Student LEMAIRE Adrien
Student Major computer science
Student Degree masters
Student Graduation 2011
Project Proposal
- Idea from the Bug Tracker => Import Filters => SVG
Improvements to SVG import, eg. SVG layers support.
- Blue Sky Ideas => Advancing SVG Capabilities
It would be good for Scribus to first of all try to march along with Inkscape and its various SVG capabilities, realizing there could be some that are not applicable or not feasible. Beyond that, Scribus could benefit from expanding the reach of SVG to include the various needs for DTP and printing. This should include improving SVG export.
- April 14: Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code home page. Community Bonding Period: Students get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects
Getting up to speed with Scribus internals.
- May 26: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects
At this point, I should have read all documentation and begin coding for my project.
- July 7: Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
On the June Month, I'll have my second exam session, so I'll probably more learning and coding a bit less.
- July 20: End of semester
I shoud have finish the SVG layers support.
- August 11: Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub code, write tests, improve documentation, etc.
I should have finish SVG import improvements, and I should begin working on Scribus, which should march along with Inkscape.
- August 18: Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors, students and organization administrators can being submitting final evaluations to Google.
- September 1: Final due.
I'll continue to work on improving SVG export after the GSoC.
Name/University/Current enrolment information
My full name is Adrien LEMAIRE.
I'm student of SUPINFO, French informatic engineer school in 5 years. I took my first year in Toulouse (France), and take my second year in Montreal (Canada). You can find more informations about my school here, or ask me and I'll answer as soon as possible.
How to contact me ?
first email :
Nickname on irc : Wiss
Biographical sketch
I grew up in Toulouse, France. I went to an agricultural high school and obtained the French S general baccalaureate with honors. Not feeling comfortable in this field of studies, I decided to change direction, and integrated SUPINFO, because of its generalist program in computer science and management, as well as its international opportunities (implementation in many countries). 3 months after starting my CS studies, I began my first internship at a company for 3 months. After the end of the school year, I did a 4 months summer internship in another company. When I finished the internship, I went to Montreal for one year, a great experience which will enable me to improve my english and to discover America. I'll return to France next year, and I'm going finish my studies at Oxford university to have the double degree in French and English.
CS skills
Programming languages : C, C++, Objective-C with cocoa, Applescript, Java, vb2005, Python, Perl, SVG. (learning C#, ASP and Ruby).
Web languages : HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, XML, Ajax.
Databases : MySQL(SQL), Oracle(iSQL*Plus, PL/SQL), SQL server
Operating systems :
- Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2003 Server
- Linux (Mandriva, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, BackTrack)
- Mac Os X 10.4 and 10.5
You can find some of my web projects at The "projetClarisys" project is a SVG project.
Work experiences
Librement Humain
I began my first internship in February 2007 (until May 2007) in the "Librement Humain" french association, an association that wants to promote exchanges and awareness of the concept of sustainable development into the business, using internet tools. I worked with PHP and Ajax on a website. I also created an advanced search tool (father/brothers/children relations between elements found on XML files).
I did a 3 month internship at Clarisys, an computer company that develops software and manages the IT of some French medical analysis laboratories. I created the design of a website with templates, JavasSript, PHP and Perl. Then I had to create graphics for the quality control section. First, I searched what language and what library I could use to create these graphics. I searched about all bitmap libraries, but none of them was good enough for my purposes. Then a developer advised me to have a look at vector graphics. I found SVG, but no Perl or PHP library suited my needs, so I learned SVG and created graphics using this format. I did a graphic which represented the evolution of a molecule over time, and a spider graphic which represents a pool of molecules' data at the same time. For this project I used Python, Perl, PHP, templates, JavaScript and SVG.
Other projects
I also did some projects, often asd a project manager :
- Creation of a chess game in Java. I was a member of the SUPINFO SUN laboratory, and I had no Java courses during the first year. So I contacted all first year student who were in this laboratory like me (6 persons in the world), and I proposed to create a chess game.
- Creation of a Cisco configuration tool via Apple in Cocoa and Applescript. It was a strange and really hard project which has been demanded by the school. I had a 4 persons team, and we began to learn the C language, because we had to code with C at first. But finally, the administration permitted us to use our preferred language. We heard about Cocoa and AppleScript, which were really better than C for this project, and finally we finished the project in time.
- I'm now participating in a project for Orange (France Telecom), which will finish at the end of April, and I'm learning C# and ASP. I have to search data in a database by a sniffer and arrange these data in SVG graphics and tables on the page.
Did you ever code in C, C++ or Python? Please provide examples of code
I had C courses the past year (and had the best note of the class on the final C exam), and C++ this year. I have also learned Python this summer at Clarisys. I don't have lots C or C++ project to provide. please find :
- a C project from past year : here (developed on windows XP with dev-C++)
- a C++ project I've done last week : here (developed on Mac Os X with Vim)
I'm actually developing a really basical RPG game without graphical interface in C++ on my free time, and learning on my own C++ with Qt.
My skills aren't expert, but this project is a good opportunity to change that, and I'm sure don't have problem working on existing code (more easy than create all since the beginning).
Do you use Scribus? Please provide examples if you do.
No I never heard about it before GSoC... Thanks google to have permitted me to discover it, I really hope help this Open Source organisation to prevail against competitors. And I'll probably use it later.
Do you make other use of Scribus than for laying out articles? Please describe and show examples
I don't have any use of Scribus
Were you involved in Scribus development in the past? What were your contributions?
It's my first way on the Open Source world like developer. So I have never been involved in Scribus development before. But I'm in high interests to be involved with it.
Why have you chosen your development idea and what do you expect from your implementation?
I chose this project because of my SVG skills. I used SVG for 4 months this summer, doing specifics SVG Graphics like spider graphics, with lots of medical rules for medical analysis laboratories. I just know the language, and working on SVG layers support will learn me lots of things. This project is really in high interests for me, thanks to consider with good attention this application.
Are you confident that you will be able to dedicate time and effort necessary for the successful completion of your GSoC 2008 project
Of course yes, motivation and passion are the key to work the most possible until I've finished the project. I'm not afraid by working more than 40 hours per week if I have deadlines to respect. And I'll do a detailed plan with lots of personal deadlines. I have to do a summer stage for school, but I'm inquiring replace my stage by this project. If I can't, don't worry, I'll find 40 hours per week to work on this project.
It's really important... If we have to send regular reports about our project, we can't stop to work for a while. I'll give really detailed reports, and think having a chat with my mentor every day is not a bad thing. I really like friendly communication, that's why I also search a welcoming community, and after spending time on IRC, I've already found that.