
From Scribus Wiki
Revision as of 20:20, 13 December 2008 by Ale (talk | contribs) (→‎Install)
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Other languages: Polski (pl) Portuguese (pt_BR)

Work in progress

a.l.e: i'm trying to reformat this FAQ as a list of question *and* answers. if i don't succeed, please revert to the last version before the 13 december 2008.

Installing and running



  • If you don't need anything fancy, use your packet manager to install Scribus.
  • If you want to be more up to date than your distribution is, you can add Scribus own repositories. They are available for Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, Suse, and Ubuntu (links needed)
  • If you want to test the newest feature (or if there are no binaries for your platform) you can compile the source code you get from sourceforge (link) or from the svn server (link)


  • The stable version is only available through Fink or Darwinports (links?)
  • Snapshots of the development version are availabe on Sourceforge (link)
  • At the moment, there is no way to compile yourself Scribus for OS X


  • Binaries are available on Sourceforge (link)
  • It's not easy to compile. The BUILDING_win32.txt explains how to do it.


Stable version is the stable version: use it for your normal work.

Development version

  • 1.3.5svn: use it if you want to try out Scribus or if you need new features which aren't available in the stable version (link to a page which describes how to protect yourself when you're using the development version)
  • 1.3.4 is an old development version which should have disappeared few weeks after its release but is still downloaded and used after almost two years: DON'T TOUCH IT!! Please use the stable version or a recent development version.



  • Scribus picks up your environment language. If you want to use another language for your GUI, just go the menu "File / Preferences", and in the "General" section set the language you prefere for the interface.



Document type


  • Currently, Scribus isn't very good at managing documents which are longer than 30 pages. You should split your work in several Scribus documents and join the pdf afterwards (link)
  • You can set the value for the first page number (more)
  • You can't automatically create a table of contents over several files.
  • You shouldn't make too long chains of text frames
  • You can automatically create text frames which are automatically chained (link)
  • You can create (multilevel?) table of contents (TOC).
  • No index, no footnoes.



Create a file of the size of the whole flyer and use the guides to separate the different "columns".


  • The hyphenation language can be choosen in the "Hyphenation" section of the menu "File / Preferences".
  • The language for the spell checker (if available in your version) is to be set in the character style.


Spot colors

Color Management


Loading fonts

  • You can get good free fonts from (link)
  • Scribus will automatically discard fonts which could lead to problems in a printshop

Embedding and vectorizing fonts



  • How can i profile my monitor? (tbc)

Old items



PDF issues



Printing issues


Pages in category "FAQ"

The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.