Website Analysis and Design: Difference between revisions

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== about ==
== about ==
== download ==
== download ==
* short introduction to download according to the visitor's current operating system + link to the documentation for more infos.
* download
* bigger download button with link to the current stable version for the host system
** short introduction to download according to the visitor's current operating system + link to the documentation for more infos.
* stable version
** bigger download button with link to the current stable version for the host system
** for each platform
** stable version
* unstable version
*** for each platform
** for each platform
** unstable version
* development version
*** for each platform
** link to the latest available snapshot for each platform
** development version
** svn link + link to how to compile from svn
*** link to the latest available snapshot for each platform
*** svn link + link to how to compile from svn

== comunity ==
== comunity ==

Revision as of 12:14, 25 March 2010

This is where the discussion of business vision, scope, and user stories will converge into an outline of the website redesign.

proposal by a.l.e


  • scribus logo
  • a short description of scribus (not longer than xxx chars, not shorter than xxx chars)
  • a feature list (3 sections with 4 features each; each item 3 to 5 words)
  • bigger download button with link to the current stable version for the visitor's current system + link to all downloads
  • a graphic element containing one or more screenshots presented in a fancy way (transparences, irregular form)
  • news list with max three items (not older than 3 months)
    • title + short description + link (+ picture?)
  • a top navigation
    • about
    • download
    • community
    • development
  • a "beginning with scribus" button
  • a "standard" way to show special promotions (like the lgm pledgie)
  • bottom link list
    • contact
    • sitemap
    • sponsors
  • eventually one sponsor (randomly picked each time)



  • download
    • short introduction to download according to the visitor's current operating system + link to the documentation for more infos.
    • bigger download button with link to the current stable version for the host system
    • stable version
      • for each platform
    • unstable version
      • for each platform
    • development version
      • link to the latest available snapshot for each platform
      • svn link + link to how to compile from svn


  • community
    • link to documentation
    • why and how report bugs + link to bugs
    • link to ML and to our web irc client
  • eventually user friendly subscribe / unsubscribe form for the mailing list
  • web irc client




  • entries are manually added (not generated)
  • several columns


  • list with logo, name, website and a description of what the sponsor is doing for scribus
