano: Luminosità
 Polish: Jasność, Moc światła białego
 Portuguese: Brilho
 Russian: Яркость
 Dutch: Merkteken
 French: Puce
 German: Aufzählungszeichen, Spiegelstrich
 Hungarian: Díszpont
 Italiano: Punto elenco
 Polish: Wyróżnik
 Portuguese: Marcador
 Russian: Маркер списка


  • Calibration
 French: Calibration
 German: Kalibrierung
 Polish: Kalibracja
 Portuguese: Calibração
 Russian: Калибровка
  • Canvas
 Hungarian: Rajzvászon
 German: Versalhöhe
 Hungarian: Nagybetű magasság
 Dutch: Legenda
 French: Légende
 German: Beschriftung, Legende
 Hungarian: Felirat
 Italiano: Didascalia
 Portuguese: Subtítulo ou Legenda
 Russian: Заголовок
 French: Hatchek
 German: Hatschek, Caron
 Hungarian: Hacsek
 French: Cédille
 German: Cédille, Zedille
 Hungarian: Cédille (bal farok)
 Italiano: Cediglia
 Dutch: Vouwteken
 German: Falzmarke
 Polish: Znacznik bigowania
 Portuguese: Marca central
  • Character class
 German: Zeichensatz
 Hungarian: Karakter osztály
 Portuguese: Classe de Caractere
 French: Cicéro, douze
 German: Cicero
 Hungarian: Ciceró
 Italian: Cicero
 Polish: Cycero
 Portuguese: Cícero
 Spanish: Cicero
 French: Accent circonflexe
 German: Zirkumflex, Accent circonflexe
 Hungarian: circumflex, Kúpos ékezet
 Italian: Accento circonflesso
 Spanish: Acento circunflejo
 German: Beschneidungspfad, Freistellpfad
 Hungarian: Vágógörbe
 Polish: Ścieżka odcięcia
 Portuguese: Máscaras de seleção
 Dutch: CMGZ, CMYK
 French: Quadrichromie, CMJN
 German: CMYK
 Hungarian: CMYK
 Italian: CYMK
 Polish: CMYK
 Portuguese: CMYK
 Russian: CMYK
 German: Farbmanagement
 Hungarian: Színkezelés
 Italiano: Gestione del colore
 Polish: Zarządzanie kolorami
 Russian: Управление цветом
  • Colour map
 German: Farbwähler
 Hungarian: Színtérkép
 Portuguese: Mapa de Cores
  • Colour profile:
 Dutch: Kleurprofiel
 French: Profil colorimétrique, Profil ICC
 German: Farbprofil
 Hungarian: Színprofil
 Italiano: Profilo di colore, Profilo ICC
 Portuguese: Perfil de cor
 Russian: Цветовой профиль
  • Colour schema
 Dutch: Kleurenschema
 German: Farbschema
 Hungarian: Színösszeállítás
 Portuguese: Esquema de Cor
 Russian: Цветовая схема
 Dutch: Kleurscheiding, kleurenseparatie
 French: Séparation quadrichromique
 German: Farbseparation
 Hungarian: Színfelbontás
 Polish: Rozbarwienie
 Portuguese: Separações de cores
 Russian: Цветоделение
 Dutch: Kleurruimte
 German Farbraum
 Hungarian: Színtér
 Italiano: Spazio dei colori
 Polish: Przestrzeń barw
 Portuguese: Espaço de Cores
 Russian Цветовая модель
 Dutch: Kleurencirkel
 German: Farbkreis
 Hungarian: Színkerék
 Italiano: Ruota dei colori, cerchio cromatico
 Polish: Koło barw
 Portuguese: Roda de Cores
  • Column
 Dutch: Kolom
 French: Colonne
 German: Kolumne, Spalte
 Hungarian: Hasáb
 Italiano: Colonna
 Polish: Łam
 Portuguese: Coluna
 Russian: Столбец
 Dutch: Complementaire kleur
 French: Couleur complémentaire
 German: Komplementärfarbe
 Hungarian: Kiegészítő színek
 Italiano: Colore complementare
 Polish: Barwa dopełniająca
 Portuguese: Cores complementares
  • Composite colour
 German: Mischfarbe
 Hungarian: Összetett szín (nem színre bontott)
 Polish: Kolor kompozytowy
  • Continuous text
 German: Fließtext
 Hungarian: Folytonos szöveg
 Polish: Tekst ciągły
 Portuguese: Texto contínuo
 French: Contraste
 German: Kontrast
 Hungarian: Kontraszt
 Italiano: Contrasto
 Polish: Kontrast
 Portuguese: Contraste
 Russian: Контраст
 French: Caractère de contrôle
 German: Kontrollzeichen, nichtdruckbare Zeichen
 Hungarian: vezérlő karakter
 Italiano: Carattere di controllo
 Polish: Znak kontrolny
 Portuguese: Caractere de Controle
 Dutch: Snijtekens
 French: Traits de coupe
 German: Schnittmarke, Schneidemarke
 Hungarian: Vágójelek
 Italiano: Crocini (di taglio)
 Polish: Znaczniki cięcia, linie cięcia
 Portuguese: Marcas de corte
 Russian: Метки под обрез
  • Crop box
 German: Maskenrahmen
 Hungarian: Vágókeret
  • Cropping
 Polish: Maskowanie, kadrowanie
 Hungarian: Levágás


