GSoC 2012 Projects

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Revision as of 18:01, 18 April 2012 by Malex (talk | contribs)
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This page will list accepted submitted student proposals for GSoC 2012 when they are announcement. At the moment it lists project "classes" that remove duplicates to help us match mentors with projects/students. Again, these are not final assignments.

TBD = To Be Determined.

Number Student Project Mentor Additional mentor(s) Notes
1. Chelen Improve usability a-l-e JLuc
2. TBD Project Manager MrB None Perhaps split into 2 different projects.
3. proKrammer New XML File Format (.sla2) Avox malex
4. Janardhan Rendering speedup jghali Avox

Notes: avox is interested in either XML or Rendering.