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A new script engine is currently being integrated into Scribus. The next steps will be:
- get the script engine to work (should already be ok)
- get the editor to work (i'm stucked there)
- revise the structure of the API
- add new functions to the API
- Scripter Architecture
- Scripter API
- Objects: Images
- Databases
- Alessandro Rimoldi's blog series on scripter functions - a_l_e's blog
Script snippets
This section contains snippets you can use to create your own scripts.
It will feature:
- reading a file
- updating a status bar
- selecting a frame
- pausing the screen update
Beginners Scripts
Link to Script | Scripter commands demonstrated |
newDocument, createRect, setCornerRadius, setLineWidth, setFillColor, setLineColor, saveDocAs | |
newDocument, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillShade, createRect, saveDocAs | |
newDocument, createEllipse, setLineWidth, setFillColor, setFillShade, saveDocAs, currentPage, setHGuides, messageBox, statusMessage, progressReset | |
haveDoc, createLayer, getActiveLayer, setActiveLayer, createText, setUnit, setText, setTextColor, setFontSize, rotateObject | |
haveDoc, valueDialog, getUnit, setUnit, getPageSize, getPageMargins, | |
defineColor, createEllipse, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createLine, getPageSize, createRect | |
valueDialog, getColor, getLayers, createLayer, setActiveLayer, setHGuides, setVGuides, getHGuides, getVGuides, createText, setTextColor, insertText, setFontSize, setLineSpacing, defineColor, createRect, groupObjects, createLine, setLineColor, setLineWidth, createEllipse, haveDoc, messageBox | |
haveDoc, getUnit, setUnit, getPageSize, getPageMargins, setMargins, messageBox, statusMessage, progressReset | |
haveDoc, setUnit, valueDialog, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor | |
haveDoc, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createText, setFont, setFontSize, setTextAlignment, valueDialog, messageBox, docChanged | |
newDoc, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createLayer, setActiveLayer, createText, setFont, setFontSize, setTextAlignment, selectText, setTextDistances, valueDialog, messageBox | |
haveDoc, valueDialog, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createText, setTextColor, setText, setTextAlignment, setFont, setFontSize, rotateObject | |
haveDoc, valueDialog, setUnit, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createText, setTextColor, setText, setTextAlignment, setFont, setFontSize | |
fileDialog, haveDoc, setUnit, valueDialog, createLine, setLineWidth, setLineColor, setFillColor, createPolyLine | |
valueDialog, messageBox, haveDoc, importSVG – much of the script involves mathematical calculations | |
getPageSize, fileDialog, createImage, setScaleImageToFrame, setFillColor, setLineColor, getImageScale, sizeObject, haveDoc, messageBox This is an old script (Scribus, so be sure to check the precise names of commands. If you find errors, let us know or edit the wiki page to correct. | |
messageBox, createLine, setLineColor, haveDoc, statusMessage, progressReset There is a minor usage of Scribus commands here, but it does show how to set up a Tkinter dialog for multiple variable entry. | |
newDoc, newPage, createText, setText, setTextAlignment, setFont, setFontSize This is almost a script fragment even though it could work on its own. What it shows is the basic operation to import information from a simple structured text file and incorporate into a document. Could be adapted for mail merge, for example. | |
haveDoc, selectionCount, getSelectedObject, setScaleImageToFrame, getImageScale, scaleImage, docChanged | |
not sure if this script works | |
haveDoc, selectionCount, getSelectedObject, setProperty, moveObject, docChanged | |
replaceColor, docChanged This is a "script-let" really, but quickly shows how to change or delete colors in a document. No checking for errors. | |
haveDoc, fileDialog, messageBox, pageCount, getPageItems, gotoPage, getAllText, getImageFile | |
valueDialog, messageBox This is a utility that just happens to run in Scribus, using the valueDialog and messageBox to do what the title says. | |
getPageSize, getPageMargins, createText, setFontSize, setTextAlignment, insertText, getColorNames, statusMessage, progressTotal, getColor, progressSet, haveDoc, openDoc, fileDialog, messageBox, getColorsFromDocument, newDocument, setUnit, deleteColor, defineColor, valueDialog, newPage, createRect, setFillColor, setLineColor | |
messageBox, valueDialog | |
Basic scripts
Scripts which give you ideas how you can solve your tasks.
Full functional scripts
Scripts that are ready for achieving specific tasks
- Export all text from a Scribus file
- Resize selected objects
- Import xml and apply styles
- Align to the left page margin (after adding a new page in a double page document)
- Bullets. Make bulleted list.
- Bullets and numbered lists
- Scribus Generator. Extend Scribus with Mail Merge functionality.
- Image crop, resize and CMYK conversion. Save and reload in TIFF format.
Scripting new Scribus' functions
Scripts which sketch new features which may be included in future releases of Scribus
Extension scripts and PyQt
Python issues
- Extension_script_repository
- Web optimised PDF — learn how to minimize PDF size, make your life easier with the included Perl script (runs outside of Scribus)
- Imagemagick Imposition – a bash script doing simple imposition of PNG files exported from Scribus
- Printing_4-up_tickets_to_hard_copy_printer Shows a) automatic numbering in text boxes and b) hard-copy printing from script
Pages in category "Scripts"
The following 103 pages are in this category, out of 103 total.
- A Standard Form with Barcodes and Custom Entries
- Adding 'DRAFT' to a document
- Adjust a text frame to fit its content
- Advanced Graphing
- Align an Image in its Frame
- Align to left page margin
- Apply basic ligatures to a document
- Applying a Frame Style
- Automatic import of images from a directory using a script
- Automatic import of images: Versions not requiring Tkinter
- Automatic story formatting
- Automatically Creating a Graph
- Autoquote2
- Centering text vertically in a frame
- Clean-up the imported text based on the Slovak typographic rules
- Color Chart
- Convert all colors to CMYK
- Convert RGB imported colors to CMYK
- Convert RGB value to Hex
- Convert Typewriter Quotes to Typographic Quotes
- CopyObject() and pasteObject()
- Create tables out of csv data
- Creating a Graph, Part 2
- Creating a TOC with Scripter
- Creating Markers - another version
- Creating Markers for positioning and cutting
- Image crop, resize and CMYK conversion. Save and reload in TIFF format
- Image crop, resize and color conversion GUI
- Image Wizard Advanced
- Image Wizard: Scale and Align an Image
- Imagemagick Imposition
- Import an image in the way office-programs do
- Import CSV Data
- Importing addresses from a text file
- Infobox in column
- Scale an Image to Fill a Frame Proportionally
- Scrambling Text
- Scribus Generator
- Scribus xhtml using Scripter
- Scribus XML using Scripter
- Script Resize selected objects
- Scripter API
- Scripter Architecture
- Scripter Security
- Scripter/Databases
- Scripter/Images
- Scripter/Snippet/Main
- ScripterNG
- Setting Text Distances from a Script
- Shifting All Page Objects
- Split Image Across Gutter