Image Wizard Advanced: Difference between revisions

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(New page: {{Scripting Index}} You may have seen the the Image Wizard script. This Image Wizard Advanced script gives more options to help you with manipul...)
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You may have seen the the [[Image Wizard: Scale and Align an Image|Image Wizard]] script. This Image Wizard Advanced script gives more options to help you with manipulating images. It may be particularly helpful in working with a photo album.
You may have seen the the [[Image Wizard: Scale and Align an Image|Image Wizard]] script. This Image Wizard Advanced script gives more options to help you with manipulating images. It may be particularly helpful in working with a photo album.

* Selection options:  
* Selection options limit what images are affected by the other operations:
**Single Image Only
**Single Image Only
**Multiple Images
**Multiple Images
**Only the Inner Image of a Two Image Group
**Only the Inner Image of a Two Image Group - See example usage below.
**Only the Outer Image of a Two Image Group
**Only the Outer Image of a Two Image Group
* Launch a Load Image dialog box, and load that image into all selected frames
* Copy the Size, Location, and Rotation information from one image, and paste that information into one or more selected images. This lets you copy the exact location, size, and rotation settings to other images, without having to type it by hand.
* Scale to Fill Frame (proportional scaling with cropping)
* Scale to Fill Frame (proportional scaling with cropping)
* Scale to Fit Frame (standard Scribus "Scale to Frame Size: Proportional" - no cropping)
* Scale to Fit Frame (standard Scribus "Scale to Frame Size: Proportional" - no cropping)
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Each button click performs a separate action on all the currently selected images. So if you need to scale the image and then align it, you should first click the scaling button, then select your alignment and press the Align button.
Each button click performs a separate action on all the currently selected images. So if you need to scale the image and then align it, you should first click the scaling button, then select your alignment and press the Align button.
Example of using the selection option:

I hope you'll find this script useful. This script has been immensely helpful to me in laying out the pictures for a photo album. More functions may be forthcoming if I find some that are useful. Maybe this additional alignment and scaling functionality could be incorporated into Scribus at some point.
I hope you'll find this script useful. This script has been immensely helpful to me in laying out the pictures for a photo album. More functions may be forthcoming if I find some that are useful. Maybe this additional alignment and scaling functionality could be incorporated into Scribus at some point.
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'''Warning: You can leave the script dialog open, and continue to scale and align more images that you select. However, due to a multi-threading bug with Python scripts in Scribus, if you attempt to launch another script while this one is running, Scribus will probably crash and you'll lose your document. So be careful, and save often! Also, when the script is running, it may interfere with other Scribus actions such as using the Properties toolbar.'''
'''Warning: You can leave the script dialog open, and continue to scale and align more images that you select. However, due to a multi-threading bug with Python scripts in Scribus, if you attempt to launch another script while this one is running, Scribus will probably crash and you'll lose your document. So be careful, and save often! Also, when the script is running, it may interfere with other Scribus actions such as using the Properties toolbar.'''

