Getting Scribus on Ubuntu/Kubuntu up and running
Repository usage
To use our repositories add the appropriate source lines from the following list to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Note that the lines starting with "deb" are used for installation of the pre-compiled binary packages and the line starting with "deb-src" are for the source package for building a binary package for your distribution (if it has a different set of libraries), hardware (if it's not x86) or compiler optimizations (if you really know you want them).
Source lines for /etc/apt/sources.list or for Synaptic et al
Ubuntu Breezy:
Note that Ubuntu breezy package can be also used for Ubuntu "Dapper" branch right now. When Dapper changes enough to require its own scribus or scribus-cvs package we will provide it.
# - Primary repository deb breezy main restricted deb-src breezy main restricted # - Backup repository deb breezy main restricted deb-src breezy main restricted
Using cryptographic repository signatures:
Our repositories are cryptographically signed for added security. Add the gpg-keys for our repositories to avoid having to confirm your installation choice to the package manager each time you update a scribus or scribus-cvs package.
root$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys DA286F326C5F196B root$ gpg --armor --export DA286F326C5F196B | apt-key add -
or as a normal user (with an appropriate entry for apt-key in the sudoers file):
user$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys DA286F326C5F196B user$ gpg --armor --export DA286F326C5F196B | sudo apt-key add -
Final installation step
Once you added the relevant sources lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list you can run
aptitude install scribus scribus-cvs
apt-get install scribus scribus-cvs
in a root terminal or use your favorite graphical apt-get front-end such as synaptic or aptitude. Don't forget to "Reload Package List" in the synaptic. It's the equivalent of "apt-get (or aptitude) update" and has to be done to make new packages from our repositories available to your package management tools.
To streamline this process and build scribus as a user:
Configure apt-src:
Add the following lines to /etc/apt/apt.conf or ~/.apt-src/config file:
APT::Src::RootCommand su -c; APT::Src::BuildDeps
This is especially convenient if you set up the no-password su to root for yourself through pam. Otherwise you'll likely have to type a password.