Glossary indexed by English
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(Items in parentheses are alternatives)
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish |
3 fold | dreifach gefaltet | Składanka potrójna | Três dobras | |||||
4 fold | vierfach gefaltet | Składanka poczwórna | Quarto dobras | |||||
Abbreviation | Abréviation | Abbreviatur | Abbreviazione | Abrewiatura | Abreviação (Abreviatura) |
Аббревиатура | ||
Alignment | Uitlijning | Alignement | Zeilenfall (Ausrichtung) |
Allineamento | Wyrównanie | Alinhamento | Выключка | |
Alley | Kolomwit | Zwischenschlag (Innensteg) |
Odstęp międzyłamowy | Viela (Fresta) |
Alpha channel | Canal alfa | Alphakanal | Canale alfa | Kanał alfa | Canal Alpha | Альфа-канал | ||
Ancient | Romeinse letter | Antiqua | Antykwa | Tipo romano | ||||
A-size | Formats de papier ISO | DIN-Papier | Formaty szeregu A | |||||
Ascender | Oberlänge | Ascendente | Ascendente | Rasgo ascendente | ||||
Back(step) mark | Flattermarke | Znak grzbietowy | ||||||
Backup registration | Register | |||||||
Baseline | Basislijn | Grundlinie (Schriftlinie) |
Linea di base | Linia pisma | Pauta | Базовая линия | Linea di base | |
Baseline grid | Basislijnstramien | Grundlinienraster | Siatka linii pisma | Pauta (Grade da Pauta) |
Сетка базовой линии | |||
Baseline shift | Grundlinienversatz | Przesunięcie względem linii pisma | ||||||
Bastard title | Franse titel | Schmutztitel (Antiporta) |
Strona przedtytułowa | |||||
Bezier curve | Beziercurve | Courbe de Bézier | Bézierkurve | Krzywa Béziera | Curva de Brezier | Кривая Безье | ||
Binder | Band (boekband) |
Reliure | Einband | Okładka | Cobertura (Acabamento) |
Blackpoint Compensation | Zwartpuntcompensatie | Tiefenkompensierung | Komensacja poziomu czerni | Compensação de Pontos Negros | Компенсация чёрной точки | |||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Bleed | Fond perdu | Beschnitt (Anschnitt) |
Smarginatura | Spad | Sangria | Página sangrada | ||
Bold | Vet | Gras | Fett | Pogrubiony, tłusty, wytłuszczony |
Negrito | Жирный | ||
Bookmark | Bladwijzer | Signet (marque-page) |
Lesezeichen | Zakładka | Marcador ou Favorito | Закладка | ||
Bottom margin | Startwit | Marge du bas | Fußsteg | Margem inferior | Нижнее поле | |||
Brightness | Helderheid | Luminosité | Helligkeit | Brilho | Яркость | |||
Bullet (point) | Merkteken | Puce | Aufzählungszeichen (Spiegelstrich) |
Marcador | ||||
Calibration | Calibration | Kalibrierung | Calibração | Калибровка | ||||
Caption | Legenda | Légende | Beschriftung (Legende) |
Subtítulo (Legenda) |
Заголовок | |||
Centre mark | Vouwteken | Falzmarke | Znacznik bigowania | Marcas de dobra | ||||
Character class | Zeichensatz | Classe de Caractere | ||||||
Clipping path | Beschneidungspfad (Freistellpfad) |
Ścieżka odcięcia | Mascaras de seleção | |||||
Colour management | Farbmanagement | Gerenciamento de Cores | Управление цветом | |||||
Colour map | Farbwähler | Zarządzanie kolorami | Mapa de Cores | |||||
Colour profile | Kleurprofiel | Farbprofil | Perfil de cor | Цветовой профиль | ||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Colour schema | Kleurenschema (kleurenseparatie) |
Farbschema | Esquema de Cor | Цветовая схема | ||||
Colour separation | Kleurscheiding | Farbseparation | Rozbarwienie | Separações de cores | Цветоделение | |||
Colour space | Kleurruimte | Farbraum | Przestrzeń barw | Espaço de Cores | Цветовая модель | |||
Colour wheel | Kleurencirkel | Farbkreis | Koło barw | Roda de Cores | ||||
Column | Kolom | Colonne | Kolumne (Spalte) |
Kolumna | Coluna | Столбец | ||
Complementary colour | Complementaire kleur | Couleur complémentaire | Komplementärfarbe | Barwa dopełniajaca | Cores complementares | |||
Continuous text | Fließtext | Texto contínuo | ||||||
Contrast | Contraste | Kontrast | Contraste | Контраст | ||||