Here is a screenshot of the script:
Save this script with a filename of, for example.
from scribus import *
    # I wish PyQt installed everywhere :-/
    from Tkinter import *
    from tkFont import Font
except ImportError:
    print "This script requires Python's Tkinter properly installed."
    messageBox('Script failed',
              'This script requires Python\'s Tkinter properly installed.',
class TkImageAlignmentWizard(Frame):
    """ GUI interface for aligning an image in a frame"""
    selectedList = []
    objList = []
    imgList = []
    nbrSelected = 0
    nbrObjects = 0
    nbrImages = 0
    regroupObjects = False
    innerFrame = ""
    outerFrame = ""
    copyXPos = 0.0
    copyYPos = 0.0
    copyWidth = 0.0
    copyHeight = 0.0
    copyRotation = 0.0
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        """ Setup the dialog """
        # refernce to the localization dictionary
        self.key = 'English'
        Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.master.resizable(0, 0)
        self.master.title('Image Wizard Advanced')
        #define widgets
        #define framed areas
        self.select_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.load_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.copy_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.align_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.scale_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.flip_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.move_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        #selection options - what images can be operated on
        self.selectLabel = Label(self.select_frame, text='What images will be modified:')
        self.selectFrameLabel1 = Label(self.select_frame, text='The options below are used for a set of 2 images that are')
        self.selectFrameLabel2 = Label(self.select_frame, text='grouped, where one image is a decorative frame, and the')
        self.selectFrameLabel3 = Label(self.select_frame, text='other image is a photo or picture.')
        self.selectVar = StringVar()
        self.selectRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Single Image Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="Single")
        self.selectRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='Multiple Images', variable=self.selectVar, value="Multiple")
        self.selectRadio3 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Group of Two Frames - Inner Frame Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="InnerFrame2")
        self.selectRadio4 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Group of Two Frames - Outer Frame Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="OuterFrame2")
        #load options
        self.loadButton = Button(self.load_frame, text='Load image for selected frame(s)...', command=self.loadImage)
        #copy options - copy and paste another object's size, location, and rotation
        self.copyButton = Button(self.copy_frame, text='Copy from image', command=self.copyInformation)
        self.copyPasteButton = Button(self.copy_frame, text='Paste to image(s)', command=self.pasteInformation)
        self.copyLabel = Label(self.copy_frame, text='Copy/Paste the Location/Size/Rotation settings from image to another:')
        self.copyLabel2 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='(A Group of Two Image Frames is treated together, but without rotation.)')
        self.copyArrowLabel1 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='v')
        self.copyArrowLabel2 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='v')
        self.copyInfoVar = StringVar()
        self.copyInfoLabel = Label(self.copy_frame, textvariable=self.copyInfoVar)
        # alignment options
        self.alignLabel = Label(self.align_frame, text='Align Image')
        self.alignVar = StringVar()
        self.alignRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TL")
        self.alignRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TC")
        self.alignRadio3 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TR")
        self.alignRadio4 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="ML")
        self.alignRadio5 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="MC")
        self.alignRadio6 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="MR")
        self.alignRadio7 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BL")
        self.alignRadio8 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BC")
        self.alignRadio9 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BR")
        self.alignButton = Button(self.align_frame, text='Align', command=self.alignImage)
        # scaling options
        self.scaleLabel = Label(self.scale_frame, text='Scale Image:')
        self.scaleToFillButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fill Frame', command=self.scaleImageToFill)
        self.scaleToFitButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fit Frame', command=self.scaleImageToFit)
        self.scaleToFitProportionallyButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fit Proportionally', command=self.scaleImageToFitProportionally)
        self.scalePercentVar = StringVar()
        self.scalePercentLabel1 = Label(self.scale_frame, text='Scale Image to:')
        self.scalePercentLabel2 = Label(self.scale_frame, text='%')
        self.scalePercentEntry = Entry(self.scale_frame, textvariable=self.scalePercentVar, width=8)
        self.scalePercentButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale', command=self.scaleImageToPercent)
        #flip options
        self.flipLabel = Label(self.flip_frame, text='Flip Image:')
        self.flipHorizontallyButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='< Flip Horizontally >', command=self.flipHorizontally)
        self.flipVerticallyButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='^\nFlip Vertically\nv', command=self.flipVertically)
        self.flipUndoButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='No Flipping', command=self.flipUndo)
        #move options
        self.moveVar = StringVar()
        self.moveRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.move_frame, variable=self.moveVar, value="Image", text='Move Image')
        self.moveRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.move_frame, variable=self.moveVar, value="Frame", text='Move Frame')
        self.moveUpButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='^', command=self.moveUp)
        self.moveUpLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='^^', command=self.moveUpLots)
        self.moveDownButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='v', command=self.moveDown)
        self.moveDownLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='vv', command=self.moveDownLots)
        self.moveLeftButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='<', command=self.moveLeft)
        self.moveLeftLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='<<', command=self.moveLeftLots)
        self.moveRightButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='>', command=self.moveRight)
        self.moveRightLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='>>', command=self.moveRightLots)
        # closing/running
        self.doneButton = Button(self, text="Done", command=self.quit)
        #status label
        self.statusVar = StringVar()
        self.statusLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.statusVar)
        #make select layout
        currRow = 0
        self.selectLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel3.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio3.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio4.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        #make load layout
        currRow = 0
        self.loadButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)       
        #make copy layout
        currRow = 0
        self.copyLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyArrowLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyInfoLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyArrowLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyPasteButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)

        # make align layout
        currRow = 0
        self.alignLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio2.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio3.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio4.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio5.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio6.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio7.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio8.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio9.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        self.doneButton.grid(column=3, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        #make scale layout
        currRow = 0
        self.scaleLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFillButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFitButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFitProportionallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scalePercentLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scalePercentEntry.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.scalePercentLabel2.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.scalePercentButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        #make flip layout
        currRow = 0
        self.flipLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipHorizontallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipVerticallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipUndoButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        #make move layout
        currRow = 0
        self.moveRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=5)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveRadio2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=5)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveUpLotsButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveUpButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveLeftLotsButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.moveLeftButton.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.moveRightButton.grid(column=3, row=currRow)
        self.moveRightLotsButton.grid(column=4, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveDownButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveDownLotsButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)

