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It doesn't matter if the publication is printed or online-only.



  • Kenttäliitto-lehti - Kenttäliitto ry's magazine, 16 pages in size B5, color cover, b/w inside, 200 copies, released quarterly, since December 2003 with Scribus


  • Canal Français - "L'aventure Illustrée des Français au Panama ", first book made with Scribus
  • Le Tigre, curieux journal curieuxLe Tigre, was: "curious weekly", weekly generalist newspaper. N°1: march 17th. 2006, B/W, 24 pages, with no ads. 17 issues in 2006.

Download as PDF: Issue No. 0Presentation "What is Le Tigre"?Issue No. 3Issue No. 7 See as images: Issue No. 6

Since 2007, Le Tigre is a paper monthly (80 pages), and a web daily (4 pages in PDF and Flash). Direct link for web last issue:

Since 2008, Le Tigre is «bimestriel» (every 2 months). See for instance volume 28.

  • Editions Solilang Edition et conception de guides de voyages alternatifs traitant de la vie quotidienne . Alternative guides books about quotidian life - Tunisie, Egypte, Grece, Turquie, Iran, etc
  • Magnum Le magazine de la Communauté Francophone de Mandriva (Linux)
  • Ethnotempos, musiques ethniques d'aujourd'hui Revue sur les musiques du monde, à télécharger gratuitement sur le site. Mise en page avec Scribus à partir du n°40 (octobre 2008), à télécharger ici.
  • RBD Pride Magazine bimestriel du canal IRC #rbd sur epiknet : culture gamer, gay et geek.
  • Traverses Revue sur les musiques nouvelles et progressives, en vente sur le site. Mise en page avec Scribus à partir du n°24 (septembre 2008), à feuilleter à l'adresse: (voir le n°24)
  • Nouvelles d'en bas "Une autre vision journalistique de l'Amerique", un magazine en langue française réalisé en Amérique du Sud.


  • Was ist Kunst? Ein Blog 2006-2007 (A4) and Was ist Kunst? Ein Blog 2006-2007 (B5) Transformation of material originially published online, the latter shrinked by the publisher and mostly black and white only, the former full color, 166 pages.
  • Stürenburg 2007 - Gesamtwerk 660 page art catalog plus essays and annotations, 796 pages, A4 full color, thread-stitching, hardcover
  • - a community magazine with photos, tutorials and more for photographers
  • The German team has produced their 2007 flyer using Scribus (print run: 10,000). All files used for the production (images + sla file) can be downloaded here.
  • Altes Reich und neues Recht – Exhibition catalogue for a major German exhibition, 404 pages, hardcover
  • LinuxTag 2005 Journal - a journal printed for 2005 event in Karlsruhe, Germany (more details in German)
  • WikiReader Digest - bi-weekly excerpt from Wikipedia; 1500 readers; from February until December 2005
  • La.Meko Filmfestival Landau end of 2004 we switched to Scribus; the whole printed material like entry forms, postcards and posters are made with Scribus and Inkscape
  • Eulenspiegel - a student's magazine of the mathematics and informatics faculty at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (PDF, 600 pcs., ~32 pages)
  • UStA Magazin - student's council magazine, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (PDF, 2000 pcs., ~20 pages, b/w)
  • Kritische Masse - magazine of the BUNDjugend, a youth environmental organisation.
  • Antrag auf BU-Versicherung mit Berechnung des Beitrags – insurance application as a PDF form (German, some nice features inside)
  • Ein Würfel System - A free pen-and-paper roleplaying system which uses Scribus for both the main rulebook (Version 2.1 and onward) and the Charaktersheets. All its files are available from a Mercurial repository under free licenses (sources).



  • Cogito:, 80 pages, twice a year. Articles on Art, literature, philosophy and our own time. Also inspired by many of the thoughts of Rudolf Steiner, especially by his works on philosophy and the freedom of man.


  • Gazeta w Choroszczy – Municipal gazette of the town of Choroszcz near Białystok, since issue 95 made entirely with Scribus and other Open Source tools.
  • Zeszyty komiksowe – magazine on comics, printed irregularly, made since march 2004 with Scribus and other Open Source tools on Mandriva Linux.
  • All publications (PIs, Business Field Brochures, Product Lit with 10+ pages, etc.) made for a company called KROLPol (DraegerSafety retailer / service in Poland). Examples: 1, 2, 3
  • Dragonia Magazine – free internet magazine on Linux, software, hardware, and programming, since August 2006, ca. 50 pages.
  • Bartnik GdańskiThe Beekeeper of Gdańsk, Polish, 28 page quarterly newsletter, printed in 500 copies (PDF Download)
  • IEA ACTUS – a portfolio of an association promoting Open Source and Free Software in Poland.


  • improviso3 - Jornal Informativo do Movimento Hip Hop of Campinas and São Paulo cities (Hip Hop Newspaper).


  • Kiberpipa - whole season of flyers with programe of a cybercenter


  • Revista Sábor Órgano de expresión de los estudiantes de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Revista La Higuera 2007 publicación de la Unidad Sanitaria Ambulatoria La Higuera, proyecto médico solidario. Rosario, Argentina.


  • eniXma - Monthly GNU/Linux-FLOSS pdf magazine in Turkish, made with scribus and other open source tools.
  • Pozitif PC e-zine - Turkish computer e-zine; Pozitif PC. 7 issues, designed entirely in Scribus.