Adding 'DRAFT' to a document

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This article is part of the Scripts series.

A script to place a light grey watermark 'DRAFT' on a new layer. Requires an existing document, but can be modified to create a new document if it does not exist

#!/usr/bin/env python

A script to place a light grey watermark 'DRAFT' on a new layer. 
Requires an existing document, but can be modified to 
create a new document if it does not exist

uses (See the API in Help->Scribus Manual->For Developers->Scripter API;
Tested on and A2, A4, A5, Letter

from scribus import *

# Could be expanded to include localization here
draft  = "DRAFT"
#draft = "ENTWURF"
#draft = "BROUILLON"

L = len(draft)                                # The length of the word 
                                              # will determine the font size
defineColor("gray", 11, 11, 11, 11)           # Set your own color here

if haveDoc():
    u  = getUnit()                            # Get the units of the document
    al = getActiveLayer()                     # Identify the working layer
    setUnit(UNIT_MILLIMETERS)                 # Set the document units to mm,                                            
    (w,h) = getPageSize()                     # needed to set the text box size


    T = createText(w/6, 6*h/10 , h, w/2.5)    # Create the text box
    setText(draft, T)                         # Insert the text
    setTextColor("gray", T)                   # Set the color of the text
    setFontSize((w/210)*(180 - 10*L), T)      # Set the font size according to length 
                                              # and width of the document

    rotateObject(45, T)                       # Turn it round antclockwise 45 degrees
    setUnit(u)                                # return to original document units
    setActiveLayer(al)                        # return to the original active layer