Background on what I hope to add here: Have been using Scribus for about 3 years. Initially worked on simple 3-fold, 2-page flyers and menus/menu cards but for the past 6 months have completed a book (trade paperback size, B/W interior, 450 pages, text and B/W illustrations) and currently on second book. We did our first book as a proof of concept so it has some good features,
- all chapters start on right hand side (recto)
- we have 1 chapter template of 26 pages of linked text frames which has 3 style sheets per chapter, chapter start (recto), chapter left hand (verso), and chapter right hand (recto),
- book edited as individual chapters because Scribus breaks at >30-40 linked pages with extremely long load times,
- Table of Content done manually but uses dot filled lines between chapter title and page number
- page has small images (vignettes) on bottom around the page number. This breaksdown with Createspace in a weird way if you compress these images.
Workflow is fully Open Source -, GIMP, Scribus and pdftk on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop (with FreeNX so editor can access this Ubuntu machine from their laptop).
We've discovered how to use Scribus to go from nothing to a book that is now available via Creatspace/Amazon etc under our own imprint and ISBNs, only using those programs.
We've been documenting what we did and will post both here and on our own web site.
Lincoln Phipps