Instalacja Scribusa w wersji CVS z użyciem CMake

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Strona główna

Jak to zrobić

  1. Pierwsze kroki ze Scribusem
  2. Praca z ramkami tekstowymi
  3. Praca z ramkami graficznymi
  4. Praca ze stronami wzorcowymi
  5. Praca w Edytorze artykułów
  6. Tekst na krzywej
  7. Scribus w Ubuntu Linux
  8. Klik i Scribus działa
  9. Instalacja za pomocą Cmake
  10. Tworzenie spisu treści
  11. Formularze PDF
  12. Kolory dodatkowe
  13. Obrazek ze ścieżką odcięcia

Porady i triki

  1. Instalacja profili ICC
  2. Dodawanie fontów
  3. Import grafik EPS
  4. Zawieszone spójniki
  5. Twój pierwszy artykuł
  6. Tworzenie hiperłączy

Często zadawane pytania

  1. Zarządzanie kolorami
  2. Skąd pobrać Scribusa?
  3. Podgląd wydruku nie działa
  4. Scribus dla MacOSX?
  5. Dodawanie fontów
  6. Scribus po polsku
  7. Type 1 i ligatury
  8. Automatyczne numery stron
  9. Interlinia w Scribusie
  10. Pierwsze kroki z DTP
  11. Skalowanie obrazka w ramce
  12. Export do PDF/X-3
  13. Ligatury i cyfry nautyczne?
  14. Pomoc w rozwoju Scribusa
  15. Przykładowe dokumenty
  16. Zgłaszanie błędów
  17. Słowniki dzielenia na sylaby

Praca w toku!


  • Cmake w wersji 2.4.3 lub nowszej
  • Linux

Pobierz świeże pliki żródłowe z CVS

Aby pobrać najświeższe pliki źródłowe Scribusa z repozytorium CVS wykonaj następujące kroki:

Scrius 1.3.3.xcvs

Jest to ustabilizowana gałąź wersji deweloperskiej, zalecana przez zespół Scribusa do celów produkcyjych.

  • export
  • cvs login <Enter>
  • cvs -z3 co -r Version133x Scribus

Scribus 1.3.4cvs

Jest to wersja deweloperska, niezalecana do celów produkcyjnych.

  • export
  • cvs login <Enter>
  • cvs -z3 co -r Version13x Scribus

To start the build

Before continuing, please note that an out-of-source build is recommended, however.. Zanim przejdziesz dalej, pamiętaj że zaleca siê budowanie poza drzewem źródłowym, jednakże... From the Scribus directory: Z katalogu gdzie jest Scribs:

/path/to/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/install/to/scribuscmake/

Na przykład:

/usr/local/bin/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/scribus134cvs

Some options that the Scribus CMake files know about (more to come!):

  • WANT_VERSIONING=1: Sets the build to use the VERSION setting as a suffix for the install directories and the binary. Eg, the binary could be scribus-1.3.4cvs. This should mean that you can install multiple versions with the same prefix with no clashes.
  • WANT_DEBUG=1: Sets the build to be a debug release and use -O0 -g3, instead of -O2 (This is the default for now, and cannot be turned off unless you edit the CMakeFiles.txt file).
  • WANT_CAIRO=1: Makes CMake search for cairo and build with cairo instead of LibArt_LGPL. Please note we still consider the cairo build as beta.
  • WANT_LIBART=1 (default): Makes CMake search for and build with LibArt_LGPL instead of cairo.

For example: to make a cairo debug build, then something like this:

/usr/local/bin/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/scribus134cvs -DWANT_CAIRO=1 -DWANT_DEBUG=1 -DWANT_VERSIONING=1

Out-of-source builds

One of the advantages of CMake is that you can do an out-of-source build. What is this? It enables you to build the application without writing anything at all to the directory where the Scribus source is. This means your source tree is clean, always. Its easier and faster to update, and you can build multiple targets out-of-source from the same source tree. Cool!

To do an out-of-source build, you need a new directory to build in. Say you have the source files in:


Make the follow directory:


So then, instead of doing:

eg /usr/local/bin/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/scribus134cvs

you would then change to the builddir directory and run:

eg /usr/local/bin/cmake ../Scribus -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/scribus134cvs


Continuing on to the build stage

Once this has successfully completed, simply run make && make install.

The CMake based build system is very new to Scribus and it will change and it will need improving. Please report issues on our mailing list or bugtracker.

There is a long todo list for this build system including, but not limited to:

  • Checking it works across distributions
  • Checking it works across various flavours of UNIX
  • Checking it works on 64 bit distros
  • Add Win32 and Mac OSX support

Compilation fails using Qt4 binaries

Systems with both Qt3 and Qt4 installed: You have uic and moc from Qt4 in the path and it may results to the compilation crash. This should NOT be the case with cmake 2.4.2 when released, or when using current Scribus CVS. However, this might be a useful workaround:

Remove cached options from previous cmake configuration run: rm CMakeCache.txt

Then change PATH variable (for my Gentoo) e.g.: export PATH=/usr/qt/3/bin/:$PATH

And run cmake config phase again:

eg ~/devel/CMAKE/bin/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/to/install/to/scribuscmake/

Specific library locations

Whenever your distribution releases their package for a library Scribus depends on, it may still not be the very latest stable or unstable version from the writers of the library. In some cases, the Scribus developers have had to rely on the very latest code to further some parts of Scribus. In this case it is necessary to build your own version of such a library.

On example of this is the cairo graphics library. Right now, 1.3.4cvs has the capability to use the very very latest code from the just released cairo 1.2.

To specify a new cairo install path, other than your system's default add this to the cmake command line: -DPREFIX_CAIRO:PATH=/path/to/your/cairo/install

Potwierdzenia udanych instalacji

Otrzymaliśmy potwierdzenia udanych instalacji Scribusa z użyciem Cmake w następujących systemach operacyjnych:

  • Gentoo, current (--Cbradney 17:04, 12 November 2006 (CET))
  • Kubuntu Dapper Drake (--TomZ 17:08, 12 November 2006 (CET))
  • openSuse 10.1 (--TomZ 17:08, 12 November 2006 (CET))
  • Fedora Core 6 (--gpittman 15:44, 12 November 2006 (EST))
  • PLD Linux Th (--DeeJay1 09:52, 13 November 2006 (CET))
  • Mandriva 2007 (--Leo [[1]] 01:00, 16 November, 2006 (IST))
  • PCLinuxOS 0.93a (--Leo [[2]]) – po ręczynym dodaniu położenia bibliotek
  • SuSE Linux 10.0 (--C_schaefer 19 November 2006)