Automatic Scripter Commands list
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As of June 2018, here is the output of the automatic scripter's command collect script on Scribus 1.5.5svn
CONSTANT: ALIGN_BLOCK VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: ALIGN_CENTERED VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: ALIGN_FORCED VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: ALIGN_LEFT VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: ALIGN_RIGHT VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: BUTTON_ABORT VALUE: integer 262144 CONSTANT: BUTTON_CANCEL VALUE: integer 4194304 CONSTANT: BUTTON_DEFAULT VALUE: integer 256 CONSTANT: BUTTON_IGNORE VALUE: integer 1048576 CONSTANT: BUTTON_NO VALUE: integer 65536 CONSTANT: BUTTON_NONE VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: BUTTON_OK VALUE: integer 1024 CONSTANT: BUTTON_RETRY VALUE: integer 524288 CONSTANT: BUTTON_YES VALUE: integer 16384 CONSTANT: CAP_FLAT VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: CAP_ROUND VALUE: integer 32 CONSTANT: CAP_SQUARE VALUE: integer 16 CONSTANT: COLOR VALUE: integer 14 CONSTANT: COLOR_BURN VALUE: integer 11 CONSTANT: COLOR_DODGE VALUE: integer 10 CONSTANT: DARKEN VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: DIFFERENCE VALUE: integer 8 CONSTANT: DIRECTION_LTR VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: DIRECTION_RTL VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: EXCLUSION VALUE: integer 9 CONSTANT: FACINGPAGES VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: FILL_CROSSDIAGONALG VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: FILL_DIAGONALG VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: FILL_HORIZONTALG VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: FILL_NOG VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: FILL_RADIALG VALUE: integer 5 CONSTANT: FILL_VERTICALG VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: FIRSTPAGELEFT VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: FIRSTPAGERIGHT VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: HARD_LIGHT VALUE: integer 6 CONSTANT: HUE VALUE: integer 12 CONSTANT: ICON_CRITICAL VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: ICON_INFORMATION VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: ICON_NONE VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: ICON_WARNING VALUE: integer 2 FUNCTION: ImageExport SYNTAX: Image export Class ImageExport() provides the bitmap graphics exporting for Python scripting as you know it from Export/Save as Image menu. See related class PDFfile() and procedure savePageAsEPS(). Example: i = ImageExport() i.type = 'PNG' # select one from i.allTypes list i.scale = 200 # I want to have 200% = '/home/subik/test.png' two last lines should be replaced with: i.saveAs('/home/subik/test.png') CONSTANT: JOIN_BEVEL VALUE: integer 64 CONSTANT: JOIN_MITTER VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: JOIN_ROUND VALUE: integer 128 CONSTANT: LANDSCAPE VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: LIGHTEN VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: LINE_DASH VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: LINE_DASHDOT VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: LINE_DASHDOTDOT VALUE: integer 5 CONSTANT: LINE_DOT VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: LINE_SOLID VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: LUMINOSITY VALUE: integer 15 CONSTANT: MULTIPLY VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: NOFACINGPAGES VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: NORMAL VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: OVERLAY VALUE: integer 5 CONSTANT: PAGE_1 VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: PAGE_2 VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: PAGE_3 VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: PAGE_4 VALUE: integer 3 TUPLE: PAPER_A0 VALUE: (2380.0, 3368.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A0_MM VALUE: (841.0, 1189.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A1 VALUE: (1684.0, 2380.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A1_MM VALUE: (594.0, 841.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A2 VALUE: (1190.0, 1684.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A2_MM VALUE: (420.0, 594.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A3 VALUE: (842.0, 1190.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A3_MM VALUE: (297.0, 420.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A4 VALUE: (595.0, 842.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A4_MM VALUE: (210.0, 297.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A5 VALUE: (421.0, 595.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A5_MM VALUE: (148.0, 210.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A6 VALUE: (297.0, 421.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A6_MM VALUE: (105.0, 148.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A7 VALUE: (210.0, 297.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A7_MM VALUE: (74.0, 105.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A8 VALUE: (148.0, 210.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A8_MM VALUE: (52.0, 74.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A9 VALUE: (105.0, 148.0) TUPLE: PAPER_A9_MM VALUE: (37.0, 52.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B0 VALUE: (2836.0, 4008.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B0_MM VALUE: (1000.0, 1414.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B1 VALUE: (2004.0, 2836.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B10 VALUE: (89.0, 125.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B10_MM VALUE: (31.0, 44.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B1_MM VALUE: (707.0, 1000.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B2 VALUE: (1418.0, 2004.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B2_MM VALUE: (500.0, 707.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B3 VALUE: (1002.0, 1418.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B3_MM VALUE: (353.0, 500.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B4 VALUE: (709.0, 1002.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B4_MM VALUE: (250.0, 353.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B5 VALUE: (501.0, 709.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B5_MM VALUE: (176.0, 250.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B6 VALUE: (355.0, 501.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B6_MM VALUE: (125.0, 176.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B7 VALUE: (250.0, 355.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B7_MM VALUE: (88.0, 125.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B8 VALUE: (178.0, 250.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B8_MM VALUE: (62.0, 88.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B9 VALUE: (125.0, 178.0) TUPLE: PAPER_B9_MM VALUE: (44.0, 62.0) TUPLE: PAPER_C5E VALUE: (462.0, 649.0) TUPLE: PAPER_COMM10E VALUE: (298.0, 683.0) TUPLE: PAPER_DLE VALUE: (312.0, 624.0) TUPLE: PAPER_EXECUTIVE VALUE: (542.0, 720.0) TUPLE: PAPER_FOLIO VALUE: (595.0, 935.0) TUPLE: PAPER_LEDGER VALUE: (1224.0, 792.0) TUPLE: PAPER_LEGAL VALUE: (612.0, 1008.0) TUPLE: PAPER_LETTER VALUE: (612.0, 792.0) TUPLE: PAPER_TABLOID VALUE: (792.0, 1224.0) FUNCTION: PDFfile SYNTAX: Exporting PDF Class PDFfile() provides the PDF exporting for Python scripting as you know it from Save as PDF menu. Example: pdf = PDFfile() pdf.thumbnails = 1 # generate thumbnails too pdf.file = 'mypdf.pdf' CONSTANT: PORTRAIT VALUE: integer 0 FUNCTION: Printer SYNTAX: Printing Class Printer() provides printing for Python scripting. Example: p = Printer() p.print() CONSTANT: SATURATION VALUE: integer 13 CONSTANT: SCREEN VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: SOFT_LIGHT VALUE: integer 7 CONSTANT: UNIT_C VALUE: integer 5 CONSTANT: UNIT_CENTIMETRES VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: UNIT_CICERO VALUE: integer 5 CONSTANT: UNIT_CM VALUE: integer 4 CONSTANT: UNIT_IN VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: UNIT_INCHES VALUE: integer 2 CONSTANT: UNIT_MILLIMETERS VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: UNIT_MM VALUE: integer 1 CONSTANT: UNIT_P VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: UNIT_PICAS VALUE: integer 3 CONSTANT: UNIT_POINTS VALUE: integer 0 CONSTANT: UNIT_PT VALUE: integer 0 STRING: __name__ VALUE: '__main__' FUNCTION: applyMasterPage SYNTAX: applyMasterPage(masterPageName, pageNumber) Apply master page masterPageName on page pageNumber. CONSTANT: c VALUE: float 0.0781865642238 FUNCTION: changeColor SYNTAX: changeColor("name", c, m, y, k) Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. Note : deprecated, use changeColorCMYK() instead. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: changeColorCMYK SYNTAX: changeColorCMYK("name", c, m, y, k) Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: changeColorCMYKFloat SYNTAX: changeColorCMYKFloat("name", c, m, y, k) Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: changeColorLab SYNTAX: changeColorLab("name", r, g, b) Changes the color "name" to the specified CIELab values. The color value is defined via three components: L = luminosity, a = green/red, b = blue/yellow. Color components are floating point values with L between 0 and 100, a and b between -128 and 128. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: changeColorRGB SYNTAX: changeColorRGB("name", r, g, b) Changes the color "name" to the specified RGB value. The color value is defined via three components r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: changeColorRGBFloat SYNTAX: changeColorRGBFloat("name", r, g, b) Changes the color "name" to the specified RGB value. The color value is defined via three components r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: closeDoc SYNTAX: closeDoc() Closes the current document without prompting to save. May throw NoDocOpenError if there is no document to close FUNCTION: closeMasterPage SYNTAX: closeMasterPage() Closes the currently active master page, if any, and returns editing to normal. Begin editing with editMasterPage(). CONSTANT: cm VALUE: float 0.0352777777778 FUNCTION: copyObject SYNTAX: copyObject(["name"]) -> string copies the selected Object (or Selection Group). FUNCTION: createBezierLine SYNTAX: createBezierLine(list, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new bezier curve and returns its name. The points for the bezier curve are stored in the list "list" in the following order: [x1, y1, kx1, ky1, x2, y2, kx2, ky2...xn. yn, kxn. kyn] In the points list, x and y mean the x and y coordinates of the point and kx and ky meaning the control point for the curve. