1.4.0 Release

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From the opensuse 11.4 announcement...

The previous stable Scribus series (1.3.3) was built upon Qt 3. The port to Qt 4 took about a month, and it took another 2 months to remove the need for compatibility libraries with Qt3. However, it took well over 3 years to really take advantage of all the new functionality in Qt 4 and implement over 1500 RFC's. This includes porting the canvas over to Cairo which offers better performance and several needed features, as well as some major refactoring in several area's.

The many improvements to this release include a new render frame type for rendering of latex, povray and other files, significant vector file import improvements (incl. AI, PSD, EPS) and better picture and color management including more palettes. In the text handling area, there is a new text storage system, undo and redo now also take care of text changes and there is now support for separate paragraph/character styles.

Need to add a list of bugs from bugs.scribus.net and group by type and functionality, then reduce until we have a nice list....