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Under Construction
This page shows the preferred basic layout of a tutorial. It contains the standard sections and formatting to be used. Copy the whole page text to make a new tutorial. When the tutorial is complete, remove the {{UnderConstruction}} heading.
Tutorial template example title image.png
This article uses these graphical conventions
Tutorial template icon window.pngWindow ⟩⟩ Tab/Panel in Window


This is where you tell the reader something about what the tutorial does.

You should include a message telling the reader what sort of difficulty level they can expect.

If any part of the tutorial is difficult - or isn't explained properly - you should say so here so that the reader has a chance to back out before committing their time and effort.

Specific techniques used in this tutorial

The techniques listed here should be those that the reader will learn but shouldn't include very basic techniques such as: creating image frames, entering text, setting an outline colour etc. unless the tutorial is for complete beginners.

  • First technique.
  • Second technique.


Here you should tell the reader what sort of things they need to do before starting the tutorial.

For example, this might be to download a font or image to be used later, or they may need to download some software.

Try and make sure that the reader has everything they need at hand before they start the tutorial for real. This makes it easier for the reader to follow what's happening.

First Section

Each tutorial should be split into a number of logical sections.

The name of each section should be descriptive to help anyone looking at the table of contents.

You can use the {{Annotation}} template, as below, to make some text stand out from the rest of the text.

This is an example of an Annotation. It calls the reader's attention to something that's either important or extra information. An Annotation can also have a filled background to make it stand out even more.

Second Section

Each section should logically follow on from the one before it, otherwise the reader could get confused.

If you want to tell the reader to use a particular window or dialog you can use the {{Window}} template, as below.

This is an example of using the Tutorial template icon window.pngWindow template, and this is a Tab within that window.

An {{InlineAnnotation}} template can also be used to draw the reader's attention

like this

which is sometimes useful.

Third Section

To show the reader that a button needs to be pressed you can use the {{Button}} template as shown below.

This is an example of using the Button template.

A {{Callout}} template, as below, can be used to give the reader some extra information that isn't part of the main text but could otherwise be useful.

Beginner Tip
This is an example of a Callout.

Fourth Section

You can also show the reader that they should use a menu by using the {{Menuitem}} template, as below.

This is an example of using the MenuitemTemplate…


Here you can give the reader a summary of what they've done and/or give suggestions for further reading.

Once you get to the conclusion, the tutorial should be finished. You shouldn't add any extra instructions here unless you're suggesting that the reader experiments with some slightly different techniques.