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. May raise ValueError if an insufficient number of points is passed or if the number of values passed don't group into points without leftovers. FUNCTION: createCharStyle SYNTAX: createCharStyle(...) Creates a character style. This function takes the following keyword parameters: "name" [required] -> name of the char style to create "font" [optional] -> name of the font to use fontsize [optional] -> font size to set (double) "features" [optional] -> nearer typographic details can be defined by a string that might contain the following phrases comma-seperated (without spaces!): -> inherit -> bold -> italic -> underline -> underlinewords -> strike -> superscript -> subscript -> outline -> shadowed -> allcaps -> smallcaps "fillcolor" [optional], "fillshade" [optional] -> specify fill options "strokecolor" [optional], "strokeshade" [optional] -> specify stroke options baselineoffset [optional] -> offset of the baseline shadowxoffset [optional], shadowyoffset [optional] -> offset of the shadow if used outlinewidth [optional] -> width of the outline if used underlineoffset [optional], underlinewidth [optional] -> underline options if used strikethruoffset [optional], strikethruwidth [optional] -> strikethru options if used scaleh [optional], scalev [optional] -> scale of the chars tracking [optional] -> tracking of the text "language" [optional] -> language code FUNCTION: createCustomLineStyle SYNTAX: createCustomLineStyle(styleName, style) Creates the custom line style 'styleName'. styleName -> name of the custom line style to create This function takes list of dictionary as parameter for "style". Each dictionary represent one subline within style. Dictionary can have those keys: Color [optional] -> name of the color to use (string) Dash [optional] -> type of line to use (integer) LineEnd [optional] -> type of LineEnd to use (integer) LineJoin [optional] -> type of LineJoin to use (integer) Shade [optional] -> opacity of line (integer) Width [optional] -> width of line (double) FUNCTION: createEllipse SYNTAX: createEllipse(x, y, width, height, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new ellipse on the current page and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further referencing of that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: createImage SYNTAX: createImage(x, y, width, height, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new picture frame on the current page and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document. "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: createLayer SYNTAX: createLayer(layer) Creates a new layer with the name "name". May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: createLine SYNTAX: createLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new line from the point(x1, y1) to the point(x2, y2) and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the current measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: createMasterPage SYNTAX: createMasterPage(pageName) Creates a new master page named pageName and opens it for editing. FUNCTION: createParagraphStyle SYNTAX: createParagraphStyle(...) Creates a paragraph style. This function takes the following keyword parameters: "name" [required] -> specifies the name of the paragraphstyle to create linespacingmode [optional] -> specifies the linespacing mode; possible modes are: fixed linespacing: 0 automatic linespacing: 1 baseline grid linespacing: 2 linespacing [optional] -> specifies the linespacing if using fixed linespacing alignment [optional] -> specifies the alignment of the paragraph -> left: 0 -> center: 1 -> right: 2 -> justify: 3 -> extend: 4 leftmargin [optional], rightmargin [optional] -> specify the margin gapbefore [optional], gapafter [optional] -> specify the gaps to the heading and following paragraphs firstindent [optional] -> the indent of the first line hasdropcap [optional] -> specifies if there are caps (1 = yes, 0 = no) dropcaplines [optional] -> height (in lines) of the caps if used dropcapoffset [optional] -> offset of the caps if used "charstyle" [optional] -> char style to use FUNCTION: createPathText SYNTAX: createPathText(x, y, "textbox", "beziercurve", ["name"]) -> string Creates a new pathText by merging the two objects "textbox" and "beziercurve" and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the current measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. May raise NotFoundError if one or both of the named base object don't exist. FUNCTION: createPdfAnnotation SYNTAX: createPdfAnnotation(which,x,y,w,h,["name"]) Creates a pdf annotation. Arguments: "which" is one of the following: (0 PDFBUTTON, 1 PDFRADIOBUTTON, 2 PDFTEXTFIELD, 3 PDFCHECKBOX, 4 PDFCOMBOBOX, 5 PDFLISTBOX, 6 PDFTEXTANNOTATION, 7 PDFLINKANNOTATION, 8 PDF3DANNOTATION) "x" and "y" are the coordinates where it will be placed. "w" is its width. "h" is its height. On systems without OSG installed a runtime error will be raised. "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further referencing of that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. Returns: The name of the newly created annotation. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: createPolyLine SYNTAX: createPolyLine(list, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new polyline and returns its name. The points for the polyline are stored in the list "list" in the following order: [x1, y1, x2, y2...xn. yn]. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. May raise ValueError if an insufficient number of points is passed or if the number of values passed don't group into points without leftovers. FUNCTION: createPolygon SYNTAX: createPolygon(list, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new polygon and returns its name. The points for the polygon are stored in the list "list" in the following order: [x1, y1, x2, y2...xn. yn]. At least three points are required. There is no need to repeat the first point to close the polygon. The polygon is automatically closed by connecting the first and the last point. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further access to that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. May raise ValueError if an insufficient number of points is passed or if the number of values passed don't group into points without leftovers. FUNCTION: createRect SYNTAX: createRect(x, y, width, height, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new rectangle on the current page and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the current measurement units of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name to reference that object in future. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: createTable SYNTAX: createTable(x, y, width, height, numRows, numColumns, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new table with the given number of rows and columns on the actual page and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the actual measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further referencing of that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. May raise ValueError if an insufficient number of rows or columns is passed. FUNCTION: createText SYNTAX: createText(x, y, width, height, ["name"]) -> string Creates a new text frame on the actual page and returns its name. The coordinates are given in the actual measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). "name" should be a unique identifier for the object because you need this name for further referencing of that object. If "name" is not given Scribus will create one for you. May raise NameExistsError if you explicitly pass a name that's already used. FUNCTION: currentPage SYNTAX: currentPage() -> integer Returns the number of the current working page. Page numbers are counted from 1 upwards, no matter what the displayed first page number of your document is. FUNCTION: defineColor SYNTAX: defineColor("name", c, m, y, k) Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. Note : deprecated, use defineColorCMYK() instead. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: defineColorCMYK SYNTAX: defineColorCMYK("name", c, m, y, k) Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: defineColorCMYKFloat SYNTAX: defineColorCMYKFloat("name", c, m, y, k) Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: defineColorLab SYNTAX: defineColorLab("name", r, g, b) Defines a new color "name" using CIELab values. The color value is defined via three components: L = luminosity, a = green/red, b = blue/yellow. Color components are floating point values with L between 0 and 100, a and b between -128 and 128. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: defineColorRGB SYNTAX: defineColorRGB("name", r, g, b) Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via three components: r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: defineColorRGBFloat SYNTAX: defineColorRGBFloat("name", r, g, b) Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via three components: r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: dehyphenateText SYNTAX: dehyphenateText(["name"]) -> bool Does dehyphenation on text frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: deleteColor SYNTAX: deleteColor("name", "replace") Deletes the color "name". Every occurrence of that color is replaced by the color "replace". If not specified, "replace" defaults to the color "None" - transparent. deleteColor works on the default document colors if there is no document open. In that case, "replace", if specified, has no effect. May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: deleteLayer SYNTAX: deleteLayer("layer") Deletes the layer with the name "layer". Nothing happens if the layer doesn't exists or if it's the only layer in the document. