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This article is part of the Scripts series.

Haven't got this wiki thing psyched out yet, but here is a script to put an 8pt border 20 pts in on a A4 page. Modifyfying it gives all sorts of borders

from scribus import *

if NewDoc(Paper_A4, (10, 10, 10, 10), Portrait, 1, UNIT_POINTS, NoFacingPages, FirstPageRight):

       spx=20          # x co-ord Start point
       spy=20          # y co-ord Start point
       wth=595         # A4 width in points
       dph=842         # Depth of frame - adjust to suit
       a=8             # Line width
       b="Black"       # add other colors as required
       h = CreateRect(spx,spy,wth-2*spx,dph-2*spy)
       setCornerRadius(20, h)
       setLineWidth(8, h)
       setFillColor(w, h)
       setLineColor(b, h)

When I last tried setCornerRadius didn't work, but they'll sort that out eventually.