Success Stories 2011

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Anyone is invited to describe her/his experience with successfully using Scribus in her/his projects. Please note: to report any unusual reasons you use Scribus join the ongoing discussion Stupid reasons we use Scribus. There is also a special page for placing links to your work: Made with Scribus. If you want to recommend a Scribus and/or PDF friendly print shop, please use Scribus Friendly Print Shops.

Also check Success Stories from previous years:

Success Stories 2008

Success Stories 2007

Success Stories 2006

Success Stories 2005-2004-2003


Book on linguistics, 200 page

Reporter: John Jason Jordan (via Scribus mailing list)

Date: May, 2009

This afternoon I finished my first book on linguistics. Except for proofreading, it is ready for press. It will be printed by Linguistics Publishing, Inc. (which I own) to be ready for fall university bookstore orders.

The writing and a lot of the layout was done in 3.0.x. Final layout was done in Scribus 1.3.5svn, with major assistance from Inkscape. The operating system was Ubuntu Intrepid and Jaunty, x86_64.

Not one penny of cash money was paid for any of the software used in the project. Rather, payment was made by participating in e-lists, wikis, bug reporting, and other resources to assist others in using the software.

I am especially indebted to the members of this list and the Scribus community who listened to me with patience and offered advice and assistance as I learned Scribus and completed the project.

I should also add that 1.3.5 (April 19) still has a few annoying bugs, but I was able to complete a 200 page book with it without major problems. It is going to be an awesome release.

Debian Conference 2008 Final Report

Reporter: Margarita Manterola

Date: April, 2009

DebConf is the annual Debian Conference. Each year, after the conference is over, a final report is produced. In 2007 and 2006 this had been done with LaTeX, but for 2008 we decided that we wanted a sexier looking report, and took the leap of doing it with Scribus. The results are awesome. We are really happy with it.

The report can be downloaded from:


Campus Newsletter in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India

Reporter: Swift Arrow

Date: April, 2009

At my university, Lakshya, The association of Mechanical Engineers (of which I am a proud member), publishes a 4 page quarterly newsletter called Sanketika. Since it's inception, it was done in Microsoft Publisher, using the default fonts (Calibri), embedded images, etc. It wasn't bad, but it got better. Over discussions on how to improve it, we outlined various points such as a shift to serif fonts, a `Lighter' look, etc. Finally, over 24 hours, we sat down and did it. In Scribus It was the first time I had ever used Scribus, but I found it pretty usable. It was amazing to see it coming off the press. Our latest edition had adverts showing off our conversion to FOSS, a screenshot of the Scribus loading window, and gave the scribus url for publicity. We will be teaching it to our juniors next semester, and they will continue the legacy!

PR department of Guardamar's Townhall (Spain) — various publications

Reporter: Markus W. Barth (via Scribus mailing list)

Date: February, 2009

The PR department of Guardamar's Townhall (Spain) uses scribus for some of its publications. I you want to have a look at the results, visit

Thus, the townhall tries to contribute to spread the use of open source in public administration. Right know, 1.3.3 is used for production, although we are really looking forward to the 1.3.5 release because handling seems to be a lot smoother. There is only one major drawback from the usability point of view: accents do not work and we have to switch to the text editor for every minor change in the texts which imho is just not acceptable for such an excellent piece of software.

Town magazine in Gometz le Châtel (5/year)


We use Scribus for our town magazine. We use it since number 207 (June 2008). You can download the magazine at

The switch to Scribus has enabled us to save money and to make the magazine under Linux.