Character Styles

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Revision as of 12:19, 5 October 2007 by Suki (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
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Character Styles

Please fill in this table, so we can get a perfect set of attributes for a character style made to go into 1.3 format DTD. Please put your signature at the bottom of the page for further reference and credits (use characters - - ~ ~ ~ ~ without spaces between them or the second button from the right in the button bar of wiki editor window). --Malex 18:20, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Attribute Name Description Examples
Font Family Arial, Vera Serif, URW Bookman, Utopia
Font weight Normal/Regular, Bold, Black, Light, Demibold, Book, Extrabold, etc
Font slant Italic/Oblique, etc
Font Face** Name for (Family, Weight, Slant) Utopia Bold Italic, URW Bookman Demibold Oblique
Font size Needs units (pt | pica | ?) 12 pts
Font width AV: What about hor/vert scaling? 25-100 % it seems from the current 1.2 text properties palette
Kerning AV: what's the difference to tracking? A:see [1], tom; and [2]; Basically, kerning relates to two specific letters, like AV, WA etc. whereas tracking is general letter spacing. Christoph **** goes to font settings
Word spacing Word spacing (see
Leading Line spacing
Baseline-shift Raising/Lowering text
Color of text stroke
Color of text fill
Shadow of text stroke
Shadow of text fill
Opacity of text stroke
Opacity of text fill
LanguageRequired in case of OpenType features
Direction right to left or left to right (default)
AV: this is usually determined from the characters used. What about vertical?
Rank superscript and subscript
AV: is that related to superior/inferior OTF feature?? **** becomes a feature
Capitalization Uppercase, lowercase, title case, small caps
AV: might activate OTF features if available **** becomes a feature
Underline* **** becomes a feature
Strikethrough* becomes a feature
Outline* also a feature?
Smart hyphen*** Creates a "hotspot" for hyphentation **** replaced by SHY character
Suppress space Relates to Justified (block) alignment space suppression
**** will go away, was only internal, no?
Parental paragraph style AV: Will be replaced by inherited character style
OTF features some of those will be used automatically, eg. smallcaps ligatures, oldstyle numerals, swash


* Generally grouped by the term "text decoration" though that's unimportant for the file format.
** Font Face is the combination of font family, weight, and slant. After discussion on IRC it was decided to store the font face in the doc format. We might store the (family, weight, slant) info but only as hints to help the font substitution dialog find good close matches.

It might be a good idea if there is a room to setup a font family in a template. This would for example say if the regular font is Times T1 Regular then the bold for this would be Times T1 Medium Black 22. This is just to trigger the appropriate font when we press CTRL+B or the Bold button. Similarly we declare what is italic, bold-italic, superscript, etc... It must also be OpenType features aware also. --Suki 12:20, 5 October 2007 (UTC)

*** Doesn't that mean that we should also define other types of hyphens as shown in the Unicode standard? This one is icky. It might be better to enumerate those either in a sub-dtd or elsewhere in the scribus code. Let's discuss this --Malex 07:10, 9 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I'd also rather use the Unicode SHY for that! --Avox 23:00, 14 February 2006 (CET)

**** All text decoration should be included in a list of features: ul, strike, sup, sub, caps, smallcaps, bold, italic, oldstyle num, other OTF features, ... Some of those features will be realized by Scribus, others by the spaing engine (OTF features). Scribus could define fallbacks, eg. for smallcaps. We could also include params for features, eg. "xoffset=+2pt"

Contributions from

ringerc --Ringerc 06:55, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Suki -- 05:50, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
avox (AV) --Avox 23:00, 14 February 2006 (CET)