Official talk:Translation Howto

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Announcement: Updated Translation Page in Progress
See Official:Translation_Update

Proposal to update Translation page -- Kunda (talk) 15:21, 2 April 2016 (CEST)

bubu, lets write the proposal here Kunda (talk) 15:21, 2 April 2016 (CEST)

Part Two: Translating other parts of Scribus…

Translating Templates…

Translating the Render Frame Editor…

Translating Qt framework

Scribus is based on the Qt Framework and therefore some basic dialog box receive translations from the Qt directly. Ideally Qt framework would have complete translations on that specific relevant language.

Example of a Qt translation dependence. This is Scribus using the Hungarian localization with 100% completed translation file. As you can see the strings for the dialog box buttons are still in English.

But sometimes if we encounter using Scribus in another language besides english that:

  1. some basic dialog boxes appear English
  2. the specific language you are using in Scribus has been translated totally or that you've looked in the .ts file and can't find those non-translated strings

This indicates that the issue is an upstream Qt translation problem. To check this you can check the Qt translation state for your specific language here. The Qt framework is translated, and this is the official guide for translators.

FYI, for those of you who are wondering why we don't just translate these Qt translated dependant strings directly in Scribus, see jghali's explanation.

Add Transifex section -- Kunda (talk) 22:07, 2 November 2016 (CET)


  1. Filling the rest of the info for how to use Transifex
  2. State the intention of Transifex and the option to use (some don't)
  3. Screenshots of the process
  4. Guidelines for Language Coordinators
  5. Guidelines for Language Translators