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New features and fixes in Scribus 1.5svn

This page gives you a rundown of the new features in the next release of Scribus (version 1.5svn)

This document is a working progress and will be finalized short before the release of Scribus 1.6.

Featured Selection

The development of Scribus 1.6 has been focused on:

  • Improving the user interface
  • Improving the productivity
  • Adding new text based elements
Scribus 16 featured tables.png

Now you can create real tables in Scribus, merge cells, split them.

Scribus 16 featured footnotes.png

Scribus now supports footnotes and glueing together frames (welding)

Scribus 16 featured pdf export.png

PDF export to two new formats : PDF X/1-a and PDF X/4


EPub export (still in development)


Better support for dictionnaries (hunspell, scribus can load the dictionaries from its server; already in 1.4.2)


All palettes can be docked on the left or right side of the window


The new Scripter engine brings a better integration in Scribus and a enhanced API






Thanks to GSoC_2011_Tables_Proposal Elvis's GSOC 2011 project and the improvements by Craig, Jean and Franz Scribus now has Tables that works in a similar way as you're used in word processors.

Adding rows and columns


Now you can easily add new rows and columns to an existing table

Resize cells


Split and merge cells


Fit the table to the frame


Footnotes and welded text

Improvements to text frames

Improvements to the linking tool

File:Example.jpg You can now create new frames while in linking mode and they will be automatically linked. And you can cut a story when unlinking. And click on the overflow box.

Widows and orphans control




With a double click on the lower frame handle you can autofit the frame to its content


Improvements to the GUI

Dockable palettes


Master pages merged into the arrange pages palette




A better integrated and more powerful Scripter

Add menus to the Menus

File:Example.jpg ... and also define shortcuts.

Simple use of Qt dialogs


An enhanced API

File:Example.jpg Object oriented and covers more Scribus features. Since it has become lot easier to to new commands, the goal is to cover all Scribus features in the Scripter API.


Misc changes and features

These features could/should also be integrated above:

  • Symbols (linked scrapbook elements)
  • Clean up of the preferences dialog
  • Support for new PDF standards
  • Reading (importing?) PDFs.
  • A git repository for easier contributions
  • The undo should now apply to all tasks.
  • IDML import (Just a small note regarding the scrapbook, you can already use the scrapbook with your idml/idms files, just open a new tab pointing to the folder where the files are stored)
  • advanced gradients and mesh gradients
  • PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-4 exporting
  • patterns can be used for borders and create fancy borders
  • symbols! patterns and symbols can be further edited
  • improvements to the outline palette (move up and down, in and out of groups, preview)

The future

Planned features

Not fixed bugs


This page has been heavily inspired by http://www.libreoffice.org/download/3-5-new-features-and-fixes/