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It doesn't matter if the publication is printed or online-only.
- openMagazin – časopis o volně šiřitelném softwaru – magazine about open source software (published monthly, made with Scribus since 8/2009)
- ZOZ - tijdschrift voor doen-denkers – Bi-monthly magazine by Omslag, Workshop for Sustainable Development
- AllYearbooks Infopack – 48 page paperback and hardback marketing material.
- PCLinuxOS Magazine – The community magazine for PCLinuxOS, since September 2006.
- Exhibit Online – Online PDF magazine showcasing creativity in Cape Town, South Africa.
- Full Circle Magazine – The Ubuntu Community Magazine, since April 2007.
- System Dynamics with MCSim: A Facilitated Systems Quick Reference - Made with Scribus, Dia, Gnuplot, and J
- 15th Conference one Solid State Dosimetry folded Leaflet Made using Scribus 1.3 and free fonts.
- Blender Quick Start Guide – PDF output and source files of the guide are available for download
- Just Things — a magazine dedicated to critical support of the fair-trade movement
- Mandriva Linux Inside — New community-oriented e-magazine about Mandriva Linux, since February 2006
- Catalog and Stationery for a Jayateas, a Web-based tea business (read more in our Success Stories)
- O3 Magazine — A free Open Source Enterprise magazine (made from November 2005 until August 2006)
- Kentucky Mountain Bike Association
- WartHog Bulletin - stamp collection magazine; since fall 2005 with Scribus
- The Hub - Renault Car Club of Australia magazine; since January 2004 with Scribus
- War Resisters' International - Documentation on conscientious objection and desertion in Eritrea
- War Resisters' International - Documentation on conscientious objection in Turkey
- Red Hat, Inc. - Manual covers, CD Labels, subscription posters & production collateral for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
- Shot Across The Bow Productions - Promotional DVD cover (PDF)
- The Bargain Hunter - two free classified ad papers, Canada
- S.M.T.L. News - The newsletter of the Surgical Material Testing Laboratory, UK (PDF)
- KDE Flyer - A simple promotional flyer
- Anime Angels Anime Angels Mangazine starting from Issue 9 (3.2)
- Aeolian Singers - Aeolian Singers 2006/2007 brochure made with Scribus and free fonts.
- EZine Lelaki Sihat EZine Lelaki Sihat (English/Malay) Simple EZine for Men´s Sexual HealthIssue #1
- All Possible Worlds - A magazine of science fiction and fantasy stories.
- Hitcham and Taplow Preservation Society - full-colour newsletter of 16 sides. Made with Scribus since September 2004.
- EASTeight magazine - delivered to 15,000 homes in the E8 postcode every month since December 2006.
- A Moment of Clarity - All-ages graphic novel, Volume 1 assembled for both Print-on-demand services and for traditional printers using Scribus
- GNU/Linux for Beginners - A brochure for introducing GNU/Linux to new users that has many useful URLs (all are hot linked).
- G41 and G42 Newspapers Social enterprise community newspapers.
- eRYTHROPOETIZINUM (epo) urban sports PDF ezine - a monthly scheduled ezine about urban sports.
- Irish Go Association Newsletter - contains illustrated, commented games as well as news reports. Using Scribus since early 2009.
- Kenttäliitto-lehti - Kenttäliitto ry's magazine, 16 pages in size B5, color cover, b/w inside, 200 copies, released quarterly, since December 2003 with Scribus
- Canal Français - "L'aventure Illustrée des Français au Panama ", first book made with Scribus
- Le Tigre, curieux journal curieux – Le Tigre, was: "curious weekly", weekly generalist newspaper. N°1: march 17th. 2006, B/W, 24 pages, with no ads. 17 issues in 2006.
Download as PDF: Issue No. 0 – Presentation "What is Le Tigre"? – Issue No. 3 – Issue No. 7 See as images: Issue No. 6
Since 2007, Le Tigre is a paper monthly (80 pages), and a web daily (4 pages in PDF and Flash). Direct link for web last issue:
Since 2008, Le Tigre is «bimestriel» (every 2 months). See for instance volume 28.
- Editions Solilang Edition et conception de guides de voyages alternatifs traitant de la vie quotidienne . Alternative guides books about quotidian life - Tunisie, Egypte, Grece, Turquie, Iran, etc
- Magnum Le magazine de la Communauté Francophone de Mandriva (Linux)
- Ethnotempos, musiques ethniques d'aujourd'hui Revue sur les musiques du monde, à télécharger gratuitement sur le site. Mise en page avec Scribus à partir du n°40 (octobre 2008), à télécharger ici.
- RBD Pride Magazine bimestriel du réseau RBD: actualités des jeux vidéo (gaming et dev) et délires IRC.
- Traverses Revue sur les musiques nouvelles et progressives, en vente sur le site. Mise en page avec Scribus à partir du n°24 (septembre 2008), à feuilleter à l'adresse: (voir le n°24)
- Nouvelles d'en bas "Une autre vision journalistique de l'Amérique", un magazine en langue française réalisé en Amérique du Sud.
- Town magazine in Gometz le Châtel (5/year) :
- Was ist Kunst? Ein Blog 2006-2007 (A4) and Was ist Kunst? Ein Blog 2006-2007 (B5) Transformation of material originially published online, the latter shrinked by the publisher and mostly black and white only, the former full color, 166 pages.
