GSoC 2009 Complete ODT Import/Export by atmb4u
ABSTRACT This project aims at implementing complete ODT/SXW files import and export (i.e. enable the import of ODT files as files, not just as formatted text). This is achieved by using a plug-in to import ODT file.
ODT is a univeral open word processing format which is very popular making essential to be imported into the Scribus. Scribus makes desktop publishing with free and open software possible, and I found it necessary to import ODT files directly into the workspace, for making it work better.
Complete ODT/SXW import and, if time permits, export for Scribus via plug-ins.
Document the plug-ins correctly and neatly.
The major challenges that will be faced during the implementation of this project are
- Reading ODT files.
- Extracting graphics, tables and formulas and if necessary convert them to a format that can be used by Scribus (e.g. SVG).
- Open an ODT in the workspace by converting it to a Scribus document
Following is the detailed road map of implementing the project.
April 28-May 08 – Understand the XML formatting of ODT files. Read the documentation of Scribus completely, especially more about how to program Scribus. Communicate with mentors and clear basic doubts about the project.
May 08-May 17 –Design the structure of the plug-in and discuss its structure on IRC.
May 18- May 27 –Open the ODT files independent from the Scribus+ Add ODT file import option in Scribus
May 28 – Testing
May 29- June 27 –Link both plug-in and Scribus and debug
June 28- August 7 – Complete the coding and sync the entire project.
August 7-August 17 – Complete the documentation and completely comment up the code (Clean Coding).
Note: Timeline doesn't include interaction with the mentor every day.
The expected outcomes of this project are as follows:
- ODT/SXW files can be imported as files using a plug-in not just as texts as at present.
- Proper documentation of the functionality and the code.
Name: Anoop Thomas Mathew
IRC Nick: atmb4u
Email ID:
Location: Kerala, India
Timezone : GMT + 5:30
I am Anoop Thomas Mathew, and am currently studying for B. Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering, at College of Engineering, Chengannur, Kerala, INDIA.
I have been using GNU/Linux for the past 5 years, starting off with RHEL 4 through Ubuntu.
I have good knowledge in C, C++, Java and Python, and I've been into coding in them for the past 5 years.
I am a member of FSF since 3 years and had been fixing a few bugs in the Vim text editor. I am in the Vim development mailing list for more than one year. I don’t have any previous experience with Scribus, but I hope to work with Scribus through GSoC 2009.