 Dutch: staart, staartletter
 French: Jambage inférieur
 German: Unterlänge
 Hungarian: Lenyúló (szár)
 Italian: Discendente
 Polish: Wydłużenie dolne
 Portuguese: Descendente
 Spanish: Trazo descendente de una lettra
  • Device profile
 French: Profil de périphérique
 German: Geräteprofil
 Hungarian: Eszközprofil
 Polish: Profil urządzenia
 Portuguese: Perfil de Dispositivo
 Dutch: trema
 German: Trema, Diärese
 Hungarian: Dupla pont ékezet
 Dutch: didotpunt
 French: Didot
 German: Didotpunkt
 Hungarian: Didot
 Italian: Punto Didot
 Polish: Punkt typograficzny
 Portuguese: Ponto Diot
 Spanish: Punto cortado
 German: Dingbats, Symbolzeichen
  • Document outline
 German: Aufriß, Dokumentstruktur
 Hungarian: Dokumentumvázlat
 Polish: Struktura dokumentu
 Portuguese: Esboço do Original ou Esboço de Documento
 Russian: Схема документа
 German: Doppelakut
 Hungarian: Kettős éles ékezet
 French: PPP(points par pouce)
 German DPI
 Hungarian: DPI (pont / hüvelyk)
 Italian: DPI, punti per pollice
 Polish: DPI
 Portuguese: DPI
 Dutch: versaal, initiaalletter
 French: Lettrines
 German: Initialen
 Hungarian: Iniciálé link2
 Italian: Iniziale, capolettera
 Polish: Inicjały opuszczone
 Portuguese: Capitulação
 Russian: Буквица
 Spanish: Mayúsculas eliminadas


 Dutch: Beletselteken, ellips
 French: Ellipse
 German: Auslassungspunkte, Ellipse
 Hungarian: Három pont
 Italian: Segno d'omissione
 Polish: Wielokropek
 Portugues: Reticências
 Russian: Многоточие
 Spanish: Puntos suspensivos, elipsis
 Dutch: kastlijntje
 French: Tiret cadratin
 German: Geviertstrich, Auslassungsstrich, Zitatstrich
 Hungarian: Kvirtmínusz
 Polish: Pauza
 Portuguese: Linha Em
 Dutch: Accentuering
 German: Auszeichnung
 Hungarian: Fettelés, vastagítás
 Polish: Wyróżnienie
 Portuguese: Ênfase
  • Em space
 Dutch: vierkant
 French: Cadratin
 German: Geviert
 Hungarian: Em szóköz
 Italian: Quadratone
 Polish: Spacja firetowa
 Spanish: Cuadratin, eme
 Dutch: halve kastlijn, half kastlijntje Liggend streepje
 French: Tiret
 German: Halbgeviertstrich, Gedankenstrich
 Hungarian: Gondolatjel, nagykötőjel, félkvirtmínusz
 Polish: Półpauza
 Portuguese: Linha En
  • En space
 Dutch: half vierkant
 French: Demi-cadratin
 German: Halbgeviert
 Hungarian: En szóköz
 Italian: Quadratino
 Polish: Spacja półfiretowa
 Spanish: Medio cuadratin
 Dutch: ringel-s, Eszett
 French: Eszett, eszet
 German: Eszett
 Hungarian: Eszcett
  • Even page
 French: Page paire
 German: Gerade Seite
 Hungarian: Páros oldal
 Polish: Strona parzysta
 Portuguese: Página Par
 Spanish: Página par