- Stürenburg 2007 - Gesamtwerk 660 page art catalog plus essays and annotations, 796 pages, A4 full color, thread-stitching, hardcover
- - a community magazine with photos, tutorials and more for photographers
- The German team has produced their 2007 flyer using Scribus (print run: 10,000). All files used for the production (images + sla file) can be downloaded here.
- Altes Reich und neues Recht – Exhibition catalogue for a major German exhibition, 404 pages, hardcover
- LinuxTag 2005 Journal - a journal printed for 2005 event in Karlsruhe, Germany (more details in German)
- WikiReader Digest - bi-weekly excerpt from Wikipedia; 1500 readers; from February until December 2005
- La.Meko Filmfestival Landau end of 2004 we switched to Scribus; the whole printed material like entry forms, postcards and posters are made with Scribus and Inkscape
- Eulenspiegel - a student's magazine of the mathematics and informatics faculty at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (PDF, 600 pcs., ~32 pages)
- UStA Magazin - student's council magazine, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (PDF, 2000 pcs., ~20 pages, b/w)
- Kritische Masse - magazine of the BUNDjugend, a youth environmental organisation.
- Antrag auf BU-Versicherung mit Berechnung des Beitrags – insurance application as a PDF form (German, some nice features inside)
- Ein Würfel System - A free pen-and-paper roleplaying system which uses Scribus for both the main rulebook (Version 2.1 and onward) and the Charaktersheets. All its files are available from a Mercurial repository under free licenses (sources).
- Wanderkarte Gutau (PDF front / back / back with bleeding) - An almost-A2 map designed for offset printing, with overview and detailed maps, title panel, hiking route descriptions, and sponsor addresses. The map is made from OpenStreetMap data, rendered with Mapnik and layouted together with hiking path descriptions using Scribus.
- Santa Maria Maggiore. Il restauro e lo scavo Libro sui lavori di restauro e sulla campagna di scavi nella chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Trento, edito da Vita Trentina Editrice, 200 pagine, formato 20x20 cm., cartonato, stampato in 2.000 copie da Longo nell'aprile 2009. Composto con Scribus ver. 1.3.5ng. Santa Maria Maggiore. Il restauro e lo scavo A book about the excavations in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Trento, published by Vita Trentina Editrice, 200 pages, 150 color pictures, 20x20 cm., printed in 2,000 copies by Longo, April 2009. Layout, editing and texts by Augusto Goio, pictures by Gianni Zotta. Made with Scribus ver. 1.3.5ng.
- Faville nel Vento Libro di poesie, edito presso l'editoria "self service" di Boopen, Italian poetry Book, made by mjfan80 (Gabriele Prandini), Printed on January 2008
- Volantino Gennaio 2005 - Italian; 2 pages A4 flyer. Printed in 13000 copies in A5 format. Created by Zitter, in January 2005, in collaboration with #scribus channel guys :-) [1.4 Mb]
- Promo Settembre 2005 - Italian 1 page A3 flyer. Created by Zitter. [1.9 Mb]
- Promo Webdesign - Italian 1 page A4 flyer. Created by Zitter. [731 Kb]
- Hermanitos Verdes - architettura 995/005 - Italian, 70 pages Lettersize book, a little full-color book about our architectural works during the first ten years of activity of our office.
- Cogito:, 80 pages, twice a year. Articles on Art, literature, philosophy and our own time. Also inspired by many of the thoughts of Rudolf Steiner, especially by his works on philosophy and the freedom of man.
- Gazeta w Choroszczy – Municipal gazette of the town of Choroszcz near Białystok, since issue 95 made entirely with Scribus and other Open Source tools.
- Zeszyty komiksowe – magazine on comics, printed irregularly, made since march 2004 with Scribus and other Open Source tools on Mandriva Linux.
- Wieża snów (Tower of Dreams) – 72 page quarterly free web magazine on fantasy, science fiction and more (see also its description in our Success Stories)
- All publications (PIs, Business Field Brochures, Product Lit with 10+ pages, etc.) made for a company called KROLPol (DraegerSafety retailer / service in Poland). Examples: 1, 2, 3
- Dragonia Magazine – free internet magazine on Linux, software, hardware, and programming, since August 2006, ca. 50 pages.
- Bartnik Gdański – The Beekeeper of Gdańsk, Polish, 28 page quarterly newsletter, printed in 500 copies (PDF Download)
- IEA ACTUS – a portfolio of an association promoting Open Source and Free Software in Poland.
- Podaj Dalej Okazjonalnik Akademicki – student's magazine, printed in Torun (20 pages, 1000 copies). Example pdf's: No. 29, No. 30
- improviso3 - Jornal Informativo do Movimento Hip Hop of Campinas and São Paulo cities (Hip Hop Newspaper).
- Kiberpipa - whole season of flyers with programe of a cybercenter
- Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra - El Fusil Roto No 65, Programa de Noviolencia de la IRG
- Revista Sábor Órgano de expresión de los estudiantes de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Libro Monopolios Artificiales sobre Bienes Intangibles publicado por Fundación Vía Libre. Córdoba. Argentina. Proceso de diseño en Scribus documentado en Proyecto Nomade
- Revista La Higuera 2007 publicación de la Unidad Sanitaria Ambulatoria La Higuera, proyecto médico solidario. Rosario, Argentina.
- eniXma - Monthly GNU/Linux-FLOSS pdf magazine in Turkish, made with scribus and other open source tools.
- Pozitif PC e-zine - Turkish computer e-zine; Pozitif PC. 7 issues, designed entirely in Scribus.