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Linux DTP Live CD

Please add to the list of applications that you would like to see included into this live CD. It will be based on Knoppix, so you can choose from what is available in Debian archives. See where there are lists and search pages. Or you could write up your choices and I will see if they are available. I think that we should keep the CD as small as possible to be able to make those mini-CDs (200Mb or so) often.

Programs proposed for inclusion


  • OpenClipArt (maybe OOo and/or scribus 1.4 can be shipped with OpenClipArt integration)
  • collection of maps for OOo from

Desktop environment(s)

  • Fluxbox or XFCE4 or twm or fvwm95 or icewm (last two can be made to look like Windows)
    • Note: icewm, fvwm* are REALLY ancient and rather clunky. They may have problems with modern window manager hints that cause odd app behaviour.
  • KDE base
    • I strongly recommend KDE as default. We can show off drag and drop.--Mrdocs 22:27, 2 May 2005 (UTC)


  • grab all documentation available under a free license and make it easily accessible in a uniform layout (html, pdf)
  • introduction which autmatically shows up after "login" (similar to the current introduction to Knoppix)

Email clients -- Needed for collaboration on the projects

  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Kmail or Kontact


  • A collection of high quality fonts (type 1, ttf, otf) available for free distribution
    • (Be careful with distribution provisions in license when it comes to fonts)
    • Remove crummy fonts so they can't accidentally be used for production

Font utilities

  • Fontforge

HTML editors

  • Quanta+
  • NVU
  • vim
    • intruducing vim as a HTML editor (or even as a general text editor) might not be a good idea. The Live CD -- as far as I understand the idea -- is to be presented to people who are used to working visually (Mac OS, Windows). It would be better to point at Kate or nedit for general text editing and to NVU or Quanta for HTML. Starting with vim is the safest way to make the intended audience turn their backs on FOSS. --C schaefer 21:23, 5 May 2005 (UTC)

Image viewers

  • Gqview
  • Xnview
  • xv
  • gwenview
  • pixieplus
  • Digikam - photo management tool


  • Scribus

Misc Utils/Apps

  • kde-extras Kcolor, Kruler
  • kde-graphics-scan (kooka + x-sane)
  • Dia
  • xsane
  • lcms
  • lcms profilers (We have the source, Luke..)

Postscript and pdf instruments

  • gs-afpl >= 8.50
  • Gsview
  • Pstoedit
  • Xpdf
  • Adobe Reader (Check license for distribution rules - may not be OK)
    • As it seems, one has to ask Adobe for approval. I tried to find a way through Adobe's legal labyrinth, AKA distribution license, but couldn't make much sense of it. Probably it needs review by a lawyer first, or a written (on paper, signed etc.) statement from Adobe. --C schaefer 01:23, 7 May 2005 (UTC)
  • kpdf 3.4
  • pdftohtml
  • ExtendedPDF ( plugin)

Raster graphics

  • The GIMP or GIMPshop (including "separate"-plugin!)
  • ImageMagick
  • KSnapshot
  • Cinepaint see:
  • Krita in koffice 1.4beta1 has integrated color management

System software

  • Networking tools to enable establishing working network connection
  • Tools for installation of the Live system to HDD if necessary
  • CUPS
  • Apache (for CUPS and Batik) Apache not needed to run Batik, only compile
  • gutenprint (gimp-print 5.0)
  • JVM 1.4.2+ for running Batik and/or delineate

Trace tools

  • Autotrace
  • Frontline - GUI front end to autotrace
  • Potrace
  • pstoedit
  • potracegui
  • delineate - Java based GUI to autotrace and potrace


Vector graphics

  • Inkscape
  • Batik - a collection of Apache XML modules for on the fly export/conversion of SVG.
  • Skencil - has the best SVG+EPS capabilities. Requires python-imaging
  • Karbon14 - A vector drawing application.

Web browsers -- Needed for looking up materials and for collaboration over the web (include a bunch of DTP bookmarks)

  • Konqueror
  • Mozilla Firefox

Word processor(s) -- Required to edit large amounts of text easier than in scribus

  • KWord (can be used for basic PDF editing)

Proposed names

  • Scribux (too similar to Scribus?)
  • Publix (there may be trademark issues with this one since it is the name of a U.S. supermarket chain
  • scribOS - Linux DTP CD
  • FOPUX (Free and Open Publishing Linux)
  • OpenCanvas
  • OpenPage