BUILDING win32.txt

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Building Scribus on win32 with cmake is still rather poorly tested.
It's getting there, but for now the Visual Studio project based builds
maintained by Jean Ghali are much more stable.

Known issues with this build:

	- It's hard to ensure that debug libs are used for debug builds
	  and release libs for release builds, as not all CMake scripts
	  do this sensibly.

	- The scripter isn't building yet.

	- The sxwim plugin isn't building yet.


This documentation is minimal, and will be replaced by more detailed
information once the CMake-based win32 builds are better tested.

You will need:
	- Microsoft Windows XP (others may work but are untested)
	- Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition 8 2005
	- The Microsoft Platform SDK
	- CMake 2.5.x (2.4.x WILL NOT WORK)
	- A recent Qt 4.3 snapshot built with Visual Studio 8 2005
          (see below)
	- cairo from (version >= 1.5.16)
	- libxml2 win32 binaries from the libxml project
	- libjpeg sources from
	- libtiff sources from
	- libpng sources from
	- zlib sources from
	- freetype sources from
	- LittleCMS sources from
	- PoDoFo 0.5.0 (and ONLY 0.5.0) sources from
	- A Python 2.5 Windows binary build.
          For debug builds, you'll need a release that contains the python25_d.dll .

Some more details can be found below in the section entitled GETTING DEPENDENCIES.

To build scribus its self, you should create a new empty build directory
outside the Scribus source tree. In this directory, create a new text file and
name it "build.cmd". Ignore the warning about changing the file extension.

Open build.cmd in a text editor, and paste the following into it:

rem Dependency paths:
set CMAKE=C:\Program Files\CMake 2.5\bin\cmake.exe
rem used for headers only; we get the lib from the libpng build
set ZLIBDIR=c:\developer\lib\zlib
rem provides both png and zlib .libs
set PNGDIR=C:\developer\lib\lpng1220-vc\
set QTDIR=C:\developer\Qt\qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.4
set CAIRODIR=C:\developer\lib\cairo-1.6.0
set LCMSDIR=c:\developer\lib\lcms-1.16-vc
set JPEGDIR=c:\developer\lib\jpeg-6b-vc
set FREETYPEDIR=c:\developer\lib\freetype-2.3.5
set TIFFDIR=c:\developer\lib\tiff-3.8.2-vc
set PODOFODIR=c:\developer\podofo\050-vs-inst
set LIBXMLDIR=c:\developer\lib\libxml2-2.6.30.win32
set SCRIBUSINSTALLDIR=c:\developer\scribus-bin
set LIB=
set SCPNGPROJ=%PNGDIR%\projects\visualc71\
del cmakecache.txt
"%CMAKE%" -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH:PATH=%QTDIR%\src\3rdparty\zlib;%QTDIR%\src\3rdparty\libpng;%ZLIBDIR%;%ZLIBDIR%\include;%PNGDIR%;%PNGDIR%\include;%CAIRODIR%;%CAIRODIR%\include;%LCMSDIR%\include;%JPEGDIR%;%JPEGDIR%\include;%TIFFDIR%\libtiff;%TIFFDIR%\include;%FREETYPEDIR%\include;%FREETYPEDIR%\include\freetype2;%PODOFODIR%\include;%LIBXMLDIR%\include -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH:PATH=%ZLIBDIR%\lib;%SCPNGPROJ%\Win32_DLL_Debug\Zlib;%SCPNGPROJ%\Win32_DLL_Release\Zlib;%PNGDIR%\lib;%SCPNGPROJ%\Win32_DLL_Debug;%SCPNGPROJ%\Win32_DLL_Release;%LCMSDIR%\lib;%LCMSDIR%\Lib\MS;%LCMSDIR%\Lib\MS\dll;%JPEGDIR%;%JPEGDIR%\lib;%TIFFDIR%\libtiff;%TIFFDIR%\lib;%FREETYPEDIR%\objs;%FREETYPEDIR%\lib;%PODOFODIR%\lib;%LIBXMLDIR%\lib -DLIBPODOFO_SHARED=%PODOFOSHARED% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\developer\scribus-bin -DJPEG_NAMES:STRING=libjpeg -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_RELEASE=freetype235MT -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG=freetype235MT_D -DUSE_QT_ZLIB_PNGLIB=1 ..\scribus-trunk

The above script is designed to work with common arrangements of library
install directories, both build trees and installed copies. If you follow the
instructions here about setting up the libraries scribus requires, you should

Update the dependency paths to match your system.  Now open a cmd.exe window,
cd into the build directory, and run build.cmd . If all goes well, it'll find
your libraries and exit successfully.
(Note: Some systems could have some environment related problems running this
from simple cmd.exe. Use SDK console instead then.)

