Scribus AppImages are scribus 1.5svn daily build and packaged archives by Travis CE, runnable on most or all linux OS.
Latest version's link can be found on impagina's blog :
Download, make executable, run... Sometimes it runs fine, sometime it doesnt.
Török shares how to improve this :
I have three different Linux distributions installed on my desktop computer. Basically I use PCLinuxOS KDE, but I also installed Open SUSE and now Kubuntu. When I used to try scribus 1.5.0 (if I remember well) appimag, it worked fine. Then, after some updates it did not start, that is why I installed Open SUSE and Kubuntu, as they were told to run scribus 1.5.x smoothly. With the help of Google and after practicing with scribus.appinage, finally I worked out a method to run 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 versions from any distribution I use:
1. I made a Scribus folder in my home directory, where besides the appimage file I also made an executable file with the following content:
- !/bin/bash
cd ~/Scribus
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ ./Scribus-1.5.3.svn.21360-x86_64.AppImage # here is the actual appimage filename I use
2. Even though I have a start entry in the main menu, I have to start scribus with the above executable. If not, and I run it from the start menu, or by double clicking on an .sla file, the programme freezes down, when trying to do any file operation - opening, or saving. It seems, that it has problem with permissions, because, if run scribus as root), everything works fine.