Save this script with a filename of, for example.
        #make overall layout
        currRow = 0
        self.select_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.load_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.copy_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.scale_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
        self.flip_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.align_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
        self.move_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.doneButton.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2)
        currRow += 1
        self.statusLabel.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, stick=W)
    def startImageProcess(self):
        self.selectedList = []
        self.objList = []
        self.imgList = []
        self.nbrSelected = 0
        self.nbrObjects = 0
        self.nbrImages = 0
        self.regroupObjects = False
        self.innerFrame = ""
        self.outerFrame = ""
        #get number of selected items
        self.nbrSelected = selectionCount()
        #get list of selected items
        for i in range(self.nbrSelected):
        #get list of selected images
        for i in range(self.nbrSelected):
            obj = self.selectedList[i]
            if(getProperty(obj, "itemType") == 2):
                self.nbrImages += 1
        #get selection type: Single, Multiple, InnerFrame2, or OuterFrame2
        #then determine whether the current selection matches that type or not
        #if it does, then proceed, otherwise stop processing
        selectType = self.selectVar.get()
        continueProcessing = False
        if selectType == "Single" and self.nbrImages == 1:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "Multiple" and self.nbrImages > 0:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "InnerFrame2" and self.nbrImages == 2:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "OuterFrame2" and self.nbrImages == 2:
            continueProcessing = True
        #if we're not supposed to continueProcessing, return to end the script
        if not continueProcessing:
        #build objList, putting all the images that should be modified into it
        if selectType == "Single" or selectType == "Multiple":
            for i in range(self.nbrImages):
                obj = self.imgList[i]
                self.nbrObjects += 1
        elif selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
            #The InnerFrame2 selection tries to determine the smallest frame, the OuterFrame selection tries to determine the largest frame.
            #The single frame chosen will be the only one that has an image operation performed on it
            firstObject = True
            selectedObj = ""
            otherObj = ""
            w = 0.0
            h = 0.0
            for i in range(2):
                obj = self.imgList[i]
                #try to ungroup the images if they are in a 2-Image group, it will be re-grouped in endImageProcess
                self.regroupObjects = True
                if firstObject:
                    firstObject = False
                    w = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    h = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    selectedObj = obj
                    tempw = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    temph = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    otherObj = obj
                    if selectType == "InnerFrame2" and (tempw*temph) <= (w*h):
                        w = tempw
                        h = temph
                        otherObj = selectedObj
                        selectedObj = obj
                    elif selectType == "OuterFrame2" and (tempw*temph) > (w*h):
                        w = tempw
                        h = temph
                        otherObj = selectedObj
                        selectedObj = obj
            if selectedObj != "":
                self.nbrObjects = 1
                if selectType == "InnerFrame2":
                    self.innerFrame = selectedObj
                    self.outerFrame = otherObj
                elif selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                    self.outerFrame = selectedObj
                    self.innerFrame = otherObj
    def endImageProcess(self):
        #this tries to group objects back together if regroupObjects is True, otherwise it doesn't do anything
        if self.regroupObjects:
    def alignImage(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    frameW = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    frameH = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    saveScaleX = getProperty(obj, "imageXScale")
                    saveScaleY = getProperty(obj, "imageYScale")
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    fullScaleX = getProperty(obj, "imageXScale")
                    fullScaleY = getProperty(obj, "imageYScale")
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    #scaleImage(saveScaleX, saveScaleY, obj)
                    #don't use scaleImage(...) because it seems to scale all selected items by the same amount
                    setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", saveScaleX)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", saveScaleY)
                    imageW = frameW * (saveScaleX / fullScaleX)
                    imageH = frameH * (saveScaleY / fullScaleY)
                    imageX = 0.0
                    imageY = 0.0
                    if self.alignVar.get()[0] == "T":
                        imageY = 0.0
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[0] == "M":
                        imageY = (frameH - imageH) / 2.0 / saveScaleY
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[0] == "B":
                        imageY = (frameH - imageH) / saveScaleY
                    if self.alignVar.get()[1] == "L":
                        imageX = 0.0
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[1] == "C":
                        imageX = (frameW - imageW) / 2.0 / saveScaleX
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[1] == "R":
                        imageX = (frameW - imageW) / saveScaleX
                    setProperty(obj, "imageXOffset", imageX)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYOffset", imageY)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def scaleImageToFill(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    scaleX, scaleY = getImageScale(obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    if scaleX > scaleY:
                        scale = scaleX
                        #scaleImage(scale, scale, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", scale)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", scale)
                    elif scaleY > scaleX:
                        scale = scaleY