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: deleteMasterPage SYNTAX: deleteMasterPage(pageName) Delete the named master page. FUNCTION: deleteObject SYNTAX: deleteObject(["name"]) Deletes the item with the name "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is deleted. FUNCTION: deletePage SYNTAX: deletePage(nr) Deletes the given page. Does nothing if the document contains only one page. Page numbers are counted from 1 upwards, no matter what the displayed first page number is. May raise IndexError if the page number is out of range FUNCTION: deleteText SYNTAX: deleteText(["name"]) Deletes any text in the text frame "name". If there is some text selected, only the selected text will be deleted. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: deselectAll SYNTAX: deselectAll() Deselects all objects in the whole document. FUNCTION: docChanged SYNTAX: docChanged(bool) Enable/disable save icon in the Scribus icon bar and the Save menu item. It's useful to call this procedure when you're changing the document, because Scribus won't automatically notice when you change the document using a script. FUNCTION: duplicateObject SYNTAX: duplicateObject(["name"]) -> string creates a Duplicate of the selected Object (or Selection Group). FUNCTION: editMasterPage SYNTAX: editMasterPage(pageName) Enables master page editing and opens the named master page for editing. Finish editing with closeMasterPage(). FUNCTION: exceptions SYNTAX: Python's standard exception class hierarchy. Exceptions found here are defined both in the exceptions module and the built-in namespace. It is recommended that user-defined exceptions inherit from Exception. See the documentation for the exception inheritance hierarchy. FUNCTION: fileDialog SYNTAX: fileDialog("caption", ["filter", "defaultname", haspreview, issave, isdir]) -> string with filename Shows a File Open dialog box with the caption "caption". Files are filtered with the filter string "filter". A default filename or file path can also supplied, leave this string empty when you don't want to use it. A value of True for haspreview enables a small preview widget in the FileSelect box. When the issave parameter is set to True the dialog acts like a "Save As" dialog otherwise it acts like a "File Open Dialog". When the isdir parameter is True the dialog shows and returns only directories. The default for all of the optional parameters is False. The filter, if specified, takes the form 'comment (*.type *.type2 ...)'. For example 'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)'. Refer to the Qt-Documentation for QFileDialog for details on filters. Example: fileDialog('Open input', 'CSV files (*.csv)') Example: fileDialog('Save report', defaultname='report.txt', issave=True) FUNCTION: fileQuit SYNTAX: fileQuit() Quit Scribus. FUNCTION: flipObject SYNTAX: flipObject(H,V,["name"]) Toggle the object "name" horizontal and/or vertical flip. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getActiveLayer SYNTAX: getActiveLayer() -> string Returns the name of the current active layer. FUNCTION: getAllObjects SYNTAX: getAllObjects(["page"]) -> list Returns a list containing the names of all objects on the current page. Takes an optional keyword argument that changes the page from which the objects are returned The page index starts at 0 and goes to the total number of pages - 1. FUNCTION: getAllStyles SYNTAX: getAllStyles() -> list Return a list of the names of all paragraph styles in the current document. FUNCTION: getAllText SYNTAX: getAllText(["name"]) -> string Returns the text of the text frame "name" and of all text frames which are linked with this frame. If this textframe has some text selected, the selected text is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCellColumnSpan SYNTAX: getCellColumnSpan(row, column, ["name"]) -> int Returns the column span of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" or -1 if the cell does not exist. If the cell is covered by another spanning cell, the column span of the spanning cell is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCellFillColor SYNTAX: getCellFillColor(row, column, ["name"]) -> string Returns the fill color of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCellRowSpan SYNTAX: getCellRowSpan(row, column, ["name"]) -> int Returns the row span of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" or -1 if the cell does not exist. If the cell is covered by another spanning cell, the row span of the spanning cell is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCellStyle SYNTAX: getCellStyle(row, column, ["name"]) -> string Returns the named style of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the cell does not exist. FUNCTION: getCharStyles SYNTAX: getCharStyles() -> list Return a list of the names of all character styles in the current document. FUNCTION: getColor SYNTAX: getColor("name") -> tuple Returns a tuple (C, M, Y, K) containing the four color components of the color "name" from the current document. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: getColorAsRGB SYNTAX: getColorAsRGB("name") -> tuple Returns a tuple (R,G,B) containing the three color components of the color "name" from the current document, converted to the RGB color space. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: getColorAsRGBFloat SYNTAX: getColorAsRGBFloat("name") -> tuple Returns a tuple (R,G,B) containing the three color components of the color "name" from the current document, converted to the RGB color space. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: getColorFloat SYNTAX: getColorFloat("name") -> tuple Returns a tuple (C, M, Y, K) containing the four color components of the color "name" from the current document. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors. May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: getColorNames SYNTAX: getColorNames() -> list Returns a list containing the names of all defined colors in the document. If no document is open, returns a list of the default document colors. FUNCTION: getColumnGap SYNTAX: getColumnGap(["name"]) -> float Returns the column gap size of the text frame "name" expressed in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getColumns SYNTAX: getColumns(["name"]) -> integer Gets the number of columns of the text frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCornerRadius SYNTAX: getCornerRadius(["name"]) -> integer Returns the corner radius of the object "name". The radius is expressed in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getCustomLineStyle SYNTAX: getCustomLineStyle(["name"]) -> string Returns the styleName of custom line style for the object. If object's "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getDocName SYNTAX: getDocName() -> string Returns the name the document was saved under. If the document was not saved before the name is empty. FUNCTION: getFillBlendmode SYNTAX: getFillBlendmode(["name"]) -> integer Returns the fill blendmode of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: getFillColor SYNTAX: getFillColor(["name"]) -> string Returns the name of the fill color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getFillShade SYNTAX: getFillShade(["name"]) -> integer Returns the shading value of the fill color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getFillTransparency SYNTAX: getFillTransparency(["name"]) -> float Returns the fill transparency of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: getFont SYNTAX: getFont(["name"]) -> string Returns the font name for the text frame "name". If this text frame has some text selected the value assigned to the first character of the selection is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getFontFeatures SYNTAX: getFontFeatures(["name"]) -> string Returns the font features for the text frame "name". If this text frame has some text selected the value assigned to the first character of the selection is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getFontNames SYNTAX: getFontNames() -> list Returns a list with the names of all available fonts. FUNCTION: getFontSize SYNTAX: getFontSize(["name"]) -> float Returns the font size in points for the text frame "name". If this text frame has some text selected the value assigned to the first character of the selection is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getGuiLanguage SYNTAX: getGuiLanguage() -> string Returns a string with the -lang value. FUNCTION: getHGuides SYNTAX: getHGuides() -> list Returns a list containing positions of the horizontal guides. Values are in the document's current units - see UNIT_<type> constants. FUNCTION: getImageFile SYNTAX: getImageFile(["name"]) -> string Returns the filename for the image in the image frame. