Creating a tiled image

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This article is part of the Tips & Tricks series.
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This tip shows how a bunch of shapes can be used to create an image frame. Used techniques are Multiple Duplicate of shapes, combining them as polygons and then converting to an image frame.

  • Create a rectangular shape. In the example, it has a width and a height of 16 mm. Of course, any other type of shape can be used.


  • With the menu command Item > Multiple Duplicate (Rows & Columns Tab), create 6 rows by 8 columns with a horozontial and vertical gap of 2mm.


  • Now, select all the rectangles and then Item->Combine Polygons
  • Right click in the Combined Polygon frame and select Convert to Image Frame.
  • Last, but not least, load an image into your new image frame.

          Tiled img 2a.jpg

(c) Thomas Zastrow, 2007 The content of this page is licenced under the Free Documentation Licence.