                        #scaleImage(scale, scale, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", scale)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", scale)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def scaleImageToFit(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def scaleImageToFitProportionally(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, True, obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def scaleImageToPercent(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    tempScale = float(self.scalePercentVar.get())
                    tempScale = tempScale / 100.0
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    #scaleImage(tempScale, tempScale, obj)
                    #don't use scaleImage(...) because it seems to scale all selected items
                    setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", tempScale)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", tempScale)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def flipHorizontally(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH", not getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH"))
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def flipVertically(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV", not getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV"))
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def flipUndo(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH", False)
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV", False)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def moveUp(self):
        self.moveImage(0, -10.0)
    def moveUpLots(self):
        self.moveImage(0, -100.0)
    def moveDown(self):
        self.moveImage(0, 10.0)
    def moveDownLots(self):
        self.moveImage(0, 100.0)
    def moveLeft(self):
        self.moveImage(-10.0, 0)
    def moveLeftLots(self):
        self.moveImage(-100.0, 0)
    def moveRight(self):
        self.moveImage(10.0, 0)
    def moveRightLots(self):
        self.moveImage(100.0, 0)
    def moveImage(self, dx, dy):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    #based on which radio button is selected, we either move the image frame on the canvas, or move the image in its frame
                    if str(self.moveVar.get()) == "Frame":
                        #moveObject(dx, dy, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "xPos", getProperty(obj, "xPos") + dx)
                        setProperty(obj, "yPos", getProperty(obj, "yPos") + dy)
                        #if the image is flipped, we need to reverse the delta-X or delta-Y in order to keep moving
                        #the image in the direction that the user expects
                        if getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH"):
                            dx = dx * -1
                        if getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV"):
                            dy = dy * -1
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXOffset", getProperty(obj, "imageXOffset") + dx)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYOffset", getProperty(obj, "imageYOffset") + dy)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def loadImage(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            imageFileName = fileDialog("Load Image", "All Supported Formats (*.gif *.GIF *.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG *.png *.PNG *.xpm *.XPM *.tif *.tiff *.TIF *.TIFF *.psd *.PSD *.epsi *.EPSI *.eps *.EPS *.pdf *.PDF)", "", True, False, False)
            if imageFileName != "":
                for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                        obj = self.objList[i]
                        loadImage(imageFileName, obj)
                        nothing = "nothing"
    def copyInformation(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            obj = self.objList[0]
            #if the selected frame is part of a two-frame group, select the outer frame instead
            selectType = self.selectVar.get()
            if selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                obj = self.outerFrame
                self.copyXPos = getProperty(obj, "xPos")
                self.copyYPos = getProperty(obj, "yPos")
                self.copyWidth = getProperty(obj, "width")
                self.copyHeight = getProperty(obj, "height")
                self.copyRotation = getProperty(obj, "rotation")
                nothing = "nothing"
    def pasteInformation(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            selectType = self.selectVar.get()
            if selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                #get values to calculate inner frame changes
                xPercent = self.copyWidth / getProperty(self.outerFrame, "width")
                yPercent = self.copyHeight / getProperty(self.outerFrame, "height")
                xOffset = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "xPos") - getProperty(self.outerFrame, "xPos")
                yOffset = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "yPos") - getProperty(self.outerFrame, "yPos")
                xOffset *= xPercent
                yOffset *= yPercent
                xSize = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "width") * xPercent
                ySize = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "height") * yPercent
                #set outer frame position
                sizeObject(self.copyWidth, self.copyHeight, self.outerFrame)
                setProperty(self.outerFrame, "xPos", self.copyXPos)
                setProperty(self.outerFrame, "yPos", self.copyYPos)
                #set inner frame position
                sizeObject(xSize, ySize, self.innerFrame)
                setProperty(self.innerFrame, "xPos", self.copyXPos+xOffset)
                setProperty(self.innerFrame, "yPos", self.copyYPos+yOffset)
                for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                        obj = self.objList[i]
                        setProperty(obj, "xPos", self.copyXPos)
                        setProperty(obj, "yPos", self.copyYPos)
                        sizeObject(self.copyWidth, self.copyHeight, obj)
                        rotateObjectAbs(self.copyRotation*-1.0, obj)
                        nothing = "nothing"
    def setCopyInfo(self):
        self.copyInfoVar.set(str(self.copyWidth) + 'w x ' + str(self.copyHeight) + 'h  @  (' + str(self.copyXPos) + 'x, ' + str(self.copyYPos) + 'y),  ' + str(self.copyRotation * -1.0) + ' deg.')
    def forceRefresh(self, obj):
        #changing certain properties doesn't actually redraw the image until the script is terminated
        #to fix this, we move the image and then move it back to the same spot, thus triggering a refresh of the image
        moveObject(1, 0, obj)
        moveObject(-1, 0, obj)
    def setStatus(self, string):
        self.statusVar.set("Status: " + str(string))
    def quit(self):

