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Revision as of 18:44, 17 February 2005 by Mhanski (talk | contribs)
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It doesn't matter if the publication is printed or online-only.

  • Canal Français - "L'aventure Illustrée des Français au Panama ", First Book Published Using Scribus
  • WikiReader Digest - german; bi-weekly excerpt from Wikipedia; 1500 readers; since Febuary 2005 with Scribus
  • Kentucky Mountain Bike Association
  • WartHog Bulletin - english; stamp collection magazine; since fall 2005 with Scribus
  • Linux Paper - polish; a free magazine about Linux
  • The Hub - english; Renault Car Club of Australia magazine; since January 2004 with Scribus
  • Kenttäliitto - Kenttäliitto ry's magazine, 16 pages in size B5, color cover, b/w inside, 200 copies, released quarterly, since December 2003 with Scribus
  • Stop Iceland's Karahnjukar dam project - Leaflet about the dam's impact on wildlife
  • Volantino Gennaio 2005 - Italian; 2 pages A4 flyer. Printed in 13000 copies in A5 format. Created by Zitter, in January 2005, in collaboration with #scribus channel guys :-) [1.4 Mb]