Infobox in column

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This article is part of the Scripts series.

Original Version

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

# ****************************************************************************
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ****************************************************************************

(C) 2005 by Thomas R. Koll, <>,

A simple script for exact placment of a textbox (infobox)
over the current textbox, asking the user for the width
of the infobox and in which column to place it.
I normally use it for a table-like box above the regular text.

Select a textframe, start the script and have phun
Default name for the infobox is 'infobox' + name_of_selected_frame

* ask for height
* ask for name
* ask for content?


import sys
import re
import string

    from scribus import *
except ImportError:
    print "Unable to import the 'scribus' module. This script will only run within"
    print "the Python interpreter embedded in Scribus. Try Script->Execute Script."

def main(argv):
    unit = getUnit()
    if selectionCount() == 0:
        messageBox('Scribus - Script Error',
            "There is no object selected.\nPlease select a text frame and try again.",
        textbox = getSelectedObject()
        left, top = getPosition(textbox)
        o_width, o_height = getSize(textbox)
        o_cols = int(getColumns(textbox))
        o_gap = getColumnGap(textbox)
        messageBox('Scribus - Script Error', 
             "Can't get size of object, maybe not a textframe", ICON_WARNING, BUTTON_OK)
    columns_width = 0
    column_pos = 1
    o_colwidth = (o_width - ((o_cols - 1) * o_gap)) / o_cols
    if (o_cols > 1):
        while (columns_width > o_cols or columns_width < 1):
            columns_width = valueDialog('Width',
                                            'How many columns width shall the '+
                                            'box be (max ' + str(o_cols) + ')?')
            columns_width = int(columns_width)
        if (columns_width < o_cols):
            max = o_cols - columns_width
            while (column_pos <= max and column_pos <= 1):
                column_pos = valueDialog('Placement',
                                         'In which column do you want '
                                         'to place the box (1 to ' +
                                         str(o_cols) + ')?')
            column_pos = int(column_pos) - 1 
    new_width = columns_width * o_colwidth + (columns_width-1) * o_gap
    new_left = left + ((column_pos) * o_colwidth) + ((column_pos) * o_gap)
    new_textbox = createText(new_left, top, new_width, o_height,
                             "infobox " + textbox)
    setColumnGap(0, new_textbox)
    setColumns(1, new_textbox)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This script makes no sense without a document open
    if not haveDoc():
        messageBox('Scribus - Script Error', "No document open", ICON_WARNING, BUTTON_OK)
    # Disable redraws
    # Run the main script, ensuring redraws are re-enabled even if the
    # script aborts with an exception, and don't fail with an exception
    # even if the document is closed while the script runs.

New Enhanced Version


  • You have to run this in Scribus
  • You must have a document open, with a text frame selected

After analyzing the frame, you then indicate via dialogs:

  • How many columns you wish the infobox to spread across
  • Which column to start in
  • What height you wish the infobox to be - default is entire
    height of selected frame
  • Where you want the top of infobox to be - default is top of selected frame
  • Now you are presented with a default name for the infobox, which you can change
  • Next you select Frame Type
    • 'text' for text frame (no quotes)
    • 'imageL' for image frame and file dialog to load image
    • anything else (including blank) for empty image frame
  • At this point, infobox is created and script ends
  • You can run this script again on the same selected frame

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

# ****************************************************************************
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ****************************************************************************

(C) 2005 by Thomas R. Koll, <>,
(c) 2008 modifications, additional features by Gregory Pittman

A simple script for exact placement of a frame (infobox)
over the current textbox, asking the user for the width
of the infobox and in which column to place it.
Some enhancements:
* You can now create a text frame or an image frame, and also load
an image.
* More than one infobox can be added to a text frame
* Height and Y-Pos of top of infobox can be specified
* Works with any page unit - pts, mm, in, and picas
* Infobox has Text Flows Around Frame activated, also
  Scale Image to Frame for images

Select a textframe, start the script and have phun
Default name for the infobox is 'infobox' + name_of_selected_frame,
but this can be changed.