def main():
    """ Application/Dialog loop with Scribus sauce around """
        if haveDoc():
            root = Tk()
            app = TkImageAlignmentWizard(root)
        if haveDoc():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Revision as of 07:13, 22 September 2007

This article is part of the Scripts series.

You may have seen the the Image Wizard script. This Image Wizard Advanced script gives more options to help you with manipulating images. It may be particularly helpful in working with a photo album.

  • Selection options limit what images are affected by the other operations:
    • Single Image Only
    • Multiple Images
    • Only the Inner Image of a Two Image Group - See example usage below.
    • Only the Outer Image of a Two Image Group
  • Launch a Load Image dialog box, and load that image into all selected frames
  • Copy the Size, Location, and Rotation information from one image, and paste that information into one or more selected images. This lets you copy the exact location, size, and rotation settings to other images, without having to type it by hand.
  • Scale to Fill Frame (proportional scaling with cropping)
  • Scale to Fit Frame (standard Scribus "Scale to Frame Size: Proportional" - no cropping)
  • Scale Image to: x % (proportional scaling by the given percentage)
  • Automatic alignment (9 possible alignments)
  • Click arrow buttons to align the image in the frame
  • Click arrow buttons to align the frame on the canvas
  • Flip the image horizontally or vertically

Each button click performs a separate action on all the currently selected images. So if you need to scale the image and then align it, you should first click the scaling button, then select your alignment and press the Align button.

Example of using the selection option: ImageWizardAdvanced1.png

I hope you'll find this script useful. This script has been immensely helpful to me in laying out the pictures for a photo album. More functions may be forthcoming if I find some that are useful. Maybe this additional alignment and scaling functionality could be incorporated into Scribus at some point.

The script has been tested in Scribus 1.3.4. It requires Tkinter to be properly installed.

Warning: You can leave the script dialog open, and continue to scale and align more images that you select. However, due to a multi-threading bug with Python scripts in Scribus, if you attempt to launch another script while this one is running, Scribus will probably crash and you'll lose your document. So be careful, and save often! Also, when the script is running, it may interfere with other Scribus actions such as using the Properties toolbar.

Save this script with a filename of, for example.

from scribus import *

    # I wish PyQt installed everywhere :-/
    from Tkinter import *
    from tkFont import Font
except ImportError:
    print "This script requires Python's Tkinter properly installed."
    messageBox('Script failed',
               'This script requires Python\'s Tkinter properly installed.',

class TkImageAlignmentWizard(Frame):
    """ GUI interface for aligning an image in a frame"""
    selectedList = []
    objList = []
    imgList = []
    nbrSelected = 0
    nbrObjects = 0
    nbrImages = 0
    regroupObjects = False
    innerFrame = ""
    outerFrame = ""
    copyXPos = 0.0
    copyYPos = 0.0
    copyWidth = 0.0
    copyHeight = 0.0
    copyRotation = 0.0