  • Facing pages
 French: Pages en regard, en vis-à-vis
 German: gegenüberliegende Seiten
 Hungarian: Oldalpár
 Polish: Strony widzące
 Portuguese: Páginas espelhadas
  • Figure space
 Hungarian: Számjegyszóköz
 Polish: Spacja cyfrowa
  • Flush see Alignment
  • Fold mark see Centre marks
  • Font
 French: Police, Typo
 German: Schriftart
 Hungarian: Betűkészlet
 Italian: Fonte
 Polish: Font
 Portuguese: Tipo ou fonte
 Spanish: Fuente
 German: Schriftschnitt
 Polish: Krój pisma
 Portuguese: Corpo da fonte
  • Font family
 Dutch: Letterfamilie
 French: Famille de police, de fonte
 German: Schriftfamilie
 Hungarian: Betűcsalád
 Italian: Famiglia
 Polish: Rodzina kroju pisma
 Portuguese: Família da fonte
 Russian: Гарнитура шрифтов
  • Font size
 Dutch: Lettergrootte
 French: Corps
 German: Schriftgrad
 Hungarian: Betűméret
 Italian: Forza di corpo
 Polish: Stopień pisma
 Portuguese: Tamanho da Fonte
 Russian: Кегль шрифта
  • Font slant
 German: Schriftlage
 Hungarian: Dőlt betű
 Polish: Pochylenie kroju pisma
 Portuguese: Inclinação da fonte
  • Font weight
 French: Graisse
 German: Schriftstärke
 Hungarian: Betűvastagság
 Italian: Gradazione
 Polish: Grubość kroju pisma
 Portuguese: Peso da fonte
 Spanish: Peso
  • Font width
 German: Schriftweite
 Hungarian: Betűszélesség
 Polish: Szerokość kroju pisma
 Portuguese: Largura da Fonte
 Dutch: Voetnoot
 French: Note de bas de page
 German: Fußnote
 Hungarian: Lábjegyzet
 Italian: Nota a piè di pagina
 Polish: Przypis dolny
 Portuguese: Nota de rodapé
 Spanish: Nota al pie
  • Forced alignment
 Dutch: Geforceerd
 French: Justification forcée
 German: Erzwungener Blocksatz
 Hungarian: Kikényszerített igazítás
 Polish: justowanie (z ostatnią linią)
 Portuguese: Forçado
  • Foredge margin see: Outside margin
  • Formatting
 German: Formatierung
 Hungarian: Formázás
 Polish: Formatowanie
 Portuguese: Formatação
 Russian: Форматирование
  • Frame
 Dutch: Kader
 French: Cadre
 German: Rahmen
 Hungarian: Keret
 Italian: Riquadro
 Polish: Ramka
 Portuguese: Quadro
 Russian: рамка, блок
  • Freehand line
 Dutch: Vrijehand-curve
 French: Ligne à main levée
 German: Freihandlinie
 Hungarian: Szabadkézi vonal
 Polish: Linia odręczna
 Portuguese: Linha à mão livre
 Russian: Линия от руки
 Dutch: Frontispice
 French: Frontispice
 German: Frontispiz
 Hungarian: Címkép
 Polish: Frontyspis
 Portuguese: Ilustração de Capa ou Imagem da Capa
 Russian: Фронтиспис
 German: Titelei
 Hungarian: Főszöveget megelőző járulékos részek
 Polish: Karty tytułowe
 Portuguese: Matéria de capa


  Dutch: Gamut, kleurengamma
  French: Gamme de couleurs
  German: Gamut
  Hungarian: Gamut (színkorlát)
  Polish: Przestrzeń kolorów
  Portuguese: Gama
  Russian: Цветовой охват, цветовая гамма
  French: Glyphe
  German: Glyph(e), Zeichen
  Hungarian: Írásjel
  Polish: Glif
  Dutch: Gulden Snede
  German: Goldener Schnitt
  Hungarian: aranymetszés (aranyarány)
  Polish: Złoty podział
  Portuguese: Moderado ou Meio Termo
  French: Gothique
  German: Gebrochene Schrift
  Hungarian: Gótikus (vastagított)
  Polish: Krój gotycki
  Portuguese: Tipo (fonte) Gótico
  Russian: Готический шрифт
  Dutch: Verlooptint
  French: Dégradé
  German: Verlauf
  Hungarian: Színátmenet
  Polish: Gradient
  Portuguese: Gradiente ou Degradê
  Russian: Градиент
  Dutch: Gramsgewicht
  French: Grammage
  German: Papiergewicht, Grammatur
  Hungarian: Négyzetmétertömeg
  Polish: Gramatura papieru
  Portuguese: Gramatura
 German: Gravis, Accent grave
 Hungarian: Tompa ékezet
 Italian: Accento grave
 Portuguese: Crase
 Spanish: Acento grave
 Dutch: Grijstonen
 French: Niveaux de gris
 German: Halbtonbild, Graustufen
 Hungarian: Szürkeárnyalatos
 Polish: Skala szarości
 Portuguese: Tons de Cinza
  • Grid
 Dutch: Stramien
 French: Grille
 German: Gitter or Raster
 Hungarian: Rács
 Italian: Ciriglia
 Polish: Siatka
 Portuguese: Grade
 Russian: Сетка
 Spanish: Cuadricula
  • Grotesque see Sans Serif
  • Guide
  Dutch: Hulplijn
  French: Repère
  German: Hilfslinie
  Hungarian: Segédvonal
  Polish: Linia pomocnicza
  Portuguese: Guia
  Russian: Направляющая
  Spanish: Línea guía
  • Gutter see Inner margin