Open the solution that CMake generated in Visual Studio and build it. On
Windows it's easier to do a release build as you don't need to build a debug
Qt, python, etc. 

If it all builds, manually build the INSTALL project to trigger an install. Now
copy the DLLs from the zlib, libpng, qt, lcms, freetype, libtiff, libjpeg,
libxml, and podofo directories into the Scribus install directory (where
scribus.exe is). It should now run.

Crash problems at runtime? Verify that Qt, freetype, lcms, and Scribus all use
the same runtime, and that all were built for debugging or all for release not
a mixture of the two. Windows does not permit you to mix debug and release
executables like other platforms do.

You can use depends.exe to check that the runtimes match.


This is a quick and dirty set of notes that will be filled out once everything's
verified as correct and working. It asssumes that you'll be building all your
dependencies at a single root, like C:\Developer. The root *MUST* not have spaces
in its path.


Download the latest qt 4.3 snapshot for windows and unpack it to C:\Developer .
Don't get the "all" snapshot, it lacks configure.exe  and can't easily be built
on Windows.

Start a command line and import your Visual Studio environment:

now cd to C:\Developer\Qt-win-whatever and run configure:
configure -debug-and-release -fast -no-qt3support -platform win32-msvc2005

and nmake.


Zlib and LibPNG are both embedded in the QtCore library with symbols exported
for public use . If you're using a Qt binary redist you may still need to
download these libraries sources for their headers. In most cases your
copy of Qt will contain a directory called  %QTDIR%\src\3rdparty\zlib
(and one for libpng), in which case you need not worry about these libraries at



While Qt also bundles libjpeg, it's not linked to the main DLL but rather a plugin.
As such, we need to link to it directly.

Get jpeg sources from . Unpack to your libraries directory.
Now, in a command prompt:

copy Makefile
copy jconfig.h

(you might have to use vcvars.bat from vc and setvars.bat from the platform sdk)



Get lcms sources.
Build using VC project in Projects dir. Build the DLL ("lcmsdll"
project) in debug and release configurations.

Now modify lcms.h and remove:

#define unlink _unlink

You must modify lcms.h to prevent it from defining `cdecl'. [TODO: other
changes] [ TODO: line numbers / patch ]. This is only required to use the
header with Scribus; it's Ok to use a library built without these changes.



While Qt also bundles libtiff, it's not linked to the main DLL but rather a plugin.
As such, we need to link to it directly.

Download libtiff sources from and unpack them.

in a vcvars/setenv window:

set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;\path\to\jpeg\include;\path\to\zlib\include
set LIB=%LIB%;\path\to\jpeg\lib;\path\to\zlib\lib

cd %LIBTIFFDIR%\libtiff
nmake /nologo /f libtiff.lib

Since we're building libtiff as a static library, there's no need to worry
about which runtime it's linked to. You can build the DLL if you like
(you need to specify LIBS= to include Qt [for zlib] and libjpeg) but
the static library should be fine.



unpack freetype
open builds\win32\visualc
build "Release Multithreaded" and "Debug Multithreaded"

Note that if you're not using Freetype 2.3.5 exactly, you will have
to change the freetype library names passed in the build.cmd script.



download win32 binaries from, unpack.
Note that these binaries do not use the same runtime
as the rest of the binaries we're building. Feel free to
rebuild libxml to fix this, but in practice it doesn't
matter since we never pass a FILE* nor do we allocate memory
to be deallocated in libxml or vice versa.

Remember that iconv from the same package must be on the
header search path too. If in doubt, just drop iconv.h
into the libxml tree.