Control character | Caractère de contrôle | Kontrollzeichen | Znak kontrolny | Caractere de Controle | ||||
Crop marks | Snijtekens | Traits de coupe | Schnittmarke (Schneidemarke) |
Znaczniki cięcia, linie cięcia | Marcas de corte | Метки под обрез | ||
Device profile | Profil de périphérique | Geräteprofil | Perfil do dispositivo | |||||
Document outline | Aufriss | Struktura dokumentu | Esboço do original | Схема документа | ||||
DPI(Dots per inch) | PPP (points per ponce) | DPI | DPI | |||||
Drop caps | Initialen | Lettrines | Initialen | Inicjały opuszczone | Capitulação | Буквица | ||
Ellipsis | Beletselteken (ellips) |
Ellipse | Auslassungspunkte | Wielokropek | Elípse | Многоточие | ||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Em dash | Geviertstrich (Auslassungstrich) |
Pauza | Linha Em | |||||
Emphasis | Accentuering | Auszeichnung | Ênfase | |||||
Em space | Spacja firetowa | |||||||
En dash | Liggend streepje | Tiret | Halbgeviertstrich (Gedankenstrich) |
Półpauza | Linha En | |||
En space | Spacja półfiretowa | |||||||
Es-zett | Eszett | Eszett | Eszett | |||||
Even page | Page paire | Seite mit ungerader Seitnummer | Strona parzysta | Página Par | ||||
Facing pages | Pages en vis-à-vis | gegenüberliegende Seiten | Strony widzące | Páginas espelhadas | ||||
Figure space | Spacja cyfrowa | Espaço de imagem |
Flush | Justificado (nivelado) |
Font | Schriftart | Font | Fonte | |||||
Font face | Schriftschnitt | Krój pisma | Corpo da fonte | |||||
Font family | Letterfamilie | Famille de police | Schriftfamilie | Família da fonte | Гарнитура шрифтов | |||
Font size | Lettergrootte | Corps | Schriftgrad | Stopień pisma | Tamanho da Fonte | Кегль шрифта | ||
Font slant | Schriftlage | Pochylenie kroju | Inclinação da fonte | |||||
Font weight | Schriftstärke | Peso da fonte | ||||||
Font width | Schriftweite | Largura da Fonte | ||||||
Footnote | Voetnoot | Note de bas de page | Fußnote | Nota de rodapé | ||||
Forced alignment | Geforceerd | Erzwungener Blocksatz | justowanie (z ostatnią linią) |
Forçado | ||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Formatting | Formatierung | Formatowanie | Formatação | Форматирование | ||||
Frame | Kader | Cadre | Rahmen | Ramka | Quadro | рамка, блок | ||
Freehand line | Vrijehand-curve | Ligne à main levée | Freihandlinie | Linia odręczna | Linha à mão livre | Линия от руки | ||
Frontispiece | Frontispice | Frontispice | Frontispiz | Frontyspis | Ilustração de Capa | Фронтиспис | ||
Front matter | Titelei | Matéria de capa | ||||||
Gamut | Gamut (kleurengamma) |
Gamut | Przestrzeń kolorów | Gama | Цветовой охват, цветовая гамма | |||
Glyph | Glyph(e) | Glif | Simbolo (Ilustração) |
Golden Mean | Gulden Snede | Goldener Schnitt | Złoty podział | Moderado | ||||
Gothic script | Gothique | Gebrochene Schrift | Gótico | Готический шрифт | ||||
Gradient | Verlooptint | Dégradé | Verlauf | Gradient | Gradiente (Degradê) |
Градиент | ||
Grammage | Gramsgewicht | Grammage | Papiergewicht (Grammatur) |
Gramatura papeiru | Gramatura | |||
Greyscale | Grijstonen | Niveaux de gris | Halbtonbild (Graustufen) |
Tons de Cinza | ||||
Grid | Stramien | Grille | Gitter (Raster) |
Siatka | Grade | Сетка | ||
Guide | Hulplijn | Guide | Hilfslinie | Linia pomocnicza | Guia | Направляющая | ||
Hairline | Haarlijn | Haarlinie | Fio de Cabelo | |||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Hairspace | Haarspatium | |||||||
HLS | HSL | HLS | HLS | |||||
HSV | HSV | |||||
Hue | Tint | Farbton | Gradação da Cor ou Matiz | |||||
Hyphen | Afbreekteken | Divis (Viertelgevierstrich) |
Łącznik | Hifén | ||||
Hyphenation | Afbreking | Césure | Silbentrennung | Dzielenie na sylaby | Hifenação | Перенос по слогам | ||
Imposition | Ausschießen | Impozycja | Imposição | |||||