 Dutch: Haarlijn
 French: Trait fin
 German: Haarlinie
 Hungarian: Hajszálvékony
 Polish: Linia włosowa
 Portuguese: Fio de Cabelo ou Fio de Navalha
  • Hairspace
 French: Espace fine
 German: Haarspatium
 Hungarian: Hajszálszóköz
 Polish: Spacja włosowa
  • Head margin see: Top margin
  • HLS
 Dutch: HSL, HLS
 German: HLS
 Hungarian: HLS (színezet, fényerő, színtelítettség)
 Polish: HLS
 Portuguese: HLS
 Dutch: HSV, HSB
 German: HSV
 Hungarian: HSV (árnyalat, telítettség, érték)
 Polish: HSV
 Portuguese: HSV
  • Hotstamping
 Dutch: Tint
 French: Teinte 
 German: Farbton
 Hungarian: Árnyalat
 Polish: Częstotliwość fali światła
 Portuguese: Gradação da Cor ou Matiz
 Dutch: Afbreekteken, afbreekstreepje
 French: Trait d’union
 German: Divis, Viertelgeviertstrich, Bindestrich
 Hungarian: Elválasztójel
 Italian: Tratto d'unione
 Polish: Łącznik
 Portuguese: Hifén
 Spanish: Guión
 Dutch: woordafbreking
 French: Césure
 German: Silbentrennung
 Hungarian: Elválasztás
 Italian: Divisione in sillabe
 Polish: Dzielenie na sylaby
 Portuguese: Hifenação
 Russian: Перенос по слогам
 Spanish: Guión
* French: Zone de césure
* German: Flatterzone
* Polish: Strefa dzielenia wyrazów


 French: Imposition
 German: Ausschießen
 Hungarian: Kilövés
 Polish: Impozycja
 Portuguese: Imposição
 Dutch: pagina's inslaan, inslagschema; impositie
 Russian: спуск печатной формы; спуск полос
 Dutch: imprimatur, goed-voor-druk
 French: Imprimatur
 German: Imprimatur, Druckfreigabe
 Hungarian: Imprimatúra
 Polish: Imprimatur
  • Imprint see Masthead
  • Inch
 Dutch: Duim
 French: Pouce
 German: Zoll
 Hungarian: Hüvelyk
 Polish: Cal
 Portuguese: Polegada
 Russian: Дюйм
 Dutch: Inspringen
 French: Renfoncement
 German: Einzug
 Hungarian: Behúzás
 Italian: Rientranza
 Polish: Wcięcie
 Portuguese: Identação
 Russian: Отступ
 Spanish: Sangría
  • Initial see: Drop caps
  • Inner Margin
 Dutch: rugwit
 French: Marge intérieure
 German: Bundsteg, Innensteg
 Hungarian: Belső margó
 Hungarian: Kötésmargó
 Italian: Margine interno
 Portuguese: Margem Interna
 Dutch: Invoerapparaat
 French: Périphérique d'entrée (de saisie)
 German: Eingabegerät
 Hungarian: Beviteli eszköz
 Portuguese: Dispositivo de entrada
 Russian: Устройство ввода
  • Interleaf (page)
 German: Vakatseite
 Polish: Wakat
 Portuguese: Entre Folhas
 Dutch: Apostrof, weglatingsteken
 German: Apostroph
 Hungarian: Aposztróf
 Polish: Apostrof
 Portuguese: Apóstrofo
 Dutch: cursief
 French: Italique
 German: Kursive
 Hungarian: Kurzív
 Italian: Corsivo
 Polish: Kursywa
 Portuguese: Itálico
 Spanish: Letra grifa
  • Item action mode
 German: Objektbezogener Modus
 Hungarian: Elemenkénti műveletek mód


 Dutch: uitgevuld, blokzetsel
 French: Justifié
 Italian: Giustificato
 German: Blocksatz
 Hungarian: Sorkizárt
 Polish: Justowanie
 Portuguese: Justificado
 Spanish: Justificado


 Dutch: Kerning
 French: Approche, crénage
 Italian: Crenatura
 German: Unterschneidung, Kerning
 Hungarian: Alávágás
 Polish: Podcinanie
 Portuguese: Entre-letras
 Russian: Кернинг
 German. Aussparen
 Hungarian: Kiütés
 Polish: Wycinanie
 German: Krouzek, Kreisakzent


