Official:Installation Overview

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Installation of Scribus

The installation process of Scribus depends on the distribution of Linux/Unix that you are using. This is the case just like it is for any program you may wish to install. The following are examples for how to install Scribus on various distributions:

Linux Distribution Install Method
Debian and Ubuntu

apt-get install scribus or preferably use one of the graphical front-ends such as "Synaptic" that handle "Recommends" correctly. For further information please read How to use the Scribus Debian/Ubuntu Repository

Gentoo emerge scribus
PLD poldek -i scribus
RedHat/Fedora rpm -Uvh ./scribus-1.x.rpm
Slackware Install from source, until 1.2 is part of Slackware
SuSE Use Yast2 for installation, OR, rpm -Uvh ./scribus-1.x.rpm
Other OS Install Method
FreeBSD cd /usr/ports/print/scribus; make install

Please refer to the section


Please refer to the section

Depending on the version of your distribution, there is the possiblity that you may need to upgrade various dependencies of Scribus and the above commands should make sure the required packages are installed.

For example, to access the font files you want to use in Scribus, Scribus relies on FreeType. For getting the best results we recommend using FreeType version 2.1.9 or later. Without having certain levels of software, we cannot guarantee correct operation of Scribus, or guarantee you achieve the results you are trying to get. If the above commands do not upgrade all the dependencies on your system, please refer to the Requirements page to make sure you have them.

For those who wish to install a more recent version of Scribus than that is included in their distribution, please check you have all the Requirements and continue into the Obtaining Source Code section.