1.5.3 Release

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The Scribus Team is pleased to announce the release of development release 1.5.3, another major milestone on the way to Scribus 1.6.0.

Most important changes

  • The most important change isn't immediately visible, namely a completely rewritten text layout engine, which supports complex scripts like Arabic, Hindi or Thai as well as supporting font features such as ligatures and alternate sets. Altogether, about 500 languages and/or scripts are supported. Please note that as of version 1.5.3 Scribus is supposed to render these diverse writing systems, which needs thorough testing by those who are familiar with them. The necessary tools to edit and mix them will be added in a later version. Vertical writing systems aren't supported for the time being, but support will be added in a later release. Typing has become a lot faster on the canvas.
  • An import filter for Krita's KRA Format has been added.
  • Scribus now follows the XDG standard for configuration files therefore the Scribus preference directory has moved from ~/.scribus/ to a new default location: ~/.config/scribus/
  • A longstanding problem with the launch option for an external image editing program has been resolved. Until version 1.5.3 it was necessary to manually close the external program before it could be started again from within Scribus. This is no longer necessary.

New dependencies

  • As of version 1.5.3, the minimum Qt version to compile the program is 5.5.
  • harfbuzz and libicu, as well as the related development packages are now required.

The future

Following the release of version 1.5.3, the Scribus Team will focus on an overdue re-design of the user interface by implementing "Indigo Dock", an independently developed and flexible replacement for the outdated Properties Palette (http://forums.scribus.net/index.php/topic,1617.150.html), as well as completing the implementation of CTL (complex text layout) features introduced in 1.5.3.

Primary Download Locations


The Scribus Team would like to thank Anduin.net and Modirum for their continued hosting of all of the Scribus websites.

We are grateful to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and Linux New Media (Germany) for sponsoring.

The Scribus Team is also honored to have Resene Colours (New Zealand), dtp studio Oldenburg (Germany), Scientific Illustration Services Corp. (USA), the Newspaper Association of America (USA), Software Consulting Services (USA) and freieFarbe (Germany) as Special Supporters and donors of color palettes and other content since the 1.4.x release, just like we are grateful to the owner of Vector Portal for the permission to distribute some of his work as Scribus Templates.

Porting Scribus to OS/2 and eComStation is being supported by Mensys BV (The Netherlands) and Serenity Systems (USA).

Finally, the Scribus Team would like to thank the many end users, translators, testers and contributors who helped us with this release.

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