  • Landscape
 Dutch: Liggend
 French: Paysage, orientation à l'italienne
 Italian: Formato oblunga
 German: Querformat
 Hungarian: Fekvõ
 Polish: Pejzaż
 Portuguese: Paisagem
 Russian: Альбом, альбомная ориентация страницы
 Spanish: Apaisado
  • Layer
 Dutch: Laag
 French: Couche, calque
 German: Ebene
 Hungarian: Réteg
 Polish: Warstwa
 Portuguese: Camada
 Russian: Слой
 Dutch: regelafstand, regelwit, interlinie
 French: Interligne, interlignage
 German: Durchschuß, Zeilenabstand
 Hungarian: Sorköz (sortávolság)
 Italian: Interlineatura
 Polish: Interlinia
 Portuguese: Entre-parágrafos
 Spanish: Espaciado
  • Left aligned
 Dutch: linkslijnend
 French: Aligné à gauche
 German: Linksbündig, Flattersatz
 Hungarian: Balra igazított
 Polish: Wyrównanie do lewej
 Portuguese: Alinhamento à esquerda
 Russian: С выключкой влево
 Dutch: Letter
 French: Lettre
 German: Letter
 Hungarian: Graféma
 Italian: Lettera
 Polish: Litera
 Portuguese: Grafema
 Spanish: Letra
 Dutch: Ligatuur, koppelletter
 French: Ligature
 German: Ligatur
 Hungarian: Ligatúra
 Italian: Legatura
 Polish: Ligatura
 Portuguese: Ligadura
 Russian: Лигатура
 Spanish: Ligadura
  • Line spacing see Leading
  • Line wrap
 German: Zeilenumbruch
 Hungarian: Sortörés
 Polish: Zawijanie wierszy
 Portuguese: Deslocamento de Linha
 Dutch: tabelcijfer
 French: Chiffres alignés
 German: Versalziffern
 Italian: Cifre allineate
 Polish: Cyfry nautyczne
 Spanish: Cifras alineadas
  • Lorem Ipsum see Sample text


 French: Macron
 German: Makron, Längenstrich
 Hungarian: Macron, vonal
  • Majuscule see Superior
  • Margin
 Dutch: wit, marge, kantlijn
 French: Marge
 German: Steg, Rand
 Hungarian: Margó
 Italian: Margine
 Polish: Margines
 Portuguese: Margem
 Russian: Поле
 Spanish: Margen
  • Margin alignment
 German: Randausgleich
 Polish: Optyczne wyrównanie krawędzi łamu
 Hungarian: Margóigazítás
 Portuguese: Alinhamento de Margem
  • Marginal note
 Dutch: marginalia (plural), kanttekening 
 French: Note marginale
 German: Marginalie
 Hungarian: Széljegyzet
 Polish: Uwaga na marginesie
 Portuguese: Nota Marginal
  • Master Page
 French: Gabarit
 German: Musterseite
 Hungarian: Mesteroldal
 Italian: Pagina modello
 Polish: Strona wzorcowa
 Portuguese: Página Master
 Dutch: Colofon
 French: Marque d'imprimeur, achevé d’imprimer
 German: Impressum
 Hungarian: Impresszum
 Polish: Stopka redakcyjna
 Portuguese: Mastro Principal
  • Mid space
 Hungarian: Közepes szóköz
 Polish: Ćwiertak
 Dutch: Onderkast
 French: Bas de casse, Minuscule
 German: Gemeine, Minuskel
 Hungarian: Kurrens
 Italian: Minuscolo
 Polish: Minuskuła
 Portuguese: Minúscula
 Spanish: Minúsculas
  • Misprint
 Dutch: Drukfout
 German: Zwiebelfisch
 Hungarian: Nyomdahiba
 Portuguese: Má impressão
 Dutch: Monochroom
 French: Monochromatique
 German: Monochrom, monochromatisch
 Hungarian: Egyszínű
 Portuguese: Monocromático
 German: Nichtproportionale Schrift, Festschrittschrift
 Hungarian: Azonos szélességű betűkészlet
 Polish: Pismo maszynowe
 Portuguese: Mono espaçada


  • Node
 Dutch: Knoop, knooppunt
 German: Knoten, Knotenpunkt
 Hungarian: Csomópont
 Polish: Węzeł
 Portuguese: Nó
  • Non breaking dash
 German: Geschützter Bindestrich
 Hungarian: Nem törhető kötőjel
 Polish: Nierozdzielny łącznik
 Portuguese: Linha inquebrável
  • Non breaking space
 French: Espace insécable
 German: Geschütztes Leerzeichen
 Hungarian: Nem törhető szóköz
 Polish: Spacja niełamliwa
 Portuguese: Espaço inquebrável


  • Odd page
 Dutch: "belle page", oneven bladzijde
 French: Page impaire
 German: ungerade Seite
 Hungarian: Páratlan oldal
 Italian: Pagine dispari
 Polish: Strona nieparzysta
 Portuguese: Página Impar
 Spanish: Páginas impares
  • Offset
 Dutch: Offset; overzet
 French: Décalage
 German: Versatz
 Hungarian: Ofszet
 Polish: Offset
 Dutch: Offsetdruk, vlakdruk
 French: Impression offset
 German: Offsetdruck
 Hungarian: Offszetnyomás
 Italian: Offset
 Polish: Druk offsetowy
 Spanish: Lito-offset
 French: Ogonek, cédille inversée
 German: Ogonek
 Hungarian: Jobb farok, ogonek
 Polish: Ogonek
 Portuguese: Gancho polonês
 Dutch: Opaciteit, opaak
 French: Opacité
 German: Deckkraft, Opazität
 Hungarian: Átlátszatlanság
 Polish: Krycie
 Portuguese: Opacidade
 Dutch: wees, hoerenjong
 French: Orpheline
 German: Schusterjunge, Waisenkind
 Magyar: Árva (sor)
 Polish: Szewc
 Portuguese: Parágrafo Órfão
 Dutch: Uitvoer apparaat
 French: Périphérique de sortie
 German: Ausgabegerät
 Hungarian: Kimeneti eszköz
 Polish: Urządzenie wyjściowe
 Portuguese: Dispositivos de Saída
  • Output intent
 German: Ausgabeprofil
  • Outside margin
 Dutch: snijwit
 French: Marge extérieure
 German: Außensteg, Randsteg
 Hungarian: Külső margó
 Portuguese: Margem exterior
 Dutch: Overdrukken
 French: Surimpression
 German: Überdrucken
 Hungarian: Felülnyomás
 Polish: Nadrukowanie, nadruk
 Portuguese: Sobre-impressão