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        """ Setup the dialog """
        # refernce to the localization dictionary
        self.key = 'English'
        Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.master.resizable(0, 0)
        self.master.title('Image Wizard Advanced')
        #define widgets
        #define framed areas
        self.select_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.load_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.copy_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.align_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.scale_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.flip_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        self.move_frame = Frame(self, bd=1, relief=RIDGE)
        #selection options - what images can be operated on
        self.selectLabel = Label(self.select_frame, text='What images will be modified:')
        self.selectFrameLabel1 = Label(self.select_frame, text='The options below are used for a set of 2 images that are')
        self.selectFrameLabel2 = Label(self.select_frame, text='grouped, where one image is a decorative frame, and the')
        self.selectFrameLabel3 = Label(self.select_frame, text='other image is a photo or picture.')
        self.selectVar = StringVar()
        self.selectRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Single Image Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="Single")
        self.selectRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='Multiple Images', variable=self.selectVar, value="Multiple")
        self.selectRadio3 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Group of Two Frames - Inner Frame Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="InnerFrame2")
        self.selectRadio4 = Radiobutton(self.select_frame, text='A Group of Two Frames - Outer Frame Only', variable=self.selectVar, value="OuterFrame2")
        #load options
        self.loadButton = Button(self.load_frame, text='Load image for selected frame(s)...', command=self.loadImage)
        #copy options - copy and paste another object's size, location, and rotation
        self.copyButton = Button(self.copy_frame, text='Copy from image', command=self.copyInformation)
        self.copyPasteButton = Button(self.copy_frame, text='Paste to image(s)', command=self.pasteInformation)
        self.copyLabel = Label(self.copy_frame, text='Copy/Paste the Location/Size/Rotation settings from image to another:')
        self.copyLabel2 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='(A Group of Two Image Frames is treated together, but without rotation.)')
        self.copyArrowLabel1 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='v')
        self.copyArrowLabel2 = Label(self.copy_frame, text='v')
        self.copyInfoVar = StringVar()
        self.copyInfoLabel = Label(self.copy_frame, textvariable=self.copyInfoVar)
        # alignment options
        self.alignLabel = Label(self.align_frame, text='Align Image')
        self.alignVar = StringVar()
        self.alignRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TL")
        self.alignRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TC")
        self.alignRadio3 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="TR")
        self.alignRadio4 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="ML")
        self.alignRadio5 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="MC")
        self.alignRadio6 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="MR")
        self.alignRadio7 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BL")
        self.alignRadio8 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BC")
        self.alignRadio9 = Radiobutton(self.align_frame, text='', variable=self.alignVar, value="BR")
        self.alignButton = Button(self.align_frame, text='Align', command=self.alignImage)
        # scaling options
        self.scaleLabel = Label(self.scale_frame, text='Scale Image:')
        self.scaleToFillButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fill Frame', command=self.scaleImageToFill)
        self.scaleToFitButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fit Frame', command=self.scaleImageToFit)
        self.scaleToFitProportionallyButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale to Fit Proportionally', command=self.scaleImageToFitProportionally)
        self.scalePercentVar = StringVar()
        self.scalePercentLabel1 = Label(self.scale_frame, text='Scale Image to:')
        self.scalePercentLabel2 = Label(self.scale_frame, text='%')
        self.scalePercentEntry = Entry(self.scale_frame, textvariable=self.scalePercentVar, width=8)
        self.scalePercentButton = Button(self.scale_frame, text='Scale', command=self.scaleImageToPercent)
        #flip options
        self.flipLabel = Label(self.flip_frame, text='Flip Image:')
        self.flipHorizontallyButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='< Flip Horizontally >', command=self.flipHorizontally)
        self.flipVerticallyButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='^\nFlip Vertically\nv', command=self.flipVertically)
        self.flipUndoButton = Button(self.flip_frame, text='No Flipping', command=self.flipUndo)
        #move options
        self.moveVar = StringVar()
        self.moveRadio1 = Radiobutton(self.move_frame, variable=self.moveVar, value="Image", text='Move Image')
        self.moveRadio2 = Radiobutton(self.move_frame, variable=self.moveVar, value="Frame", text='Move Frame')
        self.moveUpButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='^', command=self.moveUp)
        self.moveUpLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='^^', command=self.moveUpLots)
        self.moveDownButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='v', command=self.moveDown)
        self.moveDownLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='vv', command=self.moveDownLots)
        self.moveLeftButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='<', command=self.moveLeft)
        self.moveLeftLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='<<', command=self.moveLeftLots)
        self.moveRightButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='>', command=self.moveRight)
        self.moveRightLotsButton = Button(self.move_frame, text='>>', command=self.moveRightLots)
        # closing/running
        self.doneButton = Button(self, text="Done", command=self.quit)
        #status label
        self.statusVar = StringVar()
        self.statusLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.statusVar)
        #make select layout
        currRow = 0
        self.selectLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectFrameLabel3.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio3.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        currRow += 1
        self.selectRadio4.grid(column=0, row=currRow, sticky=W)
        #make load layout
        currRow = 0
        self.loadButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)        
        #make copy layout
        currRow = 0
        self.copyLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyArrowLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyInfoLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyArrowLabel2.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.copyPasteButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)

        # make align layout
        currRow = 0
        self.alignLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio2.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio3.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio4.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio5.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio6.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignRadio7.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio8.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.alignRadio9.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.alignButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        self.doneButton.grid(column=3, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        #make scale layout
        currRow = 0
        self.scaleLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFillButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFitButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scaleToFitProportionallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scalePercentLabel1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=3)
        currRow += 1
        self.scalePercentEntry.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.scalePercentLabel2.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.scalePercentButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        #make flip layout
        currRow = 0
        self.flipLabel.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipHorizontallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipVerticallyButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.flipUndoButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        #make move layout
        currRow = 0
        self.moveRadio1.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=5)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveRadio2.grid(column=0, row=currRow, columnspan=5)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveUpLotsButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveUpButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveLeftLotsButton.grid(column=0, row=currRow)
        self.moveLeftButton.grid(column=1, row=currRow)
        self.moveRightButton.grid(column=3, row=currRow)
        self.moveRightLotsButton.grid(column=4, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveDownButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)
        currRow += 1
        self.moveDownLotsButton.grid(column=2, row=currRow)

        #make overall layout
        currRow = 0
        self.select_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.load_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.copy_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.scale_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
        self.flip_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.align_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
        self.move_frame.grid(row=currRow, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        currRow += 1
        self.doneButton.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2)
        currRow += 1
        self.statusLabel.grid(row=currRow, column=0, columnspan=2, stick=W)