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getImageScale SYNTAX: getImageScale(["name"]) -> (x,y) Returns a (x, y) tuple containing the scaling values of the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getLayerBlendmode SYNTAX: getLayerBlendmode("layer") -> int Returns the "layer" layer blendmode, May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: getLayerTransparency SYNTAX: getLayerTransparency("layer") -> float Returns the "layer" layer transparency, May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: getLayers SYNTAX: getLayers() -> list Returns a list with the names of all defined layers. FUNCTION: getLineBlendmode SYNTAX: getLineBlendmode(["name"]) -> integer Returns the line blendmode of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: getLineCap SYNTAX: getLineCap(["name"]) -> integer (see constants) Returns the line cap style of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. The cap types are: CAP_FLAT, CAP_ROUND, CAP_SQUARE FUNCTION: getLineColor SYNTAX: getLineColor(["name"]) -> string Returns the name of the line color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getLineJoin SYNTAX: getLineJoin(["name"]) -> integer (see constants) Returns the line join style of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. The join types are: JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITTER, JOIN_ROUND FUNCTION: getLineShade SYNTAX: getLineShade(["name"]) -> integer Returns the shading value of the line color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getLineSpacing SYNTAX: getLineSpacing(["name"]) -> float Returns the line spacing ("leading") of the text frame "name" expressed in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getLineStyle SYNTAX: getLineStyle(["name"]) -> integer (see constants) Returns the line style of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. Line style constants are: LINE_DASH, LINE_DASHDOT, LINE_DASHDOTDOT, LINE_DOT, LINE_SOLID FUNCTION: getLineTransparency SYNTAX: getLineTransparency(["name"]) -> float Returns the line transparency of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: getLineWidth SYNTAX: getLineWidth(["name"]) -> integer Returns the line width of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: getMasterPage SYNTAX: getMasterPage(nr) Get Master Page of the page "nr". May raise IndexError if the page number is out of range. FUNCTION: getObjectAttributes SYNTAX: getObjectAttributes(["name"]) -> list Returns a list containing all attributes of object "name". FUNCTION: getObjectType SYNTAX: getObjectType(["name"]) -> string Get type of object "name" as a string. FUNCTION: getPageItems SYNTAX: getPageItems() -> list Returns a list of tuples with items on the current page. The tuple is: (name, objectType, order) E.g. [('Text1', 4, 0), ('Image1', 2, 1)] means that object named 'Text1' is a text frame (type 4) and is the first at the page... FUNCTION: getPageMargins SYNTAX: getPageMargins() Returns the document page margins as a (top, left, right, bottom) tuple in the document's current units. See UNIT_<type> constants and getPageSize(). FUNCTION: getPageNMargins SYNTAX: getPageNMargins(nr) -> tuple Returns a tuple with a particular page's margins measured in the document's current units. See UNIT_<type> constants and getPageMargins() FUNCTION: getPageNSize SYNTAX: getPageNSize(nr) -> tuple Returns a tuple with a particular page's size measured in the document's current units. See UNIT_<type> constants and getPageMargins() FUNCTION: getPageSize SYNTAX: getPageSize() -> tuple Returns a tuple with document page dimensions measured in the document's current units. See UNIT_<type> constants and getPageMargins() FUNCTION: getPageType SYNTAX: getPageType() -> integer Returns the type of the Page, 0 means left Page, 1 is a middle Page and 2 is a right Page FUNCTION: getPosition SYNTAX: getPosition(["name"]) -> (x,y) Returns a (x, y) tuple with the position of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. The position is expressed in the actual measurement unit of the document - see UNIT_<type> for reference. FUNCTION: getProperty SYNTAX: getProperty(object, property) Return the value of the property `property' of the passed `object'. The `object' argument may be a string, in which case the named PageItem is searched for. It may also be a PyCObject, which may point to any C++ QObject instance. The `property' argument must be a string, and is the name of the property to look up on `object'. The return value varies depending on the type of the property. FUNCTION: getPropertyCType SYNTAX: getPropertyCType(object, property, includesuper=True) Returns the name of the C type of `property' of `object'. See getProperty() for details of arguments. If `includesuper' is true, search inherited properties too. FUNCTION: getPropertyNames SYNTAX: getPropertyNames(object, includesuper=True) Return a list of property names supported by `object'. If `includesuper' is true, return properties supported by parent classes as well. FUNCTION: getRotation SYNTAX: getRotation(["name"]) -> integer Returns the rotation of the object "name". The value is expressed in degrees, and clockwise is positive. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getSelectedObject SYNTAX: getSelectedObject([nr]) -> string Returns the name of the selected object. "nr" if given indicates the number of the selected object, e.g. 0 means the first selected object, 1 means the second selected Object and so on. FUNCTION: getSize SYNTAX: getSize(["name"]) -> (width,height) Returns a (width, height) tuple with the size of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. The size is expressed in the current measurement unit of the document - see UNIT_<type> for reference. FUNCTION: getTableColumnWidth SYNTAX: getTableColumnWidth(column, ["name"]) -> float Returns the column width of "column" in the table "name" expressed in points, or 0.0 if the column does not exist. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTableColumns SYNTAX: getTableColumns(["name"]) -> integer Gets the number of columns in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTableFillColor SYNTAX: getTableFillColor(["name"]) -> string Returns the fill color of the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTableRowHeight SYNTAX: getTableRowHeight(row, ["name"]) -> float Returns the row height of "row" in the table "name" expressed in points, or 0.0 if the row does not exist. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTableRows SYNTAX: getTableRows(["name"]) -> integer Gets the number of rows in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTableStyle SYNTAX: getTableStyle(["name"]) -> string Returns the named style of the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getText SYNTAX: getText(["name"]) -> string Returns the text of the text frame "name". If this text frame has some text selected, the selected text is returned. All text in the frame, not just currently visible text, is returned. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTextColor SYNTAX: getLineColor(["name"]) -> string Returns the name of the line color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTextDistances SYNTAX: getTextDistances(["name"]) -> tuple Returns the text distances of the text frame "name" expressed in points. The distances are returned as a tuple like (left, right, top, bottom). If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTextLength SYNTAX: getTextLength(["name"]) -> integer Returns the length of the text in the text frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTextLines SYNTAX: getTextLines(["name"]) -> integer Returns the number of lines of the text in the text frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getTextShade SYNTAX: getLineShade(["name"]) -> integer Returns the shading value of the line color of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: getUnit SYNTAX: getUnit() -> integer (Scribus unit constant) Returns the measurement units of the document. The returned value will be one of the UNIT_* constants: UNIT_INCHES, UNIT_MILLIMETERS, UNIT_PICAS, UNIT_POINTS. FUNCTION: getVGuides SYNTAX: getVGuides() See getHGuides. FUNCTION: getXFontNames SYNTAX: getXFontNames() -> list of tuples Returns a larger font info. It's a list of the tuples with: [ (Scribus name, Family, Real name, subset (1|0), embed PS (1|0), font file), (...), ... ] FUNCTION: getval SYNTAX: Scribus internal. FUNCTION: gotoPage SYNTAX: gotoPage(nr) Moves to the page "nr" (that is, makes the current page "nr"). Note that gotoPage doesn't (currently) change the page the user's view is displaying, it just sets the page that script commands will operates on. May raise IndexError if the page number is out of range. FUNCTION: groupObjects SYNTAX: groupObjects(list) -> string Groups the objects named in "list" together. "list" must contain the names of the objects to be grouped. If "list" is not given the currently selected items are used. Returns the group name for further referencing. FUNCTION: haveDoc SYNTAX: haveDoc() -> int Returns the quantity of open documents: 0 if none are opened. FUNCTION: hyphenateText SYNTAX: hyphenateText(["name"]) -> bool Does hyphenation on text frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: importPage SYNTAX: importPage("fromDoc", (pageList), [create, imortwhere, importwherePage]) Imports a set of pages (given as a tuple) from an existing document (the file name must be given). This functions maps the "Page->Import" dropdown menu function. fromDoc: string; the filename of the document to import pages from pageList: tuple with page numbers of pages to import create: number; 0 to replace existing pages, 1 (default) to insert new pages importWhere: number; the page number (of the current document) at which import the pages importWherePage: number; used if create==1; 0 to create pages before selected page; 1 to create pages after selected page; 2 (default) to create pages at the end of the document CONSTANT: inch VALUE: float 0.0138888888889 FUNCTION: insertHtmlText SYNTAX: insertHTMLText("file", ["name"]) Inserts the text from "file" into the text frame "name". Text must be UTF encoded (see setText() as reference). If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. FUNCTION: insertTableColumns SYNTAX: insertTableColumns(index, numColumns, ["name"]) Inserts "numColumns" columns before the column at "index" in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if number of columns is not at least one or index is out of bounds. FUNCTION: insertTableRows SYNTAX: insertTableRows(index, numRows, ["name"]) Inserts "numRows" rows before the row at "index" in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if number of rows is not at least one or index is out of bounds. FUNCTION: insertText SYNTAX: insertText("text", pos, ["name"]) Inserts the text "text" at the position "pos" into the text frame "name". Text must be UTF encoded (see setText() as reference) The first character has an index of 0. Inserting text at position -1 appends it to the frame. If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. May throw IndexError for an insertion out of bounds. FUNCTION: isAnnotated SYNTAX: isAnnotated(["name"],["deannotate=False"]) Queries the item to see if it has a Pdf annotation. Arguments: "name" uses the currently selected item if not given. Keyword Arguments: "deannotate" if set to True will turn off the annotation flag Returns: A tuple with a string at 0 that indicates what type of pdf annotation it is. A dictionary is in index 1 that contains data the function was able to gather. If the item is not a pdf annotation returns None. Passing the keyword parameter deannotate=True returns None. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: isLayerFlow SYNTAX: isLayerFlow("layer") -> bool Returns whether text flows around objects on layer "layer", a value of True means that text flows around, a value of False means that the text does not flow around. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: isLayerLocked SYNTAX: isLayerLocked("layer") -> bool Returns whether the layer "layer" is locked or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" is editable, a value of False means that the layer "layer" is locked. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: isLayerOutlined SYNTAX: isLayerOutlined("layer") -> bool Returns whether the layer "layer" is outlined or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" is outlined, a value of False means that the layer "layer" is normal. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: isLayerPrintable SYNTAX: isLayerPrintable("layer") -> bool Returns whether the layer "layer" is printable or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" can be printed, a value of False means that printing the layer "layer" is disabled. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: isLayerVisible SYNTAX: isLayerVisible("layer") -> bool Returns whether the layer "layer" is visible or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" is visible, a value of False means that the layer "layer" is invisible. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: isLocked SYNTAX: isLocked(["name"]) -> bool Returns true if is the object "name" locked. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: isPDFBookmark SYNTAX: isPDFBookmark(["name"]) -> bool Returns true if the text frame "name" is a PDF bookmark. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: isSpotColor SYNTAX: isSpotColor("name") -> bool Returns True if the color "name" is a spot color. See also setSpotColor() May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: linkTextFrames SYNTAX: linkTextFrames("fromname", "toname") Link two text frames. The frame named "fromname" is linked to the frame named "toname". The target frame must be an empty text frame and must not link to or be linked from any other frames already. May throw ScribusException if linking rules are violated. FUNCTION: loadImage SYNTAX: loadImage("filename" [, "name"]) Loads the picture "picture" into the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame FUNCTION: loadStylesFromFile SYNTAX: loadStylesFromFile("filename") Loads paragraph styles from the Scribus document at "filename" into the current document. FUNCTION: lockObject SYNTAX: lockObject(["name"]) -> bool Locks the object "name" if it's unlocked or unlock it if it's locked. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. Returns true if locked. FUNCTION: masterPageNames SYNTAX: masterPageNames() Returns a list of the names of all master pages in the document. FUNCTION: mergeTableCells SYNTAX: mergeTableCells(row, column, numRows, numColumns, ["name"]) Merges the cell at the specified "row" and "column" with the adjacent cells into one cell. May throw ValueError if number if numRows or numColumns is less than 1 or the specified area is out of bounds. FUNCTION: messageBox SYNTAX: messageBox("caption", "message", icon=ICON_NONE, button1=BUTTON_OK|BUTTONOPT_DEFAULT, button2=BUTTON_NONE, button3=BUTTON_NONE) -> integer Displays a message box with the title "caption", the message "message", and an icon "icon" and up to 3 buttons. By default no icon is used and a single button, OK, is displayed. Only the caption and message arguments are required, though setting an icon and appropriate button(s) is strongly recommended. The message text may contain simple HTML-like markup. Returns the number of the button the user pressed. Button numbers start at 1. For the icon and the button parameters there are predefined constants available with the same names as in the Qt Documentation. These are the BUTTON_* and ICON_* constants defined in the module. There are also two extra constants that can be binary-ORed with button constants: BUTTONOPT_DEFAULT Pressing enter presses this button. BUTTONOPT_ESCAPE Pressing escape presses this button. Usage examples: result = messageBox('Script failed', 'This script only works when you have a text frame selected.', ICON_ERROR) result = messageBox('Monkeys!', 'Something went ook! <i>Was it a monkey?</i>', ICON_WARNING, BUTTON_YES|BUTTONOPT_DEFAULT, BUTTON_NO, BUTTON_IGNORE|BUTTONOPT_ESCAPE) Defined button and icon constants: BUTTON_NONE, BUTTON_ABORT, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_IGNORE, BUTTON_NO, BUTTON_NOALL, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_RETRY, BUTTON_YES, BUTTON_YESALL, ICON_NONE, ICON_INFORMATION, ICON_WARNING, ICON_CRITICAL. FUNCTION: messagebarText SYNTAX: messagebarText("string") Writes the "string" into the Scribus message bar (status line). The text must be UTF8 encoded or 'unicode' string(recommended). CONSTANT: mm VALUE: float 0.352777777778 FUNCTION: moveObject SYNTAX: moveObject(dx, dy [, "name"]) Moves the object "name" by dx and dy relative to its current position. The distances are expressed in the current measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. If the object "name" belongs to a group, the whole group is moved. FUNCTION: moveObjectAbs SYNTAX: moveObjectAbs(x, y [, "name"]) Moves the object "name" to a new location. The coordinates are expressed in the current measurement unit of the document (see UNIT constants). If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. If the object "name" belongs to a group, the whole group is moved. FUNCTION: moveSelectionToBack SYNTAX: moveSelectionToBack() Moves current selection to back. FUNCTION: moveSelectionToFront SYNTAX: moveSelectionToFront() Moves current selection to front. FUNCTION: newDoc SYNTAX: newDoc(size, margins, orientation, firstPageNumber, unit, facingPages, firstSideLeft) -> bool WARNING: Obsolete procedure! Use newDocument instead. Creates a new document and returns true if successful. The parameters have the following meaning: size = A tuple (width, height) describing the size of the document. You can use predefined constants named PAPER_<paper_type> e.g. PAPER_A4 etc. margins = A tuple (left, right, top, bottom) describing the document margins orientation = the page orientation - constants PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE firstPageNumer = is the number of the first page in the document used for pagenumbering. While you'll usually want 1, it's useful to have higher numbers if you're creating a document in several parts. unit: this value sets the measurement units used by the document. Use a predefined constant for this, one of: UNIT_INCHES, UNIT_MILLIMETERS, UNIT_PICAS, UNIT_POINTS. facingPages = FACINGPAGES, NOFACINGPAGES firstSideLeft = FIRSTPAGELEFT, FIRSTPAGERIGHT The values for width, height and the margins are expressed in the given unit for the document. PAPER_* constants are expressed in points. If your document is not in points, make sure to account for this. example: newDoc(PAPER_A4, (10, 10, 20, 20), LANDSCAPE, 1, UNIT_POINTS, FACINGPAGES, FIRSTPAGERIGHT) FUNCTION: newDocDialog SYNTAX: newDocDialog() -> bool Displays the "New Document" dialog box. Creates a new document if the user accepts the settings. Does not create a document if the user presses cancel. Returns true if a new document was created. FUNCTION: newDocument SYNTAX: newDocument(size, margins, orientation, firstPageNumber, unit, pagesType, firstPageOrder, numPages) -> bool Creates a new document and returns true if successful. The parameters have the following meaning: size = A tuple (width, height) describing the size of the document. You can use predefined constants named PAPER_<paper_type> e.g. PAPER_A4 etc. margins = A tuple (left, right, top, bottom) describing the document margins orientation = the page orientation - constants PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE firstPageNumer = is the number of the first page in the document used for pagenumbering. While you'll usually want 1, it's useful to have higher numbers if you're creating a document in several parts. unit: this value sets the measurement units used by the document. Use a predefined constant for this, one of: UNIT_INCHES, UNIT_MILLIMETERS, UNIT_PICAS, UNIT_POINTS. pagesType = One of the predefined constants PAGE_n. PAGE_1 is single page, PAGE_2 is for facing pages documents, PAGE_3 is for 3 pages fold and PAGE_4 is 4-fold. firstPageOrder = What is position of first page in the document. Indexed from 0 (0 = first). numPage = Number of pages to be created. The values for width, height and the margins are expressed in the given unit for the document. PAPER_* constants are expressed in points. If your document is not in points, make sure to account for this. example: newDocument(PAPER_A4, (10, 10, 20, 20), LANDSCAPE, 7, UNIT_POINTS, PAGE_4, 3, 1) May raise ScribusError if is firstPageOrder bigger than allowed by pagesType. FUNCTION: newPage SYNTAX: newPage(where [,"masterpage"]) Creates a new page. If "where" is -1 the new Page is appended to the document, otherwise the new page is inserted before "where". Page numbers are counted from 1 upwards, no matter what the displayed first page number of your document is. The optional parameter "masterpage" specifies the name of the master page for the new page. May raise IndexError if the page number is out of range FUNCTION: newStyleDialog SYNTAX: newStyleDialog() -> string Shows 'Create new paragraph style' dialog. Function returns real style name or None when user cancels the dialog. FUNCTION: objectExists SYNTAX: objectExists(["name"]) -> bool Test if an object with specified name really exists in the document. The optional parameter is the object name. When no object name is given, returns True if there is something selected. FUNCTION: openDoc SYNTAX: openDoc("name") Opens the document "name". May raise ScribusError if the document could not be opened. CONSTANT: p VALUE: float 1.0 FUNCTION: pageCount SYNTAX: pageCount() -> integer