  • Page dimension
 Dutch: Bladzijdeformaat
 French: Dimensions de la page
 German: Seitengröße
 Hungarian: Oldalméret
 Polish: Rozmiar strony
 Portuguese: Dimensão de Página
  • Page orientation
 French: Orientation de la page
 German: Seitenausrichtung
 Hungarian: Oldaltájolás
 Polish: Orientacja strony
 Portuguese: Orientação de Página
  • Page size see Page dimension
  • Paginate
 Dutch: Pagineren
 French: Paginer
 German: Paginieren
 Hungarian: Lapszámozás
 Italian: Numerare
 Polish: Numerowanie stron
 Portuguese: Paginar
 Spanish: Compaginar
  • Palette
 Hungarian: Paletta
 Italian: finestra (eventualmente: palette)
 German: Papiersorte
 Polish: Rodzaj papieru
 Portuguese: Tipo de papel
  • Paper size
 Dutch: Papierformaat
 French: Dimensions du papier, format de papier
 German: Papierformat
 Hungarian: Papírméret
 Polish: Format papieru
 Portuguese: Tamanho do papel
 Dutch: Alinea, paragraaf
 French: Paragraphe
 German: Absatz
 Hungarian: Bekezdés
 Polish: Akapit
 Portuguese: Parágrafo
  • Path
 Dutch: Pad
 French: Chemin
 German: Pfad
 Hungarian: Útvonal
 Polish: Ścieżka
 Portuguese: Caminho
  • PDF composite
 Hungarian: Kompozit PDF
 Polish: Kompozyt PDF
 German: Pica
 Hungarian: Pica
 Italian: Punto pica
 Polish: Pica
 Dutch: Punt
 French: Point
 German: Punkt
 Hungarian: Pont
 Italian: Punto
 Polish: Punkt typograficzny
 Portuguese: Ponto (unidade tipográfica)
 Dutch: Polylijn, polygoon, veelhoek
 French: Polygone
 German: Polygon, Vieleck
 Hungarian: Sokszög
 Polish: Wielokąt
 Portuguese: Poligono
  • Portrait
 Dutch: Staand
 Italian: Verticale
 French: Portrait, orientation à à la française
 German: Hochformat
 Hungarian: Álló
 Polish: Portret
 Portuguese: Retrato
 Spanish: Vertical
  • PPI (Pixels per inch)
 German: PPI (Pixel pro Zoll)
 Hungarian: PPI (pixel / hüvelyk)
 Polish: PPI
  • Preflight Verifier
 German: Druckvorstufenüberprüfung
 Hungarian: Ellenőrzés
 Polish: Weryfikator materiału wejściowego
 Portuguese: Verificador pré-vôo
 French: Prépresse
 German: Druckvorstufe
 Hungarian: Nyomdai előkészítés
 Italian: Prestampa
 Polish: Prepress; przygotowanie do druku
 Portuguese: Pŕe-impressão
 Spanish: Pre-prensa
 Dutch: Drukproef
 French: Épreuves de contrôle, Épreuves
 German: Andruck, Proof
 Hungarian: (Előkészítő) lenyomat, proof
 Polish: Proof cyfrowy
 Portuguese: Prova de Pré-Impressão
  • Preview
 Dutch: Voorbeeld
 French: Prévisualisation
 German: Vorschau
 Hungarian: Elõnézet
 Polish: Podgląd
 Portuguese: Visualização
  • Printed sheet
 Dutch: Drukvel
 German: Rohbogen, Druckbogen
 Hungarian: Nyomtatott ív
 Portuguese: Folha impressa
  • Print space
 Dutch: Bladspiegel, zetspiegel
 French: Zone d'impression
 German: Satzspiegel
 Polish: Obszar zadruku
 Portuguese: Área de impressão
  • Process colors
 German: Prozeßfarben
 Hungarian: Nyomdai alapszínek
 Polish: Kolory procesowe, Kolory rozbarwiane 
 Dutch: Proportioneel lettertype
 German: Proportionalschrift
 Hungarian: Proporcionális betűkészlet
 Polish: Pismo proporcjonalne