    def startImageProcess(self):
        self.selectedList = []
        self.objList = []
        self.imgList = []
        self.nbrSelected = 0
        self.nbrObjects = 0
        self.nbrImages = 0
        self.regroupObjects = False
        self.innerFrame = ""
        self.outerFrame = ""
        #get number of selected items
        self.nbrSelected = selectionCount()
        #get list of selected items
        for i in range(self.nbrSelected):
        #get list of selected images
        for i in range(self.nbrSelected):
            obj = self.selectedList[i]
            if(getProperty(obj, "itemType") == 2):
                self.nbrImages += 1
        #get selection type: Single, Multiple, InnerFrame2, or OuterFrame2
        #then determine whether the current selection matches that type or not
        #if it does, then proceed, otherwise stop processing
        selectType = self.selectVar.get()
        continueProcessing = False
        if selectType == "Single" and self.nbrImages == 1:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "Multiple" and self.nbrImages > 0:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "InnerFrame2" and self.nbrImages == 2:
            continueProcessing = True
        elif selectType == "OuterFrame2" and self.nbrImages == 2:
            continueProcessing = True
        #if we're not supposed to continueProcessing, return to end the script
        if not continueProcessing:
        #build objList, putting all the images that should be modified into it
        if selectType == "Single" or selectType == "Multiple":
            for i in range(self.nbrImages):
                obj = self.imgList[i]
                self.nbrObjects += 1
        elif selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
            #The InnerFrame2 selection tries to determine the smallest frame, the OuterFrame selection tries to determine the largest frame.
            #The single frame chosen will be the only one that has an image operation performed on it
            firstObject = True
            selectedObj = ""
            otherObj = ""
            w = 0.0
            h = 0.0
            for i in range(2):
                obj = self.imgList[i]
                #try to ungroup the images if they are in a 2-Image group, it will be re-grouped in endImageProcess
                self.regroupObjects = True
                if firstObject:
                    firstObject = False
                    w = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    h = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    selectedObj = obj
                    tempw = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    temph = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    otherObj = obj
                    if selectType == "InnerFrame2" and (tempw*temph) <= (w*h):
                        w = tempw
                        h = temph
                        otherObj = selectedObj
                        selectedObj = obj
                    elif selectType == "OuterFrame2" and (tempw*temph) > (w*h):
                        w = tempw
                        h = temph
                        otherObj = selectedObj
                        selectedObj = obj
            if selectedObj != "":
                self.nbrObjects = 1
                if selectType == "InnerFrame2":
                    self.innerFrame = selectedObj
                    self.outerFrame = otherObj
                elif selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                    self.outerFrame = selectedObj
                    self.innerFrame = otherObj

    def endImageProcess(self):
        #this tries to group objects back together if regroupObjects is True, otherwise it doesn't do anything
        if self.regroupObjects:
    def alignImage(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    frameW = getProperty(obj, "width")
                    frameH = getProperty(obj, "height")
                    saveScaleX = getProperty(obj, "imageXScale")
                    saveScaleY = getProperty(obj, "imageYScale")
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    fullScaleX = getProperty(obj, "imageXScale")
                    fullScaleY = getProperty(obj, "imageYScale")
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    #scaleImage(saveScaleX, saveScaleY, obj)
                    #don't use scaleImage(...) because it seems to scale all selected items by the same amount
                    setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", saveScaleX)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", saveScaleY)
                    imageW = frameW * (saveScaleX / fullScaleX)
                    imageH = frameH * (saveScaleY / fullScaleY)
                    imageX = 0.0
                    imageY = 0.0
                    if self.alignVar.get()[0] == "T":
                        imageY = 0.0
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[0] == "M":
                        imageY = (frameH - imageH) / 2.0 / saveScaleY
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[0] == "B":
                        imageY = (frameH - imageH) / saveScaleY
                    if self.alignVar.get()[1] == "L":
                        imageX = 0.0
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[1] == "C":
                        imageX = (frameW - imageW) / 2.0 / saveScaleX
                    elif self.alignVar.get()[1] == "R":
                        imageX = (frameW - imageW) / saveScaleX

                    setProperty(obj, "imageXOffset", imageX)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYOffset", imageY)
                    nothing = "nothing"

    def scaleImageToFill(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    scaleX, scaleY = getImageScale(obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    if scaleX > scaleY:
                        scale = scaleX
                        #scaleImage(scale, scale, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", scale)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", scale)
                    elif scaleY > scaleX:
                        scale = scaleY
                        #scaleImage(scale, scale, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", scale)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", scale)
                    nothing = "nothing"

    def scaleImageToFit(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    nothing = "nothing"

    def scaleImageToFitProportionally(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(True, True, obj)
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def scaleImageToPercent(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    tempScale = float(self.scalePercentVar.get())
                    tempScale = tempScale / 100.0
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, obj)
                    #scaleImage(tempScale, tempScale, obj)
                    #don't use scaleImage(...) because it seems to scale all selected items
                    setProperty(obj, "imageXScale", tempScale)
                    setProperty(obj, "imageYScale", tempScale)
                    nothing = "nothing"