Returns the number of pages in the document. FUNCTION: pageDimension SYNTAX: Obsolete function. Don't use it. FUNCTION: pasteObject SYNTAX: pasteObject(["name"]) -> string pastes a Duplicate of the selected Object (or Selection Group). FUNCTION: placeEPS SYNTAX: placeEPS("filename", x, y) Places the EPS "filename" onto the current page, x and y specify the coordinate of the topleft corner of the EPS placed on the page If loading was successful, the selection contains the imported EPS FUNCTION: placeODG SYNTAX: placeODG("filename", x, y) Places the ODG "filename" onto the current page, x and y specify the coordinate of the topleft corner of the ODG placed on the page If loading was successful, the selection contains the imported ODG FUNCTION: placeSVG SYNTAX: placeSVG("filename", x, y) Places the SVG "filename" onto the current page, x and y specify the coordinate of the topleft corner of the SVG placed on the page If loading was successful, the selection contains the imported SVG FUNCTION: placeSXD SYNTAX: placeSXD("filename", x, y) Places the SXD "filename" onto the current page, x and y specify the coordinate of the topleft corner of the SXD placed on the page If loading was successful, the selection contains the imported SXD FUNCTION: placeVectorFile SYNTAX: placeVectorFile("filename", x, y) Places the vector graphic "filename" onto the current page, x and y specify the coordinate of the topleft corner of the graphic placed on the page If loading was successful, the selection contains the imported graphic FUNCTION: progressReset SYNTAX: progressReset() Cleans up the Scribus progress bar previous settings. It is called before the new progress bar use. See progressSet. FUNCTION: progressSet SYNTAX: progressSet(nr) Set the progress bar position to "nr", a value relative to the previously set progressTotal. The progress bar uses the concept of steps; you give it the total number of steps and the number of steps completed so far and it will display the percentage of steps that have been completed. You can specify the total number of steps with progressTotal(). The current number of steps is set with progressSet(). The progress bar can be rewound to the beginning with progressReset(). [based on info taken from Trolltech's Qt docs] FUNCTION: progressTotal SYNTAX: progressTotal(max) Sets the progress bar's maximum steps value to the specified number. See progressSet. CONSTANT: pt VALUE: float 1.0 FUNCTION: readPDFOptions SYNTAX: readPDFOptions(fileName) Read PDF options from fileName. FUNCTION: redrawAll SYNTAX: redrawAll() Redraws all pages. FUNCTION: removeTableColumns SYNTAX: removeTableColumns(index, numColumns, ["name"]) Removes "numColumns" columns from the table "name" starting with the column at "index". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if number of columns is not at least one or the range to be deleted is out of bounds. FUNCTION: removeTableRows SYNTAX: removeTableRows(index, numRows, ["name"]) Removes "numRows" rows from the table "name" starting with the row at "index". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if number of rows is not at least one or the range to be deleted is out of bounds. FUNCTION: renderFont SYNTAX: renderFont("name", "filename", "sample", size, format="PPM") -> bool Creates an image preview of font "name" with given text "sample" and size. If "filename" is not "", image is saved into "filename". Otherwise image data is returned as a string. The optional "format" argument specifies the image format to generate, and supports any format allowed by Common formats are PPM, JPEG, PNG and XPM. May raise NotFoundError if the specified font can't be found. May raise ValueError if an empty sample or filename is passed. FUNCTION: replaceColor SYNTAX: replaceColor("name", "replace") Every occurence of the color "name" is replaced by the color "replace". May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: resizeTableColumn SYNTAX: resizeTableColumn(column, width, ["name"]) Resizes "column" to "width" in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the width is less than 0 or the column does not exist. FUNCTION: resizeTableRow SYNTAX: resizeTableRow(row, height, ["name"]) Resizes "row" to "height" in the table "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the height is less than 0 or the row does not exist. FUNCTION: retval SYNTAX: Scribus internal. FUNCTION: rotateObject SYNTAX: rotateObject(rot [, "name"]) Rotates the object "name" by "rot" degrees relatively. The object is rotated by the vertex that is currently selected as the rotation point - by default, the top left vertex at zero rotation. Positive values mean counter clockwise rotation when the default rotation point is used. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: rotateObjectAbs SYNTAX: rotateObjectAbs(rot [, "name"]) Sets the rotation of the object "name" to "rot". Positive values mean counter clockwise rotation. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: saveDoc SYNTAX: saveDoc() Saves the current document with its current name, returns true if successful. If the document has not already been saved, this may bring up an interactive save file dialog. If the save fails, there is currently no way to tell. FUNCTION: saveDocAs SYNTAX: saveDocAs("name") Saves the current document under the new name "name" (which may be a full or relative path). May raise ScribusError if the save fails. FUNCTION: savePDFOptions SYNTAX: savePDFOptions(fileName) Save PDF options to fileName. FUNCTION: savePageAsEPS SYNTAX: savePageAsEPS("name") Saves the current page as an EPS to the file "name". May raise ScribusError if the save failed. FUNCTION: scaleGroup SYNTAX: scaleGroup(factor [,"name"]) Scales the group the object "name" belongs to. Values greater than 1 enlarge the group, values smaller than 1 make the group smaller e.g a value of 0.5 scales the group to 50 % of its original size, a value of 1.5 scales the group to 150 % of its original size. The value for "factor" must be greater than 0. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise ValueError if an invalid scale factor is passed. FUNCTION: scaleImage SYNTAX: scaleImage(x, y [, "name"]) Sets the internal scaling factors of the picture in the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. A number of 1 means 100 %. Internal scaling factors are different from the values shown on properties palette. Note : deprecated, use setImageScale() instead. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame STRING: scribus_version VALUE: '1.5.5.svn' TUPLE: scribus_version_info VALUE: (1, 5, 5, '.svn', 0) FUNCTION: scrollDocument SYNTAX: scrollDocument(x,y) Scroll the document in main GUI window by x and y. FUNCTION: selectObject SYNTAX: selectObject("name") Selects the object with the given "name". FUNCTION: selectText SYNTAX: selectText(start, count, ["name"]) Selects "count" characters of text in the text frame "name" starting from the character "start". Character counting starts at 0. If "count" is zero, any text selection will be cleared. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw IndexError if the selection is outside the bounds of the text. FUNCTION: selectionCount SYNTAX: selectionCount() -> integer Returns the number of selected objects. FUNCTION: sentToLayer SYNTAX: sentToLayer("layer" [, "name"]) Sends the object "name" to the layer "layer". The layer must exist. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setActiveLayer SYNTAX: setActiveLayer("name") Sets the active layer to the layer named "name". May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setBaseLine SYNTAX: setBaseLine(grid, offset) Sets the base line settings of the document, grid spacing(grid), grid offset(offset). Values are given in the measurement units of the document - see UNIT_<type> constants. FUNCTION: setCellBottomBorder SYNTAX: setCellBottomBorder(row, column, borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the bottom border of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setCellBottomPadding SYNTAX: setCellBottomPadding(row, column, padding, ["name"]) Sets the bottom padding of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "padding". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "padding" is less than 0. FUNCTION: setCellFillColor SYNTAX: setCellFillColor(row, column, color, ["name"]) Sets the fill color of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "color". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist. FUNCTION: setCellLeftBorder SYNTAX: setCellLeftBorder(row, column, borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the left border of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setCellLeftPadding SYNTAX: setCellLeftPadding(row, column, padding, ["name"]) Sets the left padding of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "padding". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "padding" less than 0. FUNCTION: setCellRightBorder SYNTAX: setCellRightBorder(row, column, borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the right border of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setCellRightPadding SYNTAX: setCellRightPadding(row, column, padding, ["name"]) Sets the right padding of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "padding". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "padding" less than 0. FUNCTION: setCellStyle SYNTAX: setCellStyle(row, column, style, ["name"]) Sets the named style of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "style". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the cell does not exist. FUNCTION: setCellText SYNTAX: setCellText(row, column, text, ["name"]) Sets the text of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "text". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the cell does not exist. FUNCTION: setCellTopBorder SYNTAX: setCellTopBorder(row, column, borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the top border of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setCellTopPadding SYNTAX: setCellTopPadding(row, column, padding, ["name"]) Sets the top padding of the cell at "row", "column" in the table "name" to "padding". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the cell does not exist or if "padding" is less than 0. FUNCTION: setCharacterStyle SYNTAX: setCharacterStyle("style" [, "name"]) Apply the named character "style" to the object named "name". If object name is given, style is applied to the current text selection in object "name". If no object name is given, style is applied on selected object. FUNCTION: setColumnGap SYNTAX: setColumnGap(size, ["name"]) Sets the column gap of the text frame "name" to the value "size". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the column gap is out of bounds (must be positive). FUNCTION: setColumns SYNTAX: setColumns(nr, ["name"]) Sets the number of columns of the text frame "name" to the integer "nr". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if number of columns is not at least one. FUNCTION: setCornerRadius SYNTAX: setCornerRadius(radius, ["name"]) Sets the corner radius of the object "name". The radius is expressed in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise ValueError if the corner radius is negative. FUNCTION: setCursor SYNTAX: setCursor() [UNSUPPORTED!] This might break things, so steer clear for now. FUNCTION: setCustomLineStyle SYNTAX: setCustomLineStyle("styleName", ["name"]) Sets the custom line style of the object "name" to "styleName" Argument "styleName" is the name of line style as seen in Style Manager If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setDocType SYNTAX: setDocType(facingPages, firstPageLeft) Sets the document type. To get facing pages set the first parameter to FACINGPAGES, to switch facingPages off use NOFACINGPAGES instead. If you want to be the first page a left side set the second parameter to FIRSTPAGELEFT, for a right page use FIRSTPAGERIGHT. FUNCTION: setFileAnnotation SYNTAX: setFileAnnotation(path, page, x, y, ["name"]),["absolute=True"]) Turns a text frame into a absolute or relative link annotation. Arguments: "path" is the absolute or relative path to the file. "page" is the page that it links to. "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the page. "name" uses the currently selected item if not given. Keyword arguments: "absolute" if set to False will make this a relative path. True is its default. Returns: None May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: setFillBlendmode SYNTAX: setFillBlendmode(blendmode, ["name"]) Sets the fill blendmode of the object "name" to blendmode If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setFillColor SYNTAX: setFillColor("color", ["name"]) Sets the fill color of the object "name" to the color "color". "color" is the name of one of the defined colors. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setFillShade SYNTAX: setFillShade(shade, ["name"]) Sets the shading of the fill color of the object "name" to "shade". "shade" must be an integer value in the range from 0 (lightest) to 100 (full Color intensity). If "name" is not given the currently selected Item is used. May raise ValueError if the fill shade is out of bounds. FUNCTION: setFillTransparency SYNTAX: setFillTransparency(transparency, ["name"]) Sets the fill transparency of the object "name" to transparency If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setFont SYNTAX: setFont("font", ["name"]) Sets the font of the text frame "name" to "font". If there is some text selected only the selected text is changed. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the font cannot be found. FUNCTION: setFontFeatures SYNTAX: setFontFeatures("fontfeature", ["name"]) Sets the font features of the text frame "name" to "fontfeature". If there is some text selected only the selected text is changed. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the font cannot be found. FUNCTION: setFontSize SYNTAX: setFontSize(size, ["name"]) Sets the font size of the text frame "name" to "size". "size" is treated as a value in points. If there is some text selected only the selected text is changed. "size" must be in the range 1 to 512. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError for a font size that's out of bounds. FUNCTION: setGradientFill SYNTAX: setGradientFill(type, "color1", shade1, "color2", shade2, ["name"]) Sets the gradient fill of the object "name" to type. Color descriptions are the same as for setFillColor() and setFillShade(). See the constants for available types (FILL_<type>). FUNCTION: setGradientStop SYNTAX: setGradientStop("color", shade, opacity, ramppoint, ["name"]) Set or add a gradient stop to the gradient fill of the object "name" at position ramppoint. Color descriptions are the same as for setFillColor() and setFillShade(). setGradientFill() must have been called previously for the gradient fill to be visible. FUNCTION: setHGuides SYNTAX: setHGuides(list) Sets horizontal guides. Input parameter must be a list of guide positions measured in the current document units - see UNIT_<type> constants. Example: setHGuides(getHGuides() + [200.0, 210.0] # add new guides without any lost setHGuides([90,250]) # replace current guides entirely FUNCTION: setImageBrightness SYNTAX: setImageBrightness(n [, "name"]) Set image brightness effect of the picture in the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. A number of 1 means 100 %. Brightness factor is equal to the value shown on properties palette. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame FUNCTION: setImageGrayscale SYNTAX: setImageGrayscale(["name"]) Set image grayscale effect of the picture in the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame FUNCTION: setImageOffset SYNTAX: setImageOffset(x, y [, "name"]) Sets the position of the picture in the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. The specified offset values are equal to the values shown on properties palette when point unit is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame FUNCTION: setImageScale SYNTAX: setImageScale(x, y [, "name"]) Sets the scaling factors of the picture in the image frame "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. A number of 1 means 100 %. Scaling factors are equal to the values shown on properties palette. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an image frame FUNCTION: setInfo SYNTAX: setInfo("author", "info", "description") -> bool Sets the document information. "Author", "Info", "Description" are strings. FUNCTION: setLayerBlendmode SYNTAX: setLayerBlendmode("layer", blend) Sets the layers "layer" blendmode to blend. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerFlow SYNTAX: setLayerFlow("layer", flow) Sets the layers "layer" flowcontrol to flow. If flow is set to true text in layers above this one will flow around objects on this layer. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerLocked SYNTAX: setLayerLocked("layer", locked) Sets the layer "layer" to be locked or not. If locked is set to true the layer will be locked. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerOutlined SYNTAX: setLayerOutlined("layer", outline) Sets the layer "layer" to be locked or not. If outline is set to true the layer will be displayed outlined. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerPrintable SYNTAX: setLayerPrintable("layer", printable) Sets the layer "layer" to be printable or not. If is the printable set to false the layer won't be printed. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerTransparency SYNTAX: setLayerTransparency("layer", trans) Sets the layers "layer" transparency to trans. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLayerVisible SYNTAX: setLayerVisible("layer", visible) Sets the layer "layer" to be visible or not. If is the visible set to false the layer is invisible. May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable. FUNCTION: setLineBlendmode SYNTAX: setLineBlendmode(blendmode, ["name"]) Sets the line blendmode of the object "name" to blendmode If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setLineCap SYNTAX: setLineCap(endtype, ["name"]) Sets the line cap style of the object "name" to the style "cap". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. There are predefined constants for "cap" - CAP_<type>. FUNCTION: setLineColor SYNTAX: setLineColor("color", ["name"]) Sets the line color of the object "name" to the color "color". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setLineJoin SYNTAX: setLineJoin(join, ["name"]) Sets the line join style of the object "name" to the style "join". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. There are predefined constants for join - JOIN_<type>. FUNCTION: setLineShade SYNTAX: setLineShade(shade, ["name"]) Sets the shading of the line color of the object "name" to "shade". "shade" must be an integer value in the range from 0 (lightest) to 100 (full color intensity). If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise ValueError if the line shade is out of bounds. FUNCTION: setLineSpacing SYNTAX: setLineSpacing(size, ["name"]) Sets the line spacing ("leading") of the text frame "name" to "size". "size" is a value in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if the line spacing is out of bounds. FUNCTION: setLineSpacingMode SYNTAX: setLineSpacingMode(mode, ["name"]) Sets the line spacing mode of the text frame "name" to "mode". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. Mode values are the same as in createParagraphStyle. May throw ValueError if the mode is out of bounds. FUNCTION: setLineStyle SYNTAX: setLineStyle(style, ["name"]) Sets the line style of the object "name" to the style "style". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. Argument for this function is number - value from 1 to 37 There are few predefined constants for "style" - LINE_<style>. In Property Palette this feature is selected in box named 'Type of line' FUNCTION: setLineTransparency SYNTAX: setLineTransparency(transparency, ["name"]) Sets the line transparency of the object "name" to transparency If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setLineWidth SYNTAX: setLineWidth(width, ["name"]) Sets line width of the object "name" to "width". "width" must be in the range from 0.0 to 12.0 inclusive, and is measured in points. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise ValueError if the line width is out of bounds. FUNCTION: setLinkAnnotation SYNTAX: setLinkAnnotation(page,x,y,["name"]) Turns a text fame into a link that gotos a page in the document. Arguments: "page" is the page the link will take you to. Must be 1 and cannot be greater than the number of pages in the document. "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the page. "name" uses the currently selected item if not given. Returns: None May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: setMargins SYNTAX: setMargins(lr, rr, tr, br) Sets the margins of the document, Left(lr), Right(rr), Top(tr) and Bottom(br) margins are given in the measurement units of the document - see UNIT_<type> constants. FUNCTION: setMultiLine SYNTAX: setMultiLine("namedStyle", ["name"]) Sets the line style of the object "name" to the named style "namedStyle". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise NotFoundError if the line style doesn't exist. FUNCTION: setNewName SYNTAX: setNewName(newname, ["name"]) Sets the new name of the object "name" to the newname. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise NotFoundError if the line style doesn't exist. FUNCTION: setObjectAttributes SYNTAX: setObjectAttributes(attributes, ["name"]) Sets attributes of the object "name". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. attributes is list of dictionary. Each dictionary must have those keys: Name, Type, Value, Parameter, Relationship, RelationshipTo, AutoAddTo All values must be strings. May raise NotFoundError if the object doesn't exist. FUNCTION: setPDFBookmark SYNTAX: setPDFBookmark("toggle", ["name"]) Sets whether (toggle = 1) the text frame "name" is a bookmark nor not. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: setProperty SYNTAX: setProperty(object, property, value) Set `property' of `object' to `value'. If `value' cannot be converted to a type compatible with the type of `property', an exception is raised. An exception may also be raised if the underlying setter fails. See getProperty() for more information. FUNCTION: setRedraw SYNTAX: setRedraw(bool) Disables page redraw when bool = False, otherwise redrawing is enabled. This change will persist even after the script exits, so make sure to call setRedraw(True) in a finally: clause at the top level of your script. FUNCTION: setScaleFrameToImage SYNTAX: setScaleFrameToImage([name]) Set frame size on the selected or specified image frame to image size. May raise WrongFrameTypeError. FUNCTION: setScaleImageToFrame SYNTAX: setScaleImageToFrame(scaletoframe, proportional=None, name=<selection>) Sets the scale to frame on the selected or specified image frame to `scaletoframe'. If `proportional' is specified, set fixed aspect ratio scaling to `proportional'. Both `scaletoframe' and `proportional' are boolean. May raise WrongFrameTypeError. FUNCTION: setSpotColor SYNTAX: setSpotColor("name", spot) Set the color "name" as a spot color if spot parameter is True. See also isSpotColor() May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified. FUNCTION: setStyle SYNTAX: setStyle("style" [, "name"]) Apply the named "style" to the object named "name". If object name is given, style is applied to the current text selection in object "name". If no object name is given, style is applied on selected object. FUNCTION: setTableBottomBorder SYNTAX: setTableBottomBorder(borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the bottom border of the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setTableFillColor SYNTAX: setTableFillColor(color, ["name"]) Sets the fill color of the table "name" to "color". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError the table does not exist. FUNCTION: setTableLeftBorder SYNTAX: setTableLeftBorder(borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the left border of the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setTableRightBorder SYNTAX: setTableRightBorder(borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the right border of the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setTableStyle SYNTAX: setTableStyle(style, ["name"]) Sets the named style of the table "name" to "style". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTableTopBorder SYNTAX: setTableTopBorder(borderLines, ["name"]) Sets the top border of the table "name". The border is specified as a list of "(width, style, color)" tuples. "style" is one of the LINE_* constants. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if "borderLines" is of the wrong format. FUNCTION: setText SYNTAX: setText("text", ["name"]) Sets the text of the text frame "name" to the text of the string "text". Text must be UTF8 encoded - use e.g. unicode(text, 'iso-8859-2'). See the FAQ for more details. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTextAlignment SYNTAX: setTextAlignment(align, ["name"]) Sets the text alignment of the text frame "name" to the specified alignment. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. "align" should be one of the ALIGN_ constants defined in this module - see dir(scribus). May throw ValueError for an invalid alignment constant. FUNCTION: setTextAnnotation SYNTAX: setTextAnnotation(icon,isopen,["name"]) Turns a text fame into a text annotation. Arguments: "icon" must be 0-8. The values correspond to:( 0 "Note", 1 "Comment", 2 "Key", 3 "Help", 4 "NewParagraph", 5 "Paragraph", 6 "Insert",7 "Cross", 8 "Circle")n"isopen" is True or False. "name" uses the currently selected item if not given. Returns: None May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: setTextColor SYNTAX: setTextColor("color", ["name"]) Sets the text color of the text frame "name" to the color "color". If there is some text selected only the selected text is changed. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTextDirection SYNTAX: setTextDirection(direction, ["name"]) Sets the text direction of the text frame "name" to the specified direction. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. "direction" should be one of the DIRECTION_ constants defined in this module - see dir(scribus). May throw ValueError for an invalid direction constant. FUNCTION: setTextDistances SYNTAX: setTextDistances(left, right, top, bottom, ["name"]) Sets the text distances of the text frame "name" to the values "left" "right", "top" and "bottom". If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. May throw ValueError if any of the distances are out of bounds (must be positive). FUNCTION: setTextScalingH SYNTAX: setTextScalingH(scale, ["name"]) Sets the horizontal character scaling of the object "name" to "scale" in percent. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTextScalingV SYNTAX: setTextScalingV(scale, ["name"]) Sets the vertical character scaling of the object "name" to "scale" in percent. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTextShade SYNTAX: setTextShade(shade, ["name"]) Sets the shading of the text color of the object "name" to "shade". If there is some text selected only the selected text is changed. "shade" must be an integer value in the range from 0 (lightest) to 100 (full color intensity). If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setTextStroke SYNTAX: setTextStroke("color", ["name"]) Set "color" of the text stroke. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: setURIAnnotation SYNTAX: setURIAnnotation(uri,["name"]) Turns a text fame into a uri link that gotos the uri specified. Arguments: "uri" is the uri that the link will be set to. "name" uses the currently selected item if not given. Returns: None May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not a text frame FUNCTION: setUnit SYNTAX: setUnit(type) Changes the measurement unit of the document. Possible values for "unit" are defined as constants UNIT_<type>. May raise ValueError if an invalid unit is passed. FUNCTION: setVGuides SYNTAX: setVGuides() See setHGuides. FUNCTION: sizeObject SYNTAX: sizeObject(width, height [, "name"]) Resizes the object "name" to the given width and height. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: statusMessage SYNTAX: messagebarText("string") Writes the "string" into the Scribus message bar (status line). The text must be UTF8 encoded or 'unicode' string(recommended). FUNCTION: textFlowMode SYNTAX: textFlowMode("name" [, state]) Enables/disables "Text Flows Around Frame" feature for object "name". Called with parameters string name and optional int "state" (0 <= state <= 3). Setting "state" to 0 will disable text flow. Setting "state" to 1 will make text flow around object frame. Setting "state" to 2 will make text flow around bounding box. Setting "state" to 3 will make text flow around contour line. If "state" is not passed, text flow is toggled. FUNCTION: textOverflows SYNTAX: textOverflows(["name", nolinks]) -> integer Returns 1 if there are overflowing characters in text frame "name", 0 if not. If is nolinks set to non zero value it takes only one frame - it doesn't use text frame linking. Without this parameter it search all linking chain. May raise WrongFrameTypeError if the target frame is not an text frame FUNCTION: traceText SYNTAX: traceText(["name"]) Convert the text frame "name" to outlines. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: unGroupObject SYNTAX: unGroupObjects("name") Destructs the group the object "name" belongs to.If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used. FUNCTION: unlinkTextFrames SYNTAX: unlinkTextFrames("name") Remove the specified (named) object from the text frame flow/linkage. If the frame was in the middle of a chain, the previous and next frames will be connected, eg 'a->b->c' becomes 'a->c' when you unlinkTextFrames(b)' May throw ScribusException if linking rules are violated. FUNCTION: valueDialog SYNTAX: valueDialog(caption, message [,defaultvalue]) -> string Shows the common 'Ask for string' dialog and returns its value as a string Parameters: window title, text in the window and optional 'default' value. Example: valueDialog('title', 'text in the window', 'optional') FUNCTION: warnings SYNTAX: Python part of the warnings subsystem. FUNCTION: zoomDocument SYNTAX: zoomDocument(double) Zoom the document in main GUI window. Actions have whole number values like 20.0, 100.0, etc. Zoom to Fit uses -100 as a marker.