Imprimatur | Imprimatur | Imprimatur | Imprimatur (Druckfreigabe) |
Inch | Duim | Pouce | Zoll | Cal | Polegada | Дюйм | ||
Indentation | Inspringen | Indentation | Einzug | Wcięcie | Indentação ou Identação | Отступ | ||
Inner Margin | Rugwit | Marge intérieure | Bundsteg (Innensteg) |
Margem Interna | ||||
Input device | Invoerapparaat | Périphérique d'entrée | Eingabegerät | Dispositivo de entrada | Устройство ввода | |||
Interleaf (page) | Vakatseite | Entre-folhas | ||||||
Inverted comma | Apostrof (weslatingsteken) |
Apostroph | Apóstrofo | |||||
Italics | Cursief | Italique | Kursive | Kursywa | Itálico | |||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Justified | Uitgevuld | Justifié | Blocksatz | Justowanie | Justificado | |||
Kerning | Kerning | Unterschneidung | Podcinanie | Entre-letras | Кернинг | |||
Landscape | Liggend | Paysage (orientation d'italienne) |
Querformat | Pejzaż | Paisagem | Альбом, альбомная ориентация страницы | ||
Layer | Laag | Couche(Calque) | Ebene | Camada | Слой | |||
Leading | Interlinie | Interligne | Durchschuss (Zeilenabstand) |
Interlinia | Entre Parágrafos | |||
Left aligned | Links uitlijnend | Aligné à gauche | Linksbündig (Flattersatz) |
Wyrównanie do lewej | Alinhamento à esquerda | С выключкой влево | ||
Letter (typographical) |
Letter | Lettre | Letter | Grafema | ||||
Ligature | Ligatuur | Ligature | Ligatur | Ligatura | Ligadura (Tipografia) | Лигатура | ||
Line wrap | Zeilenumbruch | Deslocamento de Linha | ||||||
Margin | Marge | Marge | Steg (Rand) |
Margine | Margines | Margem | Поле | |
Margin alignment | Randausgleich | Alinhamento de Margem | ||||||
Marginal note | Marginalie | Nota Marginal | ||||||
Master Page | Modèle de page | Musterseite | Pagina modello | Strona wzorcowa | Página Master | |||
Masthead | Colofon | Impressum | Stopka redakcyjna | Mastro Principal | ||||
Miniscule | Onderkast | Gemeine (Minuskel) |
Minuskuła | Minúscula | ||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Misprint | Drukfout | Zwiebelfisch | Má impressão | |||||
Monochromatic | Monochroom | Monochromatique | Monochrom(-atisch) | Monocromático | ||||
Monospace font | Nichtproportionale Schrift | Mono espaçada | ||||||
Node | Knoop (knooppunt) |
Knoten (Knotenpunkt) |
Nó | |||||
Non breaking dash | geschützter Bindestrich | Linha inquebrável | ||||||
Non breaking space | Espace insécable | geschützter Leerraum | Espaço inquebrável | |||||
Odd page | Oneven bladzijde | Page impaire | Seite mit gerader Seitennummer | Página Impar | ||||
Offset | Offset | Décalage | Versatz | |||||
Offset printing | Offsetdruk | Impression offset | Offsetdruck | Druk offsetowy | Impressão Offset | |||
Opacity | Opaciteit | Opacité | Deckkraft (Opazität) |
Opacidade | ||||
Orphan | Wees | Orphelin | Schusterjunge (Waisenkind) |
Szewc | Parágrafo Órfão | |||
Output device | Uitvoer apparaat | Périphérique de sortie | Ausgabebarät | Dispositivos de Saída | ||||
Outside margin | Snijwit | Marge extérieure | Außensteg (Randsteg) |
Margem exterior | ||||
Overprinting | Overdrukken | Impression à bords perdus | Überdrucken | Sobre-impressão | ||||
Page dimension | Blazijdeformaat | Dimensions de la page | Seitengröße | Dimensão de Página | ||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Page orientation | Orientation de la page | Seitenausrichtung | Orientação de Página | |||||
Paginate | Pagineren | Paginieren | Paginar | |||||
Paper grade | Papiersorte | Tipo de papel | ||||||
Paper size | Papierformaat | Dimensions du papier (format de papier) |
Papierformat | Tamanho do papel | ||||
Paragraph | Alinea (paragraaf) |
Paragraphe | Absatz | Akapit | Parágrafo | |||
Path | Pad | Chemin | Pfad | Caminho | ||||
Point | Punt | Point | Punkt | Ponto (unidade tipográfica | ||||
Polygon | Polylijn (polygoon) |
Polygone | Polygon (Vieleck) |
Poligono | ||||
