Adding 'DRAFT' to a document
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- !/usr/bin/env python
A script to place a light grey watermark 'DRAFT' on a new layer. Requires an existing document, but can be modified to create a new document if it does not exist
uses (See the API in Help->Scribus Manual->For Developers->Scripter API;
haveDoc createLayer getActiveLayer setActiveLayer createText setUnit setText setTextColor setFontSize rotateObject
Tested on 1.3.8 and A0, A2, A4, A5, Letter
from scribus import *
- Could be expanded to include localization here
draft = "DRAFT"
- draft = "ENTWURF"
- draft = "BROUILLON"
L = len(draft) # The length of the word
# will determine the font size
defineColor("gray", 11, 11, 11, 11) # Set your own color here
if haveDoc():
u = getUnit() # Get the units of the document al = getActiveLayer() # Identify the working layer setUnit(UNIT_MILLIMETERS) # Set the document units to mm, (w,h) = getPageSize() # needed to set the text box size
createLayer("c") setActiveLayer("c")
T = createText(w/6, 6*h/10 , h, w/2) # Create the text box setText(draft, T) # Insert the text setTextColor("gray", T) # Set the color of the text setFontSize((w/210)*(180 - 10*L), T) # Set the font size according to length and width
rotateObject(45, T) # Turn it round antclockwise 45 degrees setUnit(u) # return to original document units setActiveLayer(al) # return to the original active layer