    def flipHorizontally(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH", not getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH"))
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def flipVertically(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV", not getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV"))
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def flipUndo(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH", False)
                    setProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV", False)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def moveUp(self):
        self.moveImage(0, -10.0)
    def moveUpLots(self):
        self.moveImage(0, -100.0)
    def moveDown(self):
        self.moveImage(0, 10.0)
    def moveDownLots(self):
        self.moveImage(0, 100.0)
    def moveLeft(self):
        self.moveImage(-10.0, 0)
    def moveLeftLots(self):
        self.moveImage(-100.0, 0)
    def moveRight(self):
        self.moveImage(10.0, 0)
    def moveRightLots(self):
        self.moveImage(100.0, 0)
    def moveImage(self, dx, dy):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                    obj = self.objList[i]
                    #based on which radio button is selected, we either move the image frame on the canvas, or move the image in its frame
                    if str(self.moveVar.get()) == "Frame":
                        #moveObject(dx, dy, obj)
                        setProperty(obj, "xPos", getProperty(obj, "xPos") + dx)
                        setProperty(obj, "yPos", getProperty(obj, "yPos") + dy)
                        #if the image is flipped, we need to reverse the delta-X or delta-Y in order to keep moving
                        #the image in the direction that the user expects
                        if getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedH"):
                            dx = dx * -1
                        if getProperty(obj, "m_ImageIsFlippedV"):
                            dy = dy * -1
                        setProperty(obj, "imageXOffset", getProperty(obj, "imageXOffset") + dx)
                        setProperty(obj, "imageYOffset", getProperty(obj, "imageYOffset") + dy)
                    nothing = "nothing"
    def loadImage(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            imageFileName = fileDialog("Load Image", "All Supported Formats (*.gif *.GIF *.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG *.png *.PNG *.xpm *.XPM *.tif *.tiff *.TIF *.TIFF *.psd *.PSD *.epsi *.EPSI *.eps *.EPS *.pdf *.PDF)", "", True, False, False)
            if imageFileName != "":
                for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                        obj = self.objList[i]
                        loadImage(imageFileName, obj)
                        nothing = "nothing"

    def copyInformation(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            obj = self.objList[0]

            #if the selected frame is part of a two-frame group, select the outer frame instead
            selectType = self.selectVar.get()
            if selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                obj = self.outerFrame
                self.copyXPos = getProperty(obj, "xPos")
                self.copyYPos = getProperty(obj, "yPos")
                self.copyWidth = getProperty(obj, "width")
                self.copyHeight = getProperty(obj, "height")
                self.copyRotation = getProperty(obj, "rotation")
                nothing = "nothing"
    def pasteInformation(self):
        if self.nbrObjects > 0:
            selectType = self.selectVar.get()
            if selectType == "InnerFrame2" or selectType == "OuterFrame2":
                #get values to calculate inner frame changes
                xPercent = self.copyWidth / getProperty(self.outerFrame, "width")
                yPercent = self.copyHeight / getProperty(self.outerFrame, "height")
                xOffset = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "xPos") - getProperty(self.outerFrame, "xPos")
                yOffset = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "yPos") - getProperty(self.outerFrame, "yPos")
                xOffset *= xPercent
                yOffset *= yPercent
                xSize = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "width") * xPercent
                ySize = getProperty(self.innerFrame, "height") * yPercent
                #set outer frame position
                sizeObject(self.copyWidth, self.copyHeight, self.outerFrame)
                setProperty(self.outerFrame, "xPos", self.copyXPos)
                setProperty(self.outerFrame, "yPos", self.copyYPos)
                #set inner frame position
                sizeObject(xSize, ySize, self.innerFrame)
                setProperty(self.innerFrame, "xPos", self.copyXPos+xOffset)
                setProperty(self.innerFrame, "yPos", self.copyYPos+yOffset)
                for i in range(self.nbrObjects):
                        obj = self.objList[i]
                        setProperty(obj, "xPos", self.copyXPos)
                        setProperty(obj, "yPos", self.copyYPos)
                        sizeObject(self.copyWidth, self.copyHeight, obj)
                        rotateObjectAbs(self.copyRotation*-1.0, obj)
                        nothing = "nothing"
    def setCopyInfo(self):
        self.copyInfoVar.set(str(self.copyWidth) + 'w x ' + str(self.copyHeight) + 'h  @  (' + str(self.copyXPos) + 'x, ' + str(self.copyYPos) + 'y),  ' + str(self.copyRotation * -1.0) + ' deg.')

    def forceRefresh(self, obj):
        #changing certain properties doesn't actually redraw the image until the script is terminated
        #to fix this, we move the image and then move it back to the same spot, thus triggering a refresh of the image
        moveObject(1, 0, obj)
        moveObject(-1, 0, obj)
    def setStatus(self, string):
        self.statusVar.set("Status: " + str(string))

    def quit(self):

def main():
    """ Application/Dialog loop with Scribus sauce around """
        if haveDoc():
            root = Tk()
            app = TkImageAlignmentWizard(root)
        if haveDoc():

if __name__ == '__main__':