GSoC 2012 Student Evaluation

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Evaluation of students' proposals and their community and bug fixing work that qualifies them for GSoC 2012 participation

Proposal list page with links to Google Melange

Student Proposal Easy Hacks Proposal Evaluation Notes
Chelen (Pierrick Brunet) Improve usability #7793 (merged in trunk) and #10571
proKrammer (Parthasarathy) Project Manager #10581
XML File Format
baazigar (Rajat Gupta) Project Manager Patches: #10409
inversity (Andrey Ermolenko) Project Manager None as for now
Janardhan (AJReddy) Rendering speedup wiki page ??? Janardhan has come late, was not available to work on a patch due to exams, said he was available to work on a easyhack after the 6th; has not had much technical feedbacks about multithreading on irc.