Discussion: Scribus UI/usability improvements
Scribus has received its fair amount of praise for good usability. But there has also been valid criticism.
This is the page where you can make suggestions regarding improvements to usability and user interface design. Please do not add requests for new features unless they are related to the improvement of Scribus' usabilty. If you like, you can create mockups with UI builders like Qt Designer and upload a screenshot. If possible, don't just complain, but suggest alternatives. In case you think an existing application offers a good solution, you can add screenshots with a description.
Consistency with other applications
Unless there are solid reasons for going its own way, Scribus should act like that of other applications. It should follow their conventions. The more similar it is to them, the faster new users can get up to speed with it (i.e., a lower learning curve.)
Individual commands
Insert Page
Considering myself an experienced Scribus user, I still catch myself clicking the "Insert" menu to insert a page instead of the "Page" menu. I'd be interested to hear what others think about it. Maybe the "Insert Page" action should be moved to the "Insert" menu.
Menu naming
Even though the Windows menu has distant relatives under QuarkXPress, many users are unable to find essential features there, because Windows isn't specific enough. Personally, I don't have a problem with the menus, but many others do. At least the title of the menu should be changed ("Advanced Tools"?), but I think a major change might be the better solution. Please add your suggestions here.
A complex UI detracts from the user experience. It hinders both novice and professionals by making commands a) hard to find and b) hard to use. The UI should be as clean/simple as is possible without sacrificing any functionality.
Intuitiveness of the UI
The user interface should be intuitive--users should be able to guess or use their gut feeling to figure out how the program works. This is especially important in open-source projects, which often lack comprehensive help systems.