 Dutch: Aanhalingstekens
 French: Guillemets
 German: Anführungszeichen, Gänsefüßchen
 Hungarian: Idézőjelek
 Polish: Cudzysłowy
 Portuguese: Marcas de Comentários/Citação


  • Ragged text
 French: texte en drapeau (à gauche, à droite)
 German: Flattersatz
 French: Couleur de repérage
 German: Registrierungsfarbe
 Polish: Kolor paserów, kolor punktury
 Portuguese: Cores de registro
  • Registration mark
 Dutch: Paskruis
 French: Hirondelle (from a printer's PDF  guide)
 German: Passer, Paßkreuz
 Hungarian: Passzerjel
 Polish: Paser, punktura
 Portuguese: Marcas de Registro
  • Rendering intent
 German: Farbraumtransformation
 Hungarian: Leképzés módja
 French: RVB
 German: RGB
 Hungarian: RGB
 Polish: RGB
 Portuguese: RGB
  • Right aligned
 Dutch: Rechts uitlijnend
 French: Aligné à droite
 German: Rechtsbündig
 Hungarian: Jobbra igazított
 Polish: Wyrównany do prawej
 Portuguese: Alinhamento à direita
 French: RIP
 German: RIP
 Hungarian: RIP
 Polish: RIP
  • Row
 Dutch: Rij
 French: Ligne (de tableau)
 German: (Tabellen-)Zeile
 Hungarian: Sor
 Polish: Wiersz (tabeli)

  • Ruler
 Dutch: Liniaal
 French: Règle
 German: Lineal
 Hungarian: Vonalzó
 Polish: Linijka
 Portuguese: Régua
  • Runaraound
 Dutch: Tekstomloop
 German: Umfluß
 Polish: Oblewanie tekstem


 Dutch: Voorbeeldtekst, Lorem Ipsum, dummy tekst
 French: Faux texte
 German: Blindtext, Beispieltext
 Hungarian: Helykitöltő szöveg
 Polish: Przykładowy tekst, Lorem ipsum
 Portuguese: Texto de amostra
 Dutch: Schreefloos
 French: Sans empattement
 German: Serifenlose Schrift, Grotesk
 Hungarian: Talp nélküli
 Polish: Grotesk
 Portuguese: Sem serifa
 Dutch: Verzadiging
 French: Saturation
 German: Sättigung
 Hungarian: Telítettség
 Polish: Nasycenie koloru
 Portuguese: Saturação
  • Scrapbook
 Dutch: Kladblok
 French: Album
 German: Bibliothek
 Hungarian: Gyűjtőalbum
 Polish: Biblioteka
 Portuguese: Livro ou Folha de Rascunhos
  • Scratch space
 Hungarian: Firkahely
 Polish: Brudnopis
  • Semi-bold
 Dutch: halfvet
 German: Halbfett
 Hungarian: Félkövér
 Polish: Pismo półgrube
 Dutch: Schreef
 French: Empattement
 German: Serife
 Hungarian: Talpas
 Polish: Szeryf
 Portuguese: Serifa
  • Shape
 Dutch: Vorm
 French: Forme
 German: Form
 Hungarian: Alak
 Polish: Figura (geometryczna), forma
 Portuguese: Forma
  • Sharp s see Es-zett
  • Slash
 Dutch: Schuine streep, schrap, Duitse komma
 French: Barre oblique
 German: Schrägstrich
 Hungarian: Perjel
 Polish: Ukośnik
 Portuguese: Barra
 Dutch: kleinkapitaal
 French: Petites capitales
 German: Kapitälchen
 Hungarian: Kiskapitális
 Polish: Kapitaliki
 Portuguese: Pequenas Maiúsculas
 French: Trait d'union facultatif
 German: Bedingtes Trennzeichen
 Hungarian: Feltételes kötőjel
 Polish: Łącznik opcjonalny
 Portuguese: Hifenação inteligente
  • Solid colour
 German: Füllfarbe
 Hungarian: Homogén színek
 Polish: Kolor pełny
 Portuguese: Cor sólida
  • Solidus
 German: Schrägstrich
 Hungarian: Solidus
 Polish: Ukośnik
  • Spacing
 Dutch: spatiëring
 French: Espacement
 German: Abstand
 Hungarian: Térköz
 Polish: Odstępy
 Portuguese: Espaçamento
 German: Buchrücken
 Polish: Grzbiet książki
 Dutch: steunkleur, PMS-kleur
 German: Schmuckfarbe, Volltonfarbe
 Hungarian: Direkt szín
 Polish: Kolor dodatkowy
 Portuguese: Cores Planas
  • Spreading and choking see Trapping
  • Story editor
 French: Editeur interne
 German: Textbearbeitung
 Hungarian: Szövegszerkesztő
 Polish: Edytor artykułów
 Portuguese: Editor de estória/história (de texto no Scribus)
  • Stroke
 Dutch: strook
 French: Trait
 German: Umrißlinie, Kontur
 Hungarian: Kontúr
 Polish: Obrys
 Portuguese: Traço
  • Style
 Dutch: Stijl
 French: Style
 German: Stil, Formatvorlage
 Hungarian: Stílus
 Polish: Styl
 Portuguese: Estilo
 Spanish: Estilo
 Dutch: Inferieur
 French: Indice
 German: Tiefgestellt, Index
 Hungarian: Alsó index
 Polish: Indeks dolny
 Portuguese: Sub-escrito
 Dutch: Hoofdletters, kapitalen, bovenkasten
 French: Majuscules
 German: Versalien
 Hungarian: Verzál
 Polish: Wersaliki
 Dutch: Superieur
 French: Exposant
 German: Hochgestellt, Exponent
 Hungarian: Felsõ index
 Polish: Indeks górny
 Portuguese: Sobre-escrito
  • Swatch
 German: Farbfeld
 Polish: Próbka koloru
 Portuguese: Amostra
  • Swatches
 German: Farb(feld)-Palette
 Polish: Biblioteka próbek kolorów
 Portuguese: Paleta de cor