import sys
import re
import string

    import scribus
except ImportError:
    print "Unable to import the 'scribus' module. This script will only run within"
    print "the Python interpreter embedded in Scribus. Try Script->Execute Script."

def main(argv):
    unit = scribus.getUnit()
    units = ['pts','mm','inches','picas']
    unitlabel = units[unit]
    if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Script Error',
            "There is no object selected.\nPlease select a text frame and try again.",
            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
    if scribus.selectionCount() > 1:
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Script Error',
            "You have more than one object selected.\nPlease select one text frame and try again.",
            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
    textbox = scribus.getSelectedObject()
    pageitems = scribus.getPageItems()
    boxcount = 1
    for item in pageitems:
        if (item[0] == textbox):
            if (item[1] != 4):
                scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Script Error', 
                          "This is not a textframe. Try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

# While we're finding out what kind of frame is selected, we'll also make sure we
# will come up with a unique name for our infobox frame - it's possible we may want
# more than one for a multicolumn frame.
        if (item[0] == ("infobox" + str(boxcount) + textbox)):
                boxcount += 1
    left, top = scribus.getPosition(textbox)
    o_width, o_height = scribus.getSize(textbox)
    o_cols = int(scribus.getColumns(textbox))
    o_gap = scribus.getColumnGap(textbox)
    columns_width = 0
    column_pos = 1
    o_colwidth = (o_width - ((o_cols - 1) * o_gap)) / o_cols
    if (o_cols > 1):
        while (columns_width > o_cols or columns_width < 1):
            columns_width = scribus.valueDialog('Width',
                                            'How many columns width shall the '+
                                            'box be (max ' + str(o_cols) + ')?')
            columns_width = int(columns_width)
        if (columns_width < o_cols):
            max = o_cols - columns_width
            while (column_pos <= max and column_pos <= 1):
                column_pos = scribus.valueDialog('Placement',
                                         'In which column do you want '
                                         'to place the box (1 to ' +
                                         str(o_cols) + ')?')
            column_pos = int(column_pos) - 1 
    new_height = 0
    while (new_height == 0):
        new_height = scribus.valueDialog('Height','Your frame height is '+ str(o_height) +
                                                 unitlabel +'. How tall\n do you want your ' +
                                                 'infobox to be in '+ unitlabel +'?', str(o_height))
    new_top = -1
    while (new_top < 0):
        new_top = scribus.valueDialog('Y-Pos','The top of your infobox is at '+ str(top) +
                                                 unitlabel +'. Where\n do you want  ' +
                                                 'the top to be in '+ unitlabel +'?', str(top))
    framename = scribus.valueDialog('Name of Frame','Name your frame or use this default name',"infobox" + str(boxcount) + textbox)
    frametype = 'text'
    frametype = scribus.valueDialog('Frame Type','Change to anything other\n than "text" for image frame.\nEnter "imageL" to also load an image',frametype)
    new_width = columns_width * o_colwidth + (columns_width-1) * o_gap
    new_left = left + ((column_pos) * o_colwidth) + ((column_pos) * o_gap)
    if (frametype == 'text'):
        new_textbox = scribus.createText(new_left, float(new_top), new_width, float(new_height),framename)
        scribus.setColumnGap(0, new_textbox)
        scribus.setColumns(1, new_textbox)
        scribus.textFlowsAroundFrame(new_textbox, 1)
        new_image = scribus.createImage(new_left, float(new_top), new_width, float(new_height),framename)
        if (frametype == 'imageL'):
            imageload = scribus.fileDialog('Load image','Images(*.jpg *.png *.tif)',haspreview=1)
            scribus.loadImage(imageload, new_image)
        scribus.textFlowsAroundFrame(new_image, 1)
        scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe=1, proportional=1, name=new_image)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This script makes no sense without a document open
    if not scribus.haveDoc():
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Script Error', "No document open", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
    # Disable redraws
    # Run the main script, ensuring redraws are re-enabled even if the
    # script aborts with an exception, and don't fail with an exception
    # even if the document is closed while the script runs.