Official:Obtaining Source Code

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Obtain the Scribus source


You can get the most recent release version of Scribus source from:


Scribus 1.3.3.x - Stable

svn co svn://
or, for those with closed SVN ports on their firewalls:
svn co

Scribus 1.3.5 target branch. This branch is the code that will end up as 1.3.5, and eventually 1.4.0.

svn co svn://

or, once again for those with closed SVN ports on their firewalls:

svn co

Scribus 1.5.0svn - Development

svn co svn://

or, once again for those with closed SVN ports on their firewalls:

svn co

From here, continue with the Official:Compile_with_CMake instructions.