Portrait | Staand | Portrait (orientation à la française) |
Hochformat | Portret | Retrato | |||
Preflight Verifier | Druckvorstugenüberprüfung | Weryfikator materiału wejściowego | Verificador pré-vôo | |||||
Prepress proof | Drukproef | Andruck (Proof) |
Prova de Pŕe-impressão | |||||
Preview | Voorbeeld | Prévisualisation | Vorschau | Visualização | ||||
Printed sheet | Drukvel | Rohbogen (Druckbogen) |
Folha impressa | |||||
Print space | Bladspiegel (zetspiegel) |
Zone d'impression | Satzspiegel | Área de impressão | ||||
Proportional font | Proportineel lettertype | Proportionalschrift | ||||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Quotation marks | Aanhalingstekens | Guillemets | Anführungszeichen (Gänsefüßchen) |
Cudzysłowy | Marcas de Comentários | |||
Registration mark | Paskruis | Hirondelle | Passer (Passkreuz) |
Paser (punktura) |
Marcas de Registro | |||
Right aligned | Rechts uitlijnend | Aligné à droite | Rechtsbündig | Alinhamento à direita | ||||
RIP(Raster Image Processor) | RIP | RIP | RIP | |||||
Row | Rij | Ligne(de tableau) | (Tabellen-)Zeile | Linhas | ||||
Ruler | Liniaal | Règle | Lineal | Régua | ||||
Runaround | Tekstomloop | Umfluss | ||||||
Sample text | Voorbeeldtekst | Blindtext | Texto de amostra | |||||
Sans-serif | Schreefloos | Sans empattement | Serifenlose Schrift (Grotesk) |
Grotesk | Sem serifa | |||
Saturation | Verzadiging | Saturation | Sättigung | Saturação | ||||
Scrapbook | Kladblok | Bibliothek | Biblioteka | Livro ou Folha de Rascunhos | ||||
Semi-bold | Halbfett | |||||||
Serif | Schreef | Empattement | Serife | Serifa | ||||
Shape | Vorm | Forme | Form | Forma | ||||
Slash | Schuine streep | Schrägstrich | Barra | |||||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Small caps | Verkleind kap (kleinkapitaal) |
Petites capitales | Kapitälchen | Kapitaliki | Pequenas Maiúsculas | |||
Smart hyphen | Bedingtes Trennzeichen | Hifenação inteligente | ||||||
Solid colour | Füllfarbe | Cor sólida | ||||||
Spacing | Espacement | Abstand | Espaçamento | |||||
Spine | Buchrücken | Grzbiet książki | ||||||
Spot colour | Schmuckfarbe (Volltonfarbe) |
Kolory spotowe | Cores Planas | |||||
Story editor | Edytor artykułów | Editor de estória (de texto no Scribus) | ||||||
Stroke | Umrisslinie (Kontur) |
Traço | ||||||
Style | Stijl | Style | Stil (Vorlage) |
Estilo | ||||
Subscript | Inferieur | Indice | Tiefgestellt (Index) |
Indeks dolny | Sub-escrito | |||
Superiors | Hoofdletters | Majuscules | Versalien | Wesaliki | Maiúscula | |||
Superscript | Superieur | Exposant | Hoschgestellt (Exponent) |
Indeks górny | Sobre-escrito | |||
Tab | Tab | Tabulator | Tabulation | Tabulator | Tab | |||
Table of contents | Inhoudsopgave | Table de matières | Inhaltsverzeichnis | Spis treści | Tabela de conteúdos | |||
Template | Sjabloon | Modèle | Vorlage | Szablon | Modelo | |||
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | |
Text decoration | Auszeichnungsart | Decoração de texto | ||||||
Theory of colours | Kleurenleer | Farbenlehre | Teoria das cores | |||||
Thumbnail | Vignette | Vorschaubild | Galeria de Imagens | |||||
Top margin | Kopwit | Marge du haut | Kopfsteg | Margem superior | ||||
Tracking | Aanspatiëring | Spationierung (Laufweite) |
Odstępy międzyliterowe | Espaçamento de caracteres | ||||
Transparency | Transparence | Transparenz | Przezroczystość | Veja Canal-Alfa acima | ||||
Trapping | Überfüllung (Trapping) |
Zalewka (nadlewka)(podlewka) |
Umlaut | Umlaut | Umlaut | Umlaut | Trema | ||||
Under Colour Removal(UCR) | Unterfarbenreduktion | UCR (usuwanie koloru neutralnego) |
UCR (chamado de RSC no Scribus) | |||||
Unit | Eenheid | Unité | Maßeinheit | Unidade | ||||
Widow | Weduwe (Hoerenjong) |
Hurenkind (Witwe) |
Bękart (wdowa) |
Viúva | ||||
Wrap | Omloop | Umbruch | Transpor ou mover |