Write a web-based editing system for Scribus - Zakaria Kaddari

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Title: Write a web-based editing system for Scribus Student: zakaria kaddari


The web-based editing system will give the user the ability to view and edit Scribus files in a browser,by using a text web-based editor for text editing and an XML exchange mechanism between the web interface and the real Scribus file for layout and other settings.


C/C++ and Qt experiences:

I have experience using C/C++ both in Windows and Linux, last summer I created SmartArranger, an open source tasks management application using C++ and Qt.



   * I picked this idea because, enabling a web-based interface for viewing and editing Scribus files  will be a great future to add and a big plus to the Scribus users. 
   * Yes am confident that I will be able to dedicate the time and effort necessary for the successful completion of my GSoC 2009 project
   * Yes am ready and willing to sustain a good level of communication with my mentor and the Scribus Team overall and be open and forthcoming about the progress of my project.