GSoC 2011 Tables Weekly Reports

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GSoC 2011 Tables - Weekly Reports

This is a collection of weekly reports from my work with implementing tables in Scribus as part of Google Summer of Code 2011. They are kept here for future reference and can possibly be used for future design documentation. The reports are in chronological order.

Tables GSoC - Weekly Report #1 - Sunday 2011-06-05

This report was sent to the scribus-dev mailing list on Sunday June 5, 2011. Here is a link to the mail.

Work Report

  • Added a skeleton of a table style. This was way back in April, just to see what work is involved in creating a new type of style. The style is the most basic one imaginable. At the moment I think it has a single property for background color and styles can be managed in the SM. Also, it doesn't do inheritance yet, though that should be relatively easy to fix.
  • Added class PageItem_Table, a new page item for tables. The class represents a grid of table cells by keeping a few lists with row / column geometries.
  • Added ability to insert a new PageItem_Table from toolbar or Insert menu followed by mouse dragging. Just like the current "tables".
  • Added API to PageItem_Table for the basic table operations
    • insert and remove rows and columns,
    • resize rows and column.
  • Added support for merging cells to PageItem_Table as well as an accompanying helper class CellArea used when keeping track of areas of merged cells. The CellArea class also comes with what I think is the very first unit tests in Scribus. The tests are in tests/ and can be runned using `make test'. In the future, feel free to add more unit tests here if you think there are classes in Scribus that that are easy to unit test and could benefit from it.
  • Added some rudimentary painting to PageItem_Table, just to be able to see the cells. Still a long way to go for proper table / cell painting, which is kind of non-trivial.
  • As scriptability allows me to experiment with tables before any UI is done, I've added the following new scripting methods. These have been added to the old scripter, but should be easy enough to port to ScripterNG later on.
    • createTable(x, y, width, height, numRows, numColumns, ["name"])
    • getTableRows(["name"])
    • getTableColumns(["name"])
    • insertTableRows(index, numRows, ["name"])
    • removeTableRows(index, numRows, ["name"])
    • getTableRowHeight(row, ["name"])
    • setTableRowHeight(row, height, ["name"])
    • insertTableColumns(index, numColumns, ["name"])
    • removeTableColumns(index, numColumns, ["name"])
    • getTableColumnWidth(column, ["name"])
    • setTableColumnWidth(column, width, ["name"])
    • mergeTableCells(row, column, numRows, numColumns, ["name"])

Project Status

The goal in the schedule for this first week was simply "Data structures for tables". Intentionally a quite moderate goal, as I didn't know how long it would take to get up to speed. So unsurprisingly, I think I'm a little ahead of schedule. Worth noting though is that the tables are currently only skeletal in their nature; they hold no content and are simply a grid of empty cells. This is all according to plan though, and integration with text frames is scheduled for later.

Problems / Questions

Only have one quite specific question at the moment (though more will come for sure):

  • How do I set a clipping rectangle on the painter when painting an item in PageItem::DrawObj_Item(...) ? Some method call to set the clipping path followed by a call to setClipPath on the painter? I looked a bit at the other items but haven't quite figured it out yet. So if someone knows off-hand how to do it that would be great.

Next Week

The goals for next week according to the schedule is

  • Basic table layout with fixed column widths and mock content in cells.
  • Insertion/removal of rows/columns.
  • Basic drawing of table.

but as at least some of this has already been done, I think I'll start looking at other things as well. Ideas include

  • Cell borders / padding.
  • Add splitCells(int, int, int, int), symmetric to the current mergeCells(int, int, int, int).
  • Painting of table / cells.
  • Table and cell styles.
  • Start looking at UI:
    • Editing through Property Palette.
    • Canvas mode for editing and selecting cells / rows / columns.
  • Start looking at saving / loading (probably a bit premature).

Lots of things to pick and choose from, and if you have thoughts on which direction to go in first, I'm idle ears. Otherwise I'll just pick what feels most natural and go with it.

I don't think I want to start looking at integration of text frames just yet as I have a feeling that is going to be one of the toughest parts of the project. Besides, there are plenty of things to do before that can be done orthogonally to the integration of text frames. I'd like to have quite robust support for the other things before starting to crack that nut. Keep my back clear and don't spread myself too thin so to speak. So I think I'll stick to my schedule when it comes to this and not stick my head in that beehive until week 4 ;)