 Dutch: Tab
 German: Tabulator
 Hungarian: Tabulátor
 French: Tabulation
 Polish: Tabulator
 Portuguese: Tab
 Dutch: Inhoudsopgave
 French: Table des matières
 German: Inhaltsverzeichnis
 Hungarian: Tartalomjegyzék
 Polish: Spis treści
 Portuguese: Tabela de conteúdos
  • Template
 Dutch: Sjabloon
 French: Modèle
 German: Vorlage
 Hungarian: Sablon
 Polish: Szablon
 Portuguese: Modelo
 Spanish: Plantilla
  • Text decoration
 German: Auszeichnungsart
 Hungarian: Szövegdíszítés
 Polish: Wyróżnienie tekstu
 Portuguese: Decoração de texto
 French: Chiffres elzéviriens
 German: Mediävalziffern, Minuskelziffern
 Italian: Numeri minuscoli
 Polish: Cyfry nautyczne
 Spanish: Cifras de estilo antiguo
 Dutch: Kleurenleer
 German: Farbenlehre
 Polish: Teoria koloru
 Portuguese: Teoria das cores
  • Thick space
 Hungarian: Vastag szóköz
 Polish: Trzeciak
  • Thin space
 Hungarian: Vékony szóköz
 Polish: spacja chuda
 French: Vignette
 German: Vorschaubild, Miniaturvorschau
 Hungarian: Bélyegkép
 Polish: Miniatura
 French: Tilde
 German: Tilde
 Hungarian: Hullámvonal
 Polish: Tylda
 Portuguese: Til
  • Top margin
 Dutch: Kopwit
 French: Marge du haut
 German: Kopfsteg
 Hungarian: Felső margó
 Italian: Margina di testa
 Portuguese: Margem superior
 Spanish: Margen de cabeza
 Dutch: Aanspatiëring
 French: Approche de groupe
 German: Spationierung, Laufweite
 Hungarian: Betűköz
 Polish: Odstępy międzyliterowe
 Portuguese: Espaçamento de caracteres
 French: Transparence
 German: Transparenz
 Hungarian: Átlátszóság
 Polish: Przezroczystość
 German: Überfüllung, Trapping
 Hungarian: Alátöltés
 Polish: Zalewka, nadlewka, podlewka, trapping
  • TrimBox
 German: Endformatrahmen, Trimbox
 Polish: Obszar przycięcia
  • Typeface see Font face


 German: Unterfarbenreduktion
 Hungarian: UCR
 Polish: UCR (usuwanie koloru neutralnego) 
 Portuguese: UCR (chamado de RSC no Scribus)
 Dutch: Umlaut
 French: Umlaut
 German: Umlaut
 Hungarian: Umlaut
 Polish: Umlaut
 Portuguese: Trema
  • Unit
 Dutch: Eenheid
 French: Unité
 German: Maßeinheit
 Hungarian: Egység
 Polish: Jednostka
 Portuguese: Unidade

V, W

 German: Webfarben
 Hungarian: Webtűrő színek
 Polish: Kolory dla internetu
 Portuguese: Cores de Internet
 Dutch: Weduwe, hoerenjong
 French: Veuve
 German: Hurenkind, Witwe
 Hungarian: Fattyú (sor)
 Polish: Bękart, wdowa
 Portuguese: Viúva
 Russian: висячая строка
 German: Wortzwischenraum, Ausschluß
 Hungarian: Szavak közötti térköz
  • Workspace
 Hungarian: Munkaterület
  • Wrap
 Dutch: Omloop
 German: Umbruch
 Hungarian: Tördelés
 Polish: Zawijanie (tekstu)
 Portuguese: Transpor ou mover

X, Y, Z

 Dutch: x-hoogte
 German: x-Höhe, Mittellänge
 Hungarian: x-magasság