Installing Scribus on Win32

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This article is part of the HOWTOs series.
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Installing from binaries

  • Install Cygwin with the following packages:

(Tips: I find the site to be really fast, and I also find it easier once Cygwin setup has brought me to the package selection screen to pull the window wider and click on the [view] button in the top right so that it says "Full" next to it, that way I can proceed to select the following packages alphabetically. :)

  + ghostscript-x11
  + jpeg
  + lcms
  + libart_lgpl
  + libpng
  + libxml2
  + psutils
  + tiff
  + xorg-X11-base
  + xorg-X11-fscl
  + xorg-X11-fsrv

Next start cygwin and do the following:

cd /
tar jxvf scribus-1.2.1.tar.bz2
tar jxvf qt-x11-free-3.3.3-0.tar.bz2
cd ~
Xwin -multiwindow -clipboard &
/opt/scribus/1.2/bin/scribus.exe &

Happy Scribing!

Scribus-win32 small.jpg

This second part deals with compiling QT from source found at the kde-cygwin project.

By posting these instructions here, hopefully others will be encouraged to engage the process of both documenting and applying the documentation to achieve a working recipe for building Scribus 1.3 for Windows.

Instructions for installing QT/X11 from source:

  • Remove all entries of cygwin from the registry
  • Move previous cygwin install c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin.old
  • Install Cygwin with the following packages:
  + autoconf
  + binutils
  + byacc
  + cvs
  + flex
  + gcc-g++
  + ghostscript-x11
  + jpeg
  + lcms
  + libart_lgpl
  + libjpeg6b
  + libpng
  + libpng12
  + libpng12-devel
  + libtiff5
  + libtiff5-devel
  + libxml2
  + libxml2-devel
  + make
  + xorg-X11-base
  + xorg-X11-devel
  + xorg-X11-fscl
  + xorg-X11-fsrv

Obtain source:

  • cd ~/
  • cvs -d login
  • <enter>
  • cvs -z6 -d co -r QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH qt-3

Later you can update the sources by

  • cd ~/src/qt-3
  • cvs -z6 update

But for now we'll continue with:

  • cd ~/src/qt-3
  • export QTDIR=$PWD
  • export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
  • export QMAKESPEC=cygwin-g++
  • make -f Makefile.cvs
  • "echo yes | ./configure -platform cygwin-g++ -plugin-imgfmt-mng -qt-zlib -qt-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-libmng -no-g++-exceptions -thread -no-stl -no-sm -no-xft -no-xkb -no-xrender -disable-opengl -disable-sql -prefix /opt/qt/3.3 -fast"

Compile the sources

  • make (Huge thanks to Ralf and Peter of the kde-cygwin project!!!)