SoC2007 ideas

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Google Summer of Code 2007 projects ideas

Here is a list of projects that could be done during Google Summer of Code 2007.

Scribus Team Ideas


Write an imposition (booklet printing) plugin for Scribus.

Background Information

Text merge

Write a text merge plugin for Scribus. This would allow to read data records from a table and use it for text content or filenames for image frames. It could also provide a mode to print labels etc.

There is a mail merge RFE. One of Czech student is working on it. It looks like it will turn into common usable text merge from various data sources (CSV, XML, db...) --Subik 13:05, 7 March 2007 (CET)

End-to-end publishing solution

End-to-end publishing solution


Live DTP CD or DVD – this draft/project is 2 years old and should be reviewed first, but there is definitely a need for such a solution.

Blue Sky Ideas

Present the title of your idea here and link to the wiki page where you elaborate on it.


twext texts provide comprehensible input for language learners, and can integrate will many softwares (including MediaWiki and/or the wiki for the $100 laptop ).. why not a twexter plugin for Scribus?

Tales from the Crypt, a.k.a. Ideas from the Bug Tracker

XML Editor

It could be practical to have an on/off toggle in the text editor between Wysiwyg and some kind of XML. One click you have the classical way to type text, Another one, formating disappear, XML tags appear like this :

-------------------------------------- <font name="Bistream Vera Sans MS" size="10"> blah blah blahalahb blah blah </font> <justify>blih blih blih blah blah</justify> <style name="paragraph"> ploplpoplpoplploplpo frudubulubruih :) </style> --------------------------------------

notice the difference between the (ugly) formating tags at the beginning, and the descriptive style tags, wich then define the look of the text.

The ability to expose the internal XML for text objects might also be rather interesting for the Python interface. (ringerc)

The approaches of Inkscape and InDesign are worth looking at. (christoph_s)

Inkscape's re-architecturing effort: Subsystem Architecture

OpenOffice import/export extension for the Story Editor

Start with the OO text import plugin and work out a plugin that would export valid Open Document Format (ODF) xml for re-import into OpenOffice.

Scribus-specific elements and attributes would need to be stripped off, of course.

Multiple Search and Replace

Allow users to do multiple search/replace action at once in a document. For each string we’d be able to access all settings available right now for just one text string. This will add computing power to Scribus, from the UI.


  • RTF importer
  • WordPerfect importer