Creating a Table of Contents

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Revision as of 16:06, 16 July 2005 by Mcornils (talk | contribs) (fix formatting for TOC entry)
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Creating a Table of Contents requires some configuration in your Document settings before it will be able to generate the list for you.

Go to File->Document Setup and then to the Document Attributes screen. These attributes are metadata that can be attached to any item for any number of reasons. For example, you may wish to put some author's details in a frame's attributes list. For now, all we need to do is create a new Document Attribute by clicking on the Add button. Just put TOC in the name field and leave the rest blank/default.

There are three more steps to actually use the TOC generator.

Go to File->Document Setup and then to the Table of Contents and Indexes screen. Add a new Table of Contents, if necessary, and select TOC as its item attribute name. The destination frame should be an empty frame that should hold the table of contents.

Right-click on those text frames that should generate an entry in the table of contents. Click on "Attributes..." and if no attribute with the name TOC exists, add one. You also have to put in a Value, this should be the title of the entry in the table of contents.

Refresh the Table of Contents by selecting Extras/Generate